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Exalted Blade Rework Ideas


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You have clearly missed the point every single time we've stated it.


If you remove the Wave from Exalted Blade, Excalibur will be inferior to Valkyr. That's not an opinion. It's a fact. She will have beaten him out in every major category, and the gap would only grow with all the new mods coming from the Shadow Debt Event. 


So you want to buff the blade, but remove the wave? That still won't be enough. You could make his damage equal to Valkyrs and buff EB's Status, and he would still fall flat in comparison.


The only thing Excalibur has going for him, that generally sets him apart from Valkyr, is his blade waves.


We're not "afraid of change" or fearful of our "precious energy wave spam" getting revoked. We're afraid of stupid people throwing around ideas that will negatively impact a Frame and nerf him into the Stone Ages again, IMMEDIATELY after his rework, that ACTUALLY balanced him.


You want people to post "positive ideas for reworking Exalted Blade."


WE want realistic ideas that will actually benefit a Frame and that are actually conscious of the issues their dumb ideas would cause.


More importantly, we want Frames that NEED to be reworked, actually get the treatment they so desperately need, instead of debating a completely useless topic.

1)It seems like you have a personal agenda of trying to be more effective than Valkyr with pure Warframe ability using Excalibur.

2)There is also a thing called denial. You are afraid of ideas and your'e afraid of change. The sooner you accept these things the healthier of a life you will have.

3)This isn't about what you want or the 5 people that upvoted your comment wants. My OP was about ideas of changing Excalibur, the developers don't have to care what we or anyone else thinks. I never said buff or remove the blade, you're just lumping ideas together that other posters have posted. 


EB is effective as it is currently, right, we get it. But as someone who mains excal, I do have an opinion that as the current excal meta it's boooooooooooooooring as f**k! It's a one-trick-pony that has NOTHING going for it other then brain-dead ease of use. It carries NONE of that "swordmaster" feel Excal is supposed to have. EB, currently is nothing more then a noobtube, a tool with a skill-ceiling lower then the floor! 


Some of you rave on about how "if you remove the wave then EB will be useless!" Who said anything about REMOVING it?! Only that it require some small grain of skill to preform! Limit it to combos and charge attacks, buff up the effects and damage so that when it DOES trigger, it'll be more then worth it. If Excal is supposed to be a master swordsman, make it so! Force the player to make full use of these sword skills by actually learning and using the damn combos! 


Regardless what happens, the result will be the same. Those who want easy nuke-frames will switch to those, citing that he's not MLG enough anymore. And those who actually like the frame, will adapt to the changes. If EB stays the same, at some point some other frame will come out that functionally does what EB does but better and Excal will be sidelined regardless. 

Thank you for your post. Faith in humanity has been restored. 

Edited by Ameijin-Grey
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1)It seems like you have a personal agenda of trying to be more effective than Valkyr with pure Warframe ability using Excalibur.

2)There is also a thing called denial. You are afraid of ideas and your'e afraid of change. The sooner you accept these things the healthier of a life you will have.

3)This isn't about what you want or the 5 people that upvoted your comment wants. This my OP was about ideas of changing Excalibur, the developers don't have to care what we or anyone else thinks. I never said buff or remove the blade, you're just lumping ideas together that other posters have posted. 

Thank you for your post. Faith in humanity has been restored.

Would you like me to un-restore it?
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Which isn't required. I don't run circles and spam Exalted Blade, and the majority of Excalibur users who enjoy him don't, because it ruins the feel.

I won't deny that it's extremely useful in very, very tight situations, but I'm not vying to have it changed.

You can see how much unrest this thread is causing, and the sheer amount of posts saying that this thread is pointless or unnecessary. Why not just drop it?

Strange whenever I encounter excal in a mission they spam waves like crazy.

Things that annoy me about EB:

- Their range: with a range of a million miles it's hard to find a spot where they don't are. And goddammit I want some kills too, just standing around doing nothing while excal mowes everything in sight down is boring.

- their damage: why do they have to deal full damage across their whole range while shotguns have damage falloff?

- punch through: moving to a different room is not really an option if you don't want to screw up the spawns, and if you do these goddamn waves come through a wall and start chopping up my enemys.

