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  1. Question is if that one exception right now is worth the result of it being so unintuitive. They could also just reduce the effectiveness of Rage energy gen via Overguard since Overguard is not affected by most damage reductions and Armor. At full effectivness Nidus and Inaros now gain dramatically more energy via Rage when receiving Overguard externally since they usually run around with quite a bit of Armor, Adaptation or similar. So I think there is room to make it a general rule without breaking anything. And as long as its reasonable I don't see how having access to Rage on Kullervo would warrant such a roundabout way to implement the change. If one thing it would actually give some purpose to him being shieldless, which in the context of Overguard is just coming as a downside. Although even then it wouldn't really change that anyone with shields is still being bricked by receiving Overguard externally if using Rage. Nowadays I don't do it much anymore, but there has been a time where I used Rage on any Frame that could reasonably take Health Damage and w/o Overguard getting rid of some minimal base shields is usually not a huge deal, so its not some super situational playstyle even if less popular nowadays due to shield gating.
  2. The whole Defense roster of missions ranges from being mindnumbingly boring to outright frustrating. Sitting on an objective to defend for any elongated amount of time is just not very interesting from a gameplay perspective and it coming with a hard mission fail component just makes it worse. If there were more effective ways to recover from mistakes to keep going it would atleast be a little better but so far nothing has really been done succesfully. I guess Mirror Defense tried that but just became even worse than regular defense in the process, only further emphasized by rotations taking significantly longer. I haven't introduced anyone to this game that didn't immediately get a bad impression from their first Defense/Interception/Excavation/Hijack missions. You eventually learn to deal with it but its never become something really enjoyable. The only real saving grace is sometimes above average fast rotations but falls into the territory of compensation, rather than making the game modes fun.
  3. That sounds super unintuitive. Handling it like that will inevitably make this some sort of obscure trivia you just need to know, rather than being a general mechanic of Overguard. And how does that work for say Kullervo when he isn't using his own Overguard but only gets it from Dante/Frost/Styanax in multiplayer? How does it work if he gets some on top of his own from Dante/Frost/Styanax? How does this work with Overguard generated from Decrees in Duviri? And notably, since shields can't be damaged while Overguard is active I don't see this having a massive impact on the usage of Rage/Hunter's Adrenaline either way. Quite the opposite, this change only really helps Nidus and Inaros than someone building their energy economy around Rage in general. If I wanted to use Rage on someone like Chroma then Overguard would still ruin my day. I very much appreciate adressing the issue. But it being so specifically targeted at just 2 Frames while causing it to be highly unintuitive in the process, just doesn't sit right with me. Would like to see a solution thats more broadly applicable and thus more intuitive so I don't need to check every single case on a wiki page going forward.
  4. I'm not so sure about that. Thing is that abilities do not come close to the scaling power of Weapons due to mods. At 300% Strength you do 3 times the damage, cool. Serration alone comes fairly close to that, Hornet Strike is slightly more. So in order for damaging abilities to compete with fully modded weaponry they need either stupidly high base damage ala Dagath's 4 or additional tricks to make them generate value otherwise. And especially giving abilities stupid high base damage has always been a huge painpoint bc if the abilities hurt in SP and above content they just completely annihilate anything below that level. By allowing mod interactions you can put them on a similar scaling curve to weapons, which means they can scale more naturally next to weapons. Interacting only with specific mods might be a bit exotic but could be interesting. Fireball shouldnt do Viral damage just because thats what you mod on your weapon and different approaches to mods and weapon choices to build on Warframe synergies can be pretty interesting. Riven and Incarnon interactions are definitely somewhat of an issue and would ideally be avoided. I'm more interested in ideas of how to align ability and weapon scaling rather than have Fireball red crit for 10 Million Damage. Pretty much. Fundamentally she has a decent toolkit, gameplay loop and numbers are simply outdated. Especially considering Heat procs have a silly powerful mechanic it feels only worse to look at the flagship Fire Frame failing to interact with it meaningfully or atleast meet its measure on her own terms.
