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Wukong And Power Creep


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I want to mention that rhino got nerfed today(cant self damage anymore)


and please dont bring nova into this, as much as I love her(she is my main frame) I must say that her ult is far from great past 35 min of T3-4 void survival, at this point bombard affected by her ult  takes 1/3 of ammo from clip of boltor with best build.

The reason behind that may be you are using Boltor Prime and expect some nice damage at higher tiers. :|

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I want to mention that rhino got nerfed today(cant self damage anymore)


If you haven't read it yet, i suggest you do it now : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/580008-rhino-iron-skin-nerf-your-thoughts/page-2


Rhino's "nerf" was merely a fix, and doesn't make him any less functional than he has become since his tweaks.




Now onto OP.




You never know when to stop, do you ? xD

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I want to mention that rhino got nerfed today(cant self damage anymore)


and please dont bring nova into this, as much as I love her(she is my main frame) I must say that her ult is far from great past 35 min of T3-4 void survival, at this point bombard affected by her ult  takes 1/3 of ammo from clip of boltor with best build.

What? Literally 3 bullets into the head with a soma deals with level 70 bombards with the nova buff. Guess youre hitting all shots into his foot. Cool .

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I really really really do not understand why people like you have such an issue with certain frames having advantages over others. It's the point of the game.


You know this goes the other way around too?

So many people having problems with certain frames being weaker then others, or thinking they are weaker because they are a bit harder to master.

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You know this goes the other way around too?

So many people having problems with certain frames being weaker then others, or thinking they are weaker because they are a bit harder to master.


Most of the time, the problem comes from frames being litteraly useless, not weaker, not underpowered, useless. Now when i read a post saying that rhino is useless, i have to laugh, just as i can't take seriously a post saying that wukong is overpowered (looking at you OP).


Overall i still think it's better to ask for tweaks or "buff" than nerfs, cuz that's what most of the frames need. Lots of things happened since warframe started, and a lot of frames aren't up to date. So yeah, most players get the feeling that they suck, because really, they don't fit the actual game anymore.


They should still think and play the frames before asking for a nerf or a buff, cuz it happens way too often that there are feedback from peoples who only have played the frame once, or even worse, who haven't played with the frame at all (looking at you OP :D).


You can't blame peoples for wanting to follow their friends through a long survival with their favourite frame , and it's true that some of them become useless after a certain point. That's why we've been asking for "scaling" for so long.


Sometimes the gameplay has nothing to do with the problem, for instance, i dare you to do a 60 minutes T4 suvival with an hydroid, not die once and still be usefull to your team (that means not hide 100% of the time in your puddle.).

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I want to mention that rhino got nerfed today(cant self damage anymore)


and please dont bring nova into this, as much as I love her(she is my main frame) I must say that her ult is far from great past 35 min of T3-4 void survival, at this point bombard affected by her ult  takes 1/3 of ammo from clip of boltor with best build.


I am bringing Nova into this, not to try and head-hunt.  But to bring into perspective how strong warframes are in general.


Also, I still would put rhino on that list I made, like i said.  If you know how to use him. 

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The reason behind that may be you are using Boltor Prime and expect some nice damage at higher tiers. :|


whats the problem with boltor prime, it has pretty good DPS(dunno if anything changed but not long ago people were calling boltor prime god-tier weapon), I am really interested in what good alternatives to this weapon are for nova user, to tell the truth normally I prefer using soma prime over boltor prime but critic-based weapons have bad synergy with nova's antimatter drop


If you haven't read it yet, i suggest you do it now : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/580008-rhino-iron-skin-nerf-your-thoughts/page-2


Rhino's "nerf" was merely a fix, and doesn't make him any less functional than he has become since his tweaks.




Now onto OP.




You never know when to stop, do you ? xD


Problem is that rhino doesnt have reliable way to strengthen its iron skin, people are using any strategy they can to buff it, and the bigger problem is that trinity was using self-damage to buff blessing since LOOOONG ago and DE did nothing to "fix" it, and lets not forget about hypocrisy of community, if someone says something about "changing"(nerfing) trinity, community goes  crazy and if some mentions "changing"(nerfing) rhino community will tell you suck it up.


What? Literally 3 bullets into the head with a soma deals with level 70 bombards with the nova buff. Guess youre hitting all shots into his foot. Cool .


Well I dont have really great eye sight, but most of time I am hitting head or chest and whatever I use boltor prime or soma prime it takes more then 3 hits for solo player who has only one corrosive projection aura(I would want to play with other players but my interenet connection has problems)


I am bringing Nova into this, not to try and head-hunt.  But to bring into perspective how strong warframes are in general.


Also, I still would put rhino on that list I made, like i said.  If you know how to use him. 


I am just saying that nova prime isnt one of frames that can go solo in T3-4 void survival from for as long as she wants, isnt one of those so called "immortal" frames.


My problem with rhino  fix/nerf is that now it lacks reliable way to buff its iron skin, I know there are still way to do that, like using lasers and stuff but you need specific conditions to do that(like mentioned lasers), while frames like valkyr can achieve same thing MUCH easier, in much safer way.

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Frames having clear differences and having a different set of pros and cons are a good thing.

Frames being potent in a game that's almost completely co-op driven *is a good thing*

I don't quite get the point of insisting something needs to be nerfed in a CO OP PVE GAME.

Nobody loses if your team rocks harder, and no frame objectively makes other frames completely obsolete; there's always *something* a frame does differently in a way that makes them useful in a team.

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Wukong is a little bit too good at everything? He got some CC here and there? Blatant lies. 


I kinda like wukong, he's got that cool attitude of not giving a damn about enemies while poking them with a stick. Still i would say other than in survival, he is one of the weaker frames in terms of usefulness.


Now go ahead and collect some sugar instead of salt and give some buff opinions to frames that need it instead of putting decent frames into the trash can.

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Problems that comes when designing frames around themes I guess.

But honestly, Wukong is in a good spot. 


He is a Jack of all Trades, but he is a master of none.

 If a mission desires a certain loadout, Wukong will not be picked anyway, no matter how versatile he is (Similar to Limbo)  


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