- the sound: the only reason I turned my game volume down to barely hearable is EB. I hate it's soznd effect and I hate it even more if it is played a trillion times a second

- douchy excalibur users: "you are such a scrub for using saryn, excal is faar superior" "noob you only dealt 7% of the damage while I dealt 89" things like these make me wish EB would be nerfed to a reasonable level because the way it is now is just broken

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-summons all powerful snip-

I'm only gona argue with one point(the rest is your experience and whatever floats your goat)

To be more specific wanting to kill stuff:

Trust me I know how frustrating it can be(I have been in both places) but outselling stuff is possible and is easy, move faster and you can kill more, reality is most Excal players rely on their blades and don't move fast, sure your basically high speed running the mission but you can outlook them

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I'm only gona argue with one point(the rest is your experience and whatever floats your goat)

To be more specific wanting to kill stuff:

Trust me I know how frustrating it can be(I have been in both places) but outselling stuff is possible and is easy, move faster and you can kill more, reality is most Excal players rely on their blades and don't move fast, sure your basically high speed running the mission but you can outlook them

Outrunning? In a survival? Or in a defense?

Splitting up in a survival screws over the enemy spawns and since defenses only have one tile there is no outrunning.

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Leave the waves alone. They make Excal's kit unique. Do you know why most players do not use combos? Because the combos are bad.


My proposal: rework the combos, make them actually useful. Change the animations to more fluid ones. Buff the effects (for example, one combo unleashes multiple waves each hit and another combo unleashes slow, wide ranged and more powerful waves).

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Leave the waves alone. They make Excal's kit unique. Do you know why most players do not use combos? Because the combos are bad.


My proposal: rework the combos, make them actually useful. Change the animations to more fluid ones. Buff the effects (for example, one combo unleashes multiple waves each hit and another combo unleashes slow, wide ranged and more powerful waves).

Hmm..this I can agree on.


Currently, the only 2 stance moves I use is the one that knocks down and the sliding blind.


The rest, to be honest, I sometimes can't really tell the difference though there seems to be one that deal a little more damage and is pretty long.


So, yes. Make the stance moves more varied with more difference but keep the waves.


A close range Excal with the current stats will suck bad and also be pretty much just a weaker Valkyr or Wu Kong, though of course if that somehow happens (I have seen him going back and forth in usefulness for a long time already so I won't really be surprised either) , we can always revert him back to just being a radial blind spam machine which I seriously hope we don't.

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Outrunning? In a survival? Or in a defense?

Splitting up in a survival screws over the enemy spawns and since defenses only have one tile there is no outrunning.

Splitting doesn't mess up my spawns in survival, and defense I guess you got me there, all I could say to that is hit scan with good aim maybe?
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Leave the waves alone. They make Excal's kit unique. Do you know why most players do not use combos? Because the combos are bad.


My proposal: rework the combos, make them actually useful. Change the animations to more fluid ones. Buff the effects (for example, one combo unleashes multiple waves each hit and another combo unleashes slow, wide ranged and more powerful waves).

Finally another strand of sense in this string of comments. Thank you for your post.

Edited by Ameijin-Grey
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Which isn't required. I don't run circles and spam Exalted Blade, and the majority of Excalibur users who enjoy him don't, because it ruins the feel. 


I won't deny that it's extremely useful in very, very tight situations, but I'm not vying to have it changed. 


You can see how much unrest this thread is causing, and the sheer amount of posts saying that this thread is pointless or unnecessary. Why not just drop it?

Still trying to hinder ideas I see. People never change. 

Strange whenever I encounter excal in a mission they spam waves like crazy.

Things that annoy me about EB:

- Their range: with a range of a million miles it's hard to find a spot where they don't are. And goddammit I want some kills too, just standing around doing nothing while excal mowes everything in sight down is boring.

- their damage: why do they have to deal full damage across their whole range while shotguns have damage falloff?

- punch through: moving to a different room is not really an option if you don't want to screw up the spawns, and if you do these goddamn waves come through a wall and start chopping up my enemys.

