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Where Are All The Neurodes At?


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I did not find a single neurode all weekend. Has anyone else had any issues?



on 6/6/2013, the RNG gods pittied my endless forum qq and finally rewarded me, not one, but TWO neurodes in one run.

I will be sacrificing farm animals in the name of the almighty RNG.

Edited by ADDpillz
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Lots of runs on Everest. 1 neurode. From a breakable container, not the boss.

I've had the same problem with morphics. I've now clocked nearly 10 hours on Tolstoj (mercury) (about 30-40 runs) and i have 7 morphics to show for it. Granted this isn't in one day but still...

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For everyone who needs Morphics: Just do Mars or Europa. Morphics drop decently common there, long as you break every container.

Also yeah, rare resources have gone rarer due to lab resources being added to the drop pool, thus diluting the chances for rare mats. Man, I need more control mods. Doesn't help that only one planet/boss has them, and i need up to 10 for a single gun in the lab!

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It seems like the RNG just hates certain people as usual. Either that or I've gotten super lucky for the last week.

The past couple of days I've been constantly churning out Forma from blueprints while also building Dual Broncos and the alternate helmets that have been sitting in backlog. Mind you, I haven't been running bosses for them so maybe they just changed the drop rate from bosses.

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No point farming them on vay hek...

They don't seem to be on his drop table anymore.

25 runs, no neurodes.

(For those who cannot understand exaggeration, nor tone via text, I don't actually believe they're no longer on his drop table, but rare mat drops and bad luck make it a waste of time anyway. His marginally lower drop rate simply compounds these issues)


I go to fight phorid instead; 1 neurode from the boss, one lucky drop from a storage locker.

Edited by NotaCobra
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No point farming them on vay hek...

They don't seem to be on his drop table anymore.

25 runs, no neurodes.


I go to fight phorid instead; 1 neurode from the boss, one lucky drop from a storage locker.




I got two neurodes from Hek the day before yesterday and there hasn't been a patch or hotfix since then.




Go to Mars, Ultor. Break every container, open every locker. You WILL get Morphics.

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Something seems glitched with the boss drop rare resources. We noticed today that only some of the people in the party were seeing/getting them.


Once we noticed we tried a bunch of different things like switching hosts, everyone standing away from the boss and not picking them up to see who could and could not see them and make sure they weren't just being caught mid-air by some people when they do that fly across the map when the boss explodes thing that mods and blueprints like to do so much, but they just were not there for some people and we couldn't figure out why or see any clear pattern in who they were/weren't appearing for (sometimes it seemed like only the host saw and got them, other times not, etc.).


Anyone else been noticing this? Might be a bug in need of reporting?


(Unless this is the way its supposed to work and I've managed to be super lucky over 400 hours of playtime with everyone always getting the rare resource)

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No point farming them on vay hek...

They don't seem to be on his drop table anymore.

25 runs, no neurodes.


Went on 5 Everest runs earlier, Vay Hek dropped Neurodes in 2 of them.


You're just having a really, really unlucky streak.

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