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Helmetless Warframes (Aka. Helmet Alternates)


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Many appreciate the anonymity and and simplicity of fullbody Warframes.

But what if DE were to release helmet alternates with actual heads and faces? (Like Avalon for Excalibur and so on...)

Several per Warframe for diversity of course, taking up on customization and individualisation.



For reference, drawings from Penett and yuikami-da and Masateru from Dev.Arts (Nice find, Thanks Rudette #44)

Nyx by Penett

Ember by Penett

Ash by Penett

Bishie Frost by Yuikami-Da

Bishie Volt by Yuikami-Da

Trinity by Yuikami-Da

Ember by Masateru

Nyx by Masateru

Nyx and Mag by Masateru

Saryn by Masateru



- Would you want (tintable) helmetless heads?


- Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

- If so, why?


- What do you think about it?





EDIT: Regrettably, I don't know how to poll on this forum.


EDIT: Bishie = http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+bishie


EDIT: In case you find the artwork in it's anime/manga-esque style to be harmful to your health or enviroment, I am very sorry to inconvenience you and advise against clicking on the next link. Those images are references and at that, not mine.


EDIT: Some seem to mistake my intention, believing me to hold the power to turn Warframe into an Asian MMO, this is not the case. This is more like sharing my idea and having fun reading replies.



the Volt.... WTF tahts Worst....

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Only if... You could personalize the head part (which would fit differently in each warframe, like you would see mr.frosty face covered or cut big part because the helmet part model isnt the full head) and have both gender for each warframe.

And that's two things that never gonna happen.

But, it would fit the lore and would be awesome! (since warframe lore art doesnt envolve anime stuff that people are complaining)

And finally: Btw, for people who doesn't read or search for trivias, tenno "are and don't are" humans. "The Tenno are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth."

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Personally, I feel the Warframe helmets have far more character and personality than some generic face. Putting a human face on them ruins the mystery and in a way shatters the illusion that the warframes ARE the personalities rather than just a shell.

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Many appreciate the anonymity and and simplicity of fullbody Warframes.

But what if DE were to release helmet alternates with actual heads and faces? (Like Avalon for Excalibur and so on...)

Several per Warframe for diversity of course, taking up on customization and individualisation.



For reference, drawings from Penett and yuikami-da and Masateru from Dev.Arts (Nice find, Thanks Rudette #44)

Nyx by Penett

Ember by Penett

Ash by Penett

Bishie Frost by Yuikami-Da

Bishie Volt by Yuikami-Da

Trinity by Yuikami-Da

Ember by Masateru

Nyx by Masateru

Nyx and Mag by Masateru

Saryn by Masateru



- Would you want (tintable) helmetless heads?


- Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

- If so, why?


- What do you think about it?





EDIT: Regrettably, I don't know how to poll on this forum.


EDIT: Bishie = http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+bishie


EDIT: In case you find the artwork in it's anime/manga-esque style to be harmful to your health or enviroment, I am very sorry to inconvenience you and advise against clicking on the next link. Those images are references and at that, not mine.


EDIT: Some seem to mistake my intention, believing me to hold the power to turn Warframe into an Asian MMO, this is not the case. This is more like sharing my idea and having fun reading replies.


I would like a helmet less Warframe but they must be TOP MODELS . Soooo sexy... *.*

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Putting a human face on them ruins the mystery and in a way shatters the illusion that the warframes ARE the personalities rather than just a shell.

I must admit that I haven't felt any mystery or character from the masked Grineers and Corpus yet. :)


If we do get customized dangly-bits on our helmet as extra options, I don't see why not also customized faces. I am actually surprised by the fact that DE have "started" adding custom-dangly-bits. Thats a large step away from having every Tenno look the same.


On a side note: Wow, I seriously didn't notice that this thread was even still alive.

Edited by Kasamoto
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I know. Was just throwing a joke in for Glorious Leader Volt. One to loosen up the Serious Saryns in the thread.

I am sorry as such are not helpful to the topic and may be misleading to others as it has happened several times in this thread already.

However, I do appreciate your opinion and post.


EDIT: Whoops, that me being too serious again. Time to lay of this thread.

Edited by Kasamoto
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I must admit that I haven't felt any mystery or character from the masked Grineers and Corpus yet. :)



We've seen Grineer faces and they're all the same. And Corpus are mostly robotic units. And not everything has to be of equal importance in terms of character. Just because one aspect isn't as developed as another doesn't mean we throw everything out the window.

Edited by EetNotErn
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Personally, no. I'd rather be a robot ninja.


My more detailed opinion is this: The lack of actual faces allows there to be really good imaginings of who or what is under that helmet; once we're able to see those faces ourselves, that magic goes away as the character under the suit becomes defined, we won't be able to imagine ourselves under that armor, there also wouldn't be great fanart and fanfics(?) detailing what the artist thinks is under that helmet.


Kinda ties in with the 'Warframes are player avatars or characters with backgrounds" debate.

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Those artwork are great!


But to avoid the situations of seeing EVERYBODY with helmets off and look exactly like the images, I would say this:


Sometimes, it is better to leave some things unknown. It leaves a little room for imagination.

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Ah, no.


I'd rather we never do this. Never ever. Ever. Leave the mystery. Keep it so that everyone can continue to imagine what they want instead of forcing a single image on everyone.


 As interesting as it would be to see faces, I agree with Fatalx7. There is a certain level of advantage to leaving some details up in the air!

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We wear these suits to empower and protect ourselves, why would we endanger our squishyness by showing our head?

have to agree.


on another note saryn is black. white people dont have that body type. its not racist its just genetics. or if you dont believe in science, it was "jesus, he did it"

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