- the sound: the only reason I turned my game volume down to barely hearable is EB. I hate it's soznd effect and I hate it even more if it is played a trillion times a second

- douchy excalibur users: "you are such a scrub for using saryn, excal is faar superior" "noob you only dealt 7% of the damage while I dealt 89" things like these make me wish EB would be nerfed to a reasonable level because the way it is now is just broken

Yeah, maybe they can make it similar to Valkyr's paralysis, where if you do it like 3 times in a row it'll stop playing her roaring sound clip, or in this case those horrid swooshing noises. 

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To be honest none of the frames requires you to be a rocket scientist to be played. Basically they all just spam their abilities one or the other way.

Only frames like Limbo are an exception for you might have to think for a second before using an ability.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to further develop an otherwise spammy ability either. 

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Guest NinjaFresh007

Considering how fast and how often enemies spawn, removing or limiting the waves may severely and detrimentally affect the utility and power that Excalibur brings compared to every other WarFrame.


The game is cheesy and you can cheese it in many ways far more efficiently than Excal:

-Speed Nova (everything in Defense dies almost as soon as it spawns in a HUGE radius with mods)

-Hyro (something I forget but spamming tentacles all around, best on forest maps)

-Nekros Desecrate spam (for farming, unique ability and shouldn't honestly be necessary to give such an advantage to only ONE WarFrame)

-Bless Trinity (because it is so powerful it makes players nearly immortal if modded right)

-whatever else people are always spamming for in Draco and Recruiting Chat


I've played an Excal, lower level and maxed out.  Exalted Blade lets me catch my breath rather than utterly dominate.  It drains energy pretty damn fast and in Wave 20+ of a Defense I have energy issues unless someone has Energy Siphon aura in the group.


I severely dislike massive reworks of a core abillity of a WarFrame without taking into account how that affects the early game and newbie experience.  Take a step back from your Draco farm and look at the newbie solo experience on how they could handle such a mission (Defense, Extraction) with the current enemy spawns and see that the abilities work fine.


High-Level Players are powerful, but they should get some new/better challenges instead of more and more spawns or more bullet sponges instead.


The current 'rush rush rush everything as fast as possible' meta that dominates high-level play has also detrimentally affected low-level play.  One of the few survivability methods for low-level Excal players is Exalted Blade.  So I'd prefer that such a core mechanic of Excal not be nerfed/altered so drastically.

Edited by NinjaFresh007
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Considering how fast and how often enemies spawn, removing or limiting the waves may severely and detrimentally affect the utility and power that Excalibur brings compared to every other WarFrame.


The game is cheesy and you can cheese it in many ways far more efficiently than Excal:

-Speed Nova (everything in Defense dies almost as soon as it spawns in a HUGE radius with mods)

-Hyro (something I forget but spamming tentacles all around, best on forest maps)

-Nekros Desecrate spam (for farming, unique ability and shouldn't honestly be necessary to give such an advantage to only ONE WarFrame)

-Bless Trinity (because it is so powerful it makes players nearly immortal if modded right)

-whatever else people are always spamming for in Draco and Recruiting Chat


I've played an Excal, lower level and maxed out.  Exalted Blade lets me catch my breath rather than utterly dominate.  It drains energy pretty damn fast and in Wave 20+ of a Defense I have energy issues unless someone has Energy Siphon aura in the group.


I severely dislike massive reworks of a core abillity of a WarFrame without taking into account how that affects the early game and newbie experience.  Take a step back from your Draco farm and look at the newbie solo experience on how they could handle such a mission (Defense, Extraction) with the current enemy spawns and see that the abilities work fine.


High-Level Players are powerful, but they should get some new/better challenges instead of more and more spawns or more bullet sponges- instead.

Sounds like Exalted Blade is a crutch to me. You really shouldn't need specific frames to do well in Draco, unless players are either baddies or lazy (and I'm sure you're aware of just how lazy Warframe players can be). Considering my own newbie solo experience, I didn't like Warframe until I discovered the power of Exalted Blade. My buddy at the time was using a volt. All the way up until I reached level 10 he was dominating. Once I unlocked Exalted Blade, I optionally could outshine him at any moment by stealing all of his kills and then some. Excalibur didn't always have the waves and I feel that people are so hardened in the idea of keeping them the way they are that they don't consider different ways to approach that power. Some Exalted Blade spammers would argue that maybe you're just not modded "correctly" if your energy drain is that bad. 

