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I love what sorties bring to the game. Daily end-game content for high level rewards is a great idea, and alot of fun.


What isn't fun is being told, "We're sorry. You don't get to claim your daily sortie reward today because we've decided to group you up with players who don't care/are clueless."


What are the odds of doing away with sortie mission types that force me to rely on other players? Get rid of defense/interception. And maybe mobile defense. Add Hijack in. Sabotage. Deception. Gimme lots of survival/exterminate/spy.. whatever.


I love challenging content. My favourite way to play is solo. But certain game modes *FORCE* me to play with others. (please spare me the "omg l2p i can solo a sortie defense/interception on any frame w/o any weapons etc".) Exterminate - I run solo. Still challenging, but doable alone. Same thing with spy - (actually easier alone cuz you don't have clowns running around messing it up).. sabotage/deception... soloable. Survival, even - soloable. Would be super challenging at the the sortie level, but doable. Same thing with hijack.


Now. Defense/Mobile Defense/Interception - these game modes force me to rely on others. (If you've got a video of you soloing these modes in sortie, i would love to see them). As I understand it, the purpose of trials/raids was to promote team play and they were not meant to be played alone. I'm fine with that. I love that, infact. But I feel like sorties are something I *should* be able to do alone, if I choose. As it is now, I cannot do certain sortie mission types alone.(This is all just mission-mode specific irritation - I'm not even going to go into the whole 'leave-the-game-in-the-middle-of-the-sortie-and-screw-your-squad-out-of-like-30+mins-of-gameplay issue)


Sorry for the long-winded/repetitive post. Working as intended or in the works for change?



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Interception can be easily done solo with a slow Nova or even Nehza with his last ability (if you got max range) Its not like you need power strength for him. You just need Energy restores & a Sahasa Kubrow because the dig ability is great when enemies aint dropping no energy. Interception can be done solo. It all comes down to your loadout.

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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How about no, defense and interception are the most fun for me. I played yesterdays interception on PS4 with MR 8-11 randoms, we had a great time. It's really not difficult finding a decent squad. If you don't want to, then tough luck, you can skip a day. Also, hijack, sabotage, and deception??? Bleech...

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Carry the team and then it won't matter, in the end, how clueless they are. There are very few situations, in sorties, where it's impossible for one person to do the bulk of the work. Augmented armor Grineer missions and some interception maps are the only ones that come to mind.


If they keep running out of the Frost bubble on defense, eventually you leave them down.

If they keep spreading the enemies out during survival, making it hard to keep the life support stocked, eventually you just let the enemies take them down and leave them.

If they keep tripping alarms in spy-- why are you running spy in a group if you're not prepared to deal with this?

Etc, etc, etc

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Carry the team and then it won't matter, in the end, how clueless they are. There are very few situations, in sorties, where it's impossible for one person to do the bulk of the work. Augmented armor Grineer missions and some interception maps are the only ones that come to mind.


If they keep running out of the Frost bubble on defense, eventually you leave them down.

If they keep spreading the enemies out during survival, making it hard to keep the life support stocked, eventually you just let the enemies take them down and leave them.

If they keep tripping alarms in spy-- why are you running spy in a group if you're not prepared to deal with this?

Etc, etc, etc


I run spy solo 100% of the time.


When people leave the frost bubble in defense and die repeatedly, I let them die.


This thread has already become alot more toxic than I had anticipated. Apparently I'm the only one who prefers to run solo and perceives a problem with the current system.

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