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New Baro System


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To be honest its a total joke how his rotations are randomized. What makes it even worse is investing countless hours all week in void only to find out that your effort is wasted since his spawn is above your mastery. Here is my suggestion on how moron err I mean Baro SHOULD be programmed:

1. Eliminate Randomization Spawn: Its stupid and pointless having to go about each relay and being mocked on chat on where to find this guy. To fix this have him set at a fixed relay DEPENDING on current mastery. EX. Mastery 0-2 Baro spawns at current planetary system near Mercury/Venus Mastery 2-Above spawns near Saturn-Pluto. Thus ensures everyone can access him without all the mucking about.

2. Leveled Inventory Offering: Baro offers items depending on Mastery Rank. Why? So then he does not offer you items above or below what you are currently capable of using. Allows you to synergize a more effective palate of items while exempting set backs Ex. Baro offers Rank 0-2 Weapon Skins, Mods and Armor congruent to what is available at said rank. Hence he would offer a. Manticor Axe Skin, Normal Gold Rank Mod, Any Armor Set UNLESS if its a set you currently have which is exempted from his inventory the next time he trades utilizing a table system which keeps tabs of what you have bought and which you have not. So lets say you buy shoulder plates of X=Brand Y=Part Location. You buy XY=Daudlus Shoulders. Baro notes you bought XY item and black lists from next rotation allowing chance of selling the next item in set until said set is collected. Advancing to a new set once all are collected.

3. Baro can "buy" items: One of worst abominations is buying items and running out of creds midway through a second purchase. To remedy this have a secondary option to sell/highlight items in your current inventory in exchange for a selected item he has. Simple, efficient, and beneficial to both parties since you dont have to deal with an annoying load screen each time you need to make a run for your money.

What do you guys think not a bad idea? What are your thoughts on this? :)

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How about this: you re tailor your expectations : baro is not newbie dealer, he is here for all those tired and high leveled guys that are burnt out with game and have overabundant resources, credits and MR rankings, they need new toys and baro provides them.

You have whole game to explore man. Go play with kubrows ...something. You will have time for baro later.  

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Its called "balancing". Nothing is as bad as starting out new and being chided/derailed by seasoned gamers for not having such-and-such item because of such-and-such limitation. Its not about tailoring mes brave. Its about sharing the wealth and making your efforts worthwhile no matter what rank or how long you have been playing. ;)

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1. Eliminate Randomization Spawn:

With Starmap 3.0 he's supposed to get his own home node (at least that's how I understood if from the second-to-last (I think) devstream).


2. Leveled Inventory Offering: Baro offers items depending on Mastery Rank.

Why? What's the point? Is it that bad when he has a week where he doesn't offer you anything new?

Also, what if an MR20 comes to him and wants to buy some MR2 stuff - will he be denied the purchase?

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With Starmap 3.0 he's supposed to get his own home node (at least that's how I understood if from the second-to-last (I think) devstream).

Why? What's the point? Is it that bad when he has a week where he doesn't offer you anything new?

Also, what if an MR20 comes to him and wants to buy some MR2 stuff - will he be denied the purchase?

The point is simply as follows:

A. Baro wont offer you weapons above or below what you are capable of using. Ex. If Baro has a Prisma Tetra but you dont have the Mastery to use it whats the point there? Just for show? Instead he offers a Prisma Bolto which IS your Mastery level and you ARE capable of using it. This works too for high level players by exempting low tier weapons/Items. So you wont get anything worthless. Everyone wins.

2. He wont sell you items you have in your INVENTORY. If you sold the said item he will respawn it if you want to buy it again by reversing blacklist. This also prevents you from getting the same items as before and gives you a chance to get something relitively "new" each time. Mostly pointing towards Mods.

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Checking the relays takes literally no time at all. Go to a relay, head to the ducat station, and then you'll only have one trip to make unless you got lucky.

As for randomised inventory? No. His inventory is the same for everyone on that platform. Catering to each player's Mastery Rank is a terrible idea for both players AND the Dev tram.

For players because you might miss loads of Mastery specific items when you rank up again.

For the Dev team, because it take so much work on so many lines of code, inputting algorithms and processes to recognise each individual player's Mastery Rank.

Besides, each fortnight you don't have to buy him out. Who wants cosmetics anyway? Save up your ducats for something worth them. I'm sat on over 1000 because last time he brought Primed Ravage and the Prisma Daedalus Knee plates.......

Maybe I'm more patient with him because I've spent months and months putting up with Xur's nonsense over on Destiny :')

Edited by (XB1)Yiazzy
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This works too for high level players by exempting low tier weapons/Items. So you wont get anything worthless.

But what if I want that Prisma Bolto? So you're saying I won't get it just because my MR is too high? NO!


