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No One Realises It Is A Farming Nerf


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the sayrn nerf is a straight up farming nerf. it slows down the speed at which you can run defense or the effectiveness of interceptions with her as your nuker frame. that is all this is trough and through. there is no longer farming a 20 wave defense in 10 minutes or less with her and a speed nova. do i think she got nerfed yes, is it to the extent everyone thinks no. but staying on topic this is strictly a farming nerf and nothing else.

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And you're complaining that Warframe is taking steps away from being Cookie Clicker: Space Ninja Edition?


It seems like the Saryn rework could do with some significant revision to the under-the-hood mechanics, but if you want Cookie Clicker, just play the real thing.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Yep DE has been nerfing farming all year under the guise of "making frames more active" but whenever anyone tries to bring it up it gets buried under useless "l2p press 42win scrub" posts. Great job DE turning the community against itself  #yearofquality

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Whaa? U can still use some other frames like frost's 4, mesa, ash p, ember p and even equis does a lot with that whole range. Saryn is even more powerfull now. There was no reduction dmg nerf yet there was a dmg increase buff. She may not nuke it all in 1 second but she is still the one that does more damage with 4 in this game.

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Yep DE has been nerfing farming all year under the guise of "making frames more active" but whenever anyone tries to bring it up it gets buried under useless "l2p press 42win scrub" posts. Great job DE turning the community against itself  #yearofquality

>implying the warframe community never argues with itself



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ok everyone is missing the point of i meant speed farming in this game as in lessening a bit of the grind you have with efficiency. look at draco and interceptions almost a year ago. de changed it because people were farming to well. and that is honestly the only reason they were changed at all. people found to well of an efficient way to farm. 

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>implying the warframe community never argues with itself




I realize we're all #*($%%@ but I swear every other thread for the past few months has been the exact same


also they mentioned on the last stream that they're going to nerf Bladestorm so get ready for that coming up soon

Edited by daldo
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the sayrn nerf is a straight up farming nerf. it slows down the speed at which you can run defense or the effectiveness of interceptions with her as your nuker frame. that is all this is trough and through. there is no longer farming a 20 wave defense in 10 minutes or less with her and a speed nova. do i think she got nerfed yes, is it to the extent everyone thinks no. but staying on topic this is strictly a farming nerf and nothing else.


Of course it is a farming nerf...and a Draco nerf.


It was blatantly obvious they didnt want you to do Defense in 10 mins. Look at Mesa. I've really only seen her in Defense and now, I dont even see her.


The going rate for void efficiency is 5 mins = 1 prime (survival)

Capture is possibly the most efficient with most clears between 2-3mins per prime

And now, Defense takes the cake for least efficient with 7mins-10mins per prime.

Edited by InfinitySinX
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as my Avatar might suggest what boat i'm coming from - i'm laughing right now.


i'm more confused as to why i lost Health than anything. i thought i was supposed to be a Health weighted, hearty Warframe.

i don't see why Saryn shouldn't have 150 Health. especially if you want Saryn to be fairly close Range, as she's always been.

sure, more Blocking. pretty situational though. might as well be general Damage Resistance because Saryn interfaces with Guns as well as Melee.

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duhhh, asked by the community, cause spam 4 to win is not good gamming quality.






Latelly the devs are working hard to "destroy" spam builds.

They figured out that forcing continuaty on players makes the spam decrease, this because Fleeting Expertise begin all the spam problems, and now they are making duration mods even more mandatory then all others.

- Notice it isnt just saryn.

- Toggle ability frames have all been forced to use duration.

- Rhino upcoming changes also hinted he will need more duration.



Personally I dont like the way they are handling it, but something needs to be done I guess.

If only they would include frame mods on the huge mod system rework, and everything might just work better.

Edited by THE_grimmy
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its ok white knights like you will always be there to suck it's di...i mean protect it, yeah...protect it.

ok im sorry but really there are still forma bp's in t4 intercept rotation c. for f(*^s sake that is the most bs thing ever. damn us for ever finding an easier way to get something


And that is how you get threads locked. Ignorance and being rude

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>Calls me white knight


>I make a thread about something I don't like every week


u wot m8


You know what bothers me most about the WF community? You say anything that remotely defends an action DE makes you are instantly called "Lel hurrdurr whiteknight" Even if you say just as many negative things about DE. Stay classy WF forums.


As for this thread? I.. Wow. Farming nerf? No. Press42win nerf? Yes. And that's a good thing.

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ok to all of you defending this please answer these for me honestly.

wasnt draco nerfed for farming?

weren't interceptions nerfed for farming?

Weren't both mag and excal nerfed for draco farming?


So sayrn becomes one of the new nuker frames on draco then she needs some QoL changes in the next few months?

I'm not saying they are just getting rid of her as a frame they are nerfing how quickly she can get off massive damage to slow farming. they didnt wreck her too like they did with mag and excal back in the day but this is still a farming nerf

Edited by swihart91
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ok to all of you defending this please answer these for me honestly.

wasnt draco nerfed for farming?

weren't interceptions nerfed for farming?

Weren't both mag and excal nerfed for draco farming?


So sayrn becomes one of the new nuker frames on draco then she needs some QoL changes in the next few months?

I'm not saying they are just getting rid of her as a frame they are nerfing how quickly she can get off massive damage to slow farming. they didnt wreck her too like they did with mag and excal back in the day but this is still a farming nerf

Let's say for a moment that you're right; It was a farming nerf...

Well if that's the case, I'M SO GLAD!!!

You don't know how much I hate Draco and its meta. It's just annoying and I can't wait for starchart 3.0 to come.

But really, people need to do some effort and actually play the game. 

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You know what bothers me most about the WF community? You say anything that remotely defends an action DE makes you are instantly called "Lel hurrdurr whiteknight" Even if you say just as many negative things about DE. Stay classy WF forums.


As for this thread? I.. Wow. Farming nerf? No. Press42win nerf? Yes. And that's a good thing.

glad you just disregarded everything i said in this just to say i am for press 4 to win.

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