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Share Your Tricks!



I've been considering making a video about the tricks long time Warframe players have that were never explained in the game, things that veterans take for granted but the newer players probably have no idea about. Little things like how to use Right Hand Advantage, or casting powers while jumping to conserve momentum, or reload cancelling, or sliding into a Revive so that you are standing a few metres away from the unpleasant crap that probably killed your teammate.


In the past, I wrote a guide for Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer detailing many 'creative uses of game mechanics' as that community was fond of calling them. That's more or less what I'm going for here.


It's not so much about how to fuse mods, nor about which weapons or frames a noob should pick. There are plenty of guides for that. I am looking for the little tricks that can improve your game a bit, strategies that may not be obvious, game mechanics that are never properly explained, and quirks that can be taken advantage of.


I think I've got a decent list of my own to start with, but I'd like to learn of more from you guys and also maybe get some idea of what is and isn't already common knowledge.


So please, share your tricks!





Here's an example to start off:


Slide Casting - Most abilities in the game can be cast while Sliding to help maintain some momentum. This includes abilities that cannot be cast while jumping, such as Trinity's EV and Link.

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Many abilities include knockdown prevention due to the animation.


Too many to list here but for example if you get caught too close to a Gunner who executes their knockdown, a quick Desecrate can save you from being floored.

Unfortunately I can't remember all the abilities!


Good luck with your guide.

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You can avoid the heavy landing when falling from a great height by sliding at the last moment. Note that Rhino still creates an AOE when he lands which is useful. 


Another thing that is never really explained is the fact that when you Aim Glide(holding the aim button while flying through the air) you can extend your jump range significantly. Between this and bullet jump you can cross distances that previously where impossible without teleporting or such powers. 



Don't forget you can roll. This can be invaluable in a hectic firefight, especially if you find yourself needing to reload. 

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You mentioned it, but reload cancelling. Most guns don't need it, but things like the Soma make this useful. Example gun is Soma (Prime) when the reload load bar hits the 9 O'Clock position on the reticle hit quick melee, roll, or use an ability and it will cancel the animation while leaving the gun fully reloaded.


To build of what Acebaur said: When falling, hitting roll a few meters off the ground can prevent heavy landing much like sliding can.

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Aim Gliding is great for covering a lot of ground in wide open expanses. Also, crouching while Aim Gliding will give you a tiny forward boost to cover a few extra meters.

Sprinting into a Bullet Jump and triggering the double jump gives you a lot of forward momentum


I'd recommend chaining the sprint + Bullet Jump into the Aim Glide for covering the most ground

Edited by Torhque
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Here's another to keep this going:


Under your crosshair there are 4 dots. The game never bothers to tell you this, but those dots correspond to your 4 Warframe powers. The blue dot indicates which power you used last. A greyed out dot indicates the power is currently in use.


If you're using a buff like Shattershield, you can tell when it needs refreshing when the corresponding dot lights up again, without having to take your eye off the crosshair to check your power timers in the corner of the screen.

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Rolling through Corpus laser doors to avoid knockdown & lose very little shield.

Rolling while a Bombard's rocket hits you drastically reduces the damage you take & avoids knockdown if you couldn't dodge the rocket.

While using Loki, bullet jump in the last second of your invisibility & recast it in the air, this can help you dodge so many bullets in these few moments when enemies spot you.

When facing a Heavy Gunner that's shooting at you, it can be very useful to roll to get closer to him then roll back quickly, with this you can make him stop firing to do that animation where he tries to knock you down & still not get knockeddown since you rolled back, this gives you a chance to kill him before he starts shooting again.

The enemies sometimes throw grenades, they can be very hard to spot but there is a distinct beep that sounds louder the closer you are too the grenade & beeps faster the sooner the grenade is about to explode. When you hear it, if the beeps are still slow it is better to bullet jump away, but if the beeps are fast then it's better to roll away.

It's so much easier to land headshots on enemies when they are facing you than when they're looking away.

If a fellow Tenno is down and an invisible frame is reviving him, don't join him to revive your mate since the enemies will start shooting at you & some bullets will hit him & invisible frames are usually squishy so it's better to draw the enemy fire away & provide CC or support from a distance.

If you don't use your secondary a lot during the mission, then it's better to use a status weapon secondary with CC elements such as Blast/Electricity/Fire/Radiation rather than just pure damage, that way when you are downed you start procing those elements on the enemies around you making it easier for your mates to revive you.

When you're using Animal Instinct/Enemy Sense/Enemy Radar, Grineer arc traps appear on the minimap so consider keeping an eye on that to help you avoid them.


I don't have anything else on my mind right now but I'll edit the comment if I remember anything else.

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Casting abilitys while aim-gliding.


Tap shift to escape Limbo's Banish.


You can easily bind the gear wheel to your numpad for easy access to consumables without having to hold Q during a firefight.




While aiming/blocking, tap Shift while going backwards to perform a backflip.

