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Wf Needs No Balance It Is Mostly Not Pvp


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the original founders supported the game during a time when DE had little-to-no other outside funding, ie the original founders $$$ basically helped 'launch' the game, without that income, DE would not have been able to continue to pay the devs [as was they had to lay off a whole bunch, but thankfully many of those same ppl were hired back as soon as WF got rly going]


anyone else who has given $$$ to DE has certainly continued to help the game's development/funding, but not in the same regard, the founders funding was almost like an initial capital investment, whereas all later funding is just like someone later on buying the product {all good btw, just different}


DC was just a nice nod to the original founders, and now later on, to keep a larger pool of 'limited access' available for DE to poll/ask questions from, the DC has about as much direct input to the game as any other player, its just a smaller club is all


i did not buy into the DC but i was eventually invited, maybe i said something useful on the forums, who knows, and just recently the DC suggested ideas for equinox/wukong/atlas' augs, then later voted after DE gave them some limited choices, also suggesting ideas for a new heelorz AW atm, so yes the DC gets to do things like that, but that is largely the extent of it


I agree with you assessment of DC and the real value of the founders investment in DE, what I am suggesting is to make the DC what it should always have been i.e. founding investor players of WF and DE working together to improve the game for everyone.


What I really dread is some guy playing for a few weeks and getting enough popular support in the forums to change the game radically, then getting bored and moving on leaving everyone else to deal with the aftermath.


I personally am of the opinion that spending your own money tends to make you protective of your investments and any change proposed by someone who loves the game enough to invest in it, it is always for me, going to be more acceptable than from someone who only talks a good game but never invests.


The game IMHO needs to change fundementally to address the many complaints of "balance", challenge and ideally IMHO scaling, someone has to make the decisions both to do it and how to implement it and I would much prefer that that someone was someone willing to show their love for the game.

Edited by LeMoog
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So you're afraid someone else's ideas are going to be liked more than yours?


What is this, high school?

nope, at no point did I say that. I just dont want to see any more breaking of WF by people without any real interest in the game.


I am sorry if you feel I am trying to disenfranchise you but the fact is something that you won't pay for is worth less than one that you will, clearly.


DE in the real world need money to exist and WF needs people willing to contribute, there is nothing mature or clever about saying "I won't contribute and I demand an equal voice because everything is free", try that in your local shop and see how much they listen

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nope, at no point did I say that. I just dont want to see any more breaking of WF by people without any real interest in the game.

People who have no real interest in the game do not make the changes. People who have invested thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars do not make changes. Only DE can make changes to their game. And while they do take player feedback into account, they also make many decisions by themselves.

Blaming any and all balance changes on forumgoers is giving them way too much credit. DE knows things about this game that none of us do. They have access to usage statistics for every weapon, every Warframe, and every ability. They know exactly how people play the game. And if they see something that they don't like about the usage statistics, like "everyone's using the Synoid Gammacor and holding the trigger down for literally an entire exterminate," or "people are using macros to play Greedy Mag and Mesa to farm survivals," then they change it. They have free will.

Thing is, while we have no idea how much they listen to player feedback, DE certainly doesn't take it as absolute gospel. It's probably safe to say that people with no real interest in the game are not responsible for breaking it.

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How you think putting money into the game is an investment is beyond me. I'm not sure you even understand the difference between being a customer and an investor. Besides founders, anyone who has: bought plat, bought prime access, etc. has NOT invested in the game. They are customers. They have bought a product with which they are allowed access and use. An investor is explicitly given decision making power. Paying DE for plat or prime access is NOT investing.

DE does not make decisions based on popular support. Without them having constant communication of what they are thinking about at the moment, no one in the forums even knows which way feedback should go. We only know that as "beta testers" we are supposed to give feedback (opinions, feelings, problems we individually see, problems we individually forsee, and our own suggestions for fixing or improving said problems).


Even if they did, if this support was do unanimous, it would imply that the player base/forum goers actually want whatever was suggested. That would make the idea either a good idea, or a bad idea that somehow everyone else wants. Furthermore, among them would likely be paying customers, which according to you should be listened to.

It is also incredibly narrow to suggest that only those who pay should be listened to. How much should be paid before someone gets a voice? $1? $5? $1000? How do address the people who may not have paid but brought in 10 more friends who did? What about the ones who have shown support for DE for 1000+ hours? A paying customer could just as easily have thrown 10$ in, played 5 hrs, and demanded large scale poorly thought out changes before quitting.


