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The Boss I Didn't Want To Kill.


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Hold on. So....


Scientist who is part of massive space empire of evil and oppression is close to curing/restoring/fixing all weaknesses caused by cloning of said evil space empire....


....and you want cuddlez?


.....Op I only have one question....


When I eliminate you, will you please drop the Hate bp this time for my friend? He really wants it.


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This is a war.  If we let them make these advances, they won't hesitate to use them to wipe us all out.  F**k ethics.  The technology to save lives can be adapted to take them, or to build super soldiers for their army.  We can't allow that, under any circumstances.

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I dunno man, I was just heading down to the pub in Titania and this a-hole Tyl comes up and wants to Slash Dash me! You know I don't take kindly to bein' Slash Dash'd, so I think I was within my right to defend myself. He could be a father of 10 kids, but he might not live if he picks a fight with me.

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How are we evil? They are an oppressive, corrupted race, bent on domination. We kill them. Sounds good to me.

Do we actually have any sort of proof on that? Since that's just what Lotus tells us. Hell, for all we know it's the Tenno that are an oppressive, corrupted race bent on domination. In fact, that's exactly how we're acting the whole game.


Think I'll grab my shade and go stalk some grineer, see what they like, what shows they watch, how their girlfriends look...

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Tyl Regor. 


  • Tyl Regor is the lead researcher in Grineer gene repair. He was targeted for assassination to stop his research from undoing the Grineer's genetic deterioration.

From the wiki and in-game references to his work.


Now I understand the Tenno stealing back Orokin Tech, but this didn't sit well with me. 


Look at the men and women who serve the Grineer empire, they're a wreck. They've done irreversible damage to themselves. The Ballistas don't even have legs, it's all augmentation. They're humans who are becoming extinct, after a few generations Grineer will not be able create a stable population. 


(I'm sure there's somebody here in this community who knows more about the science of cloning so I'll put that here if someone explains it more)


He wasn't trying to make a doomsday weapon to attack The tenno, the Lotus or even Corpus, this guy was trying to save his people from extinction. Who made the Tenno the right ones to be able to make that decision ?


"But they're evil ?"


But now thanks to us, they're an evil without enough time for redemption, not too mention we took away one of their last hopes. Cloning and War is all they know, but with regeneration of what they were, they'll reproduce through standard means and as such comes love and other emotions, inspiration of art and literature as has been the inspiration for us to thrive since our beginning.


I feel bad for taking that from the Grineer.

But it's all because Lotus said it needed to be done and all I've ever wanted to know is, who is Lotus to use us to decide that fate.


I'd be siding with the Stalker, as he seems to know more than we do. 


In a way, it seems more fitting if he were to drop the Trinity BPs because he works with biological stuff that is meant to help others, much like how trinity is able to help heal others and what not.

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Tyl Regor. 


  • Tyl Regor is the lead researcher in Grineer gene repair. He was targeted for assassination to stop his research from undoing the Grineer's genetic deterioration.

From the wiki and in-game references to his work.


Now I understand the Tenno stealing back Orokin Tech, but this didn't sit well with me. 


Look at the men and women who serve the Grineer empire, they're a wreck. They've done irreversible damage to themselves. The Ballistas don't even have legs, it's all augmentation. They're humans who are becoming extinct, after a few generations Grineer will not be able create a stable population. 


(I'm sure there's somebody here in this community who knows more about the science of cloning so I'll put that here if someone explains it more)


He wasn't trying to make a doomsday weapon to attack The tenno, the Lotus or even Corpus, this guy was trying to save his people from extinction. Who made the Tenno the right ones to be able to make that decision ?


"But they're evil ?"


But now thanks to us, they're an evil without enough time for redemption, not too mention we took away one of their last hopes. Cloning and War is all they know, but with regeneration of what they were, they'll reproduce through standard means and as such comes love and other emotions, inspiration of art and literature as has been the inspiration for us to thrive since our beginning.


I feel bad for taking that from the Grineer.

But it's all because Lotus said it needed to be done and all I've ever wanted to know is, who is Lotus to use us to decide that fate.


I'd be siding with the Stalker, as he seems to know more than we do. 


This thread keeps popping up. The thing is, later, Lotus says that he is doing the research to gain immortality.

Edited by f3llyn
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 It is very likely Orokin where Humanoid in shape but otherwise a completely different species. The technology at their disposal is far too advanced for it to make any sense that it came from any type of Human civilization originally.


I've always considered the Orokin to be kind of like space Atlanteans.

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The Grineer are a batch of generically tailored soldier clones. If you know anything about the Star Trek prime Augments (Khan being the big example) then you would have 0 sympathy. The Grineer are refined killers and conquerors. The only reason they are on the decline is because of that same genetic degradation the OP finds sympathy with. Tyl Regor is perhaps the greatest threat Origin has seen since the rise of the Grineer empire itself. If there is ever to be hope for freedom of the people of Origin, Regor must die and his efforts at restoring sadistic super soldiers to full strenght must be stopped.

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The Grineer are a batch of generically tailored soldier clones. If you know anything about the Star Trek prime Augments (Khan being the big example) then you would have 0 sympathy. The Grineer are refined killers and conquerors. The only reason they are on the decline is because of that same genetic degradation the OP finds sympathy with. Tyl Regor is perhaps the greatest threat Origin has seen since the rise of the Grineer empire itself. If there is ever to be hope for freedom of the people of Origin, Regor must die and his efforts at restoring sadistic super soldiers to full strenght must be stopped.



This thread keeps popping up. The thing is, later, Lotus says that he is doing the research to gain immortality.


