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New Warframe: Ivara [U18 Megathread]


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Honestly, if she had passives like:


10 or 15%+ bow charge speed

10%+ bow status chance 


shed be absolutely perfect in my eyes.


I thought about maybe a passive buff to arrow flight speed, but that might screw with navigator and make the projectiles too hard to control.


This is probably the most versatile frame ive played with so far and I'm more than comfortable saying that I have probably only begun to scratch the surface what this frame can do.

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I am playing Ivara finally and i must say there are only three things that imho would warrant a change:

- Quiver's holster animation slows down your game by a lot if you're into gunplay/melee play. I did not like that much the fact that to spam Quiver effectively to make use of its multipurpose arrow selection you basically have to use it during Artemis Bow. I would personally like to have the Bow simply disappear instead of having the holster animation unless you have Artemis Bow out (in which case the cast animation would stay unchanged). That would make me extremely happy as a player.

- Navigator could use some more control imho, even at max slow the arrows from a bow or the arrows from Quiver are really hard to control properly.

- Prowl's visual FX for the pickpocket is far too invasive, particularly with big enemies (ancients, heavies, MOAs). It could use some toning down, and a better indication of when the picking is over imho.

Other than that the frame is extremely well made. Possibly one of the most fun frames DE has ever made imho.

PS: i have a proposal actually for Artemis Bow. The orientable arrow fan is cool. But i personally would like for AB to behave as such:

- unaimed, as it works now

- aimed, the arrows follow the shotgun pellet spread, charged reduces the spread, OR you spawn a single high powered arrow that cannot be fired uncharged but has higher damage (maybe slightly less than the sum of the 7 arrows in the fan) and very high punchthrough.

I understand this probably won't please everyone but for me it would be a really welcoming change, allowing you to have a better tool to both deal with crowds and with priority single targets.

Edited by Autongnosis
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PS: i have a proposal actually for Artemis Bow. The orientable arrow fan is cool. But i personally would like for AB to behave as such:

 the arrows follow the shotgun pellet spread, charged you spawn a single high powered arrow that cannot be fired uncharged but has higher damage (maybe slightly less than the sum of the 7 arrows in the fan) and very high punchthrough.

I understand this probably won't please everyone but for me it would be a really welcoming change, allowing you to have a better tool to both deal with crowds and with priority single targets.

 ^ this so long as the uncharged shots fire horizontal like the thay do now with the bow charged the vertical fan is cool but is odd and not very useful 

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I love Ivara!  I got a 3-hour affinity booster as my logon reward last night, as Ivara was coming out of the oven.  Got her to Rank 18 in one night.  Stealth arrows are amazing!  I nerdgasmed when I did her 2+Glaive.  AFTERTOUCH FOR THE GLAIVE, AT LAST!  Stalk is great for defense, because you stay invisible while you melee enemies, as long as you don't dash.


Question: Does stalk stay active if you use a sniper rifle with a silence mod?  I noticed that I stayed invisible when I used the Talons.  I wasn't sure if it was a "noise" factor or a "projectile" factor.


I was having so much fun with zipline arrows, stalk, and aftertouch, that I completely forgot to try her ult!  Ivara is fast becoming my new favorite frame! (First time I've been this giddy since I got Oberon)


Seriously: Zipline Arrows over defense targets + Talons versus Infested = lots of dead infested

Edited by (PS4)IkariWarrior83
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I love Ivara!  I got a 3-hour affinity booster as my logon reward last night, as Ivara was coming out of the oven.  Got her to Rank 18 in one night.  Stealth arrows are amazing!  I nerdgasmed when I did her 2+Glaive.  AFTERTOUCH FOR THE GLAIVE, AT LAST!  Stalk is great for defense, because you stay invisible while you melee enemies, as long as you don't dash.


Question: Does stalk stay active if you use a sniper rifle with a silence mod?  I noticed that I stayed invisible when I used the Talons.  I wasn't sure if it was a "noise" factor or a "projectile" factor.


I was having so much fun with zipline arrows, stalk, and aftertouch, that I completely forgot to try her ult!  Ivara is fast becoming my new favorite frame! (First time I've been this giddy since I got Oberon)


Seriously: Zipline Arrows over defense targets + Talons versus Infested = lots of dead infested

what is this aftertouch i see everyone talking about on this thread?


and yes, if you have silent mods on any weapon, prowl wont  be broken.

