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A Hat For Every Tenno Winners!


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That Tank Rhino though. Is that PHOTOSHOP to blur the background to make him look more appealing?


Gratz to all the winners! The fruit hat and that Equinox was AWESOME. Just the right pose and just the right feel for the right hat. Too bad Fruit Hat didn't win though. I think a combination of all the poses+hat drawn+playing on the frame's characteristics = win.

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I don't think artistics only won. There were some very pretty and greatly executed shots / drawings which were not chosen.

First I was sad my pic didn't make it because I sat down straight over 6 hours to draw it with a freaking mouse :D ennervating but fun experience. I gave my best, so did all others, and I loved the whole entries.

If it was my decision, I'd possibly chose some other pics (I especially fell for the western/christmas styles). I loved that Nova pic with earphones, that Rhino heart hat and Nezha chinese hat and a whole lot of others.


But judges decide and the winning pics have good ideas and made me giggle :)

Though if it's true some were chosen without the demanded description and/or just copied other ideas (don't know, didn't look it up in detail), I'd prefer to not see that again.


Long text, short talk: Congrats to the winners :) Enjoy the prices.


It was a fun contest, clicking through the hat thread still makes me laugh. Thanks for all the great images stuck in my head.

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well I think all the winning entry's were wonderfull! I dont care that I didnt win, I had fun messing around with photoshop again after over a year of neglecting my poor tablet :'c

thankyou devs for putting this on, i understand how hard it was for you guys to pick there was so many gobsmacking entrys! maybe even given you guys / community a few new ideas eh? ;D

Congrats again to everyone that won!

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Guest NinjaFresh007

imagine if there was an artistic contest where photoshop and other such programs was banned and all you could use was MS paint. ._. the winners would look very different


SkyForge tried something like that.

The results?  Outright plagiarism of other artist work was ignored and those with dedicated drawing tablets were the only winners.


You'd have to specify that you can only draw with the mouse and not use any filters or special effects.

But artistic contests in general have always rubbed me the wrong way as deliberately rewarding those who only have artistic talent and/or photoshop skills rather than any meaningful community effort.


My previous suggestion for a 'participation prize' of even something paltry like 10 platinum (or 5k credits even) would be better than absolutely nothing.

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SkyForge tried something like that.

The results?  Outright plagiarism of other artist work was ignored and those with dedicated drawing tablets were the only winners.


You'd have to specify that you can only draw with the mouse and not use any filters or special effects.

But artistic contests in general have always rubbed me the wrong way as deliberately rewarding those who only have artistic talent and/or photoshop skills rather than any meaningful community effort.


My previous suggestion for a 'participation prize' of even something paltry like 10 platinum (or 5k credits even) would be better than absolutely nothing.

i mean its not like they'd lose money for like 100-200 plat. they give away thousands every week. but yea, artistic contests are so biased there is no even ground. i mean yea it's cool that there are these contests that let the devs see players artistic skills. but they only ever pick those who are skilled in drawing/ photoshop, leaving those with no such skill wasting their time. Might as well say right on the rule of submitting: "We're only looking for skilled artists, everyone else have fun watching" 

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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lol i will not say what i think only that i have thought. its been days and im still getting people telling me i should of won or at least placed. the fact that a copy paste of a 3d tank got second place should tell you more than you need to know. dont get me wrong the other two were good but there were much better pics that should of placed.

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