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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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As a saryn main user this are my toughts after playing with her:




I feel you guys really need to bump up some of her stats.


Previously she had the higest healt along with (at the time) second best armor of all frames (toped by valkyr), now with the reduction of her healt and tinny increase of her armor her survivability has become slightly iffy, not terrible BUT for a frame that needs to be on melee range i feel she needs something along this:


Healt: Should be bumped back up to pre change

Armor: definitly needs an increase, at the very least up to 300


In case this changes cant be done she should then get a bump up on her base speed to balance things out, shes slightly less tanky and just as slow, i feel this is a wrong move.




1.- So far i feel its in a good position in general, still and i agree with some people it NEEDS to pop the stores upon dead OR make them pop slightly easier. On my case i generally run saryn with a shotgun with punchtrough so for the most part i dont have a problem poping the spores...BUT not everyone runs shotguns so tink about it


2.- IT really needs a small range buff but above all a new way to work out the healt of the molt, seriously it dies sometimes TO fast and you dont have enought time to pop a spore on it, make it have 1 or 2 invincibility seconds, scale with armor and healt mods or just bump up the survival of the molt, that aside the damage its ok


3.- Im a little bit dissapointed on it, altought the damage buff its nice the survival it gives its not as good as it should, instead of giving a X% of damage reduction ONLY when parry it should give it actibly at all times, consider that Mesa can go up to 95% damage reduction, i dont se why saryn couldnt have around 50/60% specially considering shes meent to be up close with this particular power, please guys reconsider the way the damage mitigation works


4.- In general i love the fact that viral/toxin bumps up the damage BUT i completly agree with the people pointing out that for saryn to reach her maximum potential she needs to spend a lot of energy.


Guys in general i like the rework but i feel it could be better, consider reducing the cost of her powers a little bit because UNLESS you are running a maxed (or almost maxed out) primed mod you are going to run out of energy to fast.

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Only 1k per tick? One arrow from my Paris Prime does about 7k with a headshot (thats 14k counting the second arrow from Split Chamber) to a level 70 Heavy Gunner with no armor reductions or anything, and even without the head shot each arrow still does roughly 2k. By the time you get all your procs on that heavy gunner it would be dead on the floor from shooting it. 

Edited by Xentia-Damascus
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The new Saryn doesn't heal (Trinity/Oberon/Equinox), doesn't protect (Frost/Trinity/Limbo), doesn't support (without a mod), and perhaps has very minimal CC on Miasma which is difficult to notice. Saryn is all about dealing damage and killing enemies.


I'd feel safe betting 1,000p that absolutely no one could out-damage and out-kill my Mirage using their Saryn, on any map, with ANY combination of weapons and mods, to include us using the exact same weapon and mod loadouts on each frame. Even with melee weapons, Mirage is faster and benefits from her clones and her immense damage bonuses. She also has excellent defense, CC, and optional support with a mod.


Well, it's not really a fair bet, since without a lot of plates or a Trinity handy, Saryn would run out of energy almost immediately.


Mirage is just the most obvious example. I bet even ol' Rhino with a simple +100% damage Roar in a squad would be overall far more effective at dishing out damage, and he also gets a decent CC and an okay defensive buff.


Oberon is weak against higher-level enemies, but at least he has an excuse: He does it all. The King of the Deer does damage, CC, healing, protection, and debuff removal, and he even installs carpeting. Talk about talent.

Edited by Kastorius
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I've seen it a couple times now and agree with it, Spore, should hit in a cone or hit in a small area.


Miasma should have it's damage restored back to what it used to be, 1500 total damage. Then, either keep it at 3 seconds base duration or increase it to 4 again and cause it to stagger organic enemies on each tick. These enemies are receiving a cloud of corrosive air to all parts of their body, their senses should be going haywire.

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Only 1k per tick? One arrow from my Paris Prime does about 7k with a headshot (thats 14k counting the second arrow from Split Chamber) to a level 70 Heavy Gunner with no armor reductions or anything, and even without the head shot each arrow still does roughly 2k. By the time you get all your procs on that heavy gunner it would be dead on the floor from shooting it. 


that's the thing. you'd be right about a single target, but saryn's abilities can spread so that 1k per is happening to every enemy around. Done properly it can do a whole lot more than a bow's fire rate can allow.

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Only 1k per tick? One arrow from my Paris Prime does about 7k with a headshot (thats 14k counting the second arrow from Split Chamber) to a level 70 Heavy Gunner with no armor reductions or anything, and even without the head shot each arrow still does roughly 2k. By the time you get all your procs on that heavy gunner it would be dead on the floor from shooting it. 

Can your arrow do that to 10 enemies at the same time while proccing them with Viral and Toxin? Also we are discussing Saryn's abilities pre-rework vs rework not your arrow damage.

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I've seen it a couple times now and agree with it, Spore, should hit in a cone or hit in a small area.


