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Most Versatile Burst-Fire Rifle?



16 answers to this question

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Personally I find the Burston Prime with the augment Gilded Truth a really solid burst fire weapon, which also grants healing and a solid Gas Proc that deals respectable damage.

It also has solid status chance too. Personally I find the utility of the Syndicate proc itself extremely useful in general play, as it boosts your parkour maneuveurs on top of healing you, which helps me in running through missions that much faster. The AoE Gas damage also helps to clear trash mobs which you may not want to waste your burst fire on.

Personally I aim for the Heavies within a group of enemies as they give more affinity to charge up the syndicate blast, then when it procs it usually clears the entire group. Thus I've been really loving the Burston Prime so far.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Burston Prime with Gilded Truth serves me very, very well with the proc and burst fire but it's not what I'd call end-game. It starts needing to dump ammo and reload a lot at high levels. I wouldn't bring it to a Sortie as a most-used weapon.


Tiberon is slightly better and significantly better in practice because you don't drop a slot for Gilded Truth. I forma'd mine up but I haven't really ever put it to the test in endless or a sortie or anything. I mostly used it when Nullifiers were new because burst fire was good at popping bubbles without wasting ammo. Three bursts and wait. Done. If you want me to test a build or anything I can do that when I get home from work in the morning.


Sybaris I never forma'd up because of it's small magazine and 2.0 reload. I couldn't comment. Hopefully we'll get a Dragon or Vandal version with either a really fast reload or a much larger magazine. I would use it with one or the other drawback but those few shots on 2.0 is just too slow for me.


I would add Rakta Ballistica to your list. It's not a primary or a rifle but it's burst fire and very strong with a built in proc and a bonus charge mode. I haven't used it a ton, but the numbers are solid. I wouldn't hesitate to use it stacked with Viral in a 4xCP T4S or take it as my main weapon in a sortie.

Edited by VKhaun
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The Sybaris is an extremely satisfying weapon to use and has a very high damage potential if you headshot.

I'm gonna get the Tiberon sooner or later, looks solid enough in the daage department and has a comfy magazine.

Burston Prime... Solid status weapon, i just really don't like how it looks.

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They're all good, they've all got their limitations.  Taking them all into the screw around and waste hours of your time place Simulacrum and seeing what you like is probably a really good idea - they're close enough that it really comes down to preference, even if one looks strongest on paper.


That being said:

Burston Prime has an incredibly tight spread pattern, and is great for status, but looks... kinda like DE hadn't quite gotten design down yet

Sybaris is the sexiest gun in the game, its headcrits hit like a truck, but it's a little wonky on horizontal spread and the mag's pretty small

Tiberon is just straight damage, is sharkgun, and the only guns in the game that sound better are Lex Prime and Rubico, but falls off earliest

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Sybaris is most powerfull from all burst fire riffles, just kinda clunky to use, because 5 bursts. On short range Sybaris can work as makeshift shotgun with 4 pellets :D Also, really decent crits and overall damage, but same situation, as with Tigris, u need to "feel" the weapon, or on another notem this will become ur nightmare, if u not figure out the rhytm and style of this guns. On other hand, most versatile and and anyway, user-friendly burst fire riffle is Burston Prime, especially with augment. Not so high, but decent damage, syndicate proc, decent mag size, decent reload speed, good accuracy, very good burst speed, especially with augment.

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I'm wondering which burst-fire rifle can be used in different situations, I'm thinking of the Tiberon, Sybaris, and Burtson Prime.

Of the 3 Burst Rifles you mentioned : I am assuming you do not like Projectile weapons hence the Burst Harpak and Paracyst are out.

Burston Prime with Syndicate Mod and some Dual Element mods means less Forma required and it would be better suited for more situations.

Tiberon will take some Forma investment as it is Raw Damage and that means High Mod Capacity-drain Elementals

Sybaris as Crit Weapon and learning to reload after 1st shot between the Burst will allow you to extend magazine (You can always roll to cancel reload)

[Awkward to describe but you:

Fire -> Reload to cancel Burst -> Roll to cancel reload]* Gimmicky bit effective

Sybaris is great looking Weapon (I'm earning up to obtain Conclave Skin ATM) and Crit weapons always do well ;-)

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I'd say the Burston Prime with Gilded Truth is the best. The proc murders things while the rate of fire makes RoF mods unneeded. Get some decent status chance and some corrosive if fighting grineer, or viral if fighting anything else and just go nuts.

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I think the Sybaris will outperform the rest, as long as you can make all five shots you get between reloads count.

Give it a crit build and metal auger for punch through and you will churn through large groups of enemies in style. Then enjoy the nice reload animation.

However if you can't reliably hit head shots or just straight out miss a lot go for the Tiberon. It's ten trigger pulls between reloads give you a little more room for error.

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I really cant get a handle with the Sybaris on larger crowds of infested. I love to bring it on survivals or exterminates but cannot deal with defense or waves of infested. 

Edited by k0Sh_wf
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Don't have the burston p so I can't comment on that gun. But the Tiberon is awesome with a very tight spread and no walk. The regular burston suffers from some pretty bad walk so if the prime is the same the Tiberon wins.

I hated the Sybaris. Complete garbage weapon IMO. Horrible mag size with a long reload make for bad weapon.

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it's a tough one. all the burst guns are fairly good.


Burston prime is extremely accurate, you get a good ammo supply, and Gilded Truth allows it to heal you and proc Gas, which works well against Infested. I don't have gilded truth however (never sided with the Arbiters, or bothered to trade for it), so my Burston is mediocre, but augmented builds with forma can be very effective, as long as you have the accuracy to guide those bursts.


The Tiberon is my favourite, but it can take a while to build (requires a regular Latron). worth it though, as it does very nice damage and handles smooth as silk. sadly, it only holds the usual 30 rounds, but since there's no augment, you can fix that with a mod. I need to invest in mine more, Tiberon is beastly as hell! (but this is just my preference.)


the Sybaris is pretty fun, but 2 round bursts can feel weird, and it's magazine doesn't last long (10 rounds = 5 bursts), and it doesn't do enough damage to warrant that magazine IMO. coupled with frequent, somewhat lengthy reloading and that's why some people dislike the Sybaris. it can still be great if you invest in it though, plus lever actions are cooler than December on Europa! oh, and if you play Conclave there's a nice skin you can get for it too.


personally, I'd always choose the Tiberon, it's a lot of fun to shoot, and very effective too.

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The Burston Prime is pretty clearly the best of the lot. The syndicate mod simply gives you a capability the rest lack. Even without it, their damage is largely on the same level, with only the Sybaris having different weapon handling.


The Sybaris has potential, but it's awkward in its present state. The small magazine, small burst, and too lengthy reload make it more of a chore to run. When the Sybaris Prime becomes a thing, then we'll hopefully see something more significant in burst weapons.

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