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[Rant] Prime Vault Is Absurd


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50$ for two cosmetics and 2 useless boosters that will waste if you are high MR player is reasonable price. 60$ for 3 slots, 1050 plat, one cosmetic and one usable item is a slap in the face and money grab. *slowly claps*

The value of the content is subject to change depending on the individual. Those 2 useless boosters you talk about is useful to me and many others. That's hardly the point Im trying to make though. -reversed slow clap-


The point Im trying to make, is that the syandana is old. It's an old cosmetic, that many people missed because it was just too expensive. Then Prime Accessories was introduced which was a step in the right direction. Paying 1/3 of the price for that 1 single piece you wanted for whatever reason, was a lot more obtainable. (ALthough buying each piece individually would  be a lot better, but DE knows that if a player really want something they'll spend the money. Forcing us to pay full amount).


I digress. A lot of the people who looked forward to the return of the misa were old players. And what do they do? They reintroduce it, not by prime accessory like anything else, but with a bunch of stuff that the majority of those who looked forward to the return already has, and with a higher price.


YOU may think that's acceptable, but I don't. Hence is why I'm here. I'm ranting about it because I was personally really excited for the day it would be reintroduced, and then this happen. I'm unhappy about it. That's irrelevant to DE; but I hope they get the point Im trying to make, unless they decide to disregard me completely and brush me aside because Im frustrated about it. We'll see.

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I agree with OP, I don't need plats, primed gears, even icons. All I need is dat misa syandana.

I wish I can buy those cosmetics seperately, or at least have some discount option...

If this is impossible, can I just exchange those 3 prime gears with affinity/credit/drop boosters?

I already have primed gears so if I buy this pack I'll have vacant slots worth only 32 plats.

I cannot understand why many people blaming OP, just why?

Because you guys paid $140 for this long time ago?

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I have to say, I would have prefered the syndana and distiller be placed in a seperate pack. as a cave man (xbox one player) we never had the chance to get the frost pack the first time round. Instead we could only get frost etc. by farming.


I would be happy to pay for the syndana and distiller with a small stipend of plat. I do not need another frost prime, I definately dont need another latron or reaper prime, but I do need shiney things to make my cave look nice.


Please think about a lesser accessories pack for say £25, with lesser plat, and I guarentee more packs would sell, you could even throw in some mod packs (or event mod packs.... hint hint hint). This would make the pack highly desirable still sell the £50 version, that will sell to those that never managed to get frost etc. But please, there are those of us who have frost, latron and reaper.

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Half agree to OP.

There should be an accessories pack only, in fact it should have the same packs as any prime access (accessories pack / t1= weapons / t2= weapons + frame + profile icons / t3= weapons + frame + accessories).

Anyways I thinks it's f"unny how some players would pay $50 (some even make it look like they might pay $60) for the pack if there was a higher pack with weapons + frame as long as they don't get things already obtained.

On the other hand, i guess how many complaints would come if we got the bp + pieces + potato (1 gold and 2 blue) + wf slot + 2 weapon slots instead of built stuff, so we could at least sell/give the frame and weapons and still getting the slots and potatoes included in frames and weapons bought (potatoes get lost in the void if we choose to sell built frames and weapons, at least this way we could keep them to use later and still getting the whole pack).

Imho, an option to at least choose how bought stuff will be delivered could at least reduce the salt on vault related topics, after all the main issue us the lack of possibilities when buying.

Unrelated note: latron prime stock is on a 27 days alert, never thought this was gonna be the way to farm vaulted stuff O.o

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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As a veteran myself, I do not feel this is a slap in the face - so it isn't all veterans that feel this way. It's more painful to me to see things go into the vault in the first place, knowing full well that my non-veteran friends and new players won't get to access that content until it's magically released from the vault some other RNG day.


That being said, It would be nice if they had a single-peice 'prime access' setup, where you could just get only one part, or one weapon, or just the frame - or whatever. Heck, they could even boost up the price of the single peice item's and remove the plat gain, tagging the boosters and the plat into the "discounted" mega-pack. That'd make the most logical business sense - not that it would stop people from complaining, because as long as someone has to pay, there's going to be complaints that it "doesn't match their idea of value."

I'm also not sure why the Misa Prime Syandana is the "most anticipated" either. I mean, it cosmetically comes down to personal preference, but I would have thought the actual cloth capes where the "most anticipated," since I remember a rather large hype-train goin on with those. I digress.

