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U18 Bug Report Megathread


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Description :

When going through my inventory, the game often freezes went I change inventory tab.


Who : well, me and at least 2 other players :x

What : inventory freeze, forces me to restart the game

Where : in the Liset, on PC


Reproducible : Yes


1) Press esc > equipment > inventory

2) change inventory tab (warframe/weapons/sentinel/etc...)

3) game often freezes, only chat is working


A pretty serious bug I've discovered making Madurai 100% un-usable/playable.


Description: Basically whenever I cast Phoenix Gaze spell under the Madurai school, and I have a carrier equiped with Vacumm, the carrier will suck in loot (intended), but because my frame is in that sitting/invulnerable state, it wont take the loot, so the loot sits in front of the Carrier. Now, the issue is, Phoenix Gaze hits the said loot. Stopping it from hitting/damaging enemies.

Who: All frames I've used (Ember Prime and Oberon)

What: Phoenix Gaze

Where: Any mission

This is 100% reproducable. It's happened to me a dozen times across multiple frames/missions.


Reproducable: Yes


1. Equip Carrier (or prime) with vacumm.

2. Enter any misson.

3. Cast Phoenix Gaze

4. Carrier sucks loot in.

5. Loot does NOT get taken by the player, instead hovers infront of player/on carrier.

6. Beam is blocked by said loot.


I find this to be a serious bug/issue needing immediate fixing. It makes Madurai un-usable.



Feel free to contact me.

Same here

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Infinity 5th skill using


DESCRIPTION: Energy of 5th skill was replanish when u use Cataclysm on Limbo

Who me Limbo 

What 5th skill 

Where on every mission 





 1. Take Limbo on mission

 2. Wait until the 5th skill was done charging

 3. Use Cataclysm as limbo

 4. Use 5th skill inside the circle 

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DESCRIPTION: I can't login to the game. I enter the correct login info, but it says that the info is incorrect when that is false (how else will I be posting here?). Some of the following details might come in handy:

Who N/A?

What Can't login to the game?

Where On the login menu?


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? I can reproduce it but no one else can I think


REPRODUCTION STEPS: I came up on this bug when I entered the game after I did the update.

 1. Open Warframe

 2. Try to login

 3. If it happens then that's the problem. If not well it only happens to me

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Description: Naramon's Shadow Step passive grants invisibility when inflicting critical damage with Soma Prime.


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes


Reproduction Steps:

1. Equip Soma Prime

2. Enter any mission

3. Use Transference (5 Key Ability) to activate the Shadow Step Passive

4. Shoot any enemy with the Soma Prime

5. Check to see if Warframe becomes invisible

6. Feel incredibly dirty for running this in Orokin Moon Survival


I am unsure if this can be reproduced with critical damage from other primary, or even secondary weapons. I have yet to test them out. I read in Shadow Step's description that it grants invis. when dealing crit. damage with melee weapons, although the passive did not mention anything about invis. from primary weapons; so I assume this may be a bug.

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The Redeemer is buggy in general now because of the new charge attack system. Oftentimes the charge attack won't activate when you're melee'ing and you'll get stuck holding the Redeemer and it wont fire. Also when the charge attack actually does work, the warframe's arm will typically be sticking out at a weird angle when firing.


There's also another bug regarding Chroma and calling in the Operator.


DESCRIPTION: Whenever you have your Effigy ability activated as Chroma and use the Operator-summon ability, when the summon ends and you return to Chroma, it appears that his pelt has returned despite it still being out on the field.

