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Why I Dislike The New Quest/tenno Thing (Spoilers)


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Wasn't it implied anyway... The backstory says the first Warframe pilots were children who were dumped into the void. In my opinion it makes the backstory of some characters even more tragic.


also... this means Alad V tortured a little girl.

 more tragic and more interesting, if someone infiltrates in the ship we have to use our warframe to defend us or our energy beam XD, lol do you imagine a mental fight with another entity to take the control of the warframe?

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Yes people are entitled (now ain't that a "bad" word) to state their opinion about the games content.

But trying to convince others that their opinions are wrong, that the writing is bad, you just don't understand it, you don't understand why the kids are cool, aso aso aso is just as pointless as discussing anything else on the internet.

My fear was that there was some kind of big eyed anime like characters under the masks of the Tenno. But if there was I'd just shrug and say "I don't like it". Not spend time trying to get others to understand why I felt the game needed to change to please my taste.

Some like it, some don't.



You can't find a comment from me anywhere saying people are "wrong" for liking something. A person saying that the people who wrote a story, know whats best because it pertains to their livelihood, on the other hand, is clear attempt to convince a person criticizing the product, that they are wrong.

Its flawed appeal to authority reasoning and ignores the crowd sourcing foundation of this particular product.  We also have ample examples of widely disliked books, films, shows, games or artwork, in spite of  the fields that these products belong to, being the profession and livelihood of the creators.


dont wanna be mean BUT, you ver though about the word WARFRAME ?? its FRAME for WAR ._. there needed to be only tools and i just gonna crush it all as he says in infested mission failed objectivs of the orokin.


Warframe seems to be mind controlled infested ._.


Warframe is a real word that DE got from an old Boeing military project to create military exoskeltons, which were to be apparel worn by soldiers. The idea of frames being military apparel worn by actual people, is even in the source material for the word. They should have let this be a legit option in the game. 

Edited by UrielColtan
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I don't see why the mere fact that they were kids over a 1000 years ago in a codex entry, meant that they had to stay kids. Whether you or I want kids or not, its neither here or there to say that they had to remain kids. Also this co-dependent existence angle does not appeal to me so this sliver of hope that the frame still retains some minor level of sentience of its own, is not reassuring. The frames might as well be dead to me.

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I'm not saying you are wrong in disliking the quest or the writing. I'll say it again: You are entitled to not like the way the game has developed.

I'm just saying that opinions differ and people should realize that trying to explain to others why their tastes are wrong is somewhat meaningless.

DE is probably very passionate about their story. That's all I meant.

I know that this game is very user driven, that's why I like it. It's also why my "vote" sort of cancels out yours.

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Honestly I really don't like the way DE did this, but I'm glad they took the leap. 


It was perfect, up until the immersion-shattering moment of customizing your operator and hearing them speak.


Your operator still felt perfectly human in their suit, and they felt so much more real when in the confrontation with the stalker. 

All I hope is that we never actually use our operators to do things outside of quests, I really don't look forward to some hub full of purple haired operators walking around using quick chat/emotes.


But it's already done, no going back. Please just keep the operator hidden where they belong, they didn't seem really eager to use their actual body in the first place.



Think of Excalibur, the icon of Warframe itself. The early trailers of him showing off his abilities, fighting whilst surrounded.

He's nothing but a suit. Who was controlling Excalibur we have no idea. It was just some random stranger oh so far away.


It's just really hard to be attached to a hero when they have nothing to really lose, hidden away (Though I'm sure this will be a major point in later quests, we already know our operators won't die, the'll just face a challenge and overcome it, unless DE gets some really good storytellers.) 

In the end, I respect the risk DE took, and with so much other new content, I'm not driven back at all.

Edited by Zinthir
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First things first

I really liked the Quest with its cinematics and the lore itself, with the Moon and Lotus saving you

but i honestly have to say that it makes me incredibly sad how the story ended.


Ever since I played Warframe, i always had the feeling that the vague story is on purpose, that its there to let your imagination fill in the missing puzzle parts, to think yourself what a Tenno is, what you yourself are.