Miasma should have it's damage restored back to what it used to be, 1500 total damage. Then, either keep it at 3 seconds base duration or increase it to 4 again and cause it to stagger organic enemies on each tick. These enemies are receiving a cloud of corrosive air to all parts of their body, their senses should be going haywire.

Well, it used to be 4500 base damage after -duration.  The patch notes said they wanted to increase Miasma's damage per tick but it was nerfed from 375 to 350, instead of buffed.  What's up with that?  Saryn's EHP was also reduced instead of increased.

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Saryn is now terrible in my opinion. Much worse than ever Ember pre buff. She needs to cast 3 useless skills to make her 4 decent. She needs to mod all 4 stats now. Duration/strength/efficiency and range all to make one skill good. She got nerfed stats for effectively more power? Why not just give her more power. There was no reason. for that. The damage of her 4 is lower now why?


She needs to be good without modding for every stat and without casting all 4 skills. The synergy should just make her better. 


Some thoughts about her skills now. 


1. Needs to be aoe cast and spreads around quickly. 


3. Needs to be recastable and apply to all weapons.


4. Make it corrosive again and increase the base range. 

Edited by tripletriple
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-Spores need to be a Cone or AoE cast; one target is useless


-Spores need to spread with every tic


-Her 3 needs to apply to ranged weapons as well as melee. If I want to make things dead up close, I have three other frames, any of which does the job FAR, FAR better than Saryn (even Atlas) and a fourth who has a 50% chance of freezing anyone who touches him.


-NONE of her abilities should cost more than 50 damage as a base cost. If you're going to force "Synergy" (aka, remarkable levels of inefficiency) then at least lower energy costs. Otherwise, Make Miasma useful on its own once more.


-Give Miasma back Corrosive. IF you do all of the above, you can even have Miasm deal Toxic damage, and only deal corrosive to enemies who were already toxic. But ONLY if Spores cast as AoE or Cone and spread more often and more easily. And pop on their own.


-Also, no more damage over time. Yours is a horde mode game. Waiting for enemies to die means I may as well bring a frame that does not depend on killing them in a blink, like Nyx, instead.


I'd just like to say that this man is doing the lords work and makes some excellent points. I really hope a Saryn lover at DE reads this and shows it around.

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I don't even play saryn and I'm just glad to see some sort of attempt to make saryn stand out as anything but her ultimate. I've been in too many missions where the saryn died immediately as soon as they ran short on energy, because they burned it all on her ultimate and didn't have any idea how to play the game when the cheap way was gone. Is she better or worse? I dunno, again, never really played her, but I do know people are throwing down judgment awfully fast just because she became more challenging to play.

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Ok I thought this was about New Saryn vs old Saryn not New Saryn vs Old Saryn vs OP weapons vs $&*&*#(%& press 4 to win trAsh frame.

The problem with Sayrn is that with this rework the maximum damage potential is hardly an impressive increase from Old Sayrn, and that DE failed miserably to help Sayrn scale better into higher levels. Not only that, but building her is a nightmare stats wise and she is still outclassed by many frames. Im fine with them removing Sayrn's 4 to win, but at least make the frame scale like Frost or Ash.

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Well, it used to be 4500 base damage after -duration. The patch notes said they wanted to increase Miasma's damage per tick but it was nerfed from 375 to 350, instead of buffed. What's up with that? Saryn's EHP was also reduced instead of increased.

DE logic as usual


I tested on Ceres Exterminate with a build like this



just needlessly complicated to perform a decent miasma, only works with glaive weapons

We asked for auto-pop of venom(now spores) for at least a year, no response

okay at least it kills now

Molt is fine

Contagion (toxic slash) force you into melee/block, fine, but 0.4 damage block base? provided that it only activates when blocking? at least make it 0.6

Miasma, well, it still kills, but give me back my stun at least, and if you can, more CC/debuff/corrosive proc/armor removal

When we talk about poison in games, it is not just about damage but also weakening enemies

Sayrn should provide more debuffs to enemies other than viral proc, viral proc is just damage

for example spore slows down enemies, miasma removing armor, stagger enemy per tick


edit: Spores should work like Rest&Provoke, too

Edited by akira_him
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Several simulacron tests show that with 130% strength, it's more effecient for me to cast viral on a couple of enemies and then use her 3rd ability an melee them. It costs the same and yet it's faster for me to melee them and does more damage. This was faster than trying to cast molt, then spore on it, then miasma.

This has been my experience as well. Only using re-gen molt and spore on it when I need to recover. I don't even see the point of using Miasma in it's current state. Even these combos are quite expensive to cast.

She needs the base costs of her powers looked at, spore should cost 15, molt 25 and toxic lash at most 50. 

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Several simulacron tests show that with 130% strength, it's more effecient for me to cast Spore on a couple of enemies and then use her 3rd ability to melee them to death versus setting up a combo to kill them with Miasma.


Good test. I need to mirror those results, and try it with a Glaive to see if that'll render the effect with the added benefit of range.

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