Edited by xcynderx
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what is this aftertouch i see everyone talking about on this thread?


and yes, if you have silent mods on any weapon, prowl wont  be broken.


Aftertouch is what Navigator was called in Dark Sector, you used it on your glaive.

Edited by Gelkor
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Aftertouch is what Navigator was called in Dark Sector, you used it on your glaive.



Yeah, force of habit.  It's also called aftertouch in the few other games that have projectile guidance, specifically the Burnout racing series (Burnout 3 in particular) when steering your wreck after you crash, and Heavenly Sword when you were guiding arrows.  I will never not-call it aftertouch, but I understand De calling it Navigator for copyright reasons, or whatever.


And yeah, I put hush on my Vectis Prime and wrecked fools while invisible from miles away.  'Twas glorious.  

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Ivara immediately jumped to the top of my favoured frames, and now Sortie Defenses make her the VIP that Frost usually is, with a duration build, so much the better.


Criticisms, though:


-Wind-down animations on casting Quiver arrows with 1 can feel clunky. I adapted to the tap-to-switch, hold-to-fire pretty well though.Or just used Artemis Bow and middle-click. Sleep Arrows + Quick-melee is smooth enough (immediately enter finisher animation), but trying to cherry tap with guns can take a while.


-Sleep Arrow usage tells me Finisher animations in general could use some work/speeding up, being killed while animation-locked for something so high value that you want to do it feels bad. Normalise from-behind and from-ahead animation speed, typically from-behind takes much longer.


-Navigator Scaling Drain. Why? You already have indefinite-duration toggle drain skills (WOF, Ex.Blade) because they can run around and pick up energy orbs during their low per-second drain. Why not allow Ivara, who can't go and grab the energy to keep the projectile in the air, to maintain a steady drain only limited by her current energy stock and efficiencies?


-Prowl needs some of its complexity stripped. Four different drain mechanics (standing, moving, melee, taking damage) is already a lot more than you display on the ability pane. I can't tell if my efficiency is reducing the extra drains or not. Arc traps and DoT procs vent energy at an obscene rate thanks to the heavy damage-taken drain, either these should be removed or the damage drain should be given a short internal cooldown to allow reaction to the threat by moving away from the trap or untoggling Prowl while you still have energy.


-Prowl steal chance is affected by negative Power Strength. Nowhere is this made clear until you wonder why your Overextend slotted Prowling keeps sucking on the same enemy to no avail. Is there a benefit to +strength, or is this strictly a 'gotcha' for people wanting good range?


-Quick Melee during Artemis Bow. It's not a toggle drain ability, so we aren't just shooting (Mesa) or swinging (Wukong, Excalibur) while our bar still has some juice in it. Emphasise tactical usage of per-shot drain by allowing us to opt not to use it, but keep it readied - since we'd have to pay the price in energy and time if we deactivated AB to use melee, then reactivated afterwards.


-I'm not sure on +Duration making Navigator Damage Multiplier take longer to ramp up. It seems out of place (although it's hilarious to use with Fleeting Expertise, Blind Rage and Transient Fortitude for a fast-ramping 16x damage multiplier) that additional stat makes this skill take longer to reach effectiveness where Prowl Steal time is reduced by +Duration, making it effective sooner.


I don't honestly use Artemis Bow for its damage all that much, but it seems pretty well agreed that the orientation charge doesn't feel good. Some change here would probably help.

(I mainly use it for ambidextrous arrow slinging. Switching arrows with 1 while I can instantly throw them out with alt-fire feels great.)

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-Sleep Arrow usage tells me Finisher animations in general could use some work/speeding up, being killed while animation-locked for something so high value that you want to do it feels bad. Normalise from-behind and from-ahead animation speed, typically from-behind takes much longer.




You are immune to all damage while performing finisher attacks, you cannot be killed while performing a finisher.

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You are immune to all damage while performing finisher attacks, you cannot be killed while performing a finisher.


Ground finishers definitely don't give immunity, and those animation locks are just as bad sometimes. I'll assume you just meant the Stealth Finishers as that's what Sleep Arrows provide.


