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What Do You Consider The Worst Frame In The Game?


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*Cough* Rescue targets.*Cough* Sortie defense target *Cough*

That's an awful lot of coughing. You might want to wait in the nurses office, I hear its right next to the psychologists who funnily enough Limbo sees for his depression because currently he's such a poor frame :P

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I've never played him, but Rhina seems so. damn. boring.


Granted I play Valkyr, but berserker glass-cannon archetypes are badass. Rhino is just the boring &#! stereotypical big guy that takes a lot of hits.


In terms of looks I hate Frost / Prime. Everything about his screams tryhard. I just hate his aesthetic so much, I would probably never ever play Frost outside MR fodder.

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These threads are always the same, ppl come in to say how Limbo, Oberon and Hydroid are bad, then some of those frame mainers come here to tell they're not the worst because reason xyz and then some of the smarter ones write long and definitive answer why Oberon, Limbo and Hydroid are not as good as frames xyz.

Just play what u want, u can make any frame to work. Sure, some are easier to build to be effective than others but any frame can be built to be good at something.

Edit: Damn typos when writing with phone.

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Simple question, difficult to answer.  


Quickly without thinking too much, I would say Hydroid, Oberon, Limbo, Ember.  Only because these frames are either only very viable endgame against one type of enemy(i.e. ember with infested) or their usefulness falls off endgame or other frames simply do what they do much better.  


A Limbo/Volt combo is redunkulous for T4 late game Defense missions.  Limbo isn't the guy to clear rooms but take out a gunner or something...so I might be inclined to take him off the list.  Im also looking into his Rift mechanic + syndicate weapon procs to make him more viable...But still, he is at the bottom.


I tried desperately to make Hydroid.  I shorted the AOE/Range of his Tempest Barrage so that more pelts hit a single target more frequently.  The puddle is good, but why?  Theres much better CC in the game than his undertow and tentacle swarm.  


I tried desperately to make Oberon work with overlapping Hallowed Grounds because the damage stacks.  His heal is nice, but Trinity is much better