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2 Essential Warframes?



Hi guys, so as a total noob i spent all my platinum on some random junk. Now I realize that I made a big, BIG mistake... and I'm stuck with only 2 frames. My current frames are Excalibur and Loki, and trading with my prime "stuff" is not an option (because it's mostly junk). So what do you guys think, which 2 frames are essential for a new player? Please help out!

Edited by LoneWandererZed
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Excal and Loki are a couple of the best frames in the game right now. Id say stick with them for a while. Once you decide that you naturally favor one over the other, you can think about replacing it with different frame. As many frames are good, it really comes down to personal playstyle. But as mentioned above, spend enough time in the game and youll likely find a way to buy more frame slots too.

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You should aim for Trinity and Frost, with these two frames you can contribute smth to every team. Rino or Valkyr are more solo play frames and with those it could be hard to find a team for long farm missions.

In my opinion Trin is the better of both, she is maybe the most important support frame and you can use her for every mission. Frost is mostly used for def or excavation and there are other frames wich can do the same.

Loki is very usefull too and i advise you dont! sell loki or excal for rino or valkyr!

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Excal is a wonderful start frame, he can get you into some good stuff, and Loki is great for sheathing.


Its not best to really spend Plat on Warfames, but farming Forst, Trin, and mag should not be TOO hard, but once you go get to the much bigger frames like Chroma, Mesa, Nazah and Eqoox, then yeah your going to be in a real show 



Just wondering OP, but what are you after what Frame do you want?

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You Need more slots  simple as that if you're going to move into later game  farm t1-2 for crap p parts and sell them off for slots.


your going to want at minimum 6 slots,  There's multiple game modes usually 1-2 which are the best at them, some that are good at more than one. And theres mastery fodder.


So you're gonna need a zerger for Pub random mission/star chart clearing Excalibro perfect for this and later Draco. Also see rhino valkyr pretty much any tweaked/max frame 


A tank , Rhino/P, valkyr, Chroma, wukong, Frost  longer sur and to pad the learning curve. Valkyr is able to be completely invincible on with minor modding/forma 


Stealth/spy, Loki/P,  Ivara, ash/p.  loki P is current king of Utility frames Invis plus radial disam aug.


Defense /Mobile def/ interception, get frost use frost love frost , can play with chroma and a bunch of others  but none do as well as that icy bubble.


Hijack , cap, and much more META.


basically there niches and frames for that ,


T4I 16 waves wile reading a book ?  hydroid puddle party 


Trin/p  much wanted  as a support class for ev / blessing so everybody can run builds that can't run without EV or  can be stupid and still win. Also Draco. 


Mag, ganks corpus 


Limbo, Much hated in party unless groups doing a specific meta .  Amazing for solo Cap or rescue runs. 


Vauban , half replaced by synoid simulator but  makes a infested smoothie in ODD 


nekros. hydroid  extra loots Doubling drops


As you can see unless you want to play maybe 25% of game  your gonna need  more slots 


Even in type of frames there different flavors of type aka for stealth  I PREFER Ivara just works better for me but I wouldn't know that unless I crafted her and tried. 

Edited by MagisD
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Loki, Excal, and Frost will get you through... almost anything, and are the frames I would keep if limited to 3.  But if you only had to keep one to do everything with, probably Loki.  Keep in mind, that, as a newer player, getting either Loki or Excal back, if you sell one for a slot to level a new warframe with, is going to be pretty rough.  The boss fights aren't bad, but they're both pretty deep into the star chart.


PS:  Loki isn't bad at defense with his augment... Irradiating Disarm everything on the map, Decoy, calmly walk around killing everything.  Same thing with Excal.  Blind blind blind.  You don't NEED a Frost for defense type objectives, it just makes it a lot easier.

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Limbo and Limbo, Kappa


On a serious note Rhino is noob friendly, wrecks face in low level content, and with his changes he is somewhat viable end game, try to get the prime version before it is vaulted though.


And the second one would probobally be well basically keep your Excal.

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Excal and loki (prime) ARE 2 essential warframes btw. One of the best damage dealers+one of the best solo/CC frame.

That aside: nova, vauban, trinity, mirage, nyx (rare but my personal recommendation. Chaos is among the best types of CC, turns the battelefield against itself.)Pick up banshee and ash for numbers. Rhino should be among the better beginner frames, stays endgame viable due to recent changes.

