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The Boss I Didn't Want To Kill.


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one little falw you have there....... if the primes are orokin made, and the neural parasyte is also orokin, why primes are also fired on sight by the controlled enemies?


Here's what i think:


According to the galvie's description "back in the times of the first tenno", that's refering to hayden, right?


If I'm not wrong, by that time, the technocyte plague was taking over, and hayden was also infected with it, but he assimilated it, granting him "abilities"...... now, following that order, we are infected with the technocyte.... The difference between the normal frames and the primes would be (IMO), that the  primes take some of the orokin technology to improve it's already existing "technocyte" abilities before the frame "grows" completely (that would be a good explanation for why we can't make primes from normal frames, they have to "born" prime). and also a fair enough reason for the orokin controlled enemies to attack and fear us (for grineer and corpus  too).... because to them, we are infected.


And the infested want to kill us, because they couldn't consume us, so currently we are he highest threat, the biggest obstacle to consume everything.


As for the lotus, i don't trust her....


 Because the Parasite is clearly aware of what humans are by now. Are you telling me you figure it'd be unable to tell a Human is wearing the suit?


 It is very likely Orokin where Humanoid in shape but otherwise a completely different species. The technology at their disposal is far too advanced for it to make any sense that it came from any type of Human civilization originally.


 It attacks you BECAUSE you are Human. The Void was created to hide the last remnants of the Orokin from the Sentience while they presumably unleashed their Technocyte horrors on the universe - creatures like J3 - in hopes of stopping it.



 The description of the Glaive is a reference - an easter egg, not an important lore tidbit. While Warframe shares a lot of the inspiration of Dark Sector the two games are not the same story. They aren't connected by timeline.

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This is why DE doesn't want story quests. Because posts like this are far more interesting and invoke a lot more thought than "They did that so we do this"

I beg to differ. On the contrary, a game which story engages its audience on the mental level and invokes deep thought is exquisite. Moreover if it triggers any sort of emotion then it is a huge factor in retaining player interest and maintaining submersion.

This is an accomplishment to ravel in and encourage, not reject and avoid.

Warframe need, and should, have more of such, not less.

Best Regards,

Edited by OriKlein
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This reminds me of the Krogan and the points that were made in ME3 about the consequences of curing the Genophage. They'll reproduce and grow to a large number.

The same can be said for the Grineer. If they cure the condition that they are in, it can lead to disaster. More efficient soldiers and whatnot.

I guess in the end... no one in Warframe is truly good or bad.


Except the Rollers.

I WANT THIS! Grineers need to be more efficient, intelligent, a fixed group with a personalized strategy not zerging. I want the grineer to work as a group, to stick together, to provide a totally new dynamic of battle, to make all battles more interesting rather than pick on enemy here, another there, and the next one.


This guy should not die. A smarter, more adaptable grineer would be able to make combat more than just singling out each grineer at each time or stacking in a haphazardous manner. They need a brain!

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Anyone ever notice that half of our missions are "contracts"? Which implies that we aren't doing them for the greater good or the tenno but instead are just plain mercenaries.


I'm also curious why Stalker after us for killing bosses. Are we really even killing what we think we are?

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I'll just go with the idea that we're a bunch of bloodthirsty bastards who don't really care about what they're doing as long as we get to feel empowered by slaughtering hordes of things that are branded as evil and malicious by someone other than us.



Because in a meta sense, that's exactly what we are. You didn't come here to do any actual good or help anyone. You're here because you wanted to feel like something you're not.

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Anyone ever notice that half of our missions are "contracts"? Which implies that we aren't doing them for the greater good or the tenno but instead are just plain mercenaries.


I'm also curious why Stalker after us for killing bosses. Are we really even killing what we think we are?

Most of what is happening against the infested is the technocyte virus spread by humans or the original tenno. They are innocent people subjected to a very harsh tragedy without any form of compensation except death by tenno. They live a very sad life. The infested are those who can't control the technocyte virus when it enters their body.


Corpus are a profit making organization who exploit resources. They are also the monopoly that allows any form of human life to travel beyond the sol system. We are fighting innocent engineers who are given weapons for defense. They are doing their job but fear the grineer attacks and infested. They lack manpower and make it up with robots. They are being subjected to such force being building proxies or robots to defend your monopolistic organization. They take cryopod tech because they are for some reason coming into the sol system via the outer terminus. That you have got to ask why are they coming in all of a sudden?


The grineer, humans who are degenerating in terms for genes. They have bloodthirsty leaders and buffoon like soldiers. they desire a way to cure their degeneration and kill tenno. Why kill tenno? What did tenno do? Their leaders are typical politicians who kill each other through scheming ways. They also seek to end lotus, why lotus? They are an army/military organization that typically protects their people unless there is something about martial law i didn't read about.