In the beginning, you are given a Warframe. i think we all choose by just taking the one who looks fun/cool.

After some time, after you modded you Warframe, after you played plenty of missions, after you decorated him with love, you somehow got a bond between you and it, I mean everybody has his favourite Warframe.


Ever since I started wondering, what a Warframe is, i dug deeper in the lore. But it was so vague, that it let people decide what they think. The Tenno are just a pile of green goo switching in suits or do you play every Frame with its own personality. It turned out, that you are a Tenno ( well you were called Tenno through the whole game ) but you took it as usual, you the player was implemented in the Game as the Tenno - the one who struck down the Orokin. I was so fightened in the Second Dream Quest, when the Cinematic started, i got goosebumps. This flowe out of Cryopods - one opening, a figure fell out of it, the monitor went black.

You crawled to you Warframe youve seen yourself, the one that you are. You carried yourself outside - to the Liset.

You encountered the Stalker once more, he stabbed your Warframe, that pile of steel, without flesh, a weak puppet on the ground - so helpless. We went over to you and wanted to choke you. Your Warframe moved from its own ( thats my spark of hope ) and saved you. Lotus carried you to your !!OWN!! Somatic link. You put that helmet down. Thats when the quest really, really disappointed me. You could design your Tenno


The one thing I liked about this game, you can decide what you are - you are a pile of goo, something omnicient controlling your Warframe WITH its emotions. No its gone. Completely. You can slide dash around you Tenno in your Oversized Liset for a lifetime. Your Tenno can be activated in Missions for a huge laser out of his chest, but where are you? What happened to the player? You were the one controlling the frames, not that guy there! He controls the frames, you just watch. You are HIS puppet now. He even talks to you ( thats what made me angry ). He says things, me as a player would never say, he takes your Role. Your Role as the Warframe, the force what makes these things work,  the things you play as.


Now, Warframes are just empty shells. They all have the same voice now for me, they all do the same, they all look the same. I cant emphatize with them anymore. They are just puppets now, the lore of the game lost its touch for me.


I want my silent heros back. I want the old game back.



Yeah QQ Thread, i know, give me your opinnions so we can QQ together.


Please DE, you made a huge mistake.

guess not everyone can be pleased... but the bottomline is that you cant do anything about it :)

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But it's already done, no going back. Please just keep the operator hidden where they belong, they didn't seem really eager to use their actual body in the first place.

I really like the development and the story.

However I sort of agree with this. The operator to me is a warped,damaged and skinless thing. Probably trapped in a child's body for eternity. It makes sense to me that they would not leave their orbiter "womb" unless absolutely necessary.

Also I'd be more than happy for DE to add the option to put the mask back onto the operator for people who prefer the "faceless" look.

Retconning and saying that "ok, some of the frames contain silent but deadly dudebros" gets a no vote however, as that would make no sense in "my" headcanon". :)

Edited by (PS4)OppneusKorsuss
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I dislike it aswell. It's taking away the mystery, all those personalities I developed for the frames that I became attatched too. The game is VERY hard to play now for me, I'm not gonna leave the game, but it is really impacting how often i'll play it for sure, maybe a single mission then i'll just go. eh it's not the same.


I just literally BEG DE to not expand upon this too much, I don't WANT to be the Operator, Like really, if given the choice i'd have no operator. I REALLY want to control the frame like it's ALIVE. Maybe DE expands upon that in future quests? Maybe we can both be happy with the outcome? But lets just say right now I fear for this game.


Also I'd 100% get rid of the Operator given the chance. seriously. it sucks.


to quote what you said.

'I want my silent heros back. I want the old game back.'

Techinically speaking, the warframes ARE alive. If you read Rhino Primes codex entry you'll see that the original Rhino was a savage beast able to move on its own and almost killed the researchers developing it. The only thing that stopped the Rhino from killing the researchers was it nearing a Tenno, who happened to link up with it.