Who: Chroma

What: Any loadout/setup as long as you have Effigy and the 5th power unlocked

Where: Any mission





 1. Cast Effigy as Chroma

 2. Use the Operator call-in ability (Power 5)

 3. Wait for the power to run out or activate it again to return to Chroma

 4. When you return to the Chroma frame, your pelt will appear to be on you despite it also being on the field

Edited by -Col-
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i have seen similar things posted elsewhere in different threads, i'll just add mine here:


DESCRIPTION: Today (8.12.) i opened the login reward box (day 5) and it just showed an empty box with the title "no item type specified"


REPRODUCTION STEPS: just opened warframe, logged in and clicked on the login reward box

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DESCRIPTION: Synthesis Scanner breaks Ivara's prowl

CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Yes, performing this in a room of unalerted enemies makes it more noticeable as they will do nothing while in stealth but will aggro when trying to scan



 1. Equip a Synthesis Scanner, not a codex scanner

 2. Use prowl in a mission

 3. Scan an enemy


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I found a glitch with the Sentient fighters, I've only had this happen on the Moon but I could replicate it easily. It occurs while fighting Batalyst on mars while playing the Mag frame (I've only tried with Mag prime). When the Battalyst turns into an orb in order to use its spinning laser attack, and a Mag uses her crush ability during that attack, the Battalyst will dissapear. At the end of an excecution mission, you will notice that it is the last left, despite the fact you cannot see it. The red dot on the minimap that tells its location bounces around randomly. It is nearly impossible to kill them, as the second you enter the room that they are in they instantly move to another. This makes it impossible to finish the mission, and you lose all rewards as a result.

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Not sure if it's just me but...


Description: Liset bugging out after 1-3 missions of any kind

Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes!


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Run Mission(s)

2. ???

3. Complete Mission(s)

4. Go back to Liset with no popups for any of the Landing Craft Segments and unable to access them (even by using 'Esc', it just loads for 5 mins and nothing happens)


The only fix so far is to use the Task Manager to quit and relog over and over again

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Mesas Peacemaker aiming reticule is invisible/extremely opaque after U18.


Pictures taken on Void tileset, but the affect is the same on all tilesets.


Is it reproducible? Happens every time I log in, have not had any feedback regarding other people experiencing similar.


My graphics settings just in case.


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DESCRIPTION: Permanent Invisibility Bug

Reproduceable: Yes



Host - No. (Haven't test as a host)

Frame - Ash Prime (Dunno if it will work with other frame or not, did not test it)


Step to Reproduce:

1. Equip Arcane Trickery

2. Go Invisible with Arcane Trickery effect.

3. Use Operator Ability (In my case, it was Phoenix Gaze)

4. Get back into the Warframe

5. Profit.


I will not provide a video/ss as this is very easily reproduceable :3

Don't believe me? That's fine xD
I'm super OP with this bug, not even Stalker can see me, mwahahahahahahaha

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DESCRIPTION: Mesa's peacemaker can't damage or penetrate arctic eximus' snow globe

Who Mesa

What Peacemaker

Where every node/mission



1. Use Mesa on any node

2. Use peacemaker on arctic eximus' snow globe

3. Mesa continuously shoot snow globe but did no damage to enemy inside or behind snow globe

Edit: Tested on simulacrum, draco, moon tileset and phobos

Edited by NoobMaster068
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DESCRIPTION: Ivara's Artemis Bow arrows dont have punchthrough against a corpse. It has punch through, but it stops if it hits a corpse. So if you one-shot an enemy, any arrows that went into it will stick to him and wont punch through anything else further. Enemy behind it will only get damaged by the corpse itself, as with any other bow, the rest of the arrows that got stuck on the corpse will do no damage, negating the punchthrough effect.

Who Ivara
What Artemiss Bow

STEPS: Oneshot an enemy. Enemy behind it will only get damaged by the corpse itself, as with any other bow, the rest of the arrows that got stuck on the corpse will do no damage, negating the punchthrough effect.

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DESCRIPTION: Leaf red pigment not dropping from new Stalker


Who Stalker

What Pigment needed for dojo colour research does not drop from the new Stalker

Where Twice now on normal missions, second time he/she/it was personally after me.


Colour research is active on dojo and was activated after U18 came live. I really hope this is a bug and not that it's just a very rare drop.

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Ivara Prowl + Daikyu Bug.


Description: Ivara's Prowl treats the Daikyu as a 'loud' weapon, so it will uncloak you when you fire, whereas with the other bows (such as Artemis and Dread) do not uncloak you.


