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Rhino Changes Feedback [U18 Megathread]


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Guys when you view stats with mods

What's the Hightest amount it can show with irons skin

I saw someone posta pic of there's reaching 17k+ farrit armor but I'm only getting to 9k plus I think

Too me it seems his skin still tears to quick & Is nothing like frost snow globe like they claimed it still seems like it's Pre update 18 self

What mods are you using to make it super strong I've used every armor mod & power str mod i have like I did with Atlas & Frost & still only see 9k fatriet armor when viewing Stats with mods

Plz help thx

Edited by (PS4)ChiefsFury1984
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I write here to talk about how in fact iron skin is actually useless and how simply this problem could be solved.


Iron skin basics are good, I mean now, good base health (but not much impressive), anti stat effects and those things....... but at the end of all, just at the moment iron skin should be useful.....it fails, and that moment is when the % of iron skin's health is low. This is cause when you have a 5% health on iron skin, it's similar to not having anything, because when you receive an important amount of damage with a shoot or in a burst, iron skin is really uneffective. This important problem of this skill could be solved easily if it could be recasted as our wish, same as frost's globe, then you could evade that critical moment of having low% health just at spending energy.

I use Rhino regulary, and I find this problem really annoying. No matter how much armor, strengh or whatever increase iron skin health (just considering many posts I saw before, giving posible solutions). You could have 10000 armor and a base health of 50000, but when you were on 1%, it would crash. I can use it with normal health or with high health, when its health becomes lower and I receive a high damage shoot or a burst of damage, I can die easily. Just using numbers........having its health at 1% with intensify, power drift and steel fiber (3800 health) is the same as having an iron skin with 38 health....well, that's not good in any case. The problem is that I can't do anything when I have it at 1%, just w8 to receive any non lethal damage that make me able to recast it, but if damage is high enough, rhino's iron skin is totally useless.

Everyone is giving ideas to improve this poor rhino that doesn't find its way, but all the ideas are useless if you don't change that base problema. I repeat, no matter how much armor, health or whatever that makes it having 9999999 health. When it is at 1% and you receive a high damage shoot or burst.......YOU WILL DIE.

Plz consider to rework that skill because is not a problem of being much or less OP, it's simply that this skill doesn't works as expected when its %health is low. Just a simply rework that allows us to recasting the skill would solve it completely.

I apreciate all changes made to rhino in the last times, but this is a base problem that have to be solved, so I wish you consider it as soon as possible.


Thanks and keep improving this nice game.

Edited by Raddet
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I write here to talk about how in fact iron skin is actually useless and how simply this problem could be solved.

Iron skin basics are good, I mean now, good base health (but not much impressive), anti stat effects and those things....... but at the end of all, just at the moment iron skin should be useful.....it fails, and that moment is when the % of iron skin's health is low. This is cause when you have a 5% health on iron skin, it's similar to not having anything, because when you receive an important amount of damage with a shoot or in a burst, iron skin is really uneffective. This important problem of this skill could be solved easily if it could be recasted as our wish, same as frost's globe, then you could evade that critical moment of having low% health just at spending energy.

I use Rhino regulary, and I find this problem really annoying. No matter how much armor, strengh or whatever increase iron skin health (just considering many posts I saw before, giving posible solutions). You could have 10000 armor and a base health of 50000, but when you were on 1%, it would crash. I can use it with normal health or with high health, when its health becomes lower and I receive a high damage shoot or a burst of damage, I can die easily. Just using numbers........having its health at 1% with intensify, power drift and steel fiber (3800 health) is the same as having an iron skin with 38 health....well, that's not good in any case. The problem is that I can't do anything when I have it at 1%, just w8 to receive any non lethal damage that make me able to recast it, but if damage is high enough, rhino's iron skin is totally useless.

Everyone is giving ideas to improve this poor rhino that doesn't find its way, but all the ideas are useless if you don't change that base problema. I repeat, no matter how much armor, health or whatever that makes it having 9999999 health. When it is at 1% and you receive a high damage shoot or burst.......YOU WILL DIE.

Plz consider to rework that skill because is not a problem of being much or less OP, it's simply that this skill doesn't works as expected when its %health is low. Just a simply rework that allows us to recasting the skill would solve it completely.

I apreciate all changes made to rhino in the last times, but this is a base problem that have to be solved, so I wish you consider it as soon as possible.