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I was never against killing grineer. 


But I was against haulting Tyl Regors work, if the Grineer were ever going to have a hope to rehabilitate then breeding would have been required. For the most powerful party in the war, we're kind of abusive with our own power instead of showing mercy to an otherwise mislead race. 



It is not for the Grineer to cure themselves. Their salvation will not come at their own hands but ours. We will take up Regors work and when the time is right we will save them from themselves. We will return them to humanity. Once their leadership is purged, save for a select few loyal to the lotus, we will begin their salvation from their cloning. 


The lotus knows the path and the Tenno are the shepards that guides the lesser races down this divine road. Fear not young Tenno. Our methods may seem ruthless and even dishonorable but we are Tenno. We are of the Lotus. We are the only ones who can deliver salvation on this universe. The only ones who can return it to the ideals set by the Orokin.  


Keep the faith Tenno. You are one of the righteous. The warframe you inhabit is proof of this. Do not wavier in your faith Tenno. I know it is not easy with the horrors we face, but trust in the Lotus. 

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This thread keeps popping up. The thing is, later, Lotus says that he is doing the research to gain immortality.


Because nobody has ever, in the history of the universe, tried doing "good" (I put that in quote to avoid a drawn-out argument) things for selfish reasons, right?


That quote, at least to me, conveyed that Regor isn't likely to succeed in spite of his thirst for immortality, but because of it.


Just my two credits.

Edited by Iainius
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Save the Grineer? And HOW?

They're probably a human sub-race, different from others (and from us, the Tenno), their DNA is damaged (and it means that every kind of reproduction done by them will have, as a result, just others 'damaged' people, of course if they CAN reproduce.... and I don't think so).


So, I repeat: how to save them? They've no future and they did this choice for themselves. Greed took them to this point, a doomed society done by mutilated, sick and mutated people.

But, ignoring this for a second, what about their mentality? They're grown with hate as ideology and this is very difficult to change.


It's sad, but it's the only way. Maybe someone of them will be saved after the defeat of the Empire, but the biggest part of them will and must die. Will because of their problems and way of life (remember that the Grineer one is a martialist society), must because until the Empire exists Grineer will follow their crazy ideology... and the Empire will not be defeated with peace & love...

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And Scorpions.


The risk of disaster would be too big, if the Grineer were allowed to cure themselves. Of course, Grineer being humans the closest to human race in the game, it will tickle one's moral senses to kill one who could cure them.


This is a misnomer. The Grineer held Earth, but that does not make them the most human. I would argue that Corpus are actually the least genetically or biomechanically modified, instead relying mostly upon external technology for their military might. The Corpus capture target's face is completely unmarred and, without his helmet, sounds extremely ... normal. Or as normal as a screaming person can sound, without a vocoder.

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This is a misnomer. The Grineer held Earth, but that does not make them the most human. I would argue that Corpus are actually the least genetically or biomechanically modified, instead relying mostly upon external technology for their military might. The Corpus capture target's face is completely unmarred and, without his helmet, sounds extremely ... normal. Or as normal as a screaming person can sound, without a vocoder.

To add to Kahruvel's point, what we know of the Grineer Empire is that they have subjugated all other races of humans in Origin. It is there in what little lore we have acess to. This means there are other humans we don't see because 1) they don't have models yet, 2) they aren't factions we're killing yet.

There are other humans in Origin besides the clone Grineer and the tech obsessed Corpus. Where do you think the Corpus get their members? From the Grineer? I'll say it again in seperate line:

There are other groups of humans in Origin, who are not Grineer nor Corpus nor Tenno.

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Ninjas are tools.

Ninjas do not question.

Ninjas Obey.


A tool that does not obey will be discarded.



It would be.. Unfortunate if the magnetic couplings on your transport were to "fail" halfway through your next extraction, would it not?


Best do as the mistress commands.




I wonder who is the villain.. Us tenno, or the rogue stalker...

(I'd say both, but then again, i'd never call massmurder justified in any setting.)

Conclusion: Everyone's evil, and we are actually in purgatory.. Tadaaa!

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Ninjas are tools.

Ninjas do not question.

Ninjas Obey.


A tool that does not obey will be discarded.



It would be.. Unfortunate if the magnetic couplings on your transport were to "fail" halfway through your next extraction, would it not?


Best do as the mistress commands.




I wonder who is the villain.. Us tenno, or the rogue stalker...

(I'd say both, but then again, i'd never call massmurder justified in any setting.)

Conclusion: Everyone's evil, and we are actually in purgatory.. Tadaaa!

Yeah, that works.

We are Ninja....Ninjas weren't kind hearted tree huggers, They were ruthless murderers and assassins. Thats what we are and thats how we play. We get told to kill someone, we kill them, then get rewarded. Mercenary Ninjas....giggidy.

The fact that anyone has the slightest hesitation in killing someone in this game, speaks volumes about its depth, even without a story line to speak of. I felt the same way when i first heard what he was doing and why....But i killed him anyway, because, you know....Credits/Loot.


We are Ninjas, who are Mercenaries, that loot like Pirates and dress like Robots, all in space.

Doesn't get much better than that.

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Do we actually have any sort of proof on that? Since that's just what Lotus tells us. Hell, for all we know it's the Tenno that are an oppressive, corrupted race bent on domination. In fact, that's exactly how we're acting the whole game.


Think I'll grab my shade and go stalk some grineer, see what they like, what shows they watch, how their girlfriends look...


If you have the time, make a David Attemborough-esque Mockumentary. 


I would watch it, I'm probably not alone in that either. 

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