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Thread cleaned up a bit.





-Contribute toward the thread, whether for or against the ideas within.

-Post constructively.



Do not:


-Post profanity.

-Be hostile toward one another.

-Claim this thread to be useless, dismissing all ideas and feedback, and propose discussing other abilities. This is rude and off-topic.


This forum is here to be used to work together for the benefit of the game, not to work directly against for the sake of differing opinions.


Thank you.

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Excalibur's Rework balanced him, arguably more than any other Frame.

Instead of messing around with a balanced Frame, why don't you spend your time worrying about the ones that actually need to be tweaked.


If he's so much better than anyone else, is that truly balance? Honestly, I'm all for removing the waves, but I'd actually take it farther by removing the opening to finishers from blind. That to me is a bigger problem due to the fact that the waves can punchthrough-kill everything with 1 blind and 1 swish. It's too effective and it's boring...
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If we remove the waves, then why exactly should we use excal in the first place? The waves are the iconic of the exalted blade. Remove it and you have vastly inferior version of primal fury or hysteria. Lets just od a small comparison of those 3 exalted weapons and then come to excal itself.


Hysteria offers insane single target dps, brutal finisher damage (6400%) and tops it off with an incredibly strong slide attack. The true iconic of it is true invincibility. Hysteria has 250 base damage even distributed among IPS, 50% CHC and 10% status.


Primal fury offers increased range based on the combo counter and the range can get pretty insane and thats basiclally also its iconic. Additionally some combo provide pretty strong CC (block combo for instance). Primal Fury has 250 based damage, mostly impact and a bit of puncture if i remeber correctly, 25% CHC and 25% staus.


Exalted Blade comes with energy waves on every strike with 40 mertes range (affected by power range) and infinite punch through, but incapable of increasing the melee combo counter. Slide attacks trigger a small raidal blind with a shorter duration and range and also does not open affected targets for finisher. Exalted Blade has 250 base damage divided evenly among IPS, 15% CHC and 15% status.


Currently just power wise all of them are pretty even. Wukongs lacks a bit behind due to combo counter being underdeveloped and body count not being available to exalted weapons, Excaliburs offers the strongest allrounder with range and power but trades any impact of combo counter for range and has the weakest finisher and the weakest supplementary stats. Valkyr is the most limited by range but wields the highest damage and falls off quite a bit later than the other two due to massive slide attacks and even more brutal finisher.


Looking at Excal itself. I really like his kit. Blade dash is great and enhanced by exlated blade. Blind is a pretty good CC tool and especially synergizes with melee and as such exalted blade. Javelin is a decent AoE for low level and the blade is his flavor and power.

I agree the combos are bland and bad. Especially are they weak. I would wholeheartedly agree on reworking the stance into something more attractive and possibly a few very powerful mvoes which only work really well in melee range.


But I highly disagree with removing the waves as they are EBs iconic.

I'm pretty disappointed that the shadow debt mods dont work on thses weapons. It would encourage using EB for melee and the more you kill with wave sthe slower you stack your combo counter, so in the end the more you actually melee the more damage you will do. Would also heavily alleviate Wukongs combo counter reliance. Valkyr would be a bit broken raw number wise, but you already do finshers of 700k+ so its not relevant in 99% gameplay if she crits for a million or 10 million. So we would get multiple improvements with chnaging something thats already there.


One thing I also dont agree with is that excal is boring. Or too effective. Would argue that alot of those so called damage frames need just the same scalability as excal and similar exlated wepaon users instead of bringing down him, especially as there are a whole bunch of frames even more gmaebreaking just not in the damage department and buffing those lacking is way more interesting for the player than decimating around a third of the frames by default.


 Blade dash gives you mobility, hits fairly hard, knocks down and makes you immune to health damage during the animation. Great tool to move around, close in on priority targets or get out of harms way. Blind is great CC and allows to finish super tough armored units or simply use the "stealth" bonus to icnrease your ouput.

Sure a fully modded Excal wont have any problems killing l100 mobs, but neither does a fully modded endgame primary/secondary and also some normal melee weapons can do that fairly easily, epsecially with the new mods.

