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True Passives For Focus


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Maby I'm the only one that thinks this but when I get a focus passive I feel like it should be active as soon as the mission starts rather than being a "semi-active" that takes effect after I use the focus ability. I personally don't have any issue with passives making the cooldown extremely high but If I actually want to use them then I usually end up having to wait more than 5 mins to use my focus ability by the end of most non endless missions I do my Focus ability isn't even half charged. I really think these abilities should be changed to be "True" passives that take effect immediately and reward you for investing in your tree rather than penalizing you by making the focus ability unusable in most missions. Just my thoughts maby there's a better solution out there but as it is now the cooldown ability is completely useless and is certainly no way to mend this.

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I read somewhere that there might be "focus drops" or something like that. It wouldn't be a bad idea at all.

The focus drops refer to their current solution to focus allowing teams to gain and share focus for set perioids of time not really anything to do with cooldown

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I want the Focus booster drops to reward in-game usage of Focus Power, alongside earning bonus Focus Points.

They are promoting active styles of ganeplay right? Give us extra incentives to use these penultimate abilities. Let the bonus Focus from booster drops contribute to lowering our Focus Power's cooldown.


- Picking up a Focus Booster while Focus Power is on cooldown will activate all chosen Passive Ways for the booster's duration.

- Picking up a Focus Booster when Focus Power is ready for use will activate all chosen Passive Ways for the duration of the mission (so you don't have to use your Focus Power if you don't want to waste it)

- Earning bonus Focus Points with booster active will reduce time on Focus Power cooldown, applied when booster expires.

- Using Focus Power with booster active will pause the booster duration, earning extra bonus Focus Points during Focus Power usage if applicable (shared XP, etc). Booster timer starts up again once Focus Power ends.

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If Focus was allowed to have Passives that innately buff the player without so much as a drawback other than having to unlock it, Focus will turn into a compulsory mechanic any Meta player would look to exploit which will lead to nerfs, and headaches, and more Focus caps.

And I don't want that to happen.



Imagine Innate Shadow Step. Yea. Now imagine Innate boost to IPS. If that doesn't scream for a nerf, idk what is

Edited by YasaiTsume
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If Focus was allowed to have Passives that innately buff the player without so much as a drawback other than having to unlock it, Focus will turn into a compulsory mechanic any Meta player would look to exploit which will lead to nerfs, and headaches, and more Focus caps.

And I don't want that to happen.



Imagine Innate Shadow Step. Yea. Now imagine Innate boost to IPS. If that doesn't scream for a nerf, idk what is

Passives would still have the drawback of increasing the overall cooldown of the power however they would be active from the start rather than 5 mins in there is no difference between having it active at the start and having it active 5 mins in it is just as OP except if you have it at the start focus becomes useful in any regular mission as opposed to solely endless ones

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Some of focus passives are quite strong, so I'm not against delay in their activation - it makes them affect short easy missions less.

I can tell you that Zenurik's passive regen is absurd, I use Zenurik solely for the energy regen. Just lower the buffs to something that makes sense.


If Focus was allowed to have Passives that innately buff the player without so much as a drawback other than having to unlock it, Focus will turn into a compulsory mechanic any Meta player would look to exploit which will lead to nerfs, and headaches, and more Focus caps.

And I don't want that to happen.



Imagine Innate Shadow Step. Yea. Now imagine Innate boost to IPS. If that doesn't scream for a nerf, idk what is

And it isn't already a meta, a compulsory mechanic?

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Zenurik is maxed in my opinion with a pool of 9:

1 for the skill

4 energy-regeneration

4 cooldown


best setup - why should you need anything more...



Just an idea I got:

First buff the active skills really - so it's worth using them not only once to activate the passives...

and let the passives be active at the start of the mission, but only with a percentage of the full potential depending on the cooldown

so if the cooldown of zenurik is 180 seconds, and the energy-regeneration is 4 in the end, it should start at 0 and be increased by 0.04 energy every 1.8 seconds, so it will be 4 when the skill can be activated - after activation the passive should be at 0 again


but let the activation be worth it :D

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