Basically, the Warframes themselves are a combination of living flesh and the technocyte virus, but they lack sentience. It's the Tenno controlling them that give them sentience. They are puppets, but they aren't hollow as your post suggests.

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So when DE expand the lore, some players goes "my mysterious hero la la la is ruined", when no lore expansion "WTF DE give us new content now!" 

At least if you didn't like the new lore, enjoy the cinematic Lotus if you know what i mean 

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personally i feel that we are still playing the warframe, since in mission its the operator talking to us, but less of a "geez i hate the feeling of infested bits all over me" and more of a "i can see what you're doing and feel some of your pain, but i got no controls".the only parallel i can think of to this atm is what im almost sure is called a 付喪神 or Tsukumogami.


one of the myriad definitions of Tsukumogami and the the one im thinking on says they are basically objects that through a many years of affection, good treatment and/or use will eventually gain a presence of self. which i do believe our warframe (sort of) attain by us ranking them up.

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Well first, I don't really mind about this plot twist u could say cuz i always thought there should be som1 who control all the frames. We always thought we are the operator, the Tenno, who have these awesome powers and stuff. I really like the quest anyway. Some people don't really like it cuz they are Players now, not Tenno but for me, this is good.


This means that there are more stories to them. Stories that would entertain me even if its sh*t for other people cuz its a game i love. We discovered who we are. We control the Warframes, each have its own abilities. But who design them? how? when? What happened during the jump?Maybe Lotus has her own motives for saving us? Maybe for future event? Does the bosses like Vor and Alad V had anything to do with the orokin?


I would want this to continue. They had made this for us to enjoy, not for us to quit this game just because we don't like this story. If you love the game in the first place, then the love should grow more, not the other way around. Maybe the mystery-feel is gone, but you should know this. There are a lot of possibilities that could happen in the game and there are many things we don't know about.


The lore is not that bad and i expect more things to come. Don't whine too much lel. Just enjoy the game

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Well first, I don't really mind about this plot twist u could say cuz i always thought there should be som1 who control all the frames. We always thought we are the operator, the Tenno, who have these awesome powers and stuff. I really like the quest anyway. Some people don't really like it cuz they are Players now, not Tenno but for me, this is good.


This means that there are more stories to them. Stories that would entertain me even if its sh*t for other people cuz its a game i love. We discovered who we are. We control the Warframes, each have its own abilities. But who design them? how? when? What happened during the jump?Maybe Lotus has her own motives for saving us? Maybe for future event? Does the bosses like Vor and Alad V had anything to do with the orokin?


I would want this to continue. They had made this for us to enjoy, not for us to quit this game just because we don't like this story. If you love the game in the first place, then the love should grow more, not the other way around. Maybe the mystery-feel is gone, but you should know this. There are a lot of possibilities that could happen in the game and there are many things we don't know about.


The lore is not that bad and i expect more things to come. Don't whine too much lel. Just enjoy the game




It's kind of funny. Most of the folks whining about this actually have NOT been looking into the lore and have NOT been listening to the npcs. Instead they created their own little world and are enraged that it has been finally popped.

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I'm not saying you are wrong in disliking the quest or the writing. I'll say it again: You are entitled to not like the way the game has developed.

I'm just saying that opinions differ and people should realize that trying to explain to others why their tastes are wrong is somewhat meaningless.

DE is probably very passionate about their story. That's all I meant.

I know that this game is very user driven, that's why I like it. It's also why my "vote" sort of cancels out yours.

I liked what you were saying until  the my "vote" sort of cancels out yours. Why even?


I think I have your answer: You like what DE have done here, with The Second Dream yes? You and other The Second Dream supporters can’t see, or don’t understand why other players can’t simply climb on board here, (by virtue of your acceptance.) ((This puzzles me.))


So you and most other The Second Dream supporters keep saying that this fictional story that is a game that DE have been working on for many years now, can no longer be changed. Which is exactly what DE did here. (DE just changed the warframe story here.) The Second Dream changed the story here to be crystal clear.