But is there a complaint of how just shooting stuff is boring? Are people complaining about that there is a best combo for certain melee weapons you jsut spam all day? I fully understand that melee is supposed to be fancy and about cool technics to cut stuff down but if there is a problem then that is stance quality and not power or the waves. Create an interesting moveset and make playstyles whihc reward melee, add on that is and dont take away.


If you as a community player are at apoint there your only creative point of improvement is taking iconics of abilities away, there should ring a bell that something is wrong.

At last, adding a bit the power argument. While not directly related to the core topic here, it will inevitably be part of this discussion until the end of time.

I believe that if you are at a point where you can't really increase your warframes power anymore finite content which wield no improvements as rewards or your special snowflake cosmetics etc shouldn't be very difficult. Ever difficult content should be reserved for infinite missions where you just test how far you can go and super special stuff which rewards something simply for prestige / special snowflake feeling to be able to show off your success in the "end game". Sorites are neither of those two.


At last I could simply say hey you dont need to like very warframe. If you want to go close up and ea faces play valkyr of wukong or chroma, possibly atlas. And hile that certainly wields a grain of truth its a bit to generic and ha sno value for a discussion.

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If we remove the waves, then why exactly should we use excal in the first place? The waves are the iconic of the exalted blade. Remove it and you have vastly inferior version of primal fury or hysteria. Lets just od a small comparison of those 3 exalted weapons and then come to excal itself.


Hysteria offers insane single target dps, brutal finisher damage (6400%) and tops it off with an incredibly strong slide attack. The true iconic of it is true invincibility. Hysteria has 250 base damage even distributed among IPS, 50% CHC and 10% status.


Primal fury offers increased range based on the combo counter and the range can get pretty insane and thats basiclally also its iconic. Additionally some combo provide pretty strong CC (block combo for instance). Primal Fury has 250 based damage, mostly impact and a bit of puncture if i remeber correctly, 25% CHC and 25% staus.


Exalted Blade comes with energy waves on every strike with 40 mertes range (affected by power range) and infinite punch through, but incapable of increasing the melee combo counter. Slide attacks trigger a small raidal blind with a shorter duration and range and also does not open affected targets for finisher. Exalted Blade has 250 base damage divided evenly among IPS, 15% CHC and 15% status.


Currently just power wise all of them are pretty even. Wukongs lacks a bit behind due to combo counter being underdeveloped and body count not being available to exalted weapons, Excaliburs offers the strongest allrounder with range and power but trades any impact of combo counter for range and has the weakest finisher and the weakest supplementary stats. Valkyr is the most limited by range but wields the highest damage and falls off quite a bit later than the other two due to massive slide attacks and even more brutal finisher.


Looking at Excal itself. I really like his kit. Blade dash is great and enhanced by exlated blade. Blind is a pretty good CC tool and especially synergizes with melee and as such exalted blade. Javelin is a decent AoE for low level and the blade is his flavor and power.

I agree the combos are bland and bad. Especially are they weak. I would wholeheartedly agree on reworking the stance into something more attractive and possibly a few very powerful mvoes which only work really well in melee range.


But I highly disagree with removing the waves as they are EBs iconic.

I'm pretty disappointed that the shadow debt mods dont work on thses weapons. It would encourage using EB for melee and the more you kill with wave sthe slower you stack your combo counter, so in the end the more you actually melee the more damage you will do. Would also heavily alleviate Wukongs combo counter reliance. Valkyr would be a bit broken raw number wise, but you already do finshers of 700k+ so its not relevant in 99% gameplay if she crits for a million or 10 million. So we would get multiple improvements with chnaging something thats already there.


One thing I also dont agree with is that excal is boring. Or too effective. Would argue that alot of those so called damage frames need just the same scalability as excal and similar exlated wepaon users instead of bringing down him, especially as there are a whole bunch of frames even more gmaebreaking just not in the damage department and buffing those lacking is way more interesting for the player than decimating around a third of the frames by default.


 Blade dash gives you mobility, hits fairly hard, knocks down and makes you immune to health damage during the animation. Great tool to move around, close in on priority targets or get out of harms way. Blind is great CC and allows to finish super tough armored units or simply use the "stealth" bonus to icnrease your ouput.

