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Why I Dislike The New Quest/tenno Thing (Spoilers)


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Warframe having a story with DE's artists and writers having the artistic freedom to tell the story they want to tell.


Warframe pandering entirely to your internal headcanons.


Choose one.


Because ultimately many of these arguments against the Tenno reveal come across as oddly emotionally manipulative.

"My bond with my warframe has been broken."

All in the vein of "This story element is bad and should change because my feelings don't like it."

So you never wanted DE to tell their story... You wanted DE to tell a story that only resonated with you.


I worry this negative push and attitude will scare DE into never actually experimenting and trying risky ideas. Because some of you cannot handle ideas that don't fit into your little bubble.


Personally I am so glad they've ditched the boring and soulless "Dark Souls" method of story telling in favour for a true direct approach. This is a space opera after all and space operas don't hold well to none existant plot.


Regardless of what they did, someone would have been unhappy with it. Personally if warframes turned out to be powered by some wisp or soul of energy then I think the universe would have been far more comical and Anime and far less interesting than what we got. The Tenno went from a near omnipresent threat with no weaknesses to a very weak race of people with something fragile to protect, themselves and each other. Which has always really been the theme of warframe, if you watch those fancy CGI trailers.



The reason why some people dont like the results is the same reason why some people dont like the story in Halo 5.

In both cases the companies promoted the game going in a certain direction that was not what the game ended up being.


This resulted in these exact reactions.

Yes, some people dont care but that doesnt change the fact that DE, like 343, gave a certain impression of something that resulted in some people dont liking what came out.


And this is probably the reason by Steve made the statements he made about the quest.


If you dont care, fine, but if you dont care why are you complaining to the people that do care?

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I just love these constant assertions/insunuations that the only reason anyone is/could be unhappy with Second Dream is because 'muh headcannon', along with this notion that because people are unhappy with the update, they therefore must want DE to change what's been done.


Because clearly, it's impossible for anyone to have gone into Second Dream without any prior expectation and/or preconception about the true nature of the Tenno, and still come out the other end annoyed/disappointed/etc by the reveal - and likewise, the idea that people could possibly be unhappy with the outcome without crying out/demanding it be change to suit them.


Such notions are obviously ridiculous and illogical, and anyone suggesting such is clearly speaking nonsense and/or not of sound mind!



...or, you know, you could try not being so dismissive of other peoples' opinions.


Look, people are allowed to like and dislike what they want, and for whatever reason(s) they choose to - you might not like that, but just dismissing/disregarding the reason(s) people have provided as 'selfish/immature whining' is just insulting.

Edited by KXZ501
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My two cents in this is that I thought the Second Dream quest was cool. I liked the idea of it all, and felt that the added lore was good, and although I will admit that adding this operator dude into the mix did make me feel a little more detached in all this, this will not stop me from playing as much as I do, nor will I ask for this to be taken back. That said, I am disappointed by the operator's personality, or lack thereof.

(No offence to DE's writing team, but:)

I was really kinda hoping for a battle scarred veteran, or maybe a naive child, blindly following the lotus's orders, giggling maniacally as she slammed her rocket hammer into his enemies like the homicidal little thing she was.

Instead, I got this:

"For the lotus."

You wanna emote a little more there, guy? We are waging a war for our ideals against endless hordes of enemies after all...

"You'd think they'd clone something a little less... Ugly?"

I'm glad you're aware of the enemy's appearance, Operator, but the rest of us've been taking shots at their faces ever since the tutorial handed us guns in 2013...



Give the Operator more emotion, or mute him/her entirely. Or at least make him/her seem like they're enjoying the game even half as much as I am. Or was, depending how things change.

Another edit:

I read back a bit and saw people complaining about the operator being a child. Because of the fact that I tend to ignore most of the in-game dialogue regardless, and the fact that I only see the Operator's back when I press 5, I simply think of the Operator as a person-shaped laser cannon that talks occasionally. A bit like that one sniper rifle in borderlands 2.

Edited by Elizabeth-chan
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If there is anything i have confirmed thanks to the topics about the second dream is that very few people can handle the fact that people can have vastly different opinion then themselves and still be just as right. 


So i agree with KXZ501. 


Its quite sad actually to see such vitriol against those that hold a different opinion then your own from this community. 


