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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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Thats the Joke.

Limbo also generates copious amounts of energy for himself, unlike sayrn.

That being said, miasma could use a little bit of a buff damage or duration wise, just to bring it closer to par with avalanche, considering it soley does damage, and doesn't output it all at once. I'm aware the rest of her kit got significant improvements to playabillity, but adjusting miasma's damage back up just a tad more will put it in a place where viral/toxic spreading isn't required to make it do decent numbers, but it benefits greatly from such synergy. A boost to range would also work, but at the moment it just does too little for too much cost, sort of like crush.

Also, making corrosive/viral (not that this one really needs to)/gas also spread with spores would do wonders for her, and would definately make it a solid energy investment.

Base stat wise, the HP nerf feels a bit reactionary, but really has an understandable source as to why. That being said, rounding her armour up to 200 would be greatly appreciated, and would give her better usability out of molt's heal.

Edited by Tostov
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Wow you sound short sighted (sorry but you do).

Saryn is MUCH better than she was, and is no longer the "Press 4 to win lazy-frame" that she was before. So sorry, if you actually have to do something to do MORE damage than before, but that's how you should be playing a game.

Erm, that's just wrong. It's impossible to even come close to the nuking power she had before. She could dish out 12k damage per cast with maximum efficiency. new Miasma with both status proc on target maxes out at 24k damage over <9 seconds. Using miasma while it is already applied only refreshes the duration. You could do the same damage in 1-1.5 seconds by casting the old one 2 times that the new miasma needs setup and 9 seconds to do. And I haven't mentioned the downsides from the maximisation new miasma gets.

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But its BS and I know it for a fact. a 181 power str Saryn can do 633 dmg per second, if you use toxin and Viral buff it buff that to 1899. whre is you 4k dude?? that's not even close show me a screen shot or someting or don't speak out of you !.


There. See all those 3399's? Yea? Yea, THAT'S the kind of damage you can pump out every second. And that's JUST with 185% strength too

Ok, a bit under 4k, but want to take back that comment now?

Edited by Stormandreas
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But its BS and I know it for a fact. a 181 power str Saryn can do 633 dmg per second, if you use toxin and Viral buff it buff that to 1899. whre is you 4k dude??

You can get more than 181% power str, and Miasma does corrosive damage which has a 75% bonus against Infested Ancients.

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But its BS and I know it for a fact. a 181 power str Saryn can do 633 dmg per second, if you use toxin and Viral buff it buff that to 1899. whre is you 4k dude?? that's not even close show me a screen shot or someting or don't speak out of you !.

Assuming the 100% extra in each skill is multiplicative and reminding that ancients take 75% increased damage from corrosion...

633*(1+100/100)*(1+100/100)*(1+75/100) = 4431

seems legit to me and i haven't gotten to actually testing it yet




There. See all those 3399's? Yea? Yea, THAT'S the kind of damage you can pump out every second. And that's JUST with 185% strength too

Ok, a bit under 4k, but want to take back that comment now?


ok, so maybe it's actually additive, so

633*(1+200/100)*(1+75/100) = 3323,25 (closer to what has been screenshoted - difference is likely fault of decimals that were ignored by whomever gave me the round 633 number)

Edited by Rikage
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My first thought about the Update was that it sounds like she became a lot slower then befor. I havent played her yet after the changes, but from what i understand you would have to infect one enemy with spores, spread those and use your 4th after to get 16k dmg over time (From what i read in another thread).

Warframe became alot faster then it used to be 10 updates ago, and i think most enemies will be dead befor you could make good use of all her abilities.

And eaven if your enemies hit higher level, were you might use some kind of combo, 16-20k dot isnt realy much, considering that a usual Excalibur can crit around 80k without any Problem.

Saryn was the first Frame I build, and i realy liked her back then, but i realy hoped for bigger changes to make her worth playing again

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As much as i agree with the action i find her lacking in the actual reward. Her build has become monstrus strengh duration range and you need way more energy too.... combined with being forced in melee range with less HP than before. I find her interesting, the skin looks beatiful but i do not

see her in any mission that could be considered more difficult. She is now a medicore frame without serious place in any decent squad or raid

composition. She got more interesting but she lost her role. That may change when they fix the 2 already confirmed bugs or rescale some numbers.

But in my case she just evolved from ugly infested to beatiful glasscannon that shoots cottonballs.

Have to agree with you.