@OP: Do your best to post your opinion in a friendly and conducive manner. You are more likely to have your own opinion respected when you in fact show respect to others, and usually the best ideas of solutions come from a discussion - where multiple minds are all gathering and bouncing ideas back and forth to generate something they individually may have not. If you post something while in a heated mood, it can come off as rash and ranty, and leads to this off-topic nonsense going on in threads as you have experiences.

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Prime Accessories does not come with a bunch of cr*p that I already have. It comes with useful things, things I can use to progress. It's alsoa matter of saying "enough is enough". They can keep raising the prices a little bit all the time, but it's shady and greedy.


Trinities prime accessories came with a sugatra, kubrow armor and affinity/credit boosters. Two cosmetics and some boosters. For $50.


Prime Vault Access comes with 2 weapon slots, a frame slot, 2 cosmetics, the Titan Prime Extractor and 1050 platinum. For $60.


Looks to me like the Prime Vault is almost strictly better, unless you're really after those 90 day boosters.

Edited by Synitare
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Trinities prime accessories came with a sugatra, kubrow armor and affinity/credit boosters. Two cosmetics and some boosters. For $50.


Prime Vault Access comes with 2 weapon slots, a frame slot, 2 cosmetics, the Titan Prime Extractor and 1050 platinum. For $60.


Looks to me like the Prime Vault is almost strictly better, unless you're really after those 90 day boosters.


^you cant exactly do it through pure value....also you cannot compare the current prime access pack either because it is very underwhelming.....the true value of the current prime accessories pack is probably much less than $40....so stop using this as a comparison


that being said, i can disregard my statement by saying value for specific things are different for others....as you have taken a quantitative approve....i took a more qualitative approach towards it....there is more value in misa prime for me beyond the numbers and the extra stuff is just fluff.


in terms of the prime vault access, the weapon slots cost a total of $5 with no plat discount, the titan prime extractor does nothing useful if you already have extractors and is purely cosmetic that no one gets to see except for yourself ($0), 1050 is arguably $15-$50 depending on whether or not you have had plat discount....not to mention all plat is ridiculously discounted with all packs regardless so the value is probably around $15


so in reality they are asking us to pay $20 for slots and plat, then $40 for the misa prime     -> an option to cut the middle man and get straight to misa prime is much more preferred



I do realize OP hasnt exactly worded this clearly....but thats the on going argument at the moment is the fact that theres so much unnecessary flush in the prime vault access that isnt useful for most ppl that already have all of those things

Edited by sekushiiandee
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As a veteran myself, I do not feel this is a slap in the face - so it isn't all veterans that feel this way. It's more painful to me to see things go into the vault in the first place, knowing full well that my non-veteran friends and new players won't get to access that content until it's magically released from the vault some other RNG day.


That being said, It would be nice if they had a single-peice 'prime access' setup, where you could just get only one part, or one weapon, or just the frame - or whatever. Heck, they could even boost up the price of the single peice item's and remove the plat gain, tagging the boosters and the plat into the "discounted" mega-pack. That'd make the most logical business sense - not that it would stop people from complaining, because as long as someone has to pay, there's going to be complaints that it "doesn't match their idea of value."

I'm also not sure why the Misa Prime Syandana is the "most anticipated" either. I mean, it cosmetically comes down to personal preference, but I would have thought the actual cloth capes where the "most anticipated," since I remember a rather large hype-train goin on with those. I digress.

@OP: Do your best to post your opinion in a friendly and conducive manner. You are more likely to have your own opinion respected when you in fact show respect to others, and usually the best ideas of solutions come from a discussion - where multiple minds are all gathering and bouncing ideas back and forth to generate something they individually may have not. If you post something while in a heated mood, it can come off as rash and ranty, and leads to this off-topic nonsense going on in threads as you have experiences.

I never claimed to speak on behalf on anyone but myself. I don't think people should ever interpret a feedback as that. So I never wanted to speak on behalf on anyone but myself.


I don't think ranting is such a bad thing to be honest. If the thread got out of hand because of it, sure, I would probably have reported the thread to be locked or deleted. But it seems people are giving some good counter arguments, some in a sassy way because of my rant, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Saying "i'm frustrated" is a lot less effective than saying "This is unacceptable, it p*sses me off and here is why". You may argue that some people wont take me as serious if I rant instead of posting a long, boring, and descriptive thread, but that's not my concern. In general, I don't rant as much, although I do exaggerate quite often. 


