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And So It Begins...


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Sinclair said, laughing, one rife with customization and crafting options, and one that doesn’t stress competition as much as it stresses cooperation.


Uh huh.... 90% of missions come down to a race to see who can kill stuff the fastest and then make it to the exit first. Cooperation? Not really.

Edited by f3llyn
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This is actually good. If this sells for money there then we could get better treatment here. Or they could get... the lust.


The article said it was going to be f2p with the same market strategy the pc version has.

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I reserve judgement. Just know as of this happening the wallet is closed.

Sony is a terrible company with terrible security and I have not touched a sony product since they borked everquest.

I'll stick around to see how it goes but IMHO this does not bode well, but that's my opinion. I'm not wishing ill on DE or the game, but in my experience sony destroys everything that is good that they touch.

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I don't really like the idea of pc players funding a console port of the game. And at this point that is only speculation.


That being said it might be kind of cool if pc and ps4 players can play together. But I don't see that happening. Though the problem there is that pc players will almost certainly always do better than the console players simply due to the fact that k&m is a more accurate imput method.

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I don't really like the idea of pc players funding a console port of the game. And at this point that is only speculation.


That being said it might be kind of cool if pc and ps4 players can play together. But I don't see that happening. Though the problem there is that pc players will almost certainly always do better than the console players simply due to the fact that k&m is a more accurate imput method.


Your paying the company.


The company is paying its employees to console port lol



You think they reserve all the PC income for PC updates?



I knew there was something weird going on when they said they had like 100+ employees yet all the updates where untested and really small compared to what 100 people can accomplish.


I mean look at Path of exile. They have 8 full time devs and they crank out content patches at 10x the speed of DE.(less buggy too)

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You do know Sony aproached them, not the other way around?

Instead of our money being invested into PS4 porting, the porting is probably being funded by Sony, the money we spent is going to get an even better use to improve the game.

Before, Warframe was handled by a fraction od Digital Extremes. Now a lot more resources ar being put into Warframe. That means a lot more quality soon, I'll bet.

My only concern is that the DE staff might get this awful disease called "The Lust". So long as they vaccinate against it, I'm all for it.

After all, a game this good couldn't be kept small forever. That said, it still IS pretty small, and new quality content needs to be aded asap if it's going to PS4.

It also means I'll probably have to worry about getting a PS4 now.... oh crap.

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I don't really like the idea of pc players funding a console port of the game. And at this point that is only speculation.


Once you pay DE, it's not your money anymore. So what they do with it isn't really your business anymore, is it?


I reserve judgement. Just know as of this happening the wallet is closed.

Sony is a terrible company with terrible security and I have not touched a sony product since they borked everquest.

I'll stick around to see how it goes but IMHO this does not bode well, but that's my opinion. I'm not wishing ill on DE or the game, but in my experience sony destroys everything that is good that they touch.


How is anything you just said 'reserving judgement'? You've already condemned Sony and have decided not to give DE any more money for their work. If the PC version of Warframe dies, it will be due to ridiculous ideologies like this.

Edited by Neskartu
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That's where your founders $ is going. Into S#&$ty console porting.


I knew something was up.

Having warframe ported to ps4 is bad because...why?


It opens up more avenues for micro transactions that allows DE to both run and expand the game....

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Your paying the company.


The company is paying its employees to console port lol



You think they reserve all the PC income for PC updates?



I knew there was something weird going on when they said they had like 100+ employees yet all the updates where untested and really small compared to what 100 people can accomplish.


I mean look at Path of exile. They have 8 full time devs and they crank out content patches at 10x the speed of DE.(less buggy too)

ITS THE SAME GAME. An update on ps4 WILL translate to the PC

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Your paying the company.


The company is paying its employees to console port lol



You think they reserve all the PC income for PC updates?



I knew there was something weird going on when they said they had like 100+ employees yet all the updates where untested and really small compared to what 100 people can accomplish.


I mean look at Path of exile. They have 8 full time devs and they crank out content patches at 10x the speed of DE.(less buggy too)


And? We gave them money with the idea in mind that it would be used to improve the game we're actually playing. Not spent on porting the game to a console.



Once you pay DE, it's not your money anymore. So what they do with it isn't really your business anymore, is it?


It is if they want to keep receiving my money. I don't own a console and I'm never going to own a console. If I give them money with the idea in mind that they will spend said money on improving the version of the game I play. Then it's later found out they're spending it on something I will never have access to I will no longer feel compelled to give them any of my money.


Though it seems likely, we in fact do not know if they're spending the money we're giving them on the port though. Like I said, it's all speculation and we'll probably never know unless they tell us.

Edited by f3llyn
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It does bring up questions about why support has been practically nonexistent and huge glaring and even game breaking bugs have been going without any sort of prompt fix or even real acknowledgement of the issues.

Many people see this as a positive thing, and it may well be and I could be getting nervious for no reason, but I've seen what sony does to online games, especially games they get involved in that were made by previous developers.

Every time I've seen it happen I've called that it's a countdown to the end and I have yet to be wrong. Like I said, I'm not gone but this news troubles me and I can no longer spend money on this game in confidence.

*this is pure speculation on my part and 100% opinion*

Edited by Bakim0n0
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