Just sticking to what you like after trying evrything is the best course tho.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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MagisD is right. You will need more frames. When I first started playing I thought that I could get away with just a couple, but as you progress you will see that you need more. For now, Loki and Excal are pretty decent frames. Excal is good damage, and Loki is good for just about everything if you build him right. For now I would work on getting in on some void missions via the recruiting channel. Try to get some full sets to sell, since those sell for more. In the meantime, it can't hurt to farm and build more frames so you can claim them from your foundry as you get plat. Yep, you can leave the fully built frame sitting in your foundry waiting to be picked up. This will save you loads of time down the road. :)

Edited by (PS4)VenatrixPulchra
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youll want more slots.   Also, most prime frames cost less than the standard version from the market!   VERY few frames are worth buying, to avoid a painful month or more of grinding.  


some favorites..


Arguably youll want to farm focus, and as far as I know prowl ivara gets it done.


rhino or nezha (rhino is super easy to farm, low level boss) to get your nightmare mods easily early on.  Not required, but being invincible does wonders for farming tough missions.


mag is a favorite,  wipes the floor with corpus,  does great in void,  and is solid on anything else.  Also easy to farm off low level boss.


Banshee is another favorite.  Her aoe is a little off (takes 10 seconds to do the damage of other frame's instant hits) but her aoe marking lets you do multiple damage (mine is over 10X damage... ) with your guns and her other skills have merits.


Nyx is flexible and can do just about anything from sniper builds (possess a mob and shoot the guys that come out  of the woodwork to attack it)  to CC (mass chaos) to invincibility / aoe damage.  


Hydroid or a nekros makes getting stuff less annoying if you feel the urge to farm.


Comes down to... most of the frames are good if you like what they do.


"Junk" primes are good for ducats for the void trader.   Build the items if you can, and youll get a few more when you turn them in.  That gives you access to random but occasionally very good mods, weapons, even pets.  

Edited by jonnin
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get some normal versions before buying a prime.  Just sit on your plat,  let it build up selling odd bits, and learn what you like THEN buy something.  It wouldn't take you a week to score rhino, mag, hydroid, banshee, volt, zephyr, and a few others to get a feel and some ideas...

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Yeah, I think it's possible to cover every role in the game with two frames. It's not perfect and some others do some of the jobs better, but the game has some real multitaskers allowing you to at least pull your weight and be useful in any mission. I'm going to recommend Nova and Loki. Prime once possible but normals will do just fine.



Nova can handle DPS-role in any mission between Molecular Prime and Antimatter Drop. Molecular Prime is great for slowing down bosses. She's useful in speedrun teams (e.g. Capture Speedruns) thanks to Wormhole and Escape Velocity. Finally, she has the versatility of being able to speed up enemies (to speedrun Defenses) or slow down enemies (for CC; Raid, Survival, etc). Ultimately, she's extremely versatile and suits a huge variety of mission types. She can't make a bubble in Defense the way Frost can but her slow makes it pretty CC enemies to the point that you're mostly safe.


Loki is the other one. He's a great soloplay frame. You can run all Spy/Rescue/etc. type missions with him supereasy. He enables you to Stealth Farm for Focus. Radial Disarm and Irradiating Disarm give him some of the best, most versatile CC kits in the game. Disarm can be used to get enemies to come to you/Decoy and Irradiating Disarm can be used to make them preoccupied with each other. Both remove all the troublesome enemies from the fight, and Irradiating Disarm causes radiation making Ancient Healer protection irrelevant. He's also fast and fun as a melee frame.



It's not perfect. As soon as possible, I'd add Nekros to farm resources, and Trinity for energy sustain/team invulnerability & Frost for Defense/Excavation/Mobile Defense vs. nullifiers afterwards; then Mirage or Banshee for an A-tier buffer plus DPS frame. After that you can dabble in generalists like Excalibur/Rhino/Valkyr/etc.


Those two frames are enough to do your job in any mission in the game, and they cover quite possibly the largest number of "jobs" possible with two frames. Both are good soloplay frames too; Nova is fast and can just MPrime everything while Loki is basically made for soloplay with his invisibility (and decoy + disarm for grouping up enemies for mass murder and switch teleport + decoy to get everywhere).

Edited by Gilalar
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Two essential frames have to be, at least in my opinion Valkyr and Loki. Valkyr is a great frame to learn the game with, just because of how safe she is. Permanent invincibility (with sufficient energy of course), high damage, tankiness, you name it Valkyr probably has it. Though not being the most challenging frame, Valkyr Brings a lot to the table. As for Loki, he's a good frame all around shining in spy missions, he is stealthy, sly and always has a foot up on his enemies. Also with both frames being relatively easy to get you should have no problem building them (Loki Dropping from the Hyena Pack on Neptune, And Valkyr Dropping from Alad V on Jupiter).

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