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Most/least Satisfying Weapons


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Let's face it, in any game with weapons some will be more fun to use then others. In the first Halo I LOOOOVED the assault rifle. It made a great sound, did good damage, and was overall very fun to use. On the other hand, the plasma rifle went 'pewpewpew' in a distinctly unsatisfying way to me. 


So everyone, which weapons in warframe do you enjoy using the most/least, not which are best or worst, or which one you used to solo Jackel. Just which ones do you love to use and which do you refuse to touch ever again.


For me, the Latron is the favorite of the guns I've tried so far. I makes a great boom, and combined with the kick makes it feel like I'm using a small cannon rather then a rifle. Even though I've leveled it to 30 and really should be using my Braton/shotty more often to rank them up I keep finding myself going into game with the Latron. Very little is as satisfying as watching a Greneer marine blown off his feet after the distinct boom of the Latron. (The Bolto is a close second, due to the pinning people to walls but.... still prefer the Latron)


The least satisfying is the Sicarus. The three shot kick is a bit much, the sound is kinda.. meh, and there is little to no noticeable effect on the enemy unless you kill them with it. It feels like I'm holding a small, angry dog more then a burst fire gun. 

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Least Favorite: Burston, Lex (Lex just isn't fun to shoot, and is overused), Lato variants

Most liked/satisfactory:

Grakata (wish it dealt a teensy bit more base damage and had a crit rate of 15%) - Has a super satisfying sound and rate of fire

Bronco - Bang bang, reload. Things are dead.

Kraken - Ska-doosh, very satisfying to fire with high fire rate mods.

Boar - "Remember this S#!t at Christmas!"

Twin Vipers - Emptying the mag and watching a boss go down at the same time, very satisfying

Vulkar is surprisingly satisfying. I haven't used my Snipetron in a little while, though.

Latron - Beastly and accurate. Fun when paired up with the silly Furis/Afuris

I might like the Gorgon if I throw a fire rate mod on there. I haven't used it since they added the spin-down effect.

Boltor - Pin 'em to the walls

Bolto - More accurate than Akbolto. Fire rate sacrificed.

Kunai - Just plain fun

Melee Weapons that I've enjoyed

Dark Sword





Most powerful/overused (not necessarily my favorite)

Hek - When you want to shoot it dead quick

Lex - It's a niche weapon, skillful, but not for everyone.

Dread - Overused by those that own it.

Scythes - Everyone has one nowadays.

Fragor - Really strong, but overused. Plus the Brokk skin has earned it the nickname "@#&$ n' balls hammer" amongst my peers.

Gorgon is overused because everyone looks at its damage and fire rate. Not a very skill-oriented weapon, also looks like a giant wang.

Dual Ethers are very strong. Everyone and their mother uses them.

Edited by Vaskadar
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so much hate on the burton.  Its actually my favorite rifle, i enjoy the accuracy and amo efficiency.

runner up would be the gorgon, for shear rapetasticness

least favorite: grakata, just flet like i was wasting amo


as for pistols, i only own lex and dual furis, both of which are satisfying


as for melee, i get the most use out of my Gram, though the glaive is fun if not necessarily that useful

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I can't help but wonder why a signature ninja-ish weapon like the Skana or any other longswords

feel so unsatisfying compared to the other melee weapons.

I sure hope they have some idea to overhaul the longsword's mechanics

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Enjoyed the most:

All the bolto weapons. Made them as soon as they were available and enjoyed every minute of pinning Grineer to ceilings and doors. Also Aklato because of its simplicity and John Woo nostalgia of shooting whilst diving.


Enjoyed the least:

Lex for it's super slow rate of fire. Nice as a portable sniper, but not nearly versatile enough. Furis/Afuris for their shotgun-like accuracy, leveled purely for mastery. Daggers for their pathetic range and lack of slicing enemies in twain.