Thanks and keep improving this nice game.

It can be recast. Its called iron shrapnel.

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I would like to reiterate to bring this to everyone's attention:


While enemies affected by Rhino Stomp receive double damage from Rhino Charge, damaged enemies are effectively knocked out of stasis for the remainder of the duration. Enemies in stasis can only receive double damage from Rhino Charge once per cast of Rhino Stomp.


Here's a demonstration. The antimoa quickly recovers despite Rhino Stomp's timer still being in effect.



I like the ability synergy these Warframe reworks are incorporating. However, Rhino Charge (which is not an ability centered around damage in its current iteration in my opinion) dealing double damage once to enemies in stasis while ending that stasis is impractical. I would much rather keep enemies CCed knowing the damage I deal with Rhino Charge, regardless if it's multiplied by a factor of two, will not be sufficient in killing.


If Rhino Charge is intended to knock enemies out of Rhino Stomp, the damage it deals should be high enough to warrant ending the stasis prematurely. There was mention of allowing Rhino Charge to be affected by melee mods in a previous devstream, but considering the ability's current state, I can see Scott was talked down. I don't believe allowing Rhino Charge to be affected by melee mods would be game-breaking or unfitting, especially if it's done in moderation.


Warframe abilities that factor melee mods are not all affected the same way. Rhino Charge does not need to be the next Exalted Blade, Hysteria, or Primal Fury; rather, it could be allowed to function similar to abilities like Slash Dash or Iron Jab where only base damage, elemental damage, and physical damage mods affect it. Rhino Charge's base damage per rank could be reduced as a compromise, especially if the damage is affected by the melee combo counter while adding to the counter per hit.



At least from my perspective, the Rhino Stomp + Charge combo is not worth using given that CC has to be sacrificed to deal double damage with an ability that inflicts relatively low damage. If knocking enemies out of stasis with Rhino Charge is beyond design intent, that issue should be addressed in the future.

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Its primary purpose is to protect the user. Iron shrapnel kills enemies.

Exactly. As many people have been pointing out....

Iron skins inability to be recast either on comand or while active means it has trouble properly protecting the user. That's a problem that needs to be addressed on the ability itself not with an augment.

Which is why mentioning that iron shrapnel can be used to recast iron skin is not a solution.

Edited by Ronyn
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Yeah only fanboys are talking this way. I made a 1,5 mio ferrit. Is that fair? Or to stack it with a glitch using these augments? Rhino has its role but not the role of a god!

You should really take a look on the current PC version... The self-damaging abuse isnt working anymore. So Rhino is no way near "godly" - he is currently underpowered.


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It can deal quite some damage actually, but the knockback effects and the fact (at least for me, dunno if anyone else noticed that) that enemies are not damaged while ragdolled makes it a pain in the &#!.

Though I like using charge for movement :3

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I found 3 .. i say glitches in it.

1. He can stack his iron skin with explosive weapons by himself (example hikous with explosive mod)

2. He can stack over 1.5kkk - 3kkk health with lazers if u are in them (especially in the cryopod lazers cicle)

3. He can be stacked if he has mates who are aiming him. U need to get a radiation proc from lasers while u have a proc u activate ironskin and all ur mates are gonna shoot the hell on u and look 150k health added to ironskin!

Is that a bug or glitch or is that in its abolities to stack like a god?

That is normal and apart of the game.

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I was thinking that a new passive could be:

Unstoppable Force: While Rhino is spriting he is immune to CC and Rhino charge has no delay on casting time, will extend it range abit, and will not lose momentum in the end of the ability.

I know this reminds abit of Atlas ability, but it is more flavoured toward the stomping Rhinocerous and his playstyle imo.

That said I would also like him to have as much armour as frost or even Atlas.

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Rhino should really have 450 armor for normal version and 535 for prime one. His iron skin multiplier could be increased to x4 and pasive changed into something "usefull" (for example "Heavy Duty" - 50%[debatable] of overall armor affects shields). He simply can not have more armor than Valkyr (at least for now).

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Rhino should really have 450 armor for normal version and 535 for prime one. His iron skin multiplier could be increased to x4 and pasive changed into something "usefull" (for example "Heavy Duty" - 50%[debatable] of overall armor affects shields). He simply can not have more armor than Valkyr (at least for now).

But lets test out 700 Armor first shall we? ;>

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