Clients might not be being treated accurately with this immunity, I find I often take damage unless I specifically Prowl out into sleeping enemies amongst their waking brethren to do the finisher while invisible (anecdotes ahoy).

Or perhaps the immunity timing is just off in general with regards to the variety of animations, leaving a window / windows of vulnerability while you still can't adequately act.


It could use looking at just to be sure; the Time To Kill should definitely be normalised for the same weapon's behind and in-front stealth finishers on a given unit type, though. Especially with back-finishers taking longer, which are generally the kind you'd expect to see 99% of the time for Warframe-agnostic stealth play (legitimately undetected and unalerted enemy).

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Ivara needs bug fixes badly.


You can build out for range and its great until the quiver toggle bug limits you to a single arrow type.


You can build out for power and efficiency, only to summon your artemis bow and have it bug out and leave your weaponless and abilityless until you die/revive.


You can make a nice build that lets you use all of your abilities together, and suffer from both bugs + arrows sticking to teammates out of range of the effect.


It's really annoying to the point where at least once or twice a night I run into one of these bugs.  I honestly want my plat back because this is as good of a bug ridden broken product as anything.

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Ground finishers definitely don't give immunity, and those animation locks are just as bad sometimes. I'll assume you just meant the Stealth Finishers as that's what Sleep Arrows provide.


Clients might not be being treated accurately with this immunity, I find I often take damage unless I specifically Prowl out into sleeping enemies amongst their waking brethren to do the finisher while invisible (anecdotes ahoy).

Or perhaps the immunity timing is just off in general with regards to the variety of animations, leaving a window / windows of vulnerability while you still can't adequately act.


It could use looking at just to be sure; the Time To Kill should definitely be normalised for the same weapon's behind and in-front stealth finishers on a given unit type, though. Especially with back-finishers taking longer, which are generally the kind you'd expect to see 99% of the time for Warframe-agnostic stealth play (legitimately undetected and unalerted enemy).


Well, no, I really do just mean finishers. Ground finishers scale with combo meter, don't animation lock as much, and open you to damage, finishers can be triggered on staggered (via Paralysis, blast procs, or various melee combos) -or- unaware targets, so calling them stealth finishers is a misnomer.  She's ok for stealth focus farming with a covert lethality dagger or some such I suppose, but in the heat of combat I'm not going to turn to melee with Ivara.


I can see where client-host input delay can leave you stranded following a finisher, it's nicer now that they scale with attack speed, but can still be wonky, and they could stand even more speeding up than they've received.  Frankly I just don't use Ivara as a melee frame, I use other frames with stagger/stuns for that.

Edited by Gelkor
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I have found her ultimate to be a bit underwhelming as far as the aesthetics are concerned.

It just looks so boring when summoned. It's not even a longbow. It should look like no other bow in the game.

I think the bow should either look like:


Excalibur's Exalted Blade (made completely out of energy) 




Have a blinding, golden, metallic sheen with fancy designs (similar to the sancti tigris).



Now, in terms of functionality, the flight of the arrows should be direct (no arch) and nearly hitscan (not fully, but close).



Augment Mod


Patriot Arrow: Artemis Bow will now shoot a devastating energy arrow when fully charged. When not fully charged, the bow will shoot horizontally instead of vertically.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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I have found her ultimate to be a bit underwhelming as far as the aesthetics are concerned.

It just looks so boring when summoned. It's not even a longbow. It should look like no other bow in the game.

I think the bow should either look like:


Excalibur's Exalted Blade (made completely out of energy) 




Have a blinding, golden, metallic sheen with fancy designs (similar to the sancti tigris).



Now, in terms of functionality, the flight of the arrows should be direct (no arch) and nearly hitscan (not fully, but close).



Augment Mod


Patriot Arrow: Artemis Bow will now shoot a devastating energy arrow when fully charged. When not fully charged, the bow will shoot horizontally instead of vertically.

personally, i would NOT want an augment to make the bow fire horizontally by default...and im sure many others would agree. its so dang rare for me to use the bow vertically, to the point i see its vertical shot as cumbersome......especially when I'm not using a bow for my primary..IMO, the bow by default should do what your suggesting though with the charged shot firing say, 3-5 shots (at default, then modded by multishot for more, at least until DE changes it) that have a chance of exploding in energy ability damage. ...THAT is a volley, not this spread crap they gave her.......and an augment should make it fire in a spread manner {as it does now}.



aesthetically, i agree with what your saying though.

