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Chroma Needs A Rework...


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You are forgetting that although he has alot of armor not as much as valkyr but with her ulti she is literally a god so 98% damage reduction means nothing


 not as much as valkyr but with her ulti she is literally a god so 98% damage reduction means nothing


 98% damage reduction means nothing


I need some of the drugs you are doing.

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Yeah but chroma can't switch god mode on now can he?

Chroma can get up to 455% more armor with Vex armor alone. Up to 15k armor PLUS the 300% more damage.

With the right arcanes, Chroma is a solo god and can be unkillable and can still kill level 100 enemies without any sweat.

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I really want to like Chroma but I find his 1 rather lacking and clearly in need of some attention. Maybe a range increase of his elemental ward too. Don't think I'd mind a 'hold to change element' function for him either. It'd definitely make him more dynamic and switch up the battlefield quite a bit.

Oh and his effigy, sometimes I think the AI is really bad for it and the energy drain needs to be reduced. It can be quite unnecessary at some points, especially if you're looking to utilise your other abilities in the meantime.

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You have absolutely no idea who chroma is do you?

Yeah i know with vex its way way more but once the duration ends all of it is immediately gone thats why im just saying why not have it drain energy (vex armor) than have a duration which would make him alot more efficient in the field cause yes my chroma has 4 forma and yes i have played him before and i love my dragon but i find it hard to survive those T4 survivals at 50+ minutes the change for energy drain than duration is a much better idea cause now u have a ton of armor and soon alot of extra damage from vex armor and damn a squad member is down (thank you lotus for reminding me, glad they brought that in) and now who else can tank level 85 bombards oh wait my duration on vex armor is on 8 seconds oh well sorry downed dude you're on your own there bud. I take back what i said about a rework but a nice tweak with vex and spectral scream could make chroma my go to warframe and elemental ward is good the way it is but what i love about chroma is his vex and effigy which i cant keep out for long anyways.

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Chroma can get up to 455% more armor with Vex armor alone. Up to 15k armor PLUS the 300% more damage.

With the right arcanes, Chroma is a solo god and can be unkillable and can still kill level 100 enemies without any sweat.


Not to mention, if you apply a Cold Elemental Ward, that 455% armor becomes 605% armor.

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There is no need to make Vex armor energy drain. Vex armor and elemental Ward last about 60+ seconds for me.

I also have max arcane guardian and max arcane grace, with my build on Vex armor and Elemental Ward, Chroma is just pure solo god.

I last near an hour in solo t4 survival.

To the OP, He does not need anything done to his Vex armor or elemental Ward. Just his scream and a slight tweak to his Effigy.

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Spectral scream isn't fine.

The cost of Effigy isn't fine.

E Ward/Vex armor should be recast able. (Ele had range nerfed, fires heal isn't reusable, poison generally sux. < melee/run speed?)

Vex armor should NOT require more shields than Chromas base shields.

Chroma isn't bad but could definitely use some improvements. Good tank/weapon damage abilities but very lackluster support abilities. Tank guy says to the support guy, "Chromas fine." Lol. Lastly, that whole x frame deserves it more is a weak argument. Otherwise frost, rhino, Excalibur etc. would've never came before frames like limbo. Be honest. ;-)

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All im saying is spectral scream needs a buff and vex armor needs to be recastable or drain energy cause losing all that added damage and armor in mid battle on high leveled enemies e.g. the high leveled enemies in sorties, then u have to get all the damage and armor back which in most cases ends up in need of revive. I know how he works i have tried all builds i can on him and arcanes but vex armor is what makes him so awesome and having a duration on him is his limiting factor.

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All im saying is spectral scream needs a buff and vex armor needs to be recastable or drain energy cause losing all that added damage and armor in mid battle on high leveled enemies e.g. the high leveled enemies in sorties, then u have to get all the damage and armor back which in most cases ends up in need of revive. I know how he works i have tried all builds i can on him and arcanes but vex armor is what makes him so awesome and having a duration on him is his limiting factor.

Keep in mind that making Vex Armor drain energy would make Chroma very vulnerable to energy drains. I wouldn't like that. Instead, buffs could decrease over time after Vex Armor deactivates.


Here is the list of changes I would make:


1. Spectral Scream:

- increase status to 100%

- make damage continuous


2. Elemental Ward:

- increase range

- give fire aura health regeneration

- remove toxin aura and give toxin proc to bullets instead


3. Vex Armor:

- nah... it's good

EDIT: On the other hand:

Vex armor should NOT require more shields than Chromas base shields.



4. Effigy:

- reduce energy cost slightly

- make it play Skyrim theme every time it's active

Edited by Genitive
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i do agree. chroma stopped being relavent a long time ago. his vex armor is nice but compared to some other frames, just doesnt keep up and fails to scale + every other frame with abilites on his vex armors scale ALL have more utility then him +his 1 and 4 are trash on a stick. he needs a rework, NOT a buff but an entire rework.

