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Rhino Changes Feedback [U18 Megathread]


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On 12/11/2015 at 10:14 AM, (PS4)HELLHOUND_ROCKO said:

so all in all it sounds really not ideal - why not drastically increase his Absorb Period's Length, while making Self-Damage as Source for Iron Skin Strength Increase uneligible? and please DE, increase his Armor Rating a lot - i mean, even with his max. of 701.25 Armor Points he's just at 70.04% DR - while Atlas with his 1147.5 max. Armor is still just at 79.27% DR - the System of Diminishing Returns is clearly doing it's work good enough that Ironclad Charge wouldn't brake the Game if DE gave Rhino Prime the Atlas Armor Rating that he simply needs in Missions with reasonably High-Leveled Enemies i'd say... . 

Honestly, i feel like Rhino should be given 300 armor and prime should be given 450 armor so it synergises well with Iron Skin and his augments Iron Shrapnel and Ironclad Charge because seriously Rhino was described as a 'tank', but when atlas comes in with more armor he kinda throws rhino off the shelf with the 1147.5. so i think they should be given at least the same armor, and if anyone agrees with me can you please help get this reply seen by DE?

Edited by (PS4)Mazendude
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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Mazendude said:

Honestly, i feel like Rhino should be given 300 armor and prime should be given 450 armor so in synergises well with Iron Skin and his augments Iron Shrapnel and Ironclad Charge because seriously Rhino was described as a 'tank', but when atlas comes in with more armor he kinda throws rhino off the shelf with the 1147.5. so i think they should be given at least the same armor, and if anyone agrees with me can you please help get this reply seen by DE?

ya well, i wrote that back in early December as part of my clearly as such labelled reaction to what i've gotten to read from the update notes and shared experiences of playing it by the PC-Players - when the build wasn't out for my system yet and Rhino's Iron Skin was a paper-thin fixed HP-Pool without armor rating synergy that had gotten sneezed away near instantly by medium+ level foes. but right after it had hit my platform i was able to wrestle as the new Rhino Prime cqc-only with multiple level 150+ enemies at once consistently and stuff - while Atlas's tank is just armor rating based, so it gets constantly ignored by many different attacks and is very lifesteal based at the same time (so also vulnerable to enemy DR's even more). 


and while i still think the absorb period of IS should be twice to trice as long as it is - i now kinda think the "just good but not much more" max. passive EHP of Rhino P actually balances his newfound real good strengths A LITTLE BIT as it makes him vulnerable to accidents that happen so quick against really high level enemies. so basically my pre-update suggestion towards "longer absorb period" AND "more armor" have changed post-update to "longer absorb period" OR "more armor". 


because, ey - with the often occurring delay between enemies spotting you and you're beginning to take damage - but with you at the same time being through not outstandingly high passive EHP unable to recast IS through the augment in really high level enemy LoS without highly risking lethal "accidents" - the absorb period mechanic so often ends up wasted when one could have used it the most (and were supposed to, as they stated it was to give Rhino the chance to scale with enemy level...).


but right now you only end up scaling with enemy level through it with luck as a bonus on top - while it's real strength comes from its modded EHP, near but not quite instant refreshing plus "accident"-saftey for a short duration afterwards - and very importantlywise from that it is still able to tank attacks that bypass pure armor rating based defense. but to really give him the chance to scale (or to stop him from only being like a cloaker with IS instead of Invisibility/ Smoke Screen...) - something still needs to be done, increasing the near non-existand absorb "period" of IS by x2 to x3 or drastically increasing Rhino Prime's armor rating IMO. 

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On 4/3/2016 at 0:42 PM, (PS4)HELLHOUND_ROCKO said:

but right now you only end up scaling with enemy level through it with luck as a bonus on top - while it's real strength comes from its modded EHP, near but not quite instant refreshing plus "accident"-saftey for a short duration afterwards - and very importantlywise from that it is still able to tank attacks that bypass pure armor rating based defense. but to really give him the chance to scale (or to stop him from only being like a cloaker with IS instead of Invisibility/ Smoke Screen...) - something still needs to be done, increasing the near non-existand absorb "period" of IS by x2 to x3 or drastically increasing Rhino Prime's armor rating IMO. 

