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Coming Soon: Devstream #67!


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On the reward system we have right now, the drops are really hard to find  and require more effort that we should need, wouldn't a token system become a better way to obtain loot? Not for Arcanes and stuff like that but for Unique "Legendary" Items from Raids or stuff from the void. It would really solve most of the grinding problem we see here on warframe

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It's not. It's Trinity's premium skin that they have been teasing since I think September? It was right after they showed Rhino's skin.


And nothing wrong with chinese-themed Warframes! I definitely welcome it since I think they have some of the coolest designs in game next to Equinox and Chroma lol. But hey, we don't all have to like the same things hehe~

Ah ok, thanks.


And about chinese warframe, no they are not welcomed in this game, atleast for the majority of players. I feel like it's wrong and does not fit well with warframe's aesthetic. But hey, this is not a thread about that so let me just end it. 

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can't wait for that Trinity Skin xD


anyway, any plans to "Ligthen" up the Syndicate Syandanas? because some of them are hard to activate, like synoid syanada, red veil syandana, etc.

or maybe just ease the way it activates? :D


Good Luck ont Devstream 67 :D

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Sorry i one more again to write, because of spoiler...;_;

If you guys maybe know about or dosen't know about the bug of Proto Glaive.

My proto glaive still open that 3 blades....;_;

My realquestion... is...

1. Finally trinity dirux skin will available in the Warframe, how to think you guys?

I'm sooooo wait for that XD

2. (MAYBE [spoiler Well... everybody think the umbra Excalibur, but not to me, agiam to but, The 'Umbra'means like shadow, right?

So.. that Umbra excalibur is spoiler to after story of THE SECOND DREAM?]

I'm so wait for the another cinematic XD

3. Yeah.... the Sarin Prime access.. EVERY TENNO WIAT THE SARIN PRIME. I think that access will come later. Because of the Update 19?

Thanks for reading XD

My english is so bad, because English is not my First Language.

I said to My First Language.

Digital Extreme 화이팅!

And '화이팅' means good luck the Korean.

But English write the fighting....;;

But i live in USA XD

....sorry..;_; still can't make the spoiler box...;_;

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First have to say The Second Dream was my most amazing experience in gaming in 2015. I think most people (including myself) had a strong emotional reaction to it! Very well done! My question is... Have you ever considered doing a lengthy high profile quest with well known actors and professional stunt people/martial artists and voice actors? I understand it would cost a pretty penny but just wondering if you've ever considered it?

Edited by Inayasu
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Do you already have plans for a new quest involving the Tenno?

Anything about Valkyr prime?

When comes the focus system upgrade?

Anything new about Archwing or arch-weapons?

Will you make a quest which explain more about the Orokin?


What do you think about new void missions? like excavation, spy and/or assassinate?

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So ... Ardent greetings from Russia.
1) The next prime access (Saryn PRIME) - When it's coming? (Please do not torment)
2) Excalibur Umbra - Why is he so silent? Where is he?
3) Should we expect a new prime sigil? (I hope you didn't forget about it =))
4) Orthos prisma? 
Thank you for your attention!
We L.O.V.E. you D.E. :D
(Rebecca - you are very cute :D)


Edited by _OmniWild_
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Hi DE. Just wanted to thank you guys for the work you've done on this game. No matter what I play, I always come back to Warframe and that's a testament to the hard work you guys put into the updates. I did have a few questions I wanted to pose and hope you can answer for me.




1) Have you ever considered the possibility of allowing augment mods to be slotted in the Exilus slots? Initially, the slots seem like they were meant for movement mods, but now with drift mods, the mods technically augment the Warframes anyway, adding power strength, power range, etc. So since the mods in the Exilus slots augment the Warframe, would you consider a change to allow augment mods to be slotted here as well?


2) Will you ever be bringing back some of the old mods that are currently unavailable like the puncture, slash, and impact sets? I'm thinking kind of like a limited time out of the vault event or something to allow players that weren't around before a chance to obtain the mods. I've tried the market route but some of those mods have been artificially inflated to the point of needing to sell my firstborn child just to get the mod.


3) Is there any news on the starchart 2.0 front? Approximately when will that take effect and how will that look? I don't particularly think the current starchart is horrible, but the reward droptables definitely need to be reworked.


4) Will the new starchart fix the droptables to rewards? One of the most frustrating things about trying to acquire items is the impossible drop rates for some of the items, along with the overcrowded rewards of some of the missions, diluting the droptable enough to make acquiring items overly difficult. It took me approximately 2 months of playing T3 Defense about every other day just to get an Ash blueprint and be able to build Ash Prime. While obtaining items, such as prime items, should not be too easy, it also should not feel impossible. My suggestion would be spreading out rewards, such as limiting fusion cores, orokin cells and forma should only be contained in Rotation A cycles, while prime parts should fill out Rotation B and C cycles. This might alleviate some of the overcrowding in rewards.


5) Will we ever see any new Archwings and Prime Archwings? I may be in the minority, but I actually like playing Archwing and wouldn't mind seeing more development in this area. In addition to new Archwings and mods for Archwings, I also wouldn't mind seeing Sharkwing missions that require us to be submersed for most of the mission. That would give you a chance to create new underwater enemies and new environment difficulties. You might even have some creative flexibility with splitting missions so that half of the mission is on land and half submersed, or half in a ship and half in space.


6) Will Archwings ever be incorporated into sorties? This might help with diversifying the types of missions in the sorties, as lately it feels like the same missions in different orders. Of course, this might also require introducing new Archwing mods as the current set of mods feels limited in empowering Archwings.


7) Lastly, will rewards for sorties ever change? At this point, I don't feel incentivized to play sorties as the prizes haven't really changed and the chances of being rewarded an Exilus adapter or Legendary Core is seem significantly small. Perhaps you can consider changing the rewards every season and bringing back some of the rewards periodically so that those who were unable to acquire the reward before it disappears from the table can have another chance at a later season. Perhaps future rewards to consider  for sorties are things like prisma and vandal weapons and items, vaulted weapons and Warframes, unavailable mods such as Buzzkill or Primed Chamber, Or other items that are not in general circulation. This will give you another platform in addition to Baro Ki'teer to reintroduce these items for a limited time without diluting the starchart droptables.


With all that being said, thank you for the efforts you all make in continuing to find ways in refreshing the game. I am excited about the new update and look forward to seeing what the creative minds at DE develop next.

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I have two questions in regards to weapon balance...and it really seems like a lot of people have questions about weapons and balance considering how many threads I have seen pop up in the feed back section under weapons.


My question are:


Is there any consideration about varying the channeling stats on melee weapons to allow some lower end weapons to catch up in power with higher damage weapons? Right now every weapon has the same channel damage multiplier and efficiency for some reason, where stat variations could allow weaker weapons to perform better if we just gave 'em some 'juice.'


That is the important one for me, the slightly less so is


Any word on the whole Weapon Mastery/Build Requirement/Power re balance? Any information would be appreciated.

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