Nothing in this world can be held in such high regard that it will escape criticism or opposite opinions. 


Some of you hold this update as one of the best you ever seen and that is fine. 


The fact that you cant accept that there always will be people that do not agree with your opinions on that matter show you still have a lot to learn about how the world works. 


Steve wrote on twitter that not all would like this update precisely because he is experienced enough that he knows he and DE as a whole cant please everyone.


I have a question for those of you that cant seem to understand that people have different opinion then yourself.


How and why do you think a different opinion then your own will somehow affect your enjoyment of this game?


The fact that you like the game and the second dream have zero impact on my enjoyment of this game.


And while i found the quest bland and the new npc and focus system worthless additions to the game. that is about as much of a impact they have on my game.


I have a new npc sitting in the back of the liset and a new GUI element in the lower right corner when i play.


I am not saying that DE should change the lore or their direction of the game.


I am merely telling them that the new npc and the new system  in my opinion holds no value. 


Its called feedback and DE has been around long enough that they know they will not only get positive feedback. 


Giving negative feedback does not equal demanding that DE change the lore it is just a way to show them what those of us that disliked the change feel. Nothing less nothing more. 

Edited by GhostLacuna
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My bet is that we are not the operator.


We are the power that is oozing out of them.  We are the power that cannot be contained.  We are transference.

We are the force from starwars.


We were summoned from the Void, and attached ourselves to the Tenno.


The Tenno's powers allow us to enter the Warframe and take on a personality of our own.

Edited by Enemy1
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As i said before, i see similarities to Warhammer Eldar Wraithconstructs:


"The Eldar Wraithguard are not living warriors; they are artificial robotic constructs created from the complex psycho-plastic material, crafted by the Eldar of the Craftworlds, known as Wraithbone. Each Wraithguard has a Spirit Stone containing the soul of an elite Eldar warrior that was drawn out of the Infinity Circuit of a Craftworld.[...] Due to their Wraithbone construction, Wraithguards can suffer damage that would cripple, or even kill, a living Eldar warrior and still continue to fight, making them useful in situations that would be suicide for living soldiers. They see through the Warp using what is known as "Wraithsight" but as the Warp is a tumultuous place, Wraithguards often have trouble discerning the true nature of realspace and so can find themselves blinded and unable to function effectively. Because of this tendency Wraithguard are often led into battle by Warlocks who help to guide them." (Wiki)


Replace Warp with Void and Warlock with Tennochild

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This is like reading a book a few chapters at a time. starting to theorize between each reading session then when you get half way in you snap the book shut, call the author and go "your story doesnt acommodate my specific assumptions about it, this is bullS#&$. you should at least give me a CHOICE to get your story my way. Please start writing, i'll send you some notes"


although your analogy is quite close to how i was thinking and feeling at the time, it is not entirely the same.


although I was pissed off to the point of shooting the kid or burning the book if it was your example, I wouldn't call up the author.


It wouldn't get me anywhere. he/she would most likely get pissed of at me and hang up.




so instead I would have done what I did now. burn the book or in this case quit the game and see if it changes at some point.


I know this operator tenno kid thing is most likely staying forever though and im ok with that. ive for the most part moved on to other games.

Edited by Agentcheese
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I just want to say that I was surprise with the second dream quest ^^

-A bit disappointed with the lack of customization for my operator but future updates might fix that

-I don't really mind with another person talking during my mission although some lines don't really fit the situations but it doesn't really change my  gameplay ._.

-I also felt like this is just the beginning of warframe after I finish the second dream and I know more will come ^^ hoping to have a another fun quest 


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It's their game, not yours. The entitlement in this thread is disgusting. Warframe is DE'S child, they can let it grow as they see fit. Many people enjoyed Second Dream, some did not. However it is disrespectful how OP claims this was a mistake, who are you too judge over DE'S choice of expressing their art work? Let them head in the direction they wish to head, if you don't like it jump ship. But don't call what members of DE have said to be one of their proudest goals a mistaje.

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My bet is that we are not the operator.

We are the power that is oozing out of them. We are the power that cannot be contained. We are transference.

We are the force from starwars.

We were summoned from the Void, and attached ourselves to the Tenno.

The Tenno's powers allow us to enter the Warframe and take on a personality of our own.

What gave you this idea?
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so instead I would have done what I did now. burn the book or in this case quit the game and see if it changes at some point.