Edited by xcynderx
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I have found her ultimate to be a bit underwhelming as far as the aesthetics are concerned.

It just looks so boring when summoned. It's not even a longbow. It should look like no other bow in the game.

I think the bow should either look like:


Excalibur's Exalted Blade (made completely out of energy) 




Have a blinding, golden, metallic sheen with fancy designs (similar to the sancti tigris).



Now, in terms of functionality, the flight of the arrows should be direct (no arch) and nearly hitscan (not fully, but close).



Augment Mod


Patriot Arrow: Artemis Bow will now shoot a devastating energy arrow when fully charged. When not fully charged, the bow will shoot horizontally instead of vertically.


Or adds a high damage single arrow to ability 1....removes noise arrow or arrow of your choosing.



As for Ivara, I love her.


My biggest complaint is holster times brought on by abilities...and Prowl - if you're in toggled sprint and hit prowl and then start moving, you jump right out of prowl due to sprint. I think it should automatically untoggle sprint when you enter Prowl.


I think Artemis Bow is good as is. It is plenty powerful and can stay in it for a while.  Travel time and height decay are okay for me....though close range attacks sometimes miss when they shouldn't.

Edited by Lanieu
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You can work around the finisher animation locks on sleep by using a weapon with good reach such as the Atterax / Tonbo and attacking from a few steps back.  You'll still do the damage, but will not get locked in teh animation.  it will also hit multiple targets if you slept an area

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You can work around the finisher animation locks on sleep by using a weapon with good reach such as the Atterax / Tonbo and attacking from a few steps back.  You'll still do the damage, but will not get locked in teh animation.  it will also hit multiple targets if you slept an area


Not quite, you'll get a 'stealth booster' to the damage (as you see with non-finisher targets or those that don't sleep into a finishable state), but it won't be an actual finisher for the purpose of mechanics (Covert Lethality, instant kill Wardens) and I believe doesn't become Finisher Damage either.


Personally I'm running Sheev-ara with Covert Lethality, so I can always take out those heavy units even when they're level 100 and Grineer with augmented armour or Corpus with augmented shields. Infested are still a problem, because only the Runners and Leapers become finisher-capable with sleep, though.



Something else to fix that I ran into the other day is how incredibly anti-synergistic Ivara's arrows are with any sort of protection ability. They still get stuck on the outside of a Snowglobe as you might expect, but ALSO get stuck on Electric Shields instead of becoming hitscan and instantly hitting their destination like other projectiles.


I like to try to use Navigator to remotely support people on other points during Interceptions and Excavations with sleep/cloak arrows, but getting them stuck on the outside of an overextended Frost globe kind of ruins that.

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Not quite, you'll get a 'stealth booster' to the damage (as you see with non-finisher targets or those that don't sleep into a finishable state), but it won't be an actual finisher for the purpose of mechanics (Covert Lethality, instant kill Wardens) and I believe doesn't become Finisher Damage either.


Personally I'm running Sheev-ara with Covert Lethality, so I can always take out those heavy units even when they're level 100 and Grineer with augmented armour or Corpus with augmented shields. Infested are still a problem, because only the Runners and Leapers become finisher-capable with sleep, though.



Something else to fix that I ran into the other day is how incredibly anti-synergistic Ivara's arrows are with any sort of protection ability. They still get stuck on the outside of a Snowglobe as you might expect, but ALSO get stuck on Electric Shields instead of becoming hitscan and instantly hitting their destination like other projectiles.


I like to try to use Navigator to remotely support people on other points during Interceptions and Excavations with sleep/cloak arrows, but getting them stuck on the outside of an overextended Frost globe kind of ruins that.

well using ivara when your in prowl you get the stealth bonus for melee damage, which is quite huge depending on the weapon...so you dont have to actually use the prompted finisher animations.

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one thing that i wish Ivara's noise arrow did is forced the enemies to RUN to the location......it makes me nuts how they walk ever so slowly to it, especially when the noise arrow radius is large....


right now: "what was that noise, i'll walk to it to check it out."


how it should be "What was that noise, better check it out quickly."


the only enemies that get to the location very quick are osprey.....

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