Edited by no_stripes
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Immediately roll when you slide to gain some extra distance, and other movement tricks mentioned in Sci_Ant's guide linked in that collection of guides in the subforum

If your are playing with a group doing any mission with an objective to protect like a defense or excavation, stay near the objective. The safety of the objective comes before your downed bum. Do not expect your team to risk a mission failure because you died too far away from them if they're being swarmed as is.

Edited by Cryozar
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Survival missions:

All too often I see new players and even some veteran ones who don't know how to play survival missions. A lot of new players think they need to pop life support often but in reality you only need to do it when you hit about 30% LS. Which brings me to another thing, all to often I see people running off from the group and chasing down enemies. This is bad for 2 reasons. One if you get killed, it may be difficult or impossible for your teammates to get to you in time for a revive. Secondly, it's best to stay in one room only leaving to pop a capsule if need be. The enemies will come to you and you don't risk screwing up their spawn points. 

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Been doing a lot of syndicate missions.


Have  thieves wit, a loot detector or a Sentinal with animal instinct, .  Go around with an AoE weapon, with some punch through (Ignis) then use your HuD map to bust open all the containers... if something doesn't go away when you bust the container it is likely a medallion.  Even if you find 8 common medallions that is 4k standing and can often gain more standing with the medallions then doing the mission.  You also get to find all the "secret" areas in a map tile

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You can bullet jump, double jump, roll, slide when you hit the ground, and repeat for crazy momentum that accelerates you far forward.


If you are in trouble due to too much momentum, it can be easily cancelled by aiming in mid-air and rolling backwards (this does a backflip! You can also roll to sides to do, uh, side-rolls)  to stop your momentum on the spot, in case you're about to run face first into a hazard.


You can use your waypoint button (G) to mark specific things, such as enemies, hostages/targets, pets, resources, and even mods so your whole team can know the position of a certain thing.


Different stances have different combo multipliers, so search them up to decide which is stronger, and if it's worth a forma on your melee weapon's stance slot!


If you're into trading, you can change your Region settings in the options, and you can access the trade (and recruiting, though beware of iffy connections) chat to see what the offers are in different parts of the world.


You can practice your future Mastery Rank tests in the relays! In the back, taking the elevator up, and in the room to the right is Cephalon Simaris. There is a little hallway branching off that has teleporters with the symbols of the Mastery Ranks. You are able to practice for your test that's ahead of you (If you're MR4, you can practice for the MR5 test, if you're MR5, you can practice for the MR6 test, and so on), and you can do so an infinite number of times. Get used to the challenge ahead of you before you rank up!


Speaking of Cephalon Simaris, if you buy Simaris Scanners from him, and scan special enemies called Synthesis Targets (They are outlined blue, are VERY hardy, and have special scan spots on them), you can gain reputation with him. For 50,000 reputation, you are able to buy the Simulacrum Key, which allows you to use a simulation! In this simulation, you can spawn almost any enemy you have a completed codex entry on, and try new builds or weapons in a safe space! There is also an arsenal inside so you can change mods and optimize your stuff on the fly.


You can use the deathsnacks website (deathsnacks.com) to check where the trader is, when he'll show up, what he has, and many other Warframe things, so you don't have to wait for an answer in chat!


[i'll probably have more tips later.]

Edited by Exploderizer
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Nova's Molecular Prime is built upon duration, and not range. Also, Bullet Jump directly up (looking at the sky), and Cast Molecular Prime while ascending. This helps the long casting animation (Which used to get me killed.)


When Deploying Antimatter Drop, Remember to shoot the Orb for more damage!


With Nezha, Both the Third and Fourth ability, You should Tap-Slide, then activate the ability, as the momentum is enough to keep you from enemy fire while the ability is activating.

Edited by _Pepsiman
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I know this isn't much a trick as it is a tip: Quite often I notice in the recruitment channel that people who host tend to take a while to invite the 1st person into the group only to find out that they were using the invitation method of typing out that person's name to invite them. Though that's fine, it can prove tedious for extremely long names or with special characters.


Instead, a much simpler way to invite the first person into the squad is to access the navigation console with the planets, thereby creating a squad, and then right-click inviting that person.



To clarify, for some odd reason you aren't given the option to right-click invite someone unless you're in a squad, so by entering into the navigation console you can then do so.

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This is something I noticed when trying to go as fast as possible - when you chain bullet jump into double jump, if you hit crouch/slide just before hitting space a second time for double jump you get an additional boost of momentum compared to just pressing space. This seems to work only for long range jumps when you're reasonably high above the ground, as the crouch-induced micro dive-kick can ground you when you're flying just above the ground.

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The only thing I can think of that hasn't been listed is though a bombard bomb follows you, you can run around a bit then roll into a crowd of enemies and not get hit since it detonates near them. You can also just step behind a door. I don't get hit near as much as I used to when I first started. Another way to to get really crisscrossy with your movements. For example bullet jump straight up, then slide the opposite direction of the enemy, the once you hit the ground slide back towards them. It just complicates things too much for the bomb. 

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