I'm not trying to be mean or anything here - because I'm legitimately curious - but did you really quit the game soley because of how the story played out or is it just a mix of things? I mean, I could see quitting the game because after years of getting bullied by RNGesus you got this story element that you couldn't stand by and the actual game elements (controls/play) just don't resonate with you anymore. I mean, heck, I took a huge break back before they pulled Loki from the starter pool just because the grind got to me and I needed a break (although I wouldn't say I quit per say).


Giving negative feedback does not equal demanding that DE change the lore it is just a way to show them what those of us that disliked the change feel. Nothing less nothing more. 

In some cases, some folks do demand it change - just like some people do understand multiple opinions. For me, it's more personally trying to understand people's thoughts on the matter that keep me coming back - and some seem more able to express things in an understandable manner. What some people want more than just "I do/don't like this" is "I do/don't like this, but this is what could make it better," as that's when feedback becomes more than just expressed thoughts.

Example - someone expressed they should add "mood types" or whatnot to the vocal options (so you could have serious / sassy / cheese responses), and I absolutely love that idea (and am one of the "I enjoyed 2nd dream" crowd). That's some feedback that also provides a cool idea - which is perfect IMO, and exactly the kind of stuff I personally love to see beyond just the opinions on how the Dream made them feel.

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Couldn't agree more, that was the entire point of my post, that the dialogue does not fit the circumstances. LOL


Want to know my NEW favorite quote?


When you're fighting Captain Vor:


"Keep talking... we're still trying to figure out how dumb you are."


.... REALLY?


And a LOT of this isn't DE's fault, the voice actors they got just give SUCH wooden performances. There's ZERO life in them at all. Honestly, it would have just been better to keep the Tenno silent.


And, and before anyone quotes me and tries to say "you can just turn them off in the menu", that's not that point. The fact DE wrote this and put this in the game indicates that THIS is what they picture the Tenno being like. THIS is what the Tenno act like. THIS is the great warrior race that defeated the Sentients, destroyed the Orokin Empire, and then fought to contain the Infestation's Great Plague... It's SO. PAINFULLY. BAD. And, I'm sorry, but NO amount of BEAUTIFUL, WELL DONE ARTISTRY of a quest quest can POSSIBLY make up for what they turned the Tenno into.


Second Dream was AWESOME by EVERY possible definition.


The revelation and how DE's decided to treat their main characters is NOT.

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If there is anything i have confirmed thanks to the topics about the second dream is that very few people can handle the fact that people can have vastly different opinion then themselves and still be just as right. 


So i agree with KXZ501. 


Its quite sad actually to see such vitriol against those that hold a different opinion then your own from this community. 


Nothing in this world can be held in such high regard that it will escape criticism or opposite opinions. 


Some of you hold this update as one of the best you ever seen and that is fine. 


The fact that you cant accept that there always will be people that do not agree with your opinions on that matter show you still have a lot to learn about how the world works. 


Steve wrote on twitter that not all would like this update precisely because he is experienced enough that he knows he and DE as a whole cant please everyone.


I have a question for those of you that cant seem to understand that people have different opinion then yourself.


How and why do you think a different opinion then your own will somehow affect your enjoyment of this game?


The fact that you like the game and the second dream have zero impact on my enjoyment of this game.


And while i found the quest bland and the new npc and focus system worthless additions to the game. that is about as much of a impact they have on my game.


I have a new npc sitting in the back of the liset and a new GUI element in the lower right corner when i play.


I am not saying that DE should change the lore or their direction of the game.


I am merely telling them that the new npc and the new system  in my opinion holds no value. 


Its called feedback and DE has been around long enough that they know they will not only get positive feedback. 


Giving negative feedback does not equal demanding that DE change the lore it is just a way to show them what those of us that disliked the change feel. Nothing less nothing more. 

This is great and all but some people are demanding that the lore be changed. There are extremes on both sides of the argument. Other than that, yeah absolutely. Stay classy Tenno.

Edited by xRufus7x
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This is great and all but some people are demanding that the lore be changed. There are extremes on both sides of the argument. Other than that, yeah absolutely. Stay classy Tenno.

No more a change than the change we got with this quest.

Want to know my NEW favorite quote? When you're fighting Captain Vor: "Keep talking... we're still trying to figure out how dumb you are." .... REALLY?

