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Help Me Make Space In My Arsenal



Hi there :)


Even if I have some plats to buy new weapon slots, I'd like first to get rid of some "useless" weapons.


However, I just came back to Warframe after a one year and a half break, so I don't really know what weapons are considered top tier, or even relevant. Some of them I keep them until I get the prime version (ex. Boltor), because I had fun with them a long time ago. So here is the list of what I possess :


Primary :


Braton (I keep it because I have a skin on it)

Burston Prime (personal favorite here)



Flux Riffle

Gorgon Wraith



Latron Prime


Paris Prime




Strun Wraith








Hek and Sobek got better with the syndicate mods, that's why I keep them. I don't like Phage very much, but the whole viral damages thing makes me keep it (relevant?). I'm currently mastering Sybaris (don't like it though).


Secondary :







Bronco Prime



Dex Furis

Double Cestra

Twin Grakatas



Twin Vipers Wraith


I made the mistake to use my forma-ed Akboltos for those Akjagara... Too many fast spread AK weapons (stiletto, Grakatas, Twin Vipers, Dex Furis). I'm planing selling the Afuris as I have the Dex Furis. I think I should get rid of Double Cestras and Ballistica (I'll get the Syndicate one). Detron was OP before I quit, I don't know how it is now, feels like it's not.


Melee :

Dakra Prime

Double Kamas






Jat Kittag

Machette Wraith


Orthos Prime

Prova Vandal

Reaper Ether


Silva Aegis

Dark sword


I was going to delete Dark Sword but then I found out about the syndicate mod. Maybe Furax and Reaper Ether here? I'm keeping Reaper Ether just for its unique style.


Thanks guys :)

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14 answers to this question

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If you're really going to make some space in inventory, then you should sell stuff that you really don't like and you'll have easy access to eventually rebuild it: like dojo weapons, market blueprints and so on. I'd keep event weapons since they are unique and some of weapons that their BPs are obtainable through alerts only.

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Delete/Sell nothing. We saw it so far, that DE is releasing weapons, which require not only materials, but weapons, too (which in my opinion and taste is pretty unwelcoming. Hate it having items on storage/stock because IT MIGHT BE in some time and future the case that I might going to use it as a material, not the weapon itself).

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Honestly, I'm too tired to go through all this and make a good post, so I'll just let you in on this little tidbit: you can use the standard Braton skins on the Braton Prime, so I recommend upgrading (if possible). Same thing should apply for all other skins on weapons that have a Prime variant (ex: Scindo/Prime, Paris/Prime, etc.).

Edited by Ailith
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I don't now why you have 2 bows

I have all of the bows, and they all have their own niche they serve, plus there's nothing wrong with having more than one bow, as long as you don't have multiple of a single weapon.


OP, like Weidro has pointed out, don't sell any Wraith or Vandal Weapons, those suckers generally have boosted stats, and are extremely hard to get your hands on once you sell them. I say Sell the Boltor, and get the Boltor Prime and/or the Hexis Boltor, The Boltor Prime has a slight boost in it's stats, and the Hexis Boltor has that wonderful additional health resort ability.


As for any other weapon, I say look at the market, find the one on that list that's the cheapest to pick up in case you ever want to pick it back up again, and go from there. I don't usually sell my frames or weapons, I generally keep all of the weapons and frames I get.


Also, a little tip I give out to some of my clan members is "If you don't like a weapon/frame max it out, and then sell it." 

The phage's toxic shouldn't be the main reason you keep it, there's other weapons that have the same if not better toxic damage.

Edited by Weird_Stealth
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If I were you I'd get rid of these weapons:


- Melee:


Dual Kamas   (There's the Prime version, that you'll sooner or later obtain.)

Fragor            (Jat Kittag is superior, although, if I'm not mistaken, Fragor has a huge % Bonus when perfoming stealth kills with it.)

Furax             (Can't find a particular reason, duh.)

Glaive            (Cool, but not enough. If things go as we all think, Glaive Prime may come back along with all Primes, so if you                                             like the weapon, go for the Prime when it's available. Cerata is pretty good, too.

                       It's a pretty fun weapon with Astral Twilight Stance, tho.)

Reaper Ether (Beautiful weapon, but it's lackluster. Like majority of Scythe weapons, sadly.)

Dark Sword    (The Dagger version has the Syndicate mod, not the Sword! Therefore, sell it: It's not good at all.)


- Secondaries:


Afuris               (You got the Dex version, which is superior.)

Aklex               (I never used them, but the Prime Lex is a better weapon.)

Ballistica          (As you said, go for the Rakta version.)

Double Cestra (If you like the weapon, try to obtain the Syndicate one: Secura Dual Cestra.)

Seer                (It's a weapon I truly like, but as of right now, is awful.Careful that you'll have to farm the parts back, in case you want it again.)


- Primaries: 


Boltor              (If you like it, go for the Prime version, or the Syndicate one: Telos.)

Braton             (Use the Braton Prime: you can apply skins on it and it will look like the normal version.)

Cernos            (Dunno =3=.)

Phage             (You can apply Viral damage on other weapons too, and they could even perform better.)

Soma              (There's a Prime version, and tbh, to me it looks like a bad weapon.)

Tigris              (Syndicate version; Sancti Tigris, is far superior.)


Aside from the fact that you're free to choose whatever you wish to keep or to get rid of, keep in mind a few things:

Can you obtain the weapon back? (So keep ALL Wraith, Vandal, Dex weapons. Same goes for Detron and Stalker weapons, they're a pain to farm.)

Have you got enough resources to build that weapon again?

