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Your Top 5 Endgame Warframes


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All frames are endgame for me ~




Alright, here top 5 I'd pick from preference/fashion


1. Ivara Prime


2. Loki Prime


3. Mirage Prime


4. Frost Prime


5. Trinity Prime


PS yes Mirage Ivare isn't prime yet, but eventually I'll use them when released <3

Edited by Fionntan
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Honorable mention goes to...


Chroma (still getting familiar with him but love me a great tank)

Nyx (she'd be my 6th choice)


I haven't finishing building Nezah so not enough experience there and is the only frame I haven't played yet.

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The meta of this game is always changing and without it the game would get boring quickly I respect everything DE has done to Warframe (excluding saryn 1 tap to kill) I'm still grieving , trust me after I got back into Warframe after a year of not playing on my Pc account and then being a couch potato and playing on my xbox everything was a shock including what they did to frost then. We adjust the Warframe community always has done

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Frost is great the only thing are the equiped weapons for melee. I dont Deals Only damage He reduces armor. He got 23 cc abilities and one defensive ones t4 surv. 40+ minutes are also possible u have to use ur 4 bubbles. And one Main if u want. The playstyle is up 2 u how tactical u use his bubbles and cc abilities. I love it

The only thing is i need end game build weapons XD. And the right weapons

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They wont necessarily perform super well in endgame, but i will definately BRING them.


1 Ex Aequo

3. Mag (any faction, not just corpus)

Yep, super polyvalent, u just have to adapt either the loadout n/or the gameplay, and she's really straight to the point so messing is harder, even when not really focused.


Valkyr : invulnerable berzerk kitten, what else can you even ask for?


& Vauban : I effin create my battle ground and control it. <= Brings (at least to me) the feeling of OPness a game like Warframe is supposed to give.



4: Soon Trinity coz i like supporting my teammates (what i already do with mag but she doesnt heal).


5: Loki : because sometimes you just want to watch grineers whacking each others with batons.

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