A funny one to me is this.

"They'll have plenty of Robotics. Corpus never fight for themselves."

I'm like...really? Friggin' Ender here is not even on the damn battlefield, unlike the Corpus crewmen his Warframe slaughters, he's just sitting in an easy chair miles away, from the safety of his Liset. Ender's warframe goes down, he don't die, he just re-initiates Transference.

Edited by UrielColtan
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It's their game, not yours. The entitlement in this thread is disgusting. Warframe is DE'S child, they can let it grow as they see fit. Many people enjoyed Second Dream, some did not. However it is disrespectful how OP claims this was a mistake, who are you too judge over DE'S choice of expressing their art work? Let them head in the direction they wish to head, if you don't like it jump ship. But don't call what members of DE have said to be one of their proudest goals a mistaje.

Again, coming from an entitled player from the other side of the spectrum, who likes this plot direction, this charge is meaningless.

I reiterate, I'm not some freeloader demanding free gifts, I contribute my money to this game. I and others are going to voice criticism for things we don't like,

Not only is this a crowd sourced product, its interactive media, one encompassing custom identities, not a personal memoir. Player interface and custom identities, most certainly involves the player. Even if we were not involved, someone's work of fiction does not protect it from any scrutiny or mean that it's wrong to do give it.

The story also does not have to revolve around explaining an obvious game mechanic.

That's a poor story to me and takes me right out of the game. Changing your human appearance apparently neeeds no explanation, it should have been the same for swapping Warframes.

I recall Geoff in the early days, agreeing with me on not ruining the immersion of the player and letting them choose how they interpretted their Tenno or how they looked under the suit. I was hoping they'd stick to that philosophy.

Edited by UrielColtan
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No more a change than the change we got with this quest.


Want to know my NEW favorite quote?     When you're fighting Captain Vor:     "Keep talking... we're still trying to figure out how dumb you are."     .... REALLY?


A funny one to me is this.


"They'll have plenty of Robotics. Corpus never fight for themselves."


I'm like...really? Friggin' Ender here is not even on the damn battlefield, unlike the Corpus crewmen his Warframe slaughters, he's just sitting in an easy chair miles away from the safety of his Liset. Ender's warframe goes down, he don't die, he just re-initiates Transference.


I think he is more stating that the high rich class of corpus not the crewman. Like the people who give AladV his money to research.

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Want to know my NEW favorite quote?


When you're fighting Captain Vor:


"Keep talking... we're still trying to figure out how dumb you are."


.... REALLY?


And a LOT of this isn't DE's fault, the voice actors they got just give SUCH wooden performances. There's ZERO life in them at all. Honestly, it would have just been better to keep the Tenno silent.


And, and before anyone quotes me and tries to say "you can just turn them off in the menu", that's not that point. The fact DE wrote this and put this in the game indicates that THIS is what they picture the Tenno being like. THIS is what the Tenno act like. THIS is the great warrior race that defeated the Sentients, destroyed the Orokin Empire, and then fought to contain the Infestation's Great Plague... It's SO. PAINFULLY. BAD. And, I'm sorry, but NO amount of BEAUTIFUL, WELL DONE ARTISTRY of a quest quest can POSSIBLY make up for what they turned the Tenno into.


Second Dream was AWESOME by EVERY possible definition.


The revelation and how DE's decided to treat their main characters is NOT.

Is it wrong that the voices and lines make me cringe to the point that if I didn't have that nice option to turn them off, I would have wanted them replaced with lines from Tommy Wiseau's The Room? When you make those lines look good......stick to Microsoft Sam and other computer generated voices.

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I always loved warframes just because they were so misterious, no voice, no face and we couldn't know anything about them. Excactly as many already said, we had the possibility to figure out what we were, that makes the game more immersive, NOT A BORED CHILD WHO WANTS TO PLAY WITH SOMETHING AND STARTS CONTROLLING BADASS *PUPPETS*. The most random ending DE could ever imagine... Btw in a way or another even if you don't do the quest... you will know the truth, it's inevitable everyone talks about it... I hope something will bring the old game back.

I spent 1600 hours for nothing, i won't be playing this game anymore :(


if that's what you think then none of that 1600 hours was spent paying attention to any of the lore.  The ground work for this reveal has been lay and set for a LONG time.

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