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Am I Alone In This?


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Does it feel like, to anyone who puts money into warframe, that the game actually gets worst after buying in. it feels like fable 3 when it went free on xbox, yeah the game is free but you still have to pay $100+ to get anything out of it.


like i've put at least $400 bucks into and i still feel like im getting shafted. either everything is too expensive or everything is just worthless in the grand scheme of the game like even when i buy stuff i cant get what i want.

some might say "first world problems"  but i'm basically investing in the game expecting silver and getting 1080 steel, yeah it's good steel but for what im paying it's underwhelming.

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I've only put 20$ in the game and have about everything I'll ever need and I'm happy with it and more, like if you don't feel like you're getting that much with the money you're spending try not putting money into it? idk what to tell you man

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Nah, i have almost everything and i bought some plat just to support devs.

You Can get everything if you play on a regular base 10 Hours a week or even less.

Meanwhile you Can eventually raise enough plats to buy all non-prime access cosmetics/

Buying some plats helped me in the process, but there is so much unecessary stuff that you con completely forget.

Never bought prime access or complete weapons, and yet have everything i needed, wantend and much more.

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Yeah OP, sorry. You pretty much are.

DE are extremely generous with their content and honest with player interaction. There will always be forum grousing, but this is by far the most generous F2P game I've ever seen, next to maybe PSO2.

And this game IS constantly getting better. The Parcour alone is enough to justify this statement.


What would be the direction you want the game to go?

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Yeah OP, sorry. You pretty much are.

DE are extremely generous with their content and honest with player interaction. There will always be forum grousing, but this is by far the most generous F2P game I've ever seen, next to maybe PSO2.

And this game IS constantly getting better. The Parcour alone is enough to justify this statement.


What would be the direction you want the game to go?

not the whole game but i should get more for my money.

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not the whole game but i should get more for my money.

I don't know. The way it is set up seems like they encourage you to buy cosmetics, Reactors/Catalysts/Forma, slots, and Rush's because they are relatively cheap and plentiful, but discourage allowing you to just buy every item on a whim, so that you need to play through the game.


I don't feel that is unnecessary. 

Regardless of that, we all value our dollar differently. Many may believe they are getting a lot for their money, some a normal amount, and some less than they can believe. Of course, you want to make it feel like you're getting quite a bit, while also still making your company money. That ratio is probably for DE's Marketing Team to try and figure out, but I don't feel as though we are being cheated with the amount being paid.

It's very much an open payment option. Nothing is really forced, besides the arguable slots.

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not the whole game but i should get more for my money.

You really shouldn't though. You put money into the game because you wanted to, and the game is very upfront about what you get for paying. If you didn't like it, you shouldn't have payed to begin with.

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Your OP contained the word "shafted", which is a synonym for "cheated", so that is what I thought you had meant. 

Sorry for the mistake.

umm shafted is a synonym for boned not cheated...


either way i feel like i got the most im going to out of the game but the only thing i can think of is cosmetics, it just make me feel like my warframe looks the same as every other.

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umm shafted is a synonym for boned not cheated...


either way i feel like i got the most im going to out of the game but the only thing i can think of is cosmetics, it just make me feel like my warframe looks the same as every other.

To shaft someone is to treat someone unfairly, and to cheat is to act unfairly for your advantage. 

They work as synonyms.


But on cosmetics, how do you feel that way? I haven't met a player who matches any of my customizations yet. I'd say I look relatively unique, unless you're talking about the overall shape of the Warframe?

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Shafted means being screwed over which is also synonymous with being scammed or cheated out of something.

You are essentially saying you feel cheated out of your money and that you should have gotten something worth however much you put in.

The truth is you bought platinum. You got your money's worth. If you bungled up in the usage of said platinum, surely the blame rests entirely on your shoulders.

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You've spent $400 and are convinced you're not getting anything out of it? What are you doing with all that plat - rushing energy restores? Giving it away?

Obviously if you've spent that much - you have something to show for it presumably - if you're not satisfied - well that's on you really. Maybe don't spend so much money on pixels and you'll feel better?

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In the defense of money it can feel that your not getting your money worth because everything seems so obtainable even the in game currency.


But in your defense Op I don't know what you could have done with the Plat

I mean u took part in fusion Moa event but in honest truth I feel like you might have done just as people describe

PUT all the plat into cosmetic and buying weapon and warframe and not farming even the simplest things.That or went to trade and got ripped off badly

Anyways if you gonna wonder why I know this

to view anyone profile you send them friend request and then goto your pending and view profile that should show you the basic information of the things

Edited by Leavith
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I don't share the OP's feelings either. I haven't spend money on this game yet I have obtained everything I wanted, sometimes I grow frustrated from searching fro a part or a mod, but it was hard work and it felt rewarding at the end. Whenever I burned out, I stopped playing for a while. I believe the Devs are doing a great job, WF is already incredibly good compared to what it looked like at the start. So, if you don't feel like it OP, maybe the game simply isn't for you :)

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