2. He wont sell you items you have in your INVENTORY.

Well, that's what he already does. At least for cosmetic items. And who are you to tell me that I'm not allowed to own 4 Prisma Grakata or a dozen Primed Fast Hands, eh? What if I want to buy them to trade?

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Checking the relays takes literally no time at all. Go to a relay, head to the ducat station, and then you'll only have one trip to make unless you got lucky.

As for randomised inventory? No. His inventory is the same for everyone on that platform. Catering to each player's Mastery Rank is a terrible idea for both players AND the Dev tram.

For players because you might miss loads of Mastery specific items when you rank up again.

For the Dev team, because it take so much work on so many lines of code, inputting algorithms and processes to recognise each individual player's Mastery Rank.

Besides, each fortnight you don't have to buy him out. Who wants cosmetics anyway? Save up your ducats for something worth them. I'm sat on over 1000 because last time he brought Primed Ravage and the Prisma Daedalus Knee plates.......

On the contrary its not that much work at all. This game may be on beta but that does not mean there is enough items in game that can be offered as well. Rather than making 6 new guns, accents, mods etc. Offer lower tier players PREVIOUS items parallel which were missed from previous introductions in his inventory and focus only on two new items divided between new and seasoned player. Lets say Im rank 3 you are rank 10. We go into the depot and check what items are available. He offers me a Prisma item that experienced players have already obtained from previous game play and ONE new item made by devs of a random selection. Ex. Offered Primed Continuity, Daedlus Armor, and either Void Key Pack or similar common item. You go to the trader and its the same set up except you dont get previous items from past play time and ONE new random dev item. Ex. Primed Shred, Edo Armor, and since your already too experienced for keys are offered 10 Argon Crystals or an Orokin Cat/Gen. Hence 2 new items have a multiplicity effect for both new and old gamers as it builds over time offering items of equal utility.
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Ground hard to unlock pluto, because I'd thought he'd be there.

Unlocked Pluto and realized I wasn't high enough MR to go there.

Ground MR high enough to go to Pluto.

He appears on Mercury.


*Laugh hard as hell*


The only thing I regret is rushing a couple of sentinel blueprints to do it in time. But even then, I discovered I really, really like Diriga.


With that said, I think everyone should see the same items. If people get different lists the value of the items will decrease. Similarly, trying to limit him from selling things you already have would make it too easy to access his entire inventory. And finally, I like that he appears randomly. I had absolutely no driving force to gain MR until I realized I wanted to visit him. So I got a nice little speed challenge (that wasn't really necessary).


I've only been playing for a month or so and have had no problem accessing or buying his items (that I wanted). Making it easier is unnecessary.

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But what if I want that Prisma Bolto? So you're saying I won't get it just because my MR is too high? NO!

Well, that's what he already does. At least for cosmetic items. And who are you to tell me that I'm not allowed to own 4 Prisma Grakata or a dozen Primed Fast Hands, eh? What if I want to buy them to trade?

Also, if your really interested in a newbie gun instead of your fancy high tier gun the answers staring you in the face: TRADE!!! This gives an equal edge at gaining a surplus probability of not sacrificing an arm and leg for an item you really need. You want my Prisma Bolto? Ok seasoned player you can use it (it is in you Mastery rank range) but I cant use your gun because its above my Mastery. Hey, I do need something though you might have. Remember the Primed Shred Mod I mentioned above? That does not require Mastery to use and you purchased a few of them. Even trade hmm Let the haggling begin! ^-^
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Because then we couldn't buy it and inflate market prices to lower players!

In a more serious note, I disagree. People shouldn't be getting high leveled items and mods when they are below mastery 8. When you pass mastery 8 it shows that you have experience and devotion to the game (most of the tiem). That's how you know that you deserve the items. Giving God tier items to lower lvled players wouldn't make sense.

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1. I suppose that couldn't hurt but I mean that's baro's character. He goes and sells what he wants~ALSO it's not even hard to find where he is. You obviously have internet access and all you literally have to do is google "Baro" and the 1st thing that pops up is the wiki detailing both where he is AND what he is selling sooooo yea.


2. While the idea of not getting repeats would be a beautiful, beautiful thing, I kinda prefer it. You win some, you loose some. As much as I dislike repeats I also see the need. If I got everything in the limited selection as is, what would be the point in baro? Would just be one other thing I could give less then 2 squirts about in this game. Also baro was not exactly meant for low lvl players imo. 


3. Why? is it so hard to come prepared? is it so hard to leave and come back? I mean i'm all for ease of access but somethings are just unnecessary and this would be one of them. He trades in void items so why would he have credits on him anyway? why would he care for some items and who is actually holding that much stuff to sell to even amount to the credits needed for a lot of items? 