I never thought anyone would agree with me XD, anyway you are absolutely right, the absorb period on iron skin is not enough to get a moderate amount of extra health, it mostly just gets 800 extra, so i also think it should be increased as well, if not then his armor, but when you think about it, why not both? XD

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Changes to rhino would be rly nice ..in the old good times he was indestructible when he goes in with 1 and ROAR and then STOMP it was like beautiful armagedon and him unbreakable titan ..and now? he is totaly  out of damage and a bit too low with abilities to survive the iron skin, at the higher levels he is simply crushed i usualy using his 1 only to escape from melee enemies who surrounded me .. well i just simply forgot about him. chroma is x100000 times better with his tons of damage and almoust unkillable with 3 these 2 things are similar in them chroma have 1 skill sucks baddly and rhino same atleast rhino have a bit of CC that's all the changes to make him the GREAT ONE again to dont make him being replaced with chroma. That's all . P.S Sorry for my english btw :D warframe___rhino_by_dspirittwo-d8ogtis.p

Let's bring back the whole badass to rhino what he deserve

Edited by Demlier
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What? low damage and trust me rhino on sortie is worst thing to pick he is paper like his iron skin goes down after 4 shoots ^^ 1`skill is like no skill well maybe not if u have augment ulti is good i think cuz of CC but really he was unbalanced? :d so tell me where chroma is balanced or valkyr chroma- x5.6 dmg 600% armor + extra hp or shield + damage from electric valkyr- press 4 to win totally unkillable 1 shoot every1


And YEA im sure u will say they can have skills like those cuz they are suchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh balanced :)

Edited by Demlier
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I am sorry of my feedback is out of place, but I want to plead for something.
Iron skin resists most effects, right?
It should resist leaching as well. Right now Rhino is already in tough spot (he needs a lot of mod work), and it is not "okay" when you are supposed to be shaking of eximus units left and right, only to find your energy meter empty. I think it drops down his classic "tank" (take bullets for the team, provides CC and so on) role even more.

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Just now, AnzeBozic said:

It resists knockdowns and procs, nothing else. Its simple as that. Oh and he doesnt have knockdown resistance durin absorbtion period... cuz reasons (could be just a bug tho idk).

Simple as "you can ignore all eximius unit but that one".
I think the big guy deserves it, and will be more valued in team fights (he will be reliable to use stomping and roaring it tough situations - abilities that already provide major team advantage, without "cheese")

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  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, AnzeBozic said:

Yeah, but we still wait.

Hey maybe they will give rhino an ability to punch enemies like in trailer. :)

Nah all warframes will get that ability~

But I guess we just wait......which is going to be the hardest thing for us to do....;<

I see all these nice things they are doing for Excalibur, Frost, and Volt......

Especially Volt....man do you see this?! https://giant.gfycat.com/TautInsecureAbyssiniancat.webm

=( All the starter frames are like better and more interesting to play than Rhino Q ^Q.....Like forget getting the first frame obtainable....= ,= Just stick with your starter frame~ Hohoho~

Edited by Zarozian
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1 hour ago, AnzeBozic said:

Wow they didnt mention in devstream volt will be able to carry the electric shield infront of him. O.o

Might as well give rhino an ability to make earthquakes with his stomp then.


Well I was hoping they'd give him something that makes him kind of interesting to use like Volt & Excalibur but tank based.

It's kind of hard figuring out what else we can do with Rhino other than make him tankier.... x .x

Well I always wanted Roar to do a knock down. Maybe give Rhino the ability to carry downed allies for 8 seconds before having to forcibly drop them and as well as being able to revive them while moving?

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33 minutes ago, AnzeBozic said:

Nope, pretty fair conclusion if you ask me.

Give him that punch from trailer? ^^

Idk make him taller? He really should be.

Always wanted Roar not to knockdown but to be powered by knockdowns.

ONLY if you can also use them as throwables which causes them to explode on impact and die but who cares its totally worth it. >:)

He should definitely be taller.

Maybe Roar should be an Armor Buff too? Maybe summon herd of Rhino Stampedes?

Maybe focus on Rhino's time controlling aspects more? Pull some ideas from the Rhinoceros Beetles?

Though Rhino being able to pick things up and put things down do seem fun. Maybe grapple and wrestle bosses and pin them down on teh floor and hold them for a moment allowing team mates to attack it for a bit, uninterrupted.

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31 minutes ago, TheHUNKMrDeath said:

His passive should be "Move B**** !" When you touch an enemie during sprint, he gets knocked down :P

And he should be able to use Valkyr as throwing weapon.

LOL! That sounds like fun~

Just sprint into them and you knock them down and out of the way~

God I hate Valkyrs =/She's unkillable against Grineer and Infested, though while other tanks lack versatility, I think being versatile should probably be Rhino's strong suit that helps him increase his effectiveness at surviving and puts him up there with Valkyr without needing that broken immortality.

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Just now, AnzeBozic said:

Em yeah again we do already have rhino charge.

Beside who walks on the ground nowdays? Everyone is flying around with bulletjumps+glide+roll anyways.

Seems like a good point, hovewer try using charge inside null-bubble XD And I jumping is not that effective in closed areas.

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31 minutes ago, TheHUNKMrDeath said:

My idea was rather that, you do not get stuck by line of enemies around or in front of you


This is what I've always wanted as a passive for Rhino.

When you run into an enemy, the enemy slides out of the way while you pass through undisturbed. No fancy knockdown or anything; just giving Rhino the right-of-way in any situation. It would be a subtle but really nice addition IMO.

I was so bummed when they went with the blinding, eargrating, and useless miniature Heavy Impact instead. 

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