I just need to be careful not to say anything that gets me in trouble with DE; or other players, which of course I don't want. Next time though, I think I'll add a [Rant], tag to my thread if I feel the need to rant on my next feedback.

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also you cannot compare the current prime access pack either because it is very underwhelming.....the true value of the current prime accessories pack is probably much less than $40....so stop using this as a comparison


I can absolutely compare them. The OP is saying he'd pay for a Prime Accessories pack, which has static, non-changing cost. The "current" accessories pack is the same as all the others since their inception. Two cosmetics and two 90-day boosters. So no, I won't stop using this as a point of comparison. It's perfectly valid.


Personal value and real cost are rarely ever the same for anything. If you don't feel like you're getting enough out of spending $60 on the package, then you are completely free to not buy it. If you want the items that are exclusive to the package, then you have to buy it. I used this example before, and I'll use it again. If you go to a grocery store and pick up a box of Lucky Charms, you can't take it to the register and say "I only want the marshmellows, so can you sell me just them for less money?" It's a package deal. Buy it all or don't buy it.

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I can absolutely compare them. The OP is saying he'd pay for a Prime Accessories pack, which has static, non-changing cost. The "current" accessories pack is the same as all the others since their inception. Two cosmetics and two 90-day boosters. So no, I won't stop using this as a point of comparison. It's perfectly valid.


Personal value and real cost are rarely ever the same for anything. If you don't feel like you're getting enough out of spending $60 on the package, then you are completely free to not buy it. If you want the items that are exclusive to the package, then you have to buy it. I used this example before, and I'll use it again. If you go to a grocery store and pick up a box of Lucky Charms, you can't take it to the register and say "I only want the marshmellows, so can you sell me just them for less money?" It's a package deal. Buy it all or don't buy it.

Totally a valid point. Im not forced to buy it, and I dont  need it to progress. However, we all have different values. I like cosmetics, and I especially always adored the Misa Prime. So the current situation is not in favor of me personally. but I think the situation itself is wrong for a couple of reasons that I did explain.


I'm aware that a lot of players has different opinions and will disagree, and I do not look poorly at those people. Your opinion is just as valid as mine (I would hope).

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Totally a valid point. Im not forced to buy it, and I dont  need it to progress. However, we all have different values. I like cosmetics, and I especially always adored the Misa Prime. So the current situation is not in favor of me personally. but I think the situation itself is wrong for a couple of reasons that I did explain.


I'm aware that a lot of players has different opinions and will disagree, and I do not look poorly at those people. Your opinion is just as valid as mine (I would hope).


This particular situation is pretty tricky and likely not the "norm." The Misa was originally only available as part of the most expensive package for the first Prime Access, so if they were to sell it separately or at reduced cost they'd get even more flak from those that bought it than they already are. Then there's the PSN aspect, which locks them into a contract, meaning they can't change this one at all. There's also just the fact that it's a new program entirely and they had no real idea of what to expect as far as player reactions go.


All around there's just no good solution to this one. People are going to be upset regardless.

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Really? Your main problem with the prime vault is that you need to pay a bit extra to get a stupid cosmetic?

And you felt like that deserved a thread?


And not something like the fact that it locks proggresion away from newer players ?

Really? You criticize a thread you don't agree on? Instead of just leaving it alone? You had to come here and go off topic?

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The strife is veteran players who have all of the items except for the syandana and extractor do not want to spend that money to purchase things they already have. It is a waste, basically paying 60$ for a cosmetic and extractor.


I've been waiting for it for so long but I just cannot bring myself to pay that much for a cosmetic. I hope it comes back another time in a more reasonable pack. 


Thank god i also wanted $50 of plat, so really its only $10 for the syandana and the extractor for me.

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So don't buy it, it's only one cosmetics and likely will show up again eventually. Devs have acknowledged thinking of making more than one pack for returning vaulted items, but they can't change this one due to some reason. (I think it has to do with the pre order option they gave out)


Did you even understand what the OP said?!


Clearly you didn't.


Why should I have to buy all the crap I already have, if I only want the syandana?