Sure a fully modded Excal wont have any problems killing l100 mobs, but neither does a fully modded endgame primary/secondary and also some normal melee weapons can do that fairly easily, epsecially with the new mods.

But is there a complaint of how just shooting stuff is boring? Are people complaining about that there is a best combo for certain melee weapons you jsut spam all day? I fully understand that melee is supposed to be fancy and about cool technics to cut stuff down but if there is a problem then that is stance quality and not power or the waves. Create an interesting moveset and make playstyles whihc reward melee, add on that is and dont take away.


If you as a community player are at apoint there your only creative point of improvement is taking iconics of abilities away, there should ring a bell that something is wrong.

At last, adding a bit the power argument. While not directly related to the core topic here, it will inevitably be part of this discussion until the end of time.

I believe that if you are at a point where you can't really increase your warframes power anymore finite content which wield no improvements as rewards or your special snowflake cosmetics etc shouldn't be very difficult. Ever difficult content should be reserved for infinite missions where you just test how far you can go and super special stuff which rewards something simply for prestige / special snowflake feeling to be able to show off your success in the "end game". Sorites are neither of those two.


At last I could simply say hey you dont need to like very warframe. If you want to go close up and ea faces play valkyr of wukong or chroma, possibly atlas. And hile that certainly wields a grain of truth its a bit to generic and ha sno value for a discussion.


Disregarding the conflict between Ameijin-Grey and I, I completely agree with this post.

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Guest NinjaFresh007

Strange whenever I encounter excal in a mission they spam waves like crazy.

Things that annoy me about EB:

- Their range: with a range of a million miles it's hard to find a spot where they don't are. And goddammit I want some kills too, just standing around doing nothing while excal mowes everything in sight down is boring.

- their damage: why do they have to deal full damage across their whole range while shotguns have damage falloff?

- punch through: moving to a different room is not really an option if you don't want to screw up the spawns, and if you do these goddamn waves come through a wall and start chopping up my enemys.

- the sound: the only reason I turned my game volume down to barely hearable is EB. I hate it's soznd effect and I hate it even more if it is played a trillion times a second

- douchy excalibur users: "you are such a scrub for using saryn, excal is faar superior" "noob you only dealt 7% of the damage while I dealt 89" things like these make me wish EB would be nerfed to a reasonable level because the way it is now is just broken


Just some thoughts as a primary Excal user:


-Range is fine, otherwise flying enemies would be absurd to deal with


-Damage is fine, as it keeps Exalted Blade on par as an ULTIMATE (4th) ability similar to that of other frames.  Even with the damage it is far less damaging than many other frame ultimates.


-Punch Through could be looked at but I haven't personally seen my waves going through walls.  But that's just me.  Might be a bug that it goes through walls.


-Shotguns have damage falloff because they can one-shot most enemies at close range.  The Strun (a relatively easy to obtain weapon) is ONE of the highest steady-DPS close-range weapons in the entire game (unmodded)!


-I agree on being able to turn off certain repeated sound effects.  For me whenever ANY WarFrame ability is just repeatedly spammed it gets really annoying if I'm near them.  I would love for an option to 'mute ability sounds from other WarFrames'.  That's it.  Simple and easy fix to do for the audio people.

Edited by NinjaFresh007
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-Awesome but insanely long wall of text-

I completely agree.

Improve the stance and make the moves more varied. The knockdown one and the slide blind are great but the rest all feel the same though there is one that seem to deal a lot more damage and is damn long which I sometimes end up doing when I want to do the knockdown 1 but we need more variation in stance moves for CC.

If for some stupid reason the waves were to removed or nerfed to force Excal into melee range, then he too should get invincibility because he got less armor than Valkyr and is also locked into melee and does not have innate life steal.

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If we remove the waves, then why exactly should we use excal in the first place? The waves are the iconic of the exalted blade. Remove it and you have vastly inferior version of primal fury or hysteria. Lets just od a small comparison of those 3 exalted weapons and then come to excal itself.


Hysteria offers insane single target dps, brutal finisher damage (6400%) and tops it off with an incredibly strong slide attack. The true iconic of it is true invincibility. Hysteria has 250 base damage even distributed among IPS, 50% CHC and 10% status.