  5. Tried to get back into her as I really like fire themed powers but I just couldn't really enjoy her. Her gauge invokes a rather tedious gameplay loop thats also not resulting in a very impressive performance. She should be championing Heat interactions but overall she is just lagging behind. I think you only need to look at Gauss to see whats wrong with Ember nowadays. Her rework was pretty sweet back when it happened but it didn't age well. Gauss isn't a strictly fire themed frame but he does basically everything Ember does, even in a similar way, but way better. Gauss also has a gauge mechanic, he has a defensive ability on 2 that scales with his Gauge, an AoE with armor stripping capabilities based on his gauge on his 3 and that same 3 can also act as a heat nuke button, just that its mechanically far superior to Inferno. Notably, Gauss' gauge mechanic has no downside, you want to fill it asap to reap its benefits. With Ember not only are you getting less out of your Gauge than Gauss gets from his, you are also being punished for keeping it at max via an energy drain. So you get into this vicious cycle of spending energy to not lose energy, which is really damn unsatisifying to play, especially once you also consider how much of a difference sitting at 70-80% dmg reduction compared to the full 90% makes. I've come to dislike channeling abilities, especially on frames that want to spam abilities since it restricts how you can approach your energy economy for no good reason. Embers Heat Gauge shoul either have vastly more positive effects to warrant its downside or have no downside at all. Thematically it also feels silly that THE Fire Frame takes an issue with too much heat, If something centered around the idea of setting worlds ablaze has issues with overheating that should at the very least be reflected in the accompanying fire power. Fireball and similar abilities are conceptually very outdated. At the time of its inception casting a Fireball next to using your guns was a lot more interesting than it is now. I like the idea of it being Embers Bread and Butter spell to ramp Heat Stacks everywhere but I think finding a good place for its damage is somewhat difficult when we have powerful Heat Primer Weapons to choose from. Maybe the solution is to make these kinds of Abilities Pseudo-Exlated Abilities like Khora's Whipclaw, just taking Primary or Secondary Mods rather than Melee or maybe Fireball could take from all Heat Mods across all your Weapons or something like that to make its damage scalable enough to accompany her through all types of content. Inferno got a lot of restrictions off the back of what caused Ember to be reworked in the first place and those should most definitely be alleviated if you compare it to what else is running around in the game right now. Although I could live with it being a bit more restricted if it was actually devastating. If you could use it to ramp Heat Procs to the high heavens fast and possibly spread heat procs among enemies more generously and thus get back to what "World on Fire" really means.
  6. If the game had a tiny semblance of balance there might be fruitful discussions to be had about CC or ability resistances but as it stands its not gonna lead to anything productive either way. Regular Starchart/non-SP is so hopelessly lost that granting it a shred of a thought in its current state is only gonna make everything else worse. If you wanna balance starchart nerf all dmg by 99%+ and we can start talking but thats obviously not gonna happen. Its not even a dead horse anymore, it has decayed into nothingness. For everything else ability nukers are *usually* not much more potent than according weapon platforms or they appear as a hybrid setup anyway. And if you bully the casters all you do is shift everything to jsut using weapon platforms, plain and simple. You do not create more interesting gameplay by shutting down abilities, never did. You only take away what makes this game special and stand out. For the CC part thats in place, the smart play would be a resistance over full on immunity, like the Hollow Veins have for instance. So your huge area CC isn't lasting forever on Eximus units, 3s to 5s maybe instead. You can stop them but not forever. And you may now argue but thats plenty enough time to just blow them up. Yes ofc, just like you do w/o any CC at all but that way you show atleast a modicum of respect to the playstyles that have been introduced into the game rather than continue to reinforce whats already better anyway.
  7. iirc Patch Notes stated you unlock elite permanently after clearing normal at 25 once. So once unlocked we can start with elite directly every week.