So you and all the this story, this fictional sci fi story/game warframe can not be changed; The Second Dream is rooted now here; it’s concrete! Should be saying: this fictional sci fi story/game warframe can not be changed again, cause this last change is the last one!!!

Why so worried about giving players options?

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I liked what you were saying until the my "vote" sort of cancels out yours. Why even?

I think I have your answer: You like what DE have done here, with The Second Dream yes? You and other The Second Dream supporters can’t see, or don’t understand why other players can’t simply climb on board here, (by virtue of your acceptance.) ((This puzzles me.))

So you and most other The Second Dream supporters keep saying that this fictional story that is a game that DE have been working on for many years now, can no longer be changed. Which is exactly what DE did here. (DE just changed the warframe story here.) The Second Dream changed the story here to be crystal clear.

So you and all the this story, this fictional sci fi story/game warframe can not be changed; The Second Dream is rooted now here; it’s concrete! Should be saying: this fictional sci fi story/game warframe can not be changed again, cause this last change is the last one!!!

Why so worried about giving players options?

I agree, that last part was unnecessary of me. I do understand why people may have problems accepting the new lore, I've had similar experiences with other games/books/series etc myself.

The disconnect with the frame as a character, the loss of parts the mystery of the tenno/frames,the fact that many can not identify with the child Tenno. I get all that, and people are of course entitled to feel that way. I just don't feel that.

And of course the story can be changed. If enough of the playerbase dislike the direction DE might decide to change things or compromise. I would not enjoy that, because I like the new lore and the way I perceive the game to be heading. However if I'm part of a minority I'd accept that the game goes in a different direction than my tastes.

What I would at least try not to do was to convince others that their enjoyment was in some way wrong or demean or belittle the people who are happy with that direction (and don't misunderstand, I'm not saying that you specifically are doing that or trying to) .

A post on the forums stating "I'm not happy with this, here is why" is often an interesting read. The "your taste is bad and wrong and here is why" are often less constructive.

Edited by (PS4)OppneusKorsuss
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I agree, that last part was unnecessary of me. I do understand why people may have problems accepting the new lore, I've had similar experiences with other games/books/series etc myself. And of course the story can be changed. If enough of the playerbase dislike the direction DE might decide to change things or compromise. I would not enjoy that, because I like the new lore and the way I perceive the game to be heading. However if I'm part of a minority I'd accept that the game goes in a different direction than my tastes.

What I would at least try not to do was to convince others that their enjoyment was in some way wrong or demean or belittle the people who are happy with that direction.

A post on the forums stating "I'm not happy with this, here is why" is often an interesting read. The "your taste is bad and here is why" are often less constructive.


I want both, or three, four... lets just say many options, without going into a huge story, I’ll use the Avengers as an example,Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder and the son of Odin, does that mean all the Avengers are from Asgard? Nope. Does it make any one of the Avengers less because they all have their own stories? Nope.


I would prefer, we have Tenno who actually wear the Warframes as apparel, as an option,

for those who need the co-dependent existence angle well you can take it and run with that bad boy mmmkay. And good luck to you I say. And a creative team like DE should be able to fold in several other factions, tenno factions that also have their own modus operandi. A new chapter every update. It would make both an interesting story, and it would retain authenticity and diversity imho.

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Kind of backwards seeing as they force you to project with this Transference  operator stuff. I didn't ask to customize the Tenno's actual face or body, I was content with a suit that obscured what we truly look like and having no voice.

Prior to all this I didn't project either, otherwise, I wouldn't have played as female frames. I simply prefer proactive characters that have autonomy and are engaging in the events of this game themselves, exposed to the elements and the accompanying risk. That kid in the basement has been sealed away in tuperware all this time until now. The kid was in no risk apparently, none of the Tenno were since they are not even in the frames, prior emotional investment into their being smuggled, dissected or killed, has lost much of its potency. The Grineer and Corpus at this point, have not actually done anything to us Tenno.

And even now, after coming out of the icebox, the Tenno kids just sit in the liset all day, out of immediate harms way until some random quest in the future, when they may wish to have them in danger again. Might as well be put back into cryopods, what with this confined existence.