Primal fury offers increased range based on the combo counter and the range can get pretty insane and thats basiclally also its iconic. Additionally some combo provide pretty strong CC (block combo for instance). Primal Fury has 250 based damage, mostly impact and a bit of puncture if i remeber correctly, 25% CHC and 25% staus.


Exalted Blade comes with energy waves on every strike with 40 mertes range (affected by power range) and infinite punch through, but incapable of increasing the melee combo counter. Slide attacks trigger a small raidal blind with a shorter duration and range and also does not open affected targets for finisher. Exalted Blade has 250 base damage divided evenly among IPS, 15% CHC and 15% status.


Currently just power wise all of them are pretty even. Wukongs lacks a bit behind due to combo counter being underdeveloped and body count not being available to exalted weapons, Excaliburs offers the strongest allrounder with range and power but trades any impact of combo counter for range and has the weakest finisher and the weakest supplementary stats. Valkyr is the most limited by range but wields the highest damage and falls off quite a bit later than the other two due to massive slide attacks and even more brutal finisher.


Looking at Excal itself. I really like his kit. Blade dash is great and enhanced by exlated blade. Blind is a pretty good CC tool and especially synergizes with melee and as such exalted blade. Javelin is a decent AoE for low level and the blade is his flavor and power.

I agree the combos are bland and bad. Especially are they weak. I would wholeheartedly agree on reworking the stance into something more attractive and possibly a few very powerful mvoes which only work really well in melee range.


But I highly disagree with removing the waves as they are EBs iconic.

I'm pretty disappointed that the shadow debt mods dont work on thses weapons. It would encourage using EB for melee and the more you kill with wave sthe slower you stack your combo counter, so in the end the more you actually melee the more damage you will do. Would also heavily alleviate Wukongs combo counter reliance. Valkyr would be a bit broken raw number wise, but you already do finshers of 700k+ so its not relevant in 99% gameplay if she crits for a million or 10 million. So we would get multiple improvements with chnaging something thats already there.


One thing I also dont agree with is that excal is boring. Or too effective. Would argue that alot of those so called damage frames need just the same scalability as excal and similar exlated wepaon users instead of bringing down him, especially as there are a whole bunch of frames even more gmaebreaking just not in the damage department and buffing those lacking is way more interesting for the player than decimating around a third of the frames by default.


 Blade dash gives you mobility, hits fairly hard, knocks down and makes you immune to health damage during the animation. Great tool to move around, close in on priority targets or get out of harms way. Blind is great CC and allows to finish super tough armored units or simply use the "stealth" bonus to icnrease your ouput.

Sure a fully modded Excal wont have any problems killing l100 mobs, but neither does a fully modded endgame primary/secondary and also some normal melee weapons can do that fairly easily, epsecially with the new mods.

But is there a complaint of how just shooting stuff is boring? Are people complaining about that there is a best combo for certain melee weapons you jsut spam all day? I fully understand that melee is supposed to be fancy and about cool technics to cut stuff down but if there is a problem then that is stance quality and not power or the waves. Create an interesting moveset and make playstyles whihc reward melee, add on that is and dont take away.


If you as a community player are at apoint there your only creative point of improvement is taking iconics of abilities away, there should ring a bell that something is wrong.

At last, adding a bit the power argument. While not directly related to the core topic here, it will inevitably be part of this discussion until the end of time.

I believe that if you are at a point where you can't really increase your warframes power anymore finite content which wield no improvements as rewards or your special snowflake cosmetics etc shouldn't be very difficult. Ever difficult content should be reserved for infinite missions where you just test how far you can go and super special stuff which rewards something simply for prestige / special snowflake feeling to be able to show off your success in the "end game". Sorites are neither of those two.


At last I could simply say hey you dont need to like very warframe. If you want to go close up and ea faces play valkyr of wukong or chroma, possibly atlas. And hile that certainly wields a grain of truth its a bit to generic and ha sno value for a discussion.

I don't know where you got the idea that someone's creative idea was to take an ability away, but you didn't get it here. Most people here are trying to find new ways to implement the energy wave (the ones that are coming up with ideas that is).

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