Ideas and feedback, conceptual and balance, should stand on their own merit, not on who that person is in the community or what that person has paid. If their ideas are shallow or silly because they have played 10% of the content or less than 1000+ hours then it will show in their proposed changes. 


I trust game developers to be alert to the community but also to have 1/2 a brain to know what direction they want the game to progress and how to get there. I also trust the community to be intelligent enough to notice ideas that run the game into the ground.

Edited by fakeBOSHI
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all we really need is a Forma Boosting system

Everytime we forma weapon we should be given the option to bolster that gun

given the option to pick from 3 random upgrade options

we could forma any weapon 10 times, each time gives you another bonus to that gun

making every weapon viable if worked on


Like damage-reload-mag-crit chance-crit damage-fire rate-attack speed-channel eff-channel damage

if we had the actual option to pick and choose our own upgrades, permanent upgrades per weapon

that would be very interesting


all you do is Forma a weapon, then pick a permanent buff for that weapon

the limit is 10 forma buffs though, its alot of work, but if you want to do it, then you at least have that option

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How you think putting money into the game is an investment is beyond me. I'm not sure you even understand the difference between being a customer and an investor. Besides founders, anyone who has: bought plat, bought prime access, etc. has NOT invested in the game. They are customers. They have bought a product with which they are allowed access and use. An investor is explicitly given decision making power. Paying DE for plat or prime access is NOT investing.

DE does not make decisions based on popular support. Without them having constant communication of what they are thinking about at the moment, no one in the forums even knows which way feedback should go. We only know that as "beta testers" we are supposed to give feedback (opinions, feelings, problems we individually see, problems we individually forsee, and our own suggestions for fixing or improving said problems).


Even if they did, if this support was do unanimous, it would imply that the player base/forum goers actually want whatever was suggested. That would make the idea either a good idea, or a bad idea that somehow everyone else wants. Furthermore, among them would likely be paying customers, which according to you should be listened to.

It is also incredibly narrow to suggest that only those who pay should be listened to. How much should be paid before someone gets a voice? $1? $5? $1000? How do address the people who may not have paid but brought in 10 more friends who did? What about the ones who have shown support for DE for 1000+ hours? A paying customer could just as easily have thrown 10$ in, played 5 hrs, and demanded large scale poorly thought out changes before quitting.



Ideas and feedback, conceptual and balance, should stand on their own merit, not on who that person is in the community or what that person has paid. If their ideas are shallow or silly because they have played 10% of the content or less than 1000+ hours then it will show in their proposed changes. 


I trust game developers to be alert to the community but also to have 1/2 a brain to know what direction they want the game to progress and how to get there. I also trust the community to be intelligent enough to notice ideas that run the game into the ground.


I will answer your post because it contains all the wrong thinking about wf and "the community" and economics all in one place
1. A beta in terms of software developement is a prelease test version with most of the concepts in place but potentially having bugs or design errors still to be fixed, it is never expected to collect cash other than preorders. WF collect cash therefore irrespective of their saying this is a beta clearly it is not.
2. The "real investors" by your thinking paid for everything in this game and continue to do so however irrespective of your "real investors" without the founders the game would not I suggest have got to where it is today. Clearly those people who paid cash to DE for WF contributed much more that your "real investors" simply because your investors expected their money back when their gamble paid off. Without the founders and plat/prime access buyers warframe would have disappeared long ago
3. "DE do not make decision based upon popular support", if this were the case then that would mean DE ignore their customers, whilst they do indeed have access to much more meta data than is availible to the gamer this does not show anything other than what already exists in the game. Innovation in the wrong direction leaved concepts like archwing/kubrow etc flapping the wind. I am not saying these concepts were wrong merely that they were dropped in without being fitted properly into the game paradygm. I would suggest that clearly DE do listen but cometimes roll stuff out without enough thought to prevent the concept being anything other than frippery simply because having someone thining about something costs money unless you use your community to do it for free
4. "......should stand on their own merit", you are assuming that because what I want is the decision on implementation being restricted to DE and the paying players that a good idea would be ignored. All the evidence in the forums suggests otherwise, a good idea in the forums/region is discussed and added to by anyone interested already. Where I would changing things is on what happens before the good idea is dropped into the game so that the idea is nor game breaking but thought about sufficently first to be a natural extention of the game and lore. If you are just a casual player who hasnt bothered to read the wikis etc, truely how can you comment upon the impact of a new concept within the game
There have been many things added to the game where the concept is clearly exciting but show insufficent thought upon implementation, I would prefer to see all the concepts followed through to their ultimate expression rather than just tagging on some content that seems so promising but ultimately is a let down.
Edited by LeMoog
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