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Warframes You Never See?


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I rarely see players using equinox, limbo, hydroid and even nekros or mesa. and sometimes an Excalibur (other than mine) And i could say Excalibur prime can be found only in the relays (last time i saw one in mission was before line of sight was added to radial blind, used by my ex-warlord only to brag in front of our squad)

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Mag's almost as prevalent as Frost on Triton. Shield polarize is kinda good there.  Limbo, yeah.  Pretty rare.  I love using mine, but I know most people don't like him and view him as a troll, so I leave him in the arsenal for group stuff unless it's a premade and we're on mics.  Use him constantly for spy missions against the corpus though!

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Are you doing very very very high level endless wave missions?
No?   Then you wont see her

Yes? Then you SHOULD be seeing her or they are doing it wrong

Also Banshee is my main frame other then valk.
I only use Banshee want i want to Kill EVERYTHING.    somtines i dont use her cuase i dont want everything to die so fast.
Banshee is amazing. you see her more in organized groups.  Not pugs

Edited by Otharious
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Are you doing very very very high level endless wave missions?

No?   Then you wont see her

Yes? Then you SHOULD be seeing her or they are doing it wrong

Also Banshee is my main frame other then valk.

I only use Banshee want i want to Kill EVERYTHING.    somtines i dont use her cuase i dont want everything to die so fast.

Banshee is amazing. you see her more in organized groups.  Not pugs


exactly this^ I wuv you. 


Banshee is for overkill a level 80 gunner with a rank 16 mk1 braton. I main her, saryn and nekros. If not, then it's BROBERON!


Also I don't see a lot of embers anymore.

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- Banshee, not sure why, she is a great frame. hopefully that'll change when her Skin is released.


- Limbo, but given most Limbos I meet are either Trolls or Incompetent, I don't mind.


- Zephyr, again, why? really fun to swoop around as her.


- Oberon, because I guess why bother if you have Trinity, right?


- Mag, even on Corpus Tilesets where she's most effective.



all the rest are fairly common. let's give these frames some love, guys!

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I usually don't see another Trinity/Prime besides myself. I do see plenty of everyone else, though, since I mainly just do random pub groups. If I could geeeet all the parts for the warframes I'm missing, I could finally see how they play, but I'm currently stuck on getting Equinox parts. D:

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I saw a Banshee yesterday,

Nyx I seen fairly frequently,

Equinox is kinda of a massive pain in the ! to get if your not gonna throw plat at DE to get it so no surprise there

Limbo kinda .... sucks... so no surprise there

Vauban I see fairly frequently as well

Oberon, don't see many of those, and I'm not sure why, he's not great, but he's fun.

Volt, I seen one recently, or a Volt Prime rather, but that was in Draco so it was probably just MR fodder

Zephyr, don't remember the last time I saw one, which is odd give how tanky she can be.

As for Mesa, given how people are still whining about Peacemaker, and generally being wrong about her 'nerf', it any surprise?

Edited by LunarTemplar
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The Only Frames i See are Loki, Trinity, Mirage, Nova, Vauban, and Frost, because i do is LOR, LOR, LOR no matter What. Got Arcanes on my mind so i can never give it up. Every time i boot up the game, the hype for LOR seems to go up.....Then it dies down.....then it dies down...then it dies down...up down up down up down, because all these noobs are....nvm.... 

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