If not, can you obtain them easily? 

Edited by Shry0b
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Primary :

Boltor (Prime)

Braton (Prime)

Burston Prime

Cernos (Rakta)


Flux Riffle (Amprex)

Gorgon Wraith



Latron Prime


Paris Prime



Soma (Prime)

Strun Wraith




Tigris (Sancti)


Vectris (Prime)


Secondary :





Ballistica (Rakti


Bronco Prime



Dex Furis

Double Cestra

Twin Grakatas



Twin Vipers Wraith

(get Atomos)


Melee :

Dakra Prime

Double Kamas (Prime)




Glaive (Cerata or Glaive Prime (though its currently vaulted))


Jat Kittag

Machette Wraith


Orthos Prime

Prova Vandal

Reaper Ether


Silva Aegis

Dark sword




Those are my picks for deletion, suggestions in ()'s if any, left the event ones alone even though a couple are pretty bad, they are unique(ish) and may not come around again (for a long while).

Edited by Xekrin
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Here is what I would keep in your list :


Primary :

Burston Prime




Latron Prime



Sybaris (one of my favs)

Tigris (the normal version is powerful enough, Sancti while nice is kinda overkill)




Secondary :





Bronco Prime



Twin Grakatas

Twin Vipers Wraith


Get the Rakta Ballistica and the Vaykor Marelok.




Melee :

Dakra Prime

Double Kamas




Jat Kittag

Machette Wraith

Orthos Prime

Prova Vandal

Reaper Ether


Silva Aegis

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Primary :

Boltor - Trash, get Syndicate or Prime version.  I recommend Synd first, trash, then Prime

Braton (I keep it because I have a skin on it) - trash get prime (skin works)

Burston Prime (personal favorite here) - Love it.  Status and sharpshooting.  Right there with ya

Cernos - Trash get syndicate version.  Laugh as your AoE wipes the room and gives you energy back

Dread - Yeah, it's Dread.


Gorgon Wraith - Yeah, wraith, keep it

Hek - Keep - better than Vaykor without a LOT of investment

Ignis - keep

Latron Prime - keep

Ogris - ew, trash

Paris Prime - Dread's puncture based little brother.  If you're really hard up on space, can delete it.

Phage - Unique mechanic with the focusing.  The viral's not that big a deal, though corrosive/viral is nice

Sobek - Eh.  Trash

Soma - Trash get prime

Strun Wraith - wraith, keep

Supra - Put Vile Accel, Shred, Speed Trigger on at the same time.  Try to not cry from laughing so hard.  Keep for fun

Sybaris - Keep it if you like the aesthetics/feel, otherwise trash.  Burston Prime can fill your status slot

Synapse - Trash, replace with Amprex

Tigris - Trash for Syndicate version

Tonkor - Keeper

Vectris - Sniper rework incoming, probably keep it


Hek and Sobek got better with the syndicate mods, that's why I keep them. I don't like Phage very much, but the whole viral damages thing makes me keep it (relevant?). I'm currently mastering Sybaris (don't like it though).


Secondary :

Afuris - trash

Akjagara -trash

Aklex -trash get Lex Prime

Akstiletto - Trash into Aksomati, or keep (personal preference between those two)

Ballistica - trash get syndicate

Brakk - I hate you.

Bronco Prime - Trash unless you're attached to collecting primes

Despair - keep it, just in case it gets buffed

Detron - Same as Despair.  DPS wise, Brakk's "special needs" fraternal twin

Dex Furis - Emotional value?  Started playing after this, can't give an opinion.  I think Aksomati/Twin Grakata are better though

Double Cestra - trash

Twin Grakatas - everyone needzmoardakka

Seer - oh god ew

Spira - nice on Loki, but if you're hard for space you can get rid of it

Twin Vipers Wraith - Wraith, keep


Get a Vaykor Marelok.


I made the mistake to use my forma-ed Akboltos for those Akjagara... Too many fast spread AK weapons (stiletto, Grakatas, Twin Vipers, Dex Furis). I'm planing selling the Afuris as I have the Dex Furis. I think I should get rid of Double Cestras and Ballistica (I'll get the Syndicate one). Detron was OP before I quit, I don't know how it is now, feels like it's not.


Melee :

Dakra Prime - keep

Double Kamas - trash

Fragor - trash

Furax - trash

Galatine - never let it go

Glaive - Maybe swap for prime or augmented Kestrel, otherwise keep

Hate - Stalker drop, keep no matter how awful it is

Jat Kittag - KEEP

Machette Wraith - wraith, but I hate looking at mine

Mire - ehn, Dakra Prime

Orthos Prime - keeper

Prova Vandal - Alad V's naughty time stick, but it's a vandal

Reaper Ether - trash, get Anku.  Aesthetic wise, Reaper Prime's coming back in a few days

Redeemer - unique mechanic, can be seriously OP on Loki

Silva Aegis - unless you have this for aesthetic, get rid of it.

Dark sword - Dual Darks will happen one day.  Keep unless you've got a spare bp


Get a Scindo Prime


I was going to delete Dark Sword but then I found out about the syndicate mod. Maybe Furax and Reaper Ether here? I'm keeping Reaper Ether just for its unique style.

Augment is for Dark Dagger.  And is amazing.


Like you said, your field's way too deep on akimbo autopistols.  Pick one or two (I recommend Aksomati and Twin Grakata) and get rid of the rest.  I'd highly recommend getting a Synoid Gammacor (needs ammo mut, but still) and an Atomos.  Seriously, after 6 forma in Atomos, it's practically the only secondary I need now.

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