The tenno. Human breed who have are in control of technocyte virus. They control and pilot/wear warframes that are designed to demonstrate elemental or powers belonging to the gods through the use of nano-technology that replicate these said elements and power. They require energy like crysis suit which is also powered by very advanced nano robotics. These allows the suit to evolve to infinite possibilities, with each right now being restricted to current form for what reason i am unsure. Why genders exist, is the probably that there is a universal warframe and can change to a preset frame design. That frame design is probably crafted but what form it takes is also uncertain.


that is all i can infer.

Edited by Jacate
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Why Shouldnt we kill the grineer? They Murder our brothers and sisters still sleeping inside their Cryopods! The Corpus capture out brothers and sisters and use them for brutal experiments! The Grineer hate us they murder us in our sleep. so why shouldnt we murder them? Ruin their chances of becoming whole again. They hate us, they are afraid of us. Let us become their worst nightmare, let us avenge our fallen brothers and sisters!


-Warlord Marabunta5

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Most of what is happening against the infested is the technocyte virus spread by humans or the original tenno. They are innocent people subjected to a very harsh tragedy without any form of compensation except death by tenno. They live a very sad life. The infested are those who can't control the technocyte virus when it enters their body.


The grineer, humans who are degenerating in terms for genes. They have bloodthirsty leaders and buffoon like soldiers. they desire a way to cure their degeneration and kill tenno. Why kill tenno? What did tenno do? Their leaders are typical politicians who kill each other through scheming ways. They also seek to end lotus, why lotus? They are an army/military organization that typically protects their people unless there is something about martial law i didn't read about.


Perhaps the Grineer see the Tenno as being responsible for the technocyte and the infested? Perhaps the Tenno really were the ones responsible and Lotus is just lying?


If I had a catastrophe threatening to destroy all of the remaining humanity and suddenly on a patrol I'd see a Tenno (who, in my eyes are responsible for the said catastrophe) sneaking around I'd sure as hell open fire. They never contacted us, never explained anything and are now infiltrating our base.

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Why Shouldnt we kill the grineer? They Murder our brothers and sisters still sleeping inside their Cryopods! The Corpus capture out brothers and sisters and use them for brutal experiments! The Grineer hate us they murder us in our sleep. so why shouldnt we murder them? Ruin their chances of becoming whole again. They hate us, they are afraid of us. Let us become their worst nightmare, let us avenge our fallen brothers and sisters!


-Warlord Marabunta5

The fact that it is the corpus who receives our cryopods from the outer terminus and experiment with the tenno inside shows that the grineer don't

 aren't really the ones at blame, more of the corpus. The Grineer are just all about control rather than kill tenno.

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The fact that it is the corpus who receives our cryopods from the outer terminus and experiment with the tenno inside shows that the grineer don't

 aren't really the ones at blame, more of the corpus. The Grineer are just all about control rather than kill tenno.

The Corpus want our secrets yes. but the Grineer they Kill us in our pods. they dont want to see us alive. Both are worse, but when the corpus capture our pods atleast we still have a chance to save our brothers and sisters. When the grineer get a pod they fill it with bullets and kill our kindred in their sleep.

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I was never against killing grineer. 


But I was against haulting Tyl Regors work, if the Grineer were ever going to have a hope to rehabilitate then breeding would have been required. For the most powerful party in the war, we're kind of abusive with our own power instead of showing mercy to an otherwise mislead race. 

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Yeah but hope is not lost, as in academics and other alike they usually put someone else in the lead of research project if the original researcher is not for one reason or another, capable to continue his work. Sure it will slow down the progress for a week or two but it doesn't mean they could not continue his work and as the game shows, there are intellect individuals so finding a replacement is not entirely impossible.

Wast this justified action? Who can tell, maybe or maybe not. We don't exactly know how the cloning technology changes humans in truth, as far as we know it might be false statements and the past is quite blurry actually. From where we stand it could have been even worse as they might have only gotten more effective but what the truth is? I have no idea. Looking from outside and general direction though, it seems like we are just like them, savages, beastly, brutal and merciless slaughters.

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Yeah but hope is not lost, as in academics and other alike they usually put someone else in the lead of research project if the original researcher is not for one reason or another, capable to continue his work. Sure it will slow down the progress for a week or two but it doesn't mean they could not continue his work and as the game shows, there are intellect individuals so finding a replacement is not entirely impossible.

Wast this justified action? Who can tell, maybe or maybe not. We don't exactly know how the cloning technology changes humans in truth, as far as we know it might be false statements and the past is quite blurry actually. From where we stand it could have been even worse as they might have only gotten more effective but what the truth is? I have no idea. Looking from outside and general direction though, it seems like we are just like them, savages, beastly, brutal and merciless slaughters.

Well the thing is why is only one person, tyl regor, singled out of this research. His research should be as common as stem cell research of the current age and we all know how many people actually research it(probably a few thousands of scientist all over the world).