You really are wearing out the whole 'kid in the basement' type thing as if it were some shield.  Are you sure you aren't projecting?  Look, where you are in the ship is NOT the basement.  It's much larger.  Right now, we cannot access it as it isn't in.  However, as far as the "Tenno" kids sitting in the liset all day.  HAVE you used the focus system?  Used your abilities?  Press 5 once in a while, level it up? 

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I would prefer, we have Tenno who actually wear the Warframes as apparel, as an option,

for those who need the co-dependent existence angle well you can take it and run with that bad boy mmmkay. And good luck to you I say. And a creative team like DE should be able to fold in several other factions, tenno factions that also have their own modus operandi. A new chapter every update. It would make both an interesting story, and it would retain authenticity and diversity imho.

Yes, I agree with this, even though the "people inside the warframes" are much less interesting to me than what we have now.

Hopefully the upcoming umbras and the lore surrounding them will be something that satisfies people who are unhappy with the U18 story. And even though I initially hope that the umbra are not "people inside frames" or something similar I'm betting on DE to make it strange and interesting if that's the case.

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Why tell another to leave? Simply because you want to banter on about anothers opinion as salty? I see salt all over your post, yet I'm not childishly asking you to leave. Should I?

If anybody demands another to leave for no good reason, then why not ask them the same thing? You can't understand this..? I fear I don't have the ability/capability to make you.


Where's the salt in my post? I absolutely love the update and I only pointed out facts as to why this reveal wasn't that huge of a surprise. And they weren't telling anyone to leave. They said you CAN leave if you wanted. There's a difference.

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Honestly, a lot of the complaints in here, with regards to the Warframes being their own characters, forgets the fact that the game constantly drilled it into our heads even before The Second Dream that you were a single Operator, inhabiting a multitude of Frames.  The frames themselves were never separate individuals.  They were all "puppets" of a sort long before U18.


Personally, there's still questions as to whether the frames are 'alive' or 'thinking' based on a few pieces of information that could easily be expanded upon, and likely will be in the future.


You're just going to have to accept that there's a person with the body of a child behind the wheel for now.


EDIT: Tbh?  I'm super glad the 'people-in-bio-suits' thing the fandom had got trashed.  That was easily the most boring thing that everyone ran with.  Perhaps a little vindictive on my part to say so but honestly, it was that annoying.

Edited by RiouHotaru
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Sort of agree but only on one thing; really really do not like the added operator VO. I already have lotus nagging me and now I got this crazy person telling me things all at the wrong times. Only VO I'd be interested is if she spewed out catchy one liners about the senseless mayhem or just acted nutz. I mean my operator has been murdering millions of lifeforms/robots for years now and that HAS to have an effect on me lol.


Anyways, if not just let me shut off operator nattering; it's not suited for the game at all imo.


Last thought more on topic; I dun mind being a humy operator...infact I'd like to run around as one. Atm my operator is sitting there like a lump doin nothing; it's really kinda creepy tbh lol...that weirdo in the back the ship...unblinking eyes just staring at me..not moving...in the dark... :S

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Sort of agree but only on one thing; really really do not like the added operator VO. I already have lotus nagging me and now I got this crazy person telling me things all at the wrong times. Only VO I'd be interested is if she spewed out catch one liners or just acted nutz. I mean this operator been murdering things for years now and that HAS to have an effect on them lol. Anyways, if not just let me shut off operator nattering; it's not suited for the game at all imo.


It's in options.

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The only thing that bothers me, is that he is talking to us. That's the biggest mistake DE has made so far. I wanted my tenno to be quiet and mysterious. Not some kid that insults grineer. I had my pride and did my missions with honor. Now I'm just a puppet for a kid that wont shut up about how Grineer are so ugly, and "omg we down, we need halp". 


Essentially, I like the whole tenno aspect. I loved the fact we finally got to see what's behind the frame, and we get to decide who we are. But I wanted to keep my personality. We dont get to costumize that.

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