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Ps4: The Second Dream (U18) (+Hotfixes)


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People complain about updates and fixes and what not but honestly this has to be the fastest constant update game I've seen on consoles (granted its origins is PC and that's the nature of said games). Not only that but this is a FREE game. All depending on what YOU choose. Keep up the great work DE. Ignore the people that just complain. Listen to the people that have solid input.

Exactly what he said

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I doubt it was confirmed. We would of heard something concrete by now (on the forums not twitter)


They'll probably announce on devstream that it'll be next week.  


So like I said lol.. Announcement would be made at Devstream about Nezha's due date. Lol@ all the hopeful people that argued this week. 

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Pretty lame that we have to wait 2 more weeks minimum when Wukong was just dropped outta nowhere in a hotfix. I been looking forward to Nezha, and I thought it was a small update, but whatever. I'm concerned with the lack of any word on the numerous bugs in our current build, and I really would hope we wouldn't have to deal with them until the next major game update, rather than a fix. I had to turn off all basically all graphics settings just for the framerate to somewhat get back to normal.

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People love to complain.


Fact of the matter is, anticipation can be a hard thing to keep in check. PC is getting good things, and many of us as console players see it and want it NOW! But although such a mentality is understandably human, it's hardly healthy for us. Consider: Sony and Microsoft will only willingly patch a product if the patch itself is (mostly) functional and bug-free. This is hardly the case for PC players, who DE can update directly. As such, PC acts as beta testers for us console players. If you think our bugs are bad (and they sure as hell aren't in the least,) PC has run into some doozies that DE thankfully fixed before they compiled the port for us.


The downside? Content delay. We get to see PC enjoying things before we do, often a month in advance. I for one am content with this however; it gives us the opportunity to see others break the new stuff in, find its nuances and optimizations, so we're ready when it comes I have a built Ninkondi waiting to claim in my foundry for the Shaku, and my clan's all stocked up ready to dump nitain into Sydon research. And I already know at this point now that I'll only need one inventory slot to make, level, and toss both.


Besides, consider the fact that all this content is FREE, has been updating with increasing FREQUENCY, and has the ability to provide you with TONS of things to do as you wait. There's forma to farm, reactors and adapters to build, sorties to complete, synthesis targets to catch, focus to accumulate, and a ton more. Hell, between work and sleep I barely have enough time to do even the daily tasks.


So be grateful. Warframe is one of the most beautiful and fun games on the market, and when you consider the size of DE's development team compared to the quality of their product and the rapidity of their updates, I feel they're doing far beyond a brilliant job. Some day soon there will be a new frame to unwrap under your tree.


And if you're still unsatisfied and want your stuff absolutely now, you could always go play Battlefront. I'm sure that season pass will work out quite well for you. Or give Destiny a whirl and let me know 10 years and twice as many paid expansions from now what the actual plot is. Otherwise, just sit tight.

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i honestly do not see why everyone gets so upset on waiting for the new stuff... i got plat put back for nezha when he comes out. I think yall should all just calm down about the patches also... i played on the pc for little over a year before i got the ps4 and started playing, i remember when oberon was the new warframe to get, this is by far one the best games ive ever played... everyone need to just calm themselves and learn to have patiences.

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I don't understand why people try to sit there and explain why others should be patient and wait. Or what they should try and do to waste time.


Half (actually more than half) the time no one is going to listen and will continue to complain. I guess some people like to complain and others like to talk.  


Don't like the complaining? Stay off the forums because that's all people do on here until new content drops. 

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I don't understand why people try to sit there and explain why others should be patient and wait. Or what they should try and do to waste time.


Half (actually more than half) the time no one is going to listen and will continue to complain. I guess some people like to complain and others like to talk.  


Don't like the complaining? Stay off the forums because that's all people do on here until new content drops. 


Because a lot of the people who complain are just down right disrespectful. Perhaps the people that can't give feedback without being disrespectful should stay away from the forums. The point of these is to discuss and possibly come up with more ideas. Not condemn DE for some little thing they didnt get yet.


Oh and to further answer your question about the people who try to explain why people shouldnt complain are in the forums. It is because DE deserves to know there are people out there who are genuinely grateful for the work they do. If we werent, then DE would be looking at nothing but complaints, and what do you think would happen if that is all they saw? I can pretty much tell you that it would be very hard to remain motivated to bring in new things to a game for people who constantly complain.

Edited by (PS4)Knuckles2184
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Because a lot of the people who complain are just down right disrespectful. Perhaps the people that can't give feedback without being disrespectful should stay away from the forums. The point of these is to discuss and possibly come up with more ideas. Not condemn DE for some little thing they didnt get yet.


Oh and to further answer your question about the people who try to explain why people shouldnt complain are in the forums. It is because DE deserves to know there are people out there who are genuinely grateful for the work they do. If we werent, then DE would be looking at nothing but complaints, and what do you think would happen if that is all they saw? I can pretty much tell you that it would be very hard to remain motivated to bring in new things to a game for people who constantly complain.


Or you can ignore the complainers and show DE how much you like the game by discussing something else relevant to how good the game is.

Addressing complainers directly does nothing for DE as far as showing them how much you care or whatever. Its just feeding complainers and at the end of the day they will still complain. So why waste your breath when you could be talking about something constructive with someone else??


Also without complainers we'd still be getting our updates 2-3 months behind PC. So thank them for that while you're addressing their complaints.