The reason for being common as it is the most pressing problem against grineer(aka humanity). Think of how global warming is occuring, our most prominent problem and so much inventing and research being done on the topic alone. Thus there probably could be something about either the research that shows promise above the rest or Tyl Regor has something that is more significant to lotus plans than we thought.

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First of all, I think that Tenno, Corpus and Grineer are different subspecies of the human one (that probably is no more). So, they can't reproduce between them (for example, a Tenno with a Corpus et cetera).


About Grineer, the decay of their DNA cause them malfunctions of systems and organs of the body. Probably they haven't a reproductive system able to let them reproduce in a 'natural' way.

Cloning is the only way. Probably the life of a Grineer is that: borned from a cloned fetus, then incubated and borned. We know that 'Mothers' take care of them when their young, so probably he will stay with her (or them) for a while, untill he will be ready for his training and indoctrination process. Than, if he will show great capacities, he will be send to different 'schools' (probably just others centers) to male him an important member or a leader of the Empire, otherwise, Marines always need more recruits.

In the first case, if he will be able to gain always more power with agreements and subterfuge, he will live. Otherwise, someone will kill him before.

In the second case, if he will not die in a battle (probably, the death of 99% of entire Marines), he will die for a disease or a malfunction of an organ or a system. Because there is bio-mechanic of course, but the decay of Grineer DNA is too high to remedy and the fate of a Grineer is already determined. Probably, without an high operation of mechanization (that only a leader of the Empire can afford), the Grineer life will be no longer than 30 or 40 years.


Of course there are in the Empire research centers to study a remedy to DNA decay, but probably it will give them just 5, 10 years maximum. Not more and, however, it will not solve totally their problems (Grineer cloning themselves since centuries... it's just too much time).

The Grineer subspecies fate will be only one: extinction. Full stop.


Now, we know that Grineer hate Tenno for an unknown reason, a great hatred that let them continue the fight against them (or us XD), careless of everything. There is nothing we (or others) can do, that's it. They hate us. All what they do, or think, is just to reach more power (personal of the Empire), or to kill us. No others dreams, wishes, nothing.

Certainly they're still human, but their society, their indoctrination are too strong.


So the only solution is to kill them all. However, they can't save themselves from extinction and they're a too dangerous plauge for others...

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Somewhat on the topic, I have a problem with J3 Golem.

The lotus says on the mission, that he is made by the Orokin. But the Neural Sensors he drops are "Grineer Design".

Was he a Grineer modified by the Orokin?

Or did he just kill Grineer and took it from them?

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It's not about good or evil.

It's about strength, it's about purpose, it's about retribution, and with them comes justice.

How many of us have you rescued from their ships? how many of our brethren live today thanks to your efforts?

Do you think you rescued them all? what do you think they do to those of us not lucky enough to be taken away from their rotting claws?

They hate us.

They envy us.

They fear us.

We are the living proof of their mistake, we are everything they want to be, we are everything they will never be.

How do you think Tyl Regor found the way to fix their decaying DNA? experimenting on animals? no. Their hands are red with the blood of our brothers and sisters.

Imagine being in cryo stasis, a peaceful sleep, imagine opening your eyes only to see the sickening stare of a grineer while you're strapped to an 

operating table.

Imagine their visage as they rip your warframe from your skin, imagine them dismembering you, limb by limb like an insect while your kept alive for even more tests and their amusement.

Imagine our brothers fading away in some damp and rusted lab, without glory, without a last battle, only impotent rage.

Imagine their last words : avenge us.

I was bred as a weapon of war, i was raised to uphold a code, i was taught to be cold, martial and unstoppable.

And when i see a grineer all i can hear are the voices of our fallen, and when they're motionless, broken and in pieces at my feet all i see is retribution.

No, i don't have any tears for the grineer, i will kill every last one of them.

/roleplay mode off

Its a war, make your own reasons, but make no mistake, they are your enemy.


I'd like to report a bug. This Upvote button won't let me click it 47 times. Its really annoying me, because this deserves it.


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The bosses in this game are like kenny from south park- they die over and over and over, and noone remembers it, and its painful everytime for them. If the original grineer werent in a Cthulhu cult, things might have been on the brighter side for em.

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Honestly, this is the best part of the storyline...the fact that we know so little and the imaginative ones come out with their own thoughts and ideas. Anyone stopped to think just how awesome this is? Just a bunch of people making the game feel deeper than it really is.

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ClaymoreNo47, on 04 Jun 2013 - 01:33 AM, said:

My first name is Darwin. My middle is Natural and my last is Selection. I was born to kill this ugly inbred.

Yup, they did it to themselves, this is a game, I dont care.

no. we are. and that's fine by me.

How are we evil? They are an oppressive, corrupted race, bent on domination. We kill them. Sounds good to me. Edited by Zackai
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