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Success Demeaned

(XBOX)poodlebingo 65


Just completed a series 3 raid. PUG,but apart from one superior player who carried us, we did OK. That player managed to insult  the team by telling them that they were the worst ever. May be true but we managed to finish, albeit after a struggle at times, but we supported each other and, against the odds, completed the raid.

Sorry to ramble on but my question is, what Primary weapon would you take to a raid as mine, Boltor Prime, appeared to be poor. I know that it depends on the kind of opposition faced and build, but is there a strong primary that you use as a reliable go to?

Please be supportive of weaker Tenno as we're here to learn. Don't insult us as we often die for you.    

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10 answers to this question

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Don't take it personally, some people are just plain jerks. Obviously, you finished so your gear was at least adequate. Your first couple of raids will be very rough until you know exactly what you're doing.

Raids are kinda end-game, so you should bring the best gear you have. If possible, syndicate weapons are preferred for the additional effects they provide (Sancti Tigris for corrosive and big damage, Secura Penta for confusion and damage, Vaykor Hek for knockdown, etc). Maxed mods are almost necessary, but I've seen people carried without them. Certain Warframes also are expected to fulfill certain roles, Nova for slows, frost for snow globe, mirage for blind, etc.

The biggest thing is just to know what to do. Which panels to hack, which pads to stand on, when not to move, etc. There are lots of great guides out there, read up or watch them on YouTube.

Happy gaming Tenno! Grats on your first win!

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Speaking about LoR, for maximum quick and efficient run, is all about composition, wf skill, and knowledge about the raid. As long as your mod can fulfill a certain skill/role on a certain wf, you are good to go. Then, Tonkor is all you need :)

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Without wishing to be disrespectful I have to disagree with bringing a Syndicate primary to a Raid. Yes they're powerful but the idea of LoR is to NOT kill the enemies but CC them. Whoever is Nova or Loki on your team will not be thanking you for forcing them to reapply Molecular Prime slow or Radial Disarm the newly spawned enemies. Since the enemy amount caps, having them die from Syndicate procs is annoying and in the case of Manics, a problem.

I use Dread because almost every Raid will have at least 4 players using Corrosive Projection meaning Dread can apply huge slash damage without any armour to worry about. Tonkor, Dread, Braton Prime, Hek, any powerful primary will do. It's really only going to be used to kill the G3 and Vay Hek anyway, except perhaps the occasional persistent manic and a few orbital drones.

Edited by Zilchy
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Without wishing to be disrespectful I have to disagree with bringing a Syndicate primary to a Raid. Yes they're powerful but the idea of LoR is to NOT kill the enemies but CC them. Whoever is Nova or Loki on your team will not be thanking you for forcing them to reapply Molecular Prime slow or Radial Disarm the newly spawned enemies. Since the enemy amount caps, having them die from Syndicate procs is annoying and in the case of Manics, a problem.

I use Dread because almost every Raid will have at least 4 players using Corrosive Projection meaning Dread can apply huge slash damage without any armour to worry about. Tonkor, Dread, Braton Prime, Hek, any powerful primary will do. It's really only going to be used to kill the G3 and Vay Hek anyway, except perhaps the occasional persistent manic and a few orbital drones.

You're logic's a bit flawed here friend.  If everyone's doing what they're supposed to be and just cc'ing everything as you say, the only thing killing stuff is going to be the EV, and therefore, the syndicate procs generated will be very minimal.  Sure, you'll get occasional bursts, but not frequently enough for it to be anything approaching a problem.  For reference, I'm almost always a Mirage toting a Sancti Tigris, a Vaykor Marelok, and a Dark Dagger, because I pug my raids and >90% of the time when I trust blinding to someone else it... does not go well.  Also, on a more cynical note, my syndicate proc frequency in stage 1 is generally a pretty good gage of how annoying of a run it's going to be.


OP:  If you have 4 CP, Viral and Heat is ideal, preferably on a super heavy hitter.  Shotgun, Dread (though you're going to want to kill the orbital drones, and maybe I just suck, but taking a bow to hit those things is a bit masochistic for me), launcher, w/e.  If you're stuck without 4CP, corrosive, and try to have a Frost because Hek's gonna be a bit rough.  Boltor Prime wouldn't be a bad choice in this case, as long as you can deal with the travel time.


Later on, when you start doing nightmare mode, the team should have a reliable way of dealing with nullifier drones.  I've been using a viral/electricity Soma Prime, and it's been working fantastically.  Makes the blessing Trin's life a LOT easier.  Used it against Hek earlier tonight for the first time - it's not my Tigris, but it gets it done, and it's far easier to kill laggy nullie drones with an autorifle than a shotty, so it definitely balanced out.


Last of all, I cannot agree strongly enough with the earlier responses stressing make sure you fulfill your assigned role and know the basics.  It makes life so much easier!

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Well the group I was with a few days ago didn't take kindly to my Sancti Tigris killing Manics that's all. Seems better to be safe than sorry.

The raids I've been on, we usually kill the Manics ASAP due to no one wanting to get pinned/tackled and they're just annoying in general.

Why would killing them be an issue? I only ask because this is the first I've heard of this.

We also take our try hard weapons on LoR but still focus on CC.

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Basically because with a proper group Manics are no threat whatsoever and the enemies have a set spawn limit. So what happened is that during the second stage hacking the security system, my Sancti Tigris procced and killed a few Manics and the newly spawned ones pounced one of the guys who was already standing on a pad which made us have to start the procedure again and lesson learnt for me. Generally speaking in almost Raid I've played nobody kills Manics, Slow Nova, Mirage, Vauban etc keeps them completely neutralised. The only time for killing Manics if someone wants Ash parts is in the final stage before downing Vay Hek. That's not to say I won't drop a Manic if it's about to pounce me but it's rare that happens.

Edited by Zilchy
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