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New Mod Eagle Eye


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I think it's most useful on sniper guns on endless defense maps. I've maxed it out on my Snipetron for that purpose.


But, I'd like to see it install the ability to scroll between default zoom and the mod's zoom to make it more mobile.

Edited by Aramet
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They should have been a warframe mod. Makes more sense you are installing more advanced targeting systems in your helmet. Hense the name eagle "eye" and not eagle "sniper scope". And then lets not forget who in the world would sacrifice a whole slot on a maxxed out gun for this? Noone thats who. I would totally be all over it. De make it happen.

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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I do applaud the devs ways to increase changes in play styles without completely changing the game. However i find these mods just as useless (well, of far less benefit than other mods).


I'd like to see the zoom mods (and others) have their own section for say attachments where you can equip 1 or a combination of these types of mods onto a weapon.

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I can't tell if it boost accuracy along with zoom. If it did that I'd see it as useful. Outside of the Lex its kinda meh. The Kraken has too much spread and is a better mid-range sidearm for it to be useful. Lato Vandal is about the only other pistol weapon I can see it with....


Although I haven't tried it with Kunai. That's got mod power to spare.

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I got it and maxed it out and put it on the Grakata and it was basically like zooming with a Gorgon where it feels like you are in an earthquake so it was useless but maxed on the Latron it turns it almost the same zoom in as a sniper rifle so if you like that then it's good.

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Don't have any forma though :P


Right, but they balance based on that. They have to keep every possibility in mind. 

For those that dont have it they have to make a choice between whatever they are using or more accurate shooting.

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Well point cost is pretty moot as anything it would be replacing would have used those points unless it was a very cheap mod.


While I like the IDEA of the mod. It doesn't help me accomplish more kills from a distance more so than any other mod I could use. If this game had reticule swing it could fix or this effected base accuracy as well, there would be a point. It might save you a bullet or two getting a headshot with a lex across a canyon overall.


Another idea would be a screen overlay while looking through it. Like heat vision. If you could see targets through walls beyond radar range yet could also distinguish then being in or out of cover, or just make the scope toggleable. It would have a more unique nitch.

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Unecessary for the Vulkar/Snipetron, they zoom in enough as is. Useful for perhaps the Lex, Grakata, Latron, Braton Vandal,. pretty much all the guns that have pretty much dead-on accuracy but don't use that accuracy to its full potential with their current zoom.


I like the mod idea. It's not for every player nor every gun, but that's fine because it fills a distinct niche.

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