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[Spoiler] So Is It Like....


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Firstly, the new quest was mind-blowing and all of my friends were really impressed and blown away by it too. Nice job on that, DE :D


However, there is one thing that I'm still kind of confused about the Warframes. Before this quest, we assumed that each Frame had their own personality. Like Valkyr was tortured so she's very angry and that Mirage was pyschotic or something and that Ember was burnt somehow in the past. (I may be getting some of these wrong so correct me if I am)




But after the latest quest, we're just empty shells? 


Alright hold on hold on before you say anything, my friend gave me another theory which helps with the personality and characteristics stuff.


What if they're not JUST empty shells? But each warframe has a fragment of the original wearer's mind still inside? So basically the Operators are not just controlling the frames, but sharing it as well?


Like Digimons in that one series long ago which I can't remember.

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I feel like the operator thinks they actually were the frames, and that their brain pulls some sort of mental gymnastics when they switch frames that causes them not to be tipped off about what just happened.

Just my two cents.

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I'd say this is definitely something that needs some clearing up, though it may even be something that's been over looked that they will need to work into cannon. Though I think there's some kind of fleshy vessel which is occupied by Tenno consciousness, in the Quest you hear them (Warframes) referred to as "Golems". I'm very interested in the origins of how they were created, though I will input some theory; The Tenno are possessing Warframes, they occupy the confines as if it were their own body, that being through sensations and all, and they are, without somewhere to disconnect themselves, not only possessing, but trapped. Each 'Tenno' has their own personality, when Valkyr was experimented on, the Tenno experienced the entire thing as if it were their own body. When Mirage was ultimately defeated by the Sentients it was the Tenno that was experiencing the fight,


I give Stalker as an example, he is very likely a Tenno, as some indication was given in The Second Dream, the children of the "Zariman Ten Zero" following the Void Jump accident became the Tenno. Stalker's personality is projected through his Warframe, a rare frame may it be, I speculate that the frame was designed by the Orokin to combat the Tenno, with the frames Tenno being brainwashed to avenge the Orokin following their downfall, I say this because his anger is misplaced, he has never truly justified his hatred towards the Tenno, he blames them for the destruction of the Orokin, but he doesn't elaborate on any direct attachment, he can't justify his loyalty, he's simply blindly obeying.

Edited by Mrwitchdoctor
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I think that despite being shells, each warframe has fragments of a personality in them, just no will to back it up. Those fragments influence how the operator acts when using that warframe.


To use a somewhat banal example, cars by themselves have no personality in them, but you don't drive a Ferrari in the same way you would drive a Hummer.

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There are so many loose ends still. For the most part, wehave some sort of understanding of what we are, exactly what the void powers are though remains pretty much up in the air. What are warframes remains even more vague.

My speculation is that there were an original group of frames, designed by a handful of zariman kids and they were given free reign with their creativity. "Dream, not of who you are but of who you wish to be." So one kid made Excalibur, another volt, another ember etc. These would be the very first. From here the orokin made the primes. Copies based on these designs and presumably "enhanced." The next wave of kids would have been taught to focus their energy into these frames and so on with the army bring built upon this principle. So the personality of the frames could be explained based on the that which the original few kids imparted to them The "normal frames" that we occupy now are attempted copies of the primes.

Or there's option 2 where the orokin had a contest on the internet and told some folks design cool weapons for us, we'll give you plat. :D

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There are so many loose ends still. For the most part, wehave some sort of understanding of what we are, exactly what the void powers are though remains pretty much up in the air. What are warframes remains even more vague.

My speculation is that there were an original group of frames, designed by a handful of zariman kids and they were given free reign with their creativity. "Dream, not of who you are but of who you wish to be." So one kid made Excalibur, another volt, another ember etc. These would be the very first. From here the orokin made the primes. Copies based on these designs and presumably "enhanced." The next wave of kids would have been taught to focus their energy into these frames and so on with the army bring built upon this principle. So the personality of the frames could be explained based on the that which the original few kids imparted to them The "normal frames" that we occupy now are attempted copies of the primes.

Or there's option 2 where the orokin had a contest on the internet and told some folks design cool weapons for us, we'll give you plat. :D


Yeah, agree with this.  I always thought that the original frames (whether they were primes or something else) were eponymous in some way (like Hoover became the name for vacuum cleaner) - frames with x powers (like, say, Ember's frame) eventually got called "Ember", even though the original Ember was the Tenno (kid sitting in Orokin VR unit) who inhabited the first Ember suit.


Actually, thinking about it, it's a bit like kids designing superheroes - they design these superhero artificial bodies (partly mechanical, partly organic) that they inhabit and control via VR plus haptic (and no doubt other kinds of) feedback.  On its own the frame is a partly-living thing with some small degree of intelligence, the Tenno then partly remotely "rides" it (like a living thing, like a horse or something) and partly (through VR and multisensory feedback) becomes it.

Edited by Omnimorph
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It feels that the tenno control the warframes rather than pilot them according to Rhino Prime's codex. These warframes are biological monstrosities with primal behavior focused mainly on destruction as the warframe in rhino prime's codex did not have a tenno to control it so it began killing and eating orokin.


I assume the slumping down of the warframes were due to them not having to use their own muscles for so long that when they were no longer controlled they did not remember how to use their limbs for a period of time, possibly the explanation of how the warframe was capable of tearing the sword apart without a tenno but it deffinately seems the tenno are much more than empty shells but more like the quest stated "Golems controlled by devil minds".


Also just really big speculation but the stalker could have been a warframe that couldn't take the fact it was being conrolled by tenno and slaughtered its controller, from there he just went on to kill or "free" as many warframes as he could from the tenno.

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i see the Tenno as the "heart" of the Warframe. The same way we are not our heart, but we would collapse without one, the WF collapses without a tenno feeding it energy.


The way it is now, i think the Warframe is SHARED between the WF flesh and the Tenno. So in a way, we still control silent warriors. The Tenno are not us, they are just our heart/battery/energy source.

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