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Well That's More Expensive Than I Anticipated...


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Phased Vauban Warframe Skin and Helmet is currently selling for $1.47 and Rubedo Plated Rhino Skin and Helmet is selling for $0.23.

To sell the custom made skins for so much just seems like a money grab. They could sell a lot more if they sold it for less.

There are full games on steam (Fallout 3) which are less than 5.99

How much is Phased Tigris skin?
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Here's the thing. I'm sure some of us have bought platinum at an "inefficient" time. But many of us wait until we see the 50% or 75% discount pop up.


So to me, the max I'd spend on plat in one go would be the 2100p pack, that's £65.99 or  £16.50 with a 75% discount. So to me £1 is ~125p that is the conversion I have in my head, so when DE sells a skin for ~160p I'm thinking "Is that worth just over a quid" and the answer is generally yes.


Warframes? at ~275p it's a harder sell, but sometimes the question is: "Am I willing to sacrifice just over 2 quid to be super lazy and impatient?" sometimes the answer is yes. 


Now that Rota Syandana is nice but it's no where near ~600p nice, because that is the equivalent as far as my wallet goes.


I'd be looking to pay less that a DE created asset, sorry to the creators out there but I put a premium on assets made by the game creators. even at a generous reading that puts it at £1, that's the sort of level that a virtual scarf in a computer game should be.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Here's the thing. I'm sure some of us have bought platinum at an "inefficient" time. But many of us wait until we see the 50% or 75% discount pop up.


So to me, the max I'd spend on plat in one go would be the 2100p pack, that's £65.99 or  £16.50 with a 75% discount. So to me £1 is ~125p that is the conversion I have in my head, so when DE sells a skin for ~160p I'm thinking "Is that worth just over a quid" and the answer is generally yes.


Now that Rota Syandana is nice but it's no where near ~600p nice, because that is the equivalent as far as my wallet goes.

Exactly the train of thought I'm currently following.

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I'm not much of an Excal or Volt player--so there's not much for me to go on--but their skins look alright, I suppose. The Liset skins look amaaazing, and the Rota is unique. The Sybaris I don't use all that often, so it might be a while until my Completionist feelings well up inside me.


Edit: The Knaita Mag skin I posted there is just in default colorings. I actually run around with a blue/dark blue/violet combo with that skin, which looks wonderful. It doesn't help that the skin appears to be clothing at first glance, without actually being clothing. ^_^

Edited by AandOE
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Here's the thing. I'm sure some of us have bought platinum at an "inefficient" time. But many of us wait until we see the 50% or 75% discount pop up.


So to me, the max I'd spend on plat in one go would be the 2100p pack, that's £65.99 or  £16.50 with a 75% discount. So to me £1 is ~125p that is the conversion I have in my head, so when DE sells a skin for ~160p I'm thinking "Is that worth just over a quid" and the answer is generally yes.


Warframes? at ~275p it's a harder sell, but sometimes the question is: "Am I willing to sacrifice just over 2 quid to be super lazy and impatient?" sometimes the answer is yes. 


Now that Rota Syandana is nice but it's no where near ~600p nice, because that is the equivalent as far as my wallet goes.


I'd be looking to pay less that a DE created asset, sorry to the creators out there but I put a premium on assets made by the game creators. even at a generous reading that puts it at £1, that's the sort of level that a virtual scarf in a computer game should be.

same here

i do hope they add them to the game with the standard conversion rate so us non-steam users can buy them too

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You're right, it's their choice. But remember back then when they released a batch of tennogen skins? I bought the silferer skin for 40p. Now why have they decided to put it on steam knowing that probably a lot of people wont buy it because of the price? Why can't they stick to platinum instead...

The previous Tennogen skins were a plat contest, not steam workshop, so it was timed and surely reached fewer players than the Steam workshop does. This way they can have people making stuff all the time and easily filter things they can implement later.


That's not to say I love the price on these, I think they are high compared to deluxe skins or weapon model changes for example, but probable reasons behind the change are probably very valid, and it's not like dev hours are being spent making these skins.


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Well its 6 USD for that, and if im not mistaken, most other syandanas (older ones) were basically 5 dollars worth of plat. Those prices have since gone up. The thing here is that steam doesnt change the price for regions, which makes no sense. 

They do for Canada. The Rota Syndana is ~$7 CAD IIRC.

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You mean folks were actually expecting reasonable prices from this venture? Gaben always gets his pound of flesh guys. 


No disrespect to the creators at all - simply having it integrated via Steam Workshop is what inflates the prices.


Honestly I don't understand exactly why this has been done via Valve as the delivery system? Don't DE already have a pretty slick op in terms of delivering content? Why couldn't they do this themselves and keep prices vaguely reasonable? 

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It cost a bit too much (but im poor person from poor country) so perhaps in Murica ppl can spend this amount of money in a flash


I support idea of % going to people who made it (fans ,n such)

With the amount of Americans living below the poverty line...yeaaaah, not really. It's steep for just about anyone who doesn't have the expendable income to throw at a video game every other week.

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