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Would You Rather Have: Peace Or Money For The World


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if you had to pick out of peace or money for the world then which one would you pick? would you pick:


peace: no more wars or murders will happen. no more fights and arguements and no more events like the paris attack that took place a while ago (#pray4paris).




money: everyone will have enough money to be able to afford food and supplys and will be able to live a life without hunger or thirst.


which one would you pick out of the two?

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What Adrian Veidt forgot is that resources aren't the only cause for war. Religion causes war also.


With that in mind, I think Money would just help finance other wars that were not for resources. People would still kill other people for petty reasons, like ideological ones. I think "Peace" solves more problems overall.

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"Fear of not having enough. But if we make resources infinite... ah... we make war obsolete.".   Ozymandias from Watchmen was a sphincter, but he wasn't wrong.

That's not true. People wage war for reasons other than resources. Terrorist attacks are a perfect example. I chose peace. Then we can work together to make sure everyone is prosperous. 

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Correct answer is: either.

With peace economy blooms.

With money and resources there is no reason for war (despite the propaganda war is always for either space or money, and ideologies such as religion are just means to justify conflict in the eyes of ppl who fight for you)

Edited by k4m43l
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I would say money. I think usually most conflicts are based upon profits of wealth. Also I do not believe that absolute peace can be achieve if there is a huge wealth gap, and those who live at the bottom of the wealth gap suffers from it. However, approaching this matter on a business management perspective, there are constant studies done in the past few years which they found out if we can take the money problem off people's table, that the level where they will end from satisfaction of money, people actually forgets and ignores their raise after they reached a level where money is no longer an issue to them. The point is, I think taking money issues off the table will first finishes off many conflicts within first and second world poverty, and third world condition areas will no longer suffer from whatever problems they are suffering, thus a more logical and reasonable peace can be achieved.  However, if this wish somehow becomes true, I think there will be first world complains by the hard working knowledge workers which they felt the unfairness and somewhat foreseeable to led to another conflict that disrupts the peace. In the end, I just want to say...Peace is a lie. If we want to achieve true equality or the ideal communist society...,  as long as we as human cannot cutoff the instinct needs of feeling superior to others, true quality is a lie and peace is also a lie. 

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Having money would not solve the resources we as a people consume. Capitalism isn't the best thing for the world, but at the same time we have an ever growing population with nothing to slow it down. China's one child policy is a step in the right decision, although it is soon to become a two child policy.


So of the two evils I'd have to say peace, the lesser. However what would be the conditions of this peace? A true peace is an impossibility. Arguments are natural and are a way of setting ground rules, fights and wars are when arguments are taken too far.

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What Adrian Veidt forgot is that resources aren't the only cause for war. Religion causes war also.


With that in mind, I think Money would just help finance other wars that were not for resources. People would still kill other people for petty reasons, like ideological ones. I think "Peace" solves more problems overall.

neither of these cause war WE our, insecurities, our weaknesses and our flaws cause war.
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The only way we can have world peace is if people stop being people. This would mean a total change in lifestyle for everybody or just the elimination of all lifeforms on earth in order to achieve peace, which I don't wish to have.

So money it is.

If everyone has money, then money becomes worthless. I choose peace.

Bring on the Borg, baby. Your biological and technological distinctiveness shall become our own.

Edited by fishworshipper
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