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[Spoiler] Shadow Stalker Needs Nerfed


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me and my dad brought some high level gear to a spy mission and shadow stalker showed up we fired everything we had at him and only removed about 1/10 of his health you could barely tell we hurt him after 10 minutes he gains immunity to attacks waaaay to quick nothing hurts him after a few shots you shouldnt need a full team and maxed out gear that does different types of damage and perfect coordination to kill someone that appears completely at random

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Agreed. The adapting gimmick makes fighting him in smaller teams (not to mention solo) impossible. The sentient adaptability really needs to get checked, everything else is fine, he's not a one shot kill anymore nor is he cheap like before.


I have fought him three times, twice being the shadow version, both solo, and at around 1/5 of health, it's all chip damage. It can be done but it isn't fair since he has filthy tricks that can one shot any frame.

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 you shouldnt need a full team and maxed out gear that does different types of damage and perfect coordination to kill someone that appears completely at random

I kill him solo with no problem you need to level up your mods .... and no stalker shouldn't be nerfed before he would spawn in and within 4 seconds he died he's fine the way he is, he needs to be a threat and that's what DE did 

Edited by SolaireTheSunWalker
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Agreed. The adapting gimmick makes fighting him in smaller teams (not to mention solo) impossible. The sentient adaptability really needs to get checked, everything else is fine, he's not a one shot kill anymore nor is he cheap like before.


I have fought him three times, twice being the shadow version, both solo, and at around 1/5 of health, it's all chip damage. It can be done but it isn't fair since he has filthy tricks that can one shot any frame.

He isn't supposed to be fair, you're not supposed to be able to kill him if you don't know what you're doing. you should be very afraid of him. The adaption makes him hard to kill if you're unprepared with different damage types, his dirty tricks are meant to obliterate inexperienced players. He is an assassin, his kit is made specifically to hunt us, if you find him hard to kill then he has been designed right.

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dont think he scales with mission levels, rather with conclave rating.


its about time he got buffed, and now we're gonna see nerf topics.

Hes an assasin, his job is to hunt us down, not show up so we can spawn kill and take a gift if we're lucky.

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I kill him solo with no problem you need to level up your mods .... and no stalker shouldn't be nerfed before he would spawn in and within 4 seconds he died he's fine the way he is, he needs to be a threat and that's what DE did 

You probably haven't fought Shadow stalker. Regular stalker goes down fine but there is absolutely no way you can kill him within 4 seconds.


SHADOW STALKER people, there's a difference.


Also, there's a difference between a challenge and being cheap. This is cheap, it forces people to "expect" him with a full varied kit.

Edited by TheLocalHentai
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You probably haven't fought Shadow stalker. Regular stalker goes down fine but there is absolutely no way you can kill him within 4 seconds.


SHADOW STALKER people, there's a difference.


Also, there's a difference between a challenge and being cheap. This is cheap, it forces people to "expect" him with a full varied kit.

If you actually read what I said before making that comment you'd see I said before "no stalker shouldn't be nerfed BEFORE he would spawn in and within 4 seconds he died" 

And I still destroy the shadow stalker obviously not in 4 seconds because there's no doubt he's a lot stronger, but he still gets killed pretty fast when I'm solo. Also I have to add he's not cheap, mod your weapons right and he actually loses hp fast, mod it wrong or not using max mods etc you're going to have a problem .... that should be common sense because I feel like a lot of people just don't mod right and complain he's too "OP" which that word is over used and almost never used properly anymore. 

Edited by SolaireTheSunWalker
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My weapons at MAX, secondaries with THREE primed mods, even using ults, at 1/5 health he's still only taking chip damage. So, I call BS on your end, "destroy" right but I think you're the guy that lies about a lot of stuff anyway.

I mean think whatever you want, I wont try to convince you because I simply don't care it's already became a pointless argument, added if I get the moment to record it I'd love to and I'll just post the video because he's really not hard he dies in about 20-30 seconds 

Edited by SolaireTheSunWalker
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No problem, just take Excalibrow to every mission ever.

With 200k damage per wave even Sentients go cry home to mummy.

Oh, you're not a fan of whoosh whoosh?

Well, I guess Shadow Stalker is the stupid neighbours brat then for you.

The S#&$ty Loka gang is still the no. 1 annoyance though.

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So now when you cant just fart as his direction to get rid of him he has to be nerfed. Warframe forum logic at its best.


Correction: "We couldn't think of clever ways to up the challenge, so we made him yet another time-wasting bullet sponge." Warframe logic at its best.


You were close, though.

Edited by Ryusuta
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What's with the stupid "Oh he's supposed to be scary" excuse?


If he's supposed to be nigh unbeatable then people might just as well quit the mission and start over (as I do everytime he spawns, since he has a tendecy of spawning when I'm leveling frames).


That's not scary. That's pure annoyance. Maybe you elitist morons want to brag how easy he is to beat for you. Good for you.


The rest of players who dont play this 8 hours a day and dont have every frame or mod would like to have a chance of killing this guy without it being cheap or being forced into a Stalker farm team.


It might sound weird, but some people enjoy doing quests instead of mindless farming and even more of them like to play quests alone so they dont get rushed by the usual pub players.


This Shadow Stalker went from one shotting you to a tank on roids.


Turning him into a bullet sponge isn't challenging. It's mind-numbingly boring. It's a "welp I didn't kill him in few enough attacks, might just as well restart the mission and retry"


Biggest disapointment in a long while

Edited by Denpoman
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I had the fight of my life in WF the first time after the quest when he popped up and, as always, I was undergeared leveling two things.  Wasn't trying to get close to him so my melee wasn't too helpful lol.


I think if I was still capable of having adrenaline rushes, I would have had one.  TY DE. Was awesome fight, though, could use a little less he-man posing and perhaps some random parkour/dodge rolling/shadow shifting/waving his hand saying uh uh girl no bullets/etc

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