Fails to scale? With War I take down level 105 Gunners in less than 6 seconds, and OHKO them with a Vaykor Hek. All about using the right weapons. 


Granted, SS really needs some work. My only gripes with Effigy are that (a) it doesn't even use the armor it steals from Chroma (and so it goes down rather quickly at sortie level even with 20k HP), and (b) its breath isn't affected by Vex Armor (which would mitigate some of the scaling issues).

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All im saying is spectral scream needs a buff and vex armor needs to be recastable or drain energy cause losing all that added damage and armor in mid battle on high leveled enemies e.g. the high leveled enemies in sorties, then u have to get all the damage and armor back which in most cases ends up in need of revive. I know how he works i have tried all builds i can on him and arcanes but vex armor is what makes him so awesome and having a duration on him is his limiting factor.

Let's be honest here, Vex Armor is such a good ability that it needs that limiting factor. Without it, what's stopping this ability from being tremendously overpowered?


I'm opposed to making Vex Armor an energy drain ability. Partly for the limiting factor reason, and partly because I happen to really like Energy Siphon. I also wouldn't be able to run my Chroma with Blind Rage and no efficiency mod, which is a huge boon and I really don't want to lose that. 


I do agree that Spectral Scream needs a buff, however. The most obvious answer is allow it, and maybe Effigy, to benefit from Vex Armor. Also, Effigy should buff your allies, like it says in its description.

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Chroma does not need a rework. Period. DEs ,do not touch chroma. Any of us real chroma users know, do not touch him.

People complain about him not being a team frame, no support... How bout this for support, he will wipe out whatever danger there is. O your overrun. Think again, there gone. You can thank chroma for his support.

Oh i like you

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Chroma really does not need a rework. Tanky Chroma is perfectly fine, no major problems. Fire-breathing Chroma DEFINITELY needs buffs though.


Straight up give Spectral Scream all-around buffs to Damage and range. It needs it, badly. Then, give Effigy lower drain cost and an innate Elemental Ward. While Effigy is out, Spectral Scream gains even more damage and range, as well as 100% proc chance. I think that's all Chroma really needs




Also, would it be possible, DE, to give Chroma a unique Syandana to have his wings out at all times?

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Yes chroma needs a rework for spectral scream should have 100% status, wider cone, and based on primary mods? dont think melee would work well.


His 4th needs help too uses waaaaaayyy to much energy and isnt that usefull for how much it uses i would lower its energy costs by alot, around where exalted blade and stuff is i mean it does make you weaker.


His other abbilities are fine to me but someone did mention that they could change the element thing like ivaras 1st so your not locked to using ugly or unwanted colors for energy for the prefered element, and you could switch during combat but with a cooldown like equinox but twice as long since its not as crucial maybe the same idk.


BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT HE NEEEEEEEEDS REWORkED IS HIS LOOKS he is probably the ugliest frame in the game im not saying replace his model becuase many people like it so i think he should get a premium skin that changes his appearence significantly and makes him more slim like when he is out of his pelt because he actaully looks kinda cool. 


Maybe DE could make a slim version of the original design from that guy but with a more proto feel like the other skins.

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  • 2 months later...

Right here are my ideas for chroma:

1: Vex / Ward are recastable during there active time to re-set there timers (PLEASE THIS NEEDS TO BE A THING IF NOTHING ELSE) 

2: Vex armour changes: This may be a bit weird but here me out, have chroma's vex armour re casting take as much energy as its timer has left.

2.5: If you re cast your Vex armour you will increase the % of a buff you can get from Vex (scorn & Fury) buy the powers remaining duration at the time of casting (eg max Scorn = 250% (rough guess) then recast with 50 seconds remaining max scorn buff now = 300%)

3: Toxic Croma gives innate momentum to melee weapons while channeling

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Vex Armour is his best ability, and good with duration. Otherwise it would be WAY to expensive to keep it up and effigy, unless it was a really, really ow energy drain OR both streamline and duration could cut down on the cost to make it super super cheap..

Spectral Scream needs a look into. It's not really useful unless your going to a small section of CC and don't want to move your Effigy. And the fact that its effectiveness peaks around level 10 is HILARIOUS. +1 to Spectral Scream rework. Plus that lack of mobility hurts more than that no-knockdown helps (What if we could change elements by HOLDING DOWN THE POWER BUTTON, whereas just tapping it would start the animation (Like Inaros's abilities.)

Effigy, needs to absorb damage into HP (Similar to snow globe.) In higher levels, it gets killed before it can even use the "everyone-goes-rag-doll" ability, much less try to attack. It would also be nice to see the hit points on it (Also like Frost's Snowglobe, with the number over the ability.)

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