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It's Stupid To Have To Buy A Whole Set Of Loki Skin, Just To Get The Body Armor


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I hope that the next skin (trinity or banshee) has an option to buy separately armor from skin.

I do not use either one nor the other Warframe so I do not need her skins.

Perhaps they offer cool armor set with skins and it would be stupid to buy all set for body armor.

I hope you understand me :)

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Agreed +1

But unfortunately for us, DE knows people want the armor more than the skin. Especially in this case... The forums went a little crazy with feedback about Loki's concept art versus the actual in-game model. DE knew it was releasing a sub par 'deluxe skin' (compared to almost all others in my and many others opinions) so they bundled it... With some pretty kick &#! armor, that actually is the closet thing we have to something that looks like armor! (2nd only to the Targis Prime set). AND they bundled in a pretty cool weapon skin... It's just too bad the things are ridiculously tiny!

By the way... Has the size of the new skin been acknowledged by DE?

Sorry for jacking your thread OP. Just looking for a quick answer from anyone :]

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bundles are there so they can have those prices on them... they will never put items on bundles to be bought one by one... they would lose money doing so.


Depends. You can't make a definite statement like that without access to DE's books.

Edited by JuicyPop
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bundles are there so they can have those prices on them... they will never put items on bundles to be bought one by one... they would lose money doing so.




Maybe if they didn't try to charge the price of entire games for some bullS#&$ cosmetic every other update then I would spend more plat.

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you can buy the skin seperately, you jsut have to go to warframes and then select appearances. you find the Loki skin there.

EDIT: unless you meant like jsut the body and not the helmet.


I think he means the armor pieces.



I don't know what's happening with DE recently, seems like they're just making money grabbing bundles. Add the nezha farming nightmare + Ivara, it's just too much. 


Sadly agree.


Back then, before Valkyr Deluxe?, Bundles were merely option to buy all things at low plat cost compared to buying each thing at a higher price tag.


Now? I just bought Paladin Rhino skin thinking I can buy Jat Kittag later. I check arsenal for Jat Kittag skin to no avail. 


Unless I throw another 200p+ I'll just have to skip idea of getting the skin v-v.

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It's stupid that this is a free to play game. It's stupid that you could get off your arse and grind for the platinum your whining about in the trade chat instead of jumping onto the forums expecting a change from a company that's already given so much. Stop the entitlement. They are cosmetics , if you want them grind for the plat, or get a job

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It's stupid that this is a free to play game. It's stupid that you could get off your arse and grind for the platinum your whining about in the trade chat instead of jumping onto the forums expecting a change from a company that's already given so much. Stop the entitlement. They are cosmetics , if you want them grind for the plat, or get a job

Well all you need to do is this, you don't even need to get a job.


1.Spam Heircon or Triton for Void keys. (And rare cores.)

2. Sell prime parts for ducats

3. Buy from baro and use those cores to rank it up

4. Resell it.

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It's stupid that this is a free to play game. It's stupid that you could get off your arse and grind for the platinum your whining about in the trade chat instead of jumping onto the forums expecting a change from a company that's already given so much. Stop the entitlement. They are cosmetics , if you want them grind for the plat, or get a job

This.  Contribute to the game's community by running for items to sell for plat, or contribute to the game directly by buying plat and trading with players or buying the items directly from the market.


This game lasts much longer than most any AAA $60 title for most of its players.  It's not unreasonable for them to ask for a lot on cosmetics, since that's what pays for them to continue development.


If the way things are packaged are inconvenient for you personally or don't make sense then it's totally fine to make your voice heard.  Just be careful about how entitled you feel toward having your niche desires met when these packages and purchases are primarily about keeping the game alive, and not making you personally pleased with each purchase you make.

Edited by ArcusVeles
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bundles are there so they can have those prices on them... they will never put items on bundles to be bought one by one... they would lose money doing so.


Not true, on the contrary they would gain some more due to higher price tag for buying them individually.


Example, Excalibur Prisma Bundle/Jordas Syandana Pack/Moth Syandana Pack, all three are available both as singles or bundle.


Frankly I wouldn't be surprise if DE did it like stated on this quote:


But unfortunately for us, DE knows people want the armor more than the skin. Especially in this case... The forums went a little crazy with feedback about Loki's concept art versus the actual in-game model. DE knew it was releasing a sub par 'deluxe skin' (compared to almost all others in my and many others opinions) so they bundled it...


Shame really, between lackluster Scimitar and ugly Loki skin I'll have pass on getting the armor set :/.


If they gave option to buy armor set, I'd throw money at them without a doubt. 

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