Can you reproduce: Yes



1. Equip Ivara and a Daikyu

2. Go into a mission and use Prowl

3. Fire Daikyu while cloaked and voila.

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DESCRIPTION: Unable to attack after casting invis with Loki Prime using Controller (PC)


Who Loki Prime (or Any invis frame (Not tested))

What MUST HAVE A CONTROLLER (xbox/logitechf710). Equip any primary

Where Any


Bug Reproduction. 


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?


 2. Pick Loki Prime with any weapon.

 3. go to any mission

 4. cast invi.

 5. Unable to fire primary(right trigger)

 6. Click with mouse then only can fire using controller again.

 7. cast invi again.

 8. unable to fire until clicked(fire) with mouse.


Heard my friend also have this problem using controller, but cannot use mouse also to fire until he is out of invis.

This were never happen before U18
Edited by Limbadeus
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Charge attacks do not work properly with any stance that has a combo requiring you to hold the attack button as the 2nd move. You will have to tap the attack button twice instead of one time before holding to begin charging, otherwise you will simply perform the 2nd move from the combo.


 1. Equip any relevant stance (tested with Blind Justice)

 2. Equip your melee weapon

 3. Try charging the weapon.



Impossible to perform charge attacks while blocking and using a stance that has a combo including a block into it.


 1. Equip any relevant stance (tested with Blind Justice)

 2. Equip your melee weapon and toggle the block on.

 3. Try charging the weapon (the double tap doesn't work in this case).


I believe the charge attacks are generally broken. And we need some other way of activating them. The option to toggle or hold a modifier button similar to blocking is what I believe would be best, because even on weapons that don't have hold in the combos you still need to do one regular attack before being able to charge, which feels awkward and slows you down.

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Hello, me and a few redditors have been testing snipers and found that we kept on getting shots that wildly go off target, even if we had the reticle pointed at center mass at a target.  Here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/3vw6q0/ghost_shots_how_common_are_they_and_thoughts_on/


Here are a few posts that note about the strange 'ghost shots' that keep on appearing on what it seems to be on many (or even ALL) of the sniper rifles.


I've been testing rubico a bit and found that the weapon seems to have at least 1 shot in every magazine that does no damage, even if I shoot straight towards the target. I've not been able to test my Snipertron, so I'm wondering if it's been happening to other snipers (other than Vectis, it seems to be fine).


I can confirm that it's happening on the Vulkar too.


I thought for quite a while that I just suddenly became a terrible shot but this makes a hell of a lot of sense. There was just no way I was hitting every shot but 1 in each mag.


I thought i was crazy, i noticed this on my Vectis Prime where I was aiming dead on and somehow missing.


I've done some tests with just Rubico & Vectis prime. Using Ivara and sleeping the targets before i shoot. testing at point blank and from a distance.

Rubico has 1 or two shots that totally miss, even if directly to the chest.


Vectis hits about 90% with 1 or 2 shots out of 6 that totally miss.


I've tried without Heavy Caliber and it doesn't seem like that actually affects vectis as much as Rubico. The missing shots is pretty frustrating, which makes me rather choose Vectis. I really like the Rubico sounds, looks and mag size, but the few shots that miss isn't a good "feature".

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Not sure if it's just me but...


Description: Liset bugging out after 1-3 missions of any kind

Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes!


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Run Mission(s)

2. ???

3. Complete Mission(s)

4. Go back to Liset with no popups for any of the Landing Craft Segments and unable to access them (even by using 'Esc', it just loads for 5 mins and nothing happens)


The only fix so far is to use the Task Manager to quit and relog over and over again




Every mission i finish and get back to ship. I CAN'T CLICK ANYTHING! I need to wait 1 minute or MORE. To click anything INSIDE the ship. Don't ask me internet problems. ( i didn't experience this last u17)



So it's not just me. I'm not alone in this battle, yay! I really hope this gets fixed soon. I REALLY hope this gets fixed soon. Hopefully someone sees this and can get working on it.

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