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Status Of Serration?



Hay Fokes


So a quick qeastion crossed my mind, when I fianly got the Argon Scope, from that Lovely..Good Looking Torment..*clears throat*





The tought that crossed my mind, was the fact about Serration like Mods (Pure damage buffing Mods), and somewhere in the lines I remaber DE in Devstreams that they said they are going to remove them.


Has this been completely confirmed, or are they still "Working On It", as I'm sure Mods like Muil-Shot are getting some kind of change Buff/Nerf.



Anyone have a Confirmation on this?, as if we should be holding onto these mods or even leveling them, what about the cores we spent on them?








Edited by LegionCynex
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Nothing has been confirmed yet, Scott has mentioned a few times that he's "Working on it" but the last thing we heard about it was something along the lines of

"The concerns raised when I talked about multishot changes lead me to take a bigger look at the system"

Shortly followed by a tweet that said something like

"The system changes will be like dropping a nuclear bomb"

I can't get exact quotes because it's too far back, but the answer to your question is no, nothing is confirmed yet.

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It's a possibility, and a number of us here on the forums are hopeful. 


As for saving your cores... DE is well-known for compensating players for loss of digital possessions even when it's not necessary, so chances are you'll have the cost of fusion refunded for any mods you might lose. 

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I remember something in the line of weapons gaining power by leveling, something like more dmg as you lvl them up, so max dmg at lvl 30. I think was a comment in some of the devstreams (cant recalla wich one). As for multishot last word we had was that extra bulles will come from magazine, a opossed as current system (extra bullet appearing from space magic)

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Nothing was confirmed yet, and as for compensation, I would probably say that we'd get refunded the cores, and maybe the credit cost. I am expected to see how it works out, but not hoping one way or the other

I'm not worried about cores refunded but the forma and boosters. Multi-shot / Damage mods do have specific polarity and weapons become worthless if they are removed. So how about the forma's you bought from market not to mention about the affinity boosters that you can level up the gear with specific polarities. They instantly (formas and affinity boosters) go waste. It's not like you forma it once. You forma it 3-6 times depending of the weapon. And we are talking about real money here and digital purchases.

Edited by carnaga
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Nothing has been confirmed yet, Scott has mentioned a few times that he's "Working on it" but the last thing we heard about it was something along the lines of

"The concerns raised when I talked about multishot changes lead me to take a bigger look at the system"

Shortly followed by a tweet that said something like

"The system changes will be like dropping a nuclear bomb"

I can't get exact quotes because it's too far back, but the answer to your question is no, nothing is confirmed yet.


Alright then,


Thank you..

It's a possibility, and a number of us here on the forums are hopeful. 


As for saving your cores... DE is well-known for compensating players for loss of digital possessions even when it's not necessary, so chances are you'll have the cost of fusion refunded for any mods you might lose. 


Alright, I'll keep my eye open

I remember something in the line of weapons gaining power by leveling, something like more dmg as you lvl them up, so max dmg at lvl 30. I think was a comment in some of the devstreams (cant recalla wich one). As for multishot last word we had was that extra bulles will come from magazine, a opossed as current system (extra bullet appearing from space magic)


That Sounds cool

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This has been rumored for years and nothing has changed. I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Not a rumor, it was mentioned on one of the devstreams iirc, it's just a lot of things to think about and work on, like how to change things up without making certain weapons completely useless, how much damage a weapon should carry at what rank and how much by rank 30, etc.
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Im all for this as it would allow greater experimentation with weapon builds. Right now almost all weapons only have 5 available mod slots due to needing serration/split/heavy cal to beavle to carry decent damage as the enemy levels go up.

I personally have already begun messing with stuff since I no longer build everything for endgame and its a blast

Edited by (PS4)TriangleOffense
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Not a rumor, it was mentioned on one of the devstreams iirc, it's just a lot of things to think about and work on, like how to change things up without making certain weapons completely useless, how much damage a weapon should carry at what rank and how much by rank 30, etc.


Seems to be the answer would be a maxed serration. Any weapon you are going to take to higher levels will have that anyway. 

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Seems to be the answer would be a maxed serration. Any weapon you are going to take to higher levels will have that anyway. 

yeah, that's sorta what people put on everything, but we're discussing what changes are coming, such as multishot and damage mods being removed or altered to give more versatility iirc what was said on that devstream

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Before they remove the mods, they need to re-adjust the enemy sponge damage level. If the new system isn't up to par, our weapons would be useless against the current enemies.

I see people mention this all the time in these threads. If the devs are going through with their plan to overhaul the mod system, then obviously they're going to overhaul enemy scaling at the same time to go with it.

To not do so would be like attempting to phase in a new federal law that requires cars to drive on the left side of the road, but only phasing it in bit by bit, starting with buses and trucks before moving on to smaller cars. However good the change may or may not be in theory, making a change this major without applying the whole thing at once will only cause destruction.

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as others have already said, it has not been confirmed/locked in stone by DE at this point, they dont want to paint themselves into a corner PR-wise


but, with that said, it is coming


more than likely the multishot mods will drain more ammo to compensate, so they will in essence just turn into super fire-rate mods, this of course muddles/confuses the line between the two, so they might be trying to work something else out b4 it goes live


as for the core base dmg mods [serration/hornet/pb/pp], they are likely going away, to be replaced by weapons gaining something akin to +5% dmg per rank, this not only removes a 'required/mandatory' mod from weapons to promote more build variety, but it also makes the rank-up process much more rewarding [weapon can actually improve in-mission while u use them now], as well as this will be a gigantic boon to newer players, who have for years now been forced to suffer thru the very counter-intuitive mod system [which is both funny/sad since DE immediately addressed the same issue with frames after U8, but has waited over 2+ yrs to fix weapons]


bottom line, the changes are coming this year, but of course only DE knows exactly when or how they will be implemented


in the meantime, just do like u usually do, no point in worrying about it until we have more info

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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