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Well they do get stunned don't forget. It is a game after all, can't make it too easy. Most of the people are complaining because there are frames that can do the same job better. I still use Latron Prime over many other guns for one reason, I enjoy it more. It doesn't do more damage, it isn't faster at killing and it requires me to aim for headshots but it's an enjoyable way of playing for me. The people who like this rework are the ones who like to get more involved in their gameplay, not just sit back chillin and pressing 1 button, they're madly bouncing the room, taking cover, using combos and having a ball. It's a choice of playstyle, not everybody is concerned with purely how much DPS a weapon can do and how quickly we can rush through a mission. If I'm going to farm the void, I probably won't take Saryn, just as if I'm going to farm cores on Triton, I'll take Frost or Mag. But if I'm planning to enjoy a game with my friends, then I might take Saryn and enjoy the style of play rather than worrying about how fast I'm killing things and whether or not I'm going to be top of the scoreboard.

Either we are basing it on real world or we are not. You can't have it both ways.


I main Trinity. Micromanaging multiple skills is her bread and butter, and I enjoy it.  However, I can still see that the Saryn rework is bad.

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I have no idea what kind of build you are running, but I'm clearing T3 and T4 missions no problem.

I WAS running a minimum duration build on her, and dealt 2.1k damage on cast. Now it deal 325 damage on cast because she was changed completely. And I've watched a ton of videos of "NEW AND IMPROVED" builds on her, none of which come even close to what she was before. Saryn may have been turned into the worst frame in the game. They should have left her alone, because now she's completely ruined. DoT has NO PLACE in this game.

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As much as i agree with the action i find her lacking in the actual reward. Her build has become monstrus strengh duration range and you need way more energy too.... combined with being forced in melee range with less HP than before. I find her interesting, the skin looks beatiful but i do not

see her in any mission that could be considered more difficult. She is now a medicore frame without serious place in any decent squad or raid

composition. She got more interesting but she lost her role. That may change when they fix the 2 already confirmed bugs or rescale some numbers.

But in my case she just evolved from ugly infested to beatiful glasscannon that shoots cottonballs.

Her HP didn't go down anywhere near enough to be called a "glass cannon"

She's still tanky, just not as much as before.  Her EHP didn't drop too terribly, only by about 10%.

Further, you dont need to go into melee range if you don't want to.

Just learn a few combos for her abilities.

An easy one is: Molt -> Spore on molt clone -> Miasma to get everyone procced with spore and large damage -> Molt again -> Miasma

I've had that just melt level 80+ enemies very quickly in large areas.

She has quite a few other useful combos, that's just one of the simpler and higher damaging ones.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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My first thought about the Update was that it sounds like she became a lot slower then befor. I havent played her yet after the changes, but from what i understand you would have to infect one enemy with spores, spread those and use your 4th after to get 16k dmg over time (From what i read in another thread).

Warframe became alot faster then it used to be 10 updates ago, and i think most enemies will be dead befor you could make good use of all her abilities.

And eaven if your enemies hit higher level, were you might use some kind of combo, 16-20k dot isnt realy much, considering that a usual Excalibur can crit around 80k without any Problem.

Saryn was the first Frame I build, and i realy liked her back then, but i realy hoped for bigger changes to make her worth playing again

Exaclty, there is no time in this game for DoT abilities. Devs should focus on creating new content, stronger enemies and so on, NOT TRY TO SLOW THE GAME DOWN. It's like they're trying to extend the playtime this game has to offer by slowing YOU down.

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Assuming the 100% extra in each skill is multiplicative and reminding that ancients take 75% increased damage from corrosion...

633*(1+100/100)*(1+100/100)*(1+75/100) = 4431

seems legit to me and i haven't gotten to actually testing it yet



ok, so maybe it's actually additive, so

633*(1+200/100)*(1+75/100) = 3323,25 (closer to what has been screenshoted - difference is likely fault of decimals that were ignored by whomever gave me the round 633 number)


Wheres the 200/100 and 75/100 coming from though btw? That the Toxin AND Viral damage stacking on Miasma? (not really had a look into the maths myself yet)

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Well, you have.... mmm... frost? xD 


just stop spamming 4 for a while and enjoy playing the game - unless spamming 4 is enjoyable to you- then try hmmm.... idk, mag spam 2 against corpus and some void, Equinox main kills too, Frost, tho he's not that strong... I can't think of any other aoe abilities that kills. 

What I enjoy is being able to build a frame that can flatten a room full of enemies in a second. Not a "cast and watch them twitch for 9 seconds before beating yo &amp;#&#33;".

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