Edited by alergiclaprosti
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Oh it is absolutely a rant. And they can use it as they please, or disregard it as they usually do.


You don't need to include a solution in feedback. But if you really want some:





Exactly. This business practice slaps the  veterans in the face.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Misa Syndana was never part of accessory packs, because at the time, there were no "accessory packs". I got the Misa Prime when it first came out, and the price tag was much, much higher than $60. People complained that the old accessories weren't obtainable any more, and they give you a way to receive them again, at a much cheaper price than originally, and yet you still complain?


Be happy you're getting it at all. Especially at such a low price compared to the original release.


If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Edited by GideonG
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I remind everyone to keep it civil, please or the thread is getting locked.


From another perspective, when this pack first came out, people who wanted this dropped way more than $60. Comparatively, this seems like a bargain (considering that with patience you could grind out pretty much everything else that was in the pack.)

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I remind everyone to keep it civil, please or the thread is getting locked.


From another perspective, when this pack first came out, people who wanted this dropped way more than $60. Comparatively, this seems like a bargain (considering that with patience you could grind out pretty much everything else that was in the pack.)

From the perspective of one who does not own the items in the pack, it IS a bargain. Fantastic purchase. But as I said, the syandana is an old one, and many of the old players who could not afford it were looking forward to it. Then they release it back with items that the majority of the older players already have. This is in favor of newer players, but definately not older ones.


And a lot of older players probably bought it anyways because they thought it was worth it, or because they felt compelled to do it, otherwise they might not get the chance, but why should that be the issue here? Why should we feel pushed to push 60 dollars into 1 item? Why can't we purchase the syandana alone?


I took a look at the FaQ and they even address this whole ordeal there. "What if I have the items already" and they simply answer that the price cant be reduced and items cant be substracted. So they KNEW people would have this issue, yet they went ahead with it anyways. Unacceptable in my eyes. I definately wont reward them for that kind of practice.

Edited by Zareek
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I have never been shy about spending my money on Warframe, but I was also rather disappointed by the lack of options for Prime Vault. I would spend the same amount of money if they made a pack with the Extractor, Misa Prime and Resource Boosters (I think Resource Boosters are the appropriate choice here since many players already have Credit and Affinity from Prime Accessories Pack).  But I'm not going to purchase a pack when I already have 60% of its content. 

I hope that this thread can generate some constructive conversation instead of some straight rants or outright bashing, then maybe DE will take notice.

EDIT: Also I keep seeing it mentioned that the old pack was over $100 so this is a bargain, I don't think this is a solid argument since clearly it's not valued at that amount if it's being included with 5 other items and Platinum for $60

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And a lot of older players probably bought it anyways because they thought it was worth it, or because they felt compelled to do it, otherwise they might not get the chance, but why should that be the issue here? Why should we feel pushed to push 60 dollars into 1 item? Why can't we purchase the syandana alone?


The real question is why you feel so compelled to buy a purely cosmetic item in the first place. It's not necessary by any stretch of the imagination. It doesn't help you, it doesn't provide any benefit whatsoever. It's an exclusive, expensive cosmetic. The only reason it exists is as a fashion statement/status symbol. This is the case with all of the Prime accessories. They're exclusive to paying consumers.


Further, the entire Prime Access program exists as a way to support the game and DE themselves with money so that they can continue pushing out excellent content for free. It's not really there just so you can be a special snowflake.

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i will go agaist the grain on this one

although most of us dont need frost /reaper and latron

the price point should remain the same with the prime accessories program >  ie > $50

if it is reduced or split then original buyers will be most pissed

so i say well done DE

on a brighter note, if you only need the cosmetics then you get a sizeble chunk of plat for your money that might be better than 90 days worth of boosters

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The real question is why you feel so compelled to buy a purely cosmetic item in the first place. It's not necessary by any stretch of the imagination. It doesn't help you, it doesn't provide any benefit whatsoever. It's an exclusive, expensive cosmetic. The only reason it exists is as a fashion statement/status symbol. This is the case with all of the Prime accessories. They're exclusive to paying consumers.


Further, the entire Prime Access program exists as a way to support the game and DE themselves with money so that they can continue pushing out excellent content for free. It's not really there just so you can be a special snowflake.

I said it a thousand times before and I will say it again. We all have different values. However if you are only here to mock mine, I suggest you find another topic to derail.

Edited by Zareek
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