  8. Pretty much. Either the game needs to be balanced whole-heartedly or it needs to embrace how unhinged it is. Right now its doing neither. It plays pretend whenever something becomes "too popular" but never establishes whats acceptable and whats not acceptable fundamentally. And at this stage, especially looking how reactions to nerfs take shape here, it looks like the game has fully fostered a community that isn't open to a large scale rebalance, so maybe it should really just embrace the craziness and start making content to meet its measure, rather than single the most popular thing at a time out w/o actually making much of anything better overall. I don't know how this even happens at this stage of the game's lifespan. Just what did they expect people to do with that augment? Especially since its not only spreading status but also allows you to detonate all DoTs with a second button press. It was plain obvious what this augment would do, yet here we are. Incredibly heavy handed reaction to something that was very predictable and now most of whats left is a bad aftertaste, rather than a fun addition to the game.
  9. I'm wondering if people suffer from short term memory or just don't know whats in the game. Dante is a strong Frame, no doubt, but he isn't outrageously so. He isn't the best nuker, especially not because he needs setup and Dark verse as a means to that is locked to a 50 degrees cone in front of him, that also has less range than Tragedy. He does what an Ability caster needs to do, nerfing that would just make people turn him into a weapon platform with fancy Overguard. Overguard, especially in combination with Shield Gating is incredibly powerful and comfy. But thats nothing new, nor something unique to him. And the amount he gets doesn't necessarily change a whole lot, its more about what Overguard does inherently. In a sense you could call him "Octavia Light". Where he has limtied nuking, Octavia has infinitely scaling AoE, where he provides Overguard, Octavia provides Stealth. Octavia also has a Taunt and provides Damage Buffs to Weapons on top. Dante is more comfy to use because you don't have the rhythm mini game but I'd also call him less powerful, somewhat of a trade-off. I'd be very careful when asking for nerfs. This game isn't being actively balanced. Tons of things are broken and can trivialize the game in a number of ways. Generally you will have a better experience if you have a good selection among the most powerful things, rather than with just a few things staying up there forever. And if Dante catches a nerf that actually hurts and makes him less satisfactory in this short time frame where something may actually happen, he likely won't be getting any attention for the next few years, as sad as that is.
  10. They nerfed them for popularity reasons, not because they are finally taking any serious steps to balance the game. They haven't taken any real measures towards balancing the game in the last decade, only nerfed things that were becoming overly popular, which was in part not even because of their power alone. Nourish + Energy Nexus + Max Power Strength and your energy economy is running just fine. Otherwise you don't even need to use his 3 or 4 that much. Just Wrathful Advance and a Melee with good range and/or Melee influence and you are good in terms of AoE coverage. And now that he has got his 4 Augment you can keep 4 up forever while letting it move with you via his 1, which is absolutely auto killing all low level content when built for enough Range while having dramatically lower energy cost than recasting 4 all the time. But my point about Kullervo was more about comfiness than nuking capabilities. Any Caster Frame worth their salt rips through low level content no questions asked and if you just blow everything up your survivability hardly matters. For Abilities to compete with Weapons when fully built their Base Damage just has to be overkill for low level stuff just because of how much power we gain out of Mods, Arcanes etc. Dante is certainly a very powerful Frame but he isn't breaking anything that wasn't already broken tenfold. If one thing he is a result of all this powercreep and broken state of game balance. Its certainly not a good thing that it is this way but if nothing is changing on a large scale I rather have more Frames this good than less.
  11. Kullervo needs to hit 3 or 4 enemies to cap his Overguard per cast and the Daggers are only limited by Ability Range, not LoS. And if you need Overguard you likely have enemies around. Yes, not needing a target is "better" but I question that it is better in a meaningful way. And the shortcomings Kullervo's Overgaurd generation has do not apply to lower level content or even regular SP content but only to endruance runs/SP Circuit and some SP Bosses that are immune to being targeted by abilities and thats its own can of worms. For just general play the difference is rather cosmetic in nature. If this game had a semblance of balance your concerns ,may be somewhat warranted, but as long as DE doesn't show any interest in cleaning up their mess its just another thing on the pile. If there are dozens of ways to trivialize something a new thing being maybe slightly more convenient at that doesn't really change a thing.