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Lol complainers do not decide the time line of updates, in general DE continously works to provide them and does so when it's done. Has nothing to do with people complaining. I'm sorry but I find it a little funny that you actually believe that because if it was true we would be on the same level as PC. Even with console cert process, they would be at least submitting builds the same day as PC gets them.

The truth of the matter is, PC will always get the updates before us because A. It's easier to implment, and B. Thats where warframe started. I giggle a little bit because in every update I see people saying we are catching up to PC, but yet never seem to understand that it'll never happen. We just so happen to get this build very quickly after PC because DE didn't want console subjected to spoilers that would have ruined the experience for us. People who complain have nothing to do with it.

Also, I will spend time defending the Devs because I believe wrongful treatment needs to be dealt with. Get over it

Edited by (PS4)Knuckles2184
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Lol complainers do not decide the time line of updates, in general DE continously works to provide them and does so when it's done. Has nothing to do with people complaining. I'm sorry but I find it a little funny that you actually believe that because if it was true we would be on the same level as PC. Even with console cert process, they would be at least submitting builds the same day as PC gets them.

The truth of the matter is, PC will always get the updates before us because A. It's easier to implment, and B. Thats where warframe started. I giggle a little bit because in every update I see people saying we are catching up to PC, but yet never seem to understand that it'll never happen. We just so happen to get this build very quickly after PC because DE didn't want console subjected to spoilers that would have ruined the experience for us. People who complain have nothing to do with it.

Also, I will spend time defending the Devs because I believe wrongful treatment needs to be dealt with. Get over it


Lmao what are you a vigilante? Get over yourself dude. You aren't anyone special. The devs can defend themselves if they ever need defending.


I find it a little funny that you actually think what you're saying is correct. The devs have stated multiple times that they've been trying to shorten the times consoles have to wait for updates after PC builds. You must of recently started playing warframe because if you were around since Nov 2013 you'd know ps4 builds came out 2-3 months after PC where as now its not even a month. We've been getting builds quickly after PC for awhile now.


Ps4 tenno has been complaining since day 1 and the Devs worked to close the gap. Get your facts straight kid. 


Next everyone knows that console will never release along side PC but people just want to complain and gullible people like you will fall right into the quick sand with said complainers trying to preach to them lmao.  

Edited by (PS4)Lilg31
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Lmao what are you a vigilante? Get over yourself dude. You aren't anyone special. The devs can defend themselves if they ever need defending.

I find it a little funny that you actually think what you're saying is correct. The devs have stated multiple times that they've been trying to shorten the times consoles have to wait for updates after PC builds. You must of recently started playing warframe because if you were around since Nov 2013 you'd know ps4 builds came out 2-3 months after PC where as now its not even a month. We've been getting builds quickly after PC for awhile now.

Ps4 tenno has been complaining since day 1 and the Devs worked to close the gap. Get your facts straight kid.

Next everyone knows that console will never release along side PC but people just want to complain and gullible people like you will fall right into the quick sand with said complainers trying to preach to them lmao.

Yes I do know the time frame btwn builds and what they used to be. There is a difference btwn feedback and complaining and all out being rude. The ones who give feedback without acting like a 2 y/o are the ones that get listened to over the ones that just whine. Although DE tries to make everyone happy it's not the complainers who drive decisions.

I never said I was any kind of hero, but I am someone who doesn't appreciate mistreatment so no, there is no getting over myself lol. Just as you say people will always complain so deal with it, there will always be people who tell them to stop. So isn't the point you're making now to tell people to stop telling others to complain kind of redundant? As you said, as it's a forum people complain, well as a forum people will tell others to stop complaining. Right? So.. redundant.

And to that point I am going to say that this conversation has run its course and has gotten off topic in relation to the forum.

Edited by (PS4)Knuckles2184
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Yeah, Nezha got pushed back to late January (21st I think is submission goal) as stated in the last Devstream.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little disappointed, but I'm more concerned about a fix for the FPS drop issues in extended matches, particularly against Infested.

Well I'm more than disappointed. I thought they would just drop Nezha in a hotfix. And I noticed a commit about missions slowing down the longer you stay in them in a very recent PC hotfix :/ so I'm guessing we'll be playing flipbook for another 3 weeks at least. Turning off graphics settings helps, but damn this blows. Edited by (PS4)KwietStorm
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Yes I do know the time frame btwn builds and what they used to be. There is a difference btwn feedback and complaining and all out being rude. The ones who give feedback without acting like a 2 y/o are the ones that get listened to over the ones that just whine. Although DE tries to make everyone happy it's not the complainers who drive decisions.

I never said I was any kind of hero, but I am someone who doesn't appreciate mistreatment so no, there is no getting over myself lol. Just as you say people will always complain so deal with it, there will always be people who tell them to stop. So isn't the point you're making now to tell people to stop telling others to complain kind of redundant? As you said, as it's a forum people complain, well as a forum people will tell others to stop complaining. Right? So.. redundant.

And to that point I am going to say that this conversation has run its course and has gotten off topic in relation to the forum.


I'm not telling anyone to stop doing anything. Everything I've said was merely an explaining of why doing such things is redundant. They can complain and you can preach by all means. Its just that.. most complainers have a reason to complain while preachers, well they're just running their mouth pretty much. Whatever though.. Just like nature's endless cycle, I guess Warframe's forums must have one too. 


Back on topic. u18 is nice. Need hotfix for Saryn and those spores.**

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