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  • 2 weeks later...


latron. decent fire rate (for a semi-automatic), great accuracy, niiiiice damage. most useful weapon ever.

latron prime ♥

braton. same as latron. runs out of ammo quite fast, BUT! even more dmg compressed in one clip! painted black oooooh feel like a specops member.

snipetron. could use a more powerful sound. anyway... BAM! it's dead.

paris. slow projectile speed, a weapon for t3h skillerz. thunderbolt mod makes your eyes shine. first by explocuting a dozen enemies, then by explocuting yourself.

akbolto. ermahgerd dat sound! xD peforating enemies has never been more... supreme.

aklato. same as akbolto, sacrificing dmg+fire rate for higher projectile velocity →more accurate

despair. *flingfling* *thud* ninjaaaaaaa!

afuris. THE fun weapon. runs out of ammo instantly, but with emptying one clip (91 bullets) you kill twenty mobs. or two ancients. love that sound.

dual ether. everybody and their mother have dual ethers. so what? nice look and fast as hell.

gram. now that's the father of all swords (and lightsabers) outclassed only by cloud strife's monstrous slasher.


shotguns. perhaps i'm too much sniper?

burston. hell, no!

gorgon. too slow during the first two seconds. and after two seconds the fight is over already. drains your ammo like... a drain?

vulkar. looks more like an injector for close combat bio warfare. but sounds hot.

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Burston. Beautiful gun, but disappointing performance.




Amphis: Beautiful with sheer deadly brutality.


Dual Broncos: Has the sawn-off feel, and a beast against everything in a pinch


Hek: Had my eye on this beast since I first started the game, worked hard for him and he's my best primary now


Lex: Big bang small package. Perfection, pure and simple.

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Least Satisfying: Kunai/Despair. Click once and whatever you're looking at dies. Hold a button down and everything dies. Any range, any situation. With or without potato. It feels like my personal input is marginalised by the incredible effectiveness of this weapon, and people without skill are able to achieve feats that they would never be able to accomplish with any other weapon.


Most Satisfying: Grakata. Higher skill ceiling than most weapons, requires active manipulation and a large investment to perform well. You get out what you put in. Tired and drunk? Performs like the very worst weapons. Alert with your A-game? One of the most powerful and challenging weapons in the game. It makes me proud that I have 77% accuracy with this weapon. Unfortunately it's still worse than the Kunai at its very best, but this will change soon.

Edited by Tryysaeder
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I'm most disappointed in Ankyros. They're slashing fist weapons but they have no slashing motions. They just have Furax thrusting animations copy-pasted. The result is some weird fast attacking sockem boppers that just feel so pointless. I was really hoping they'd be like Voldo's style from Soulcalibur. I hope they get some love in the future because I like the concept of fist weapons in this game. And Furax are quite fun.

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I'm most disappointed in Ankyros. They're slashing fist weapons but they have no slashing motions. They just have Furax thrusting animations copy-pasted. The result is some weird fast attacking sockem boppers that just feel so pointless. I was really hoping they'd be like Voldo's style from Soulcalibur. I hope they get some love in the future because I like the concept of fist weapons in this game. And Furax are quite fun.


Their damage type is technically bullet type, which makes it like a less damaging mk-1 Braton you can only use 3 feet in front of you. Ground attack with a fury mod attached makes me giggle, though.

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Lex most satisfied yet most disappointed.


Why ?

It has a tremendous *B00M* when I fire. And things just fall flat on their faces which is beautiful.

Then I realized it looks no bigger than the Lato, Sicarus, Vipers etc.


It needs a monster make over.

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Most satisfying:


Latron. I'm a fan of semi-automatic rifles, and the Latron has great sound and great damage to boot.

Aklato to give you that Far East Action Movie feeling. Akimbo guns while wallrunning, flipping, sliding? Yes please. Needs a damage mod to really shine though.

Gram. I'm sorry, that should read GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!

Dual Ether. My first thought on using that was "Good god, I'm turning everything into GULASH."

Gorgon. When you absolutely, positively need to kill EVERY LAST mother*#§$%r in the room.

Edited by Rule34
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