  12. I kinda hoped his Subsume would be Light Verse. You can argue for it being too good but Dark Verse is also just plain worthless as a Subsume. Can't really complain that players only use a handful of Subsumes frequently when most of them are just bad or highly situational abilities. Sometimes we get The Nourishes and the Glooms and sometimes we get Fireball No.27 for some reason. Dark Verse makes sense in Dante's Kit, it doesnt make sense as a standalone ability. It also baffles me how people are now suddenly shocked at how comfy Dante is due to Overguard as if it was a new thing. As if this game had any integrity left, any form of balance, difficulty curve, whatever. Any form of consistent Overguard generation + Shield Gating makes you effectively invincible for as long as you have energy. And yes, Overguard completely trivializes survivability in low level content, as do a whole lot of things. A newer player can just hop into Duviri, get Kullervo, who also generates enough Overguard to trivialize anything up to and including Base SP with minimal investment, while skyrocketing the dmg of any Melee Weapon so drastically that they can immediately run through any SP mission with a plastic fork that has 3 mods on it.
  13. I don't quite get why Ruvox is getting penalized for activating its Incarnon form. If it got slower but would instead hit way harder, that could've been interesting but its just slower and thats kinda it. The Range is nice, I love extra Range on my Melees, but for one other Incarnons do not have to pay anything for that and second its base Range is quite pitiful to begin with, so its still not exactly turning into a room blender either. Heavy Slam gimmick looks cool but if you commit to a Heavy Slam you want stuff dead, not CCed. So its a bit of a whatever thing. It also makes the Incarnon perks a bit disappointing because some of them require enemies to be impaled, but if regular enemies that can be impaled live to be impaled something has already gone wrong. There are other weapons that have Slam gimmicks that should be much more interesting now and also work on regular Slams instead of just Heavy Slams. Conceptually its pretty fun, practically I don't see myself getting much out of Ruvox. Overall its an okay-ish weapon. Basically any melee with usable Crit and Status can kill things, but as an Incarnon specifically its quite a letdown. Its form over function,
  14. I don't really see that at all. At best its colored by a meta perception not even necessarily power or efficiency. We have Volt, Gauss, Kullervo, Revenant and Frost. Nezha who you listed as underwhelming is getting a crazy augment with the Update tomorrow. Rhino and Sevagoth are also somewhat underappreciated because a good part of their power is transferable due to their powerful Subsumes. But they are by no means weak. Wukong was also by far the most populal Frame till his nerfs and Revenant is really high up rn. So just from a popularity perspective Male Frames aren't on the backfoot either. And for instance I wouldn't even put Voruna high on the list of the most powerful female Frames. She is technically quite strong but awkward and sluggish to play. And I also wouldn't put Protea on the highest of pedestals either. They are strong Frames but they do not come to mind for me when I think about the most broken stuff we have in the game. Most consistently incredibly powerful female Frames are probably Saryn and Octavia, but even if we assume that they are the most powerful Frames in the game, for arguments sake, overall I do not think that the Top 2 spots being taken by female Frames is in any shape or form indicative of a bias.
  15. Mirage wasn't really changed because she was conditional, but because the conditional was broken as hell and it would take a significant and likely on-going effort to get it working properly. Octavia is definitely a weird one and I personally never really liked the rhythm minigame. But she is also so unhinged in terms of kit and power level that I do not see them making it any easier to access that because it keeps her usage rate in check. Its very far from a great way to balance the game but thats what it is for now. And for what it matters, it works and on top is even customizable to fit your needs. I do think Octavia could be improved because the best way to play her is often not compatible with using music you like, so rather than being particularly enjoyable for the musically inclined she can actually become annyoing or atleast somewhat conflicting. But not sure how to approach that ideally w/o just making it fluff rather than a game mechanic.
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