BUT these are my views on it....as you can see i'm not one for a game just catering to anything just because. Especially if it wasn't meant to be that way in the 1st place~

Edited by DiabolicalHamSandwich
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What Baro offers is optional, he doesn't need a new system. People just need to stop being so anal over min/maxing primed mods and prisma weapons for the 20p or 3000 mastery they'll make from it.

Actually he does need a new system because there is a difinitive line between junk and gold, getting screwed and making the bar. Its about creating a more equal economy and preventing players from robbing other players of having a good time by closing the gap between newbs and vets. Newbs wont be useless or tricked into selling half their inventory to get by in game. Seasoned gamers and newbs can help eachother out in many ways via this system. Newbs can offer a new weapon designated for them to sell to seasoned player for experience or thrill. Seasoned player can offer a mod or item that can help the newb in return. Oh and better yet Platinum can be used for more benificial things instead of trading due to this system since each player will have something they need in return. Saving Plat=More Slots or Faster Build Times
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Actually he does need a new system because there is a difinitive line between junk and gold, getting screwed and making the bar. Its about creating a more equal economy and preventing players from robbing other players of having a good time by closing the gap between newbs and vets. Newbs wont be useless or tricked into selling half their inventory to get by in game. Seasoned gamers and newbs can help eachother out in many ways via this system. Newbs can offer a new weapon designated for them to sell to seasoned player for experience or thrill. Seasoned player can offer a mod or item that can help the newb in return. Oh and better yet Platinum can be used for more benificial things instead of trading due to this system since each player will have something they need in return. Saving Plat=More Slots or Faster Build Times

Oh and before people start complaining about noobs having primed mods think about this situation: Your in a Tier 3 Void run. Three players are in room for one more. You are ag Wave 20. Noob spawns in and all of you are knocked down. He tries to revive you but dies in the process and you lose a necessary item. Damn. Now same situation but with this new trade system. Noob spawns with recently acquired Mod, survives, you get to keep your items you worked for and the noob turns out to be the one responsible for saving your team from utter failure lol in other words it does not just benefit one it benefits the whole TEAM concept that has been overlooked a little too much
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Oh and before people start complaining about noobs having primed mods think about this situation: Your in a Tier 3 Void run. Three players are in room for one more. You are ag Wave 20. Noob spawns in and all of you are knocked down. He tries to revive you but dies in the process and you lose a necessary item. Damn. Now same situation but with this new trade system. Noob spawns with recently acquired Mod, survives, you get to keep your items you worked for and the noob turns out to be the one responsible for saving your team from utter failure lol in other words it does not just benefit one it benefits the whole TEAM concept that has been overlooked a little too much

Are you really trying to say having a primed mod makes a noob survive? Please don't do what ifs cuz of that is highly situational man, as said before new star chart will have his locations, don't like getting made of when asking where he is? Just do as before mentioned and go to the relay, randomizer items? We follow pcs rotation, look at their rotation to see what we get that way you don't get your feelings hurt, as for relay, unlock Pluto get to mr8 and that's it really.
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Nothing about the system in particular is bad other than the terrible inventory 'rotation'. Even as a vendor, he has a whole page worth of space, but only ever a few items, with most of which being repeats. It would be nice to be at least consistent in offerings, such as always having a weapon, a cosmetic, and 1 or 2 primed mods every other week.


Mastery locks are fine, because it isn't difficult to get through the first few to begin with. It is something you will end up doing regardless of whether or not you try to, unless you are like that one guy who refuses to take mastery test and remains a lower MR for the rest of his days.

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On the contrary its not that much work at all. This game may be on beta but that does not mean there is enough items in game that can be offered as well. Rather than making 6 new guns, accents, mods etc. Offer lower tier players PREVIOUS items parallel which were missed from previous introductions in his inventory and focus only on two new items divided between new and seasoned player. Lets say Im rank 3 you are rank 10. We go into the depot and check what items are available. He offers me a Prisma item that experienced players have already obtained from previous game play and ONE new item made by devs of a random selection. Ex. Offered Primed Continuity, Daedlus Armor, and either Void Key Pack or similar common item. You go to the trader and its the same set up except you dont get previous items from past play time and ONE new random dev item. Ex. Primed Shred, Edo Armor, and since your already too experienced for keys are offered 10 Argon Crystals or an Orokin Cat/Gen. Hence 2 new items have a multiplicity effect for both new and old gamers as it builds over time offering items of equal utility.

No, still a terrible idea. Higher MR players DON'T get items previously offered? Sorry bud, but I have to disagree with you on this one.

What about the "seasoned" players, as you put it, who missed items because of real life issues? If they missed an item because they couldn't get on, for whatever reason, why shouldn't we be able to get it again?

See where I'm coming from?

Oh, and your example got it spot on lol, I am in fact Mastery Rank 10

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