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U18 Bug Report Megathread


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Disrupted enemy spawn In Plato(Earth):

During the Cunning test, some sentients spawned at the same time as the sentinel. After that, no other enemies spawned, leaving us with 100 enemies to kill and no enemy in the entire map.

We had to abort. After abort, the host didn't get the looted mod during the mission (cunning and stealth) but one of the client got them.


Didn't try to reproduce and too bitter to retry tonight.





Can confirm these as well :


1. Cannot alttab. When I use borderless mode, the taskbar becomes active after alttabing, but Warframe window is still above all other windows. When I use fullscreen mode, Warframe minimizes as usual but I cannot maximize it. It also disappears from Task Manager's application's list. But process is still working and there's a Warframe icon on taskbar.


2. Polarities icons in mods menu turn into credits icons, syndicate standing icons etc.


3. Pigment icons above icons of other mission rewards.


Edited by Bhordelik
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DESCRIPTION: Systemic Override (Zenurik tree passive) appears to be not working.

Where: Tested in Mars Capture mission, Solo Play mode.





1. Equip Ember Prime with maxxed Blind Rage and no efficiency mods.

2. Go to Focus UI, learn and enable rank0 Energy Overflow (prerequisite) and rank0 Systemic Override. Cooldown for the focus ability gets increased to 270 seconds.

3. Start a mission, cast Fireball, check how much energy you've lost. For me it was 38 or 39 due to rounding. Expected theoretical cost: 38.75

4. Wait for Zenuric Focus ability to charge, then use it. Cast Fireball again and check the cost. For me it was still 38-39. Note that Energy Overflow was working for me - my energy started to regenerate at a rate comparable to rank5 Energy Siphon aura.


Note that I didn't play the mission normally. I started it and then alt-tabbed while waiting for the focus ability to charge, so I was probably flagged AFK for a while.

Edited by Macalar
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DESCRIPTION: Strange human (?) face shown instead of archwing

Who (Warframe)

What (Arsenal)

Where (Liset)





 1.Go to arsenal

 2.Select "Archwing" from that tab at the bottom

 3.Be confused by a human character model that is clearly not a ninja space jetpack


I was able to replicate this while assisting other players who had not yet completed the Natah quest. I **have** completed it, and after one of the underwater missions (Puck), noticed that my Warframe was using a different color scheme than my Archwing. Being incredibly vain, and knowing I was going to have to play this mission a couple more times to help the other players get their scans, I go to my Arsenal to change the pattern so that my gear will match in color. The game appeared to hang for a moment, then immediately showed a forward-facing view of the Liset's starfield, looking out into space, with what appeared to a broken mesh of Stalker's helmet laying on the floor.


After a few moments, this




appeared on my screen. After this, the display began flashing through several close-ups of the Liset and a few planets and views of space. Pressing Escape let me back out of the Arsenal.


I told the other players, and we played another mission. I tried it again, and sure enough, the exact same glitch occurred after I accessed the Archwing mode of the Arsenal.


I then queued up a mission on Earth after one of the players in the squad left, just to see if I could make the glitch happen again after the mission (the 1-3 Capture mission), and was able to replicate it, again by accessing Archwing mode in the Arsenal.

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DESCRIPTION: Warframe visuals freeze but game still runs and you can hear it.

Who Me

What Warframe

Where Anywhere





 1. Play Warframe on Windows 10

 2. Wait

 3. Let game Freeze


According to another player in this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/567219-possible-crash-fix-for-windows-10/#entry6454043

Its a problem with the Xbox app.

I'd use the fix in that thread but My Windows Apps are currently bugged so I can't fix it yet and would much appreciate an ingame fix.

Update, still happens even after I managed to get the fix I linked, confirmed not happening because of input as it happened while I was AFK.

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Systemic Override

Void Pulse increase the efficiency of Warframe abilities for the duration of the misson.


Ok but this doesn't work. This work like                                  = next ability used.

Only for one ability.

Fix for "Void Pulse increase the efficiency of Warframe abilities for the duration of the misson."

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1. Cannot alttab. When I use borderless mode, the taskbar becomes active after alttabing, but Warframe window is still above all other windows. When I use fullscreen mode, Warframe minimizes as usual but I cannot maximize it. It also disappears from Task Manager's application's list. But process is still working and there's a Warframe icon on taskbar.


2. Polarities icons in mods menu turn into credits icons, syndicate standing icons etc.


3. Pigment icons above icons of other mission rewards.

Can you reproduce the Alt + Tab every time? Can you please send an ee.log file to support.warframe.com after this happens (found in \%localappdata%\warframe)

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DESCRIPTION: Since U18 went live I cannot finish any mission, as it sends me straight to the login screen each time I try to.

I had this issue before, but it always went away after a few tries, and I haven't had it for quite some time now. Some sort of network / net code problem is my guess.

Who Warframe client on my PC.

What End of Mission and Mission Rewards

Where Absolutely any mission.




REPRODUCTION STEPS: Just trying to finish any mission does the trick.


UPD: It went away for a little while, with me being able to finish The Second Dream quest. I had to re-do the last part on the liset 2 times though, as it crashed to login screen after completing it, both times. First time it didn't save my progress, the second time it did, but I got no lens. I chose Zenurik school first time I did the quest, and, after I had to re-do it, I chose Madurai school, so maybe that's the reason. Right now it's back to square one, with me unable to finish any missions again.

Edited by Brightsword
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DESCRIPTION The Glaive Prime/ Glaive has a terribly longer charge time.  It has been rendered virtually unusabe as a quick throw weapon.  I have never used charge attacks with it as it is only a quick throw weapon.  Don't need or care about charging.  How can we get this functionality back?


​WHO Any

WHAT Glaive Prime​​ / Glaive

WHERE Anywhere​





1. Equip the Glaive Prime/ Glaive

2. Try to throw it. Whether you're in melee mode or have a secondary / primary out makes no difference.

3. Witness the charge time.



Ditto. It's not a bug per se, but it completely ruins the functionality of the weapons and the gameplay style they supported.

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DESCRIPTION: Since U18, EVEN AFTER HOTFIX 18.0.2 I have been experiencing terrible frame stutters that get worse the longer I have my game running. The stuttering get so bad that my game stalls for 2-3 seconds at a time making this game virtually unplayable

Who Warframe client on my PC.

What Sleek

Where Everywhere.





1. Open the game

2. Wait 10 minutes

3. ???

4. Sleek.


I've submitted my EE.log to support. Please fix this yo!


Specs: Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM, GTX 970, Windows 10

Edited by xhris
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DESCRIPTION: During a multiplayer game, slowly, the game will start to get laggier and laggier to the point where it disconnects you from the host

Who Warframe (self)

What Game performance 

Where Any multiplayer mission




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. join a 4 player mission

 2. enter a mission, any mission

 3. Slowly, the game will start to get laggier and laggier to the point where it disconnects you from the host



Also, I should note my game was perfectly fine in U17, but U18 created this bug.


My specs are a i7 , 8 GB of RAM , GTX 660 and 64 bit 


This has also happened to multiple other people

Edited by Chonics
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DESCRIPTION: I did not actually recieve my login bonus.

Who Warframe (general)

What Login Bonus failed to appear

Where Everywhere: Liset and mission etc.


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Not until tomorrow!


I logged in, was notified that my daily reward was a 3 hour drop rate booster, but it was not actually activated. No buff icon appeared in the top right, and no increased drop rate was experienced in-mission.

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Don't know if anyone else has had this, but

DESCRIPTION: when I cast Naramon I'm game instead of an apparition of my tenno, only a head with no hair appears.


REPRODUCTION STEPS: I first noticed this bug with Nova, I cast Molecular Prime, and then Naramon straight after and I became a head. It now happens with every Warframe I use regardless of condition.


After the last hotfix with saucy redtext, this seems to be fine for now. However, I can now recast Naramon instead with no cool down.

To late to retest but I was on Apollodorus with Nova again, and tried to take a pic of bodyless head, to be greeted with full body, straight after I exited the ability, I did it again. And again, and I could do it forever.

Edited by Talaya
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First Problem:


DESCRIPTION: Kill Stalker, received War blueprint


What : With all resources collected, clicking it to build and press OK. It shown a [ Unknown Error ].



Where : Foundry



Second Problem:



DESCRIPTION: Red Veil's mark are white in colour, not red.

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Description:Not certain if this was an intended feature in U18 but the mios, glaive and redeemer are having charge attack issues. the mios has lost it's pre-U18 out of stance mode charge attack of the 3 quick stabs, and it's not using the correct animation( and lost the speed) for the whip throw, the glaive has also lost it's speedy throw and takes a wind-up of a second before the throw same for the mios's whip throw.


The animations they are trying to use seem to be more inclined for a heavy weapon, because mios is using some form of two handed left to right batter swing verses it's original 3 stabs.


Reproduction: take the mios glaive, or redeemer and try using it's charge move, it's not preforming as it had.

Edited by RoarikTheReaper
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Foundry Bug?


Description: Cannot craft War in the foundry, returns "Unknown Error" upon initiating.


Who(?): War What: Crafting

Where: Tenno-topia

Reproduce: Multiple tries, client restart, still occurs.

Disclaimer: This bug may be local to me.


Solution: Broken War required Max level. Crafting prior to max level returns the error.

Edited by Dissurender
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Disrupted enemy spawn In Plato(Earth):

During the Cunning test, some sentients spawned at the same time as the sentinel. After that, no other enemies spawned, leaving us with 100 enemies to kill and no enemy in the entire map.

We had to abort. After abort, the host didn't get the looted mod during the mission (cunning and stealth) but one of the client got them.


Same thing happened to me a little bit ago.  Host migration allowed us to extract, but the host had to take one for the team.

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Im kinda new to warframe forum so sorry if i ask on wrong section. There is this problem i not sure is a bug or what not, i notice that i din see the karak wraith print was highlighted in the sortie mission. I have complete the yesterday sortie mission. Another question, do we get the sortie mission reward after the season end?

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Can you reproduce the Alt + Tab every time? Can you please send an ee.log file to support.warframe.com after this happens (found in \%localappdata%\warframe)


I can. When i select it to switch back to manually, it tells me that it cannot release the program because it may be in use by something else. Its strange. But I end up having to end task in task manager and restart the game.

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Focus reset on revive


DESCRIPTION: You lose all focus points on a warframe (or at least they reset) when you die in a mission.

WHAT: Any warframe

WHERE: Any mission





 1. Apply lens to warframe

 2. Start a mission and do damage with said warframe's abilities.

 3. Die


It's extremely frustrating because I ran a survival and got more than 20k focus, only to have it all disappear because a ancient appeared. 

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DESCRIPTION: Can no longer focus my energy during the Stalker battle in the Orbiter. My weapons have taken its place. (Firing my primary and secondary weapons instead).

Who Warframe (Excalibur)

What Weapons appearing when they shouldn't.

Where Orbiter at the end of Second Dream Quest.


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Unknown. Don't want to restart the game, but will if necessary.




Please fix this issue soon, or offer a way to help. I really want to finish this quest, and can't at the moment.


Edit: Restarting the game fixed the issue. 


(Great job on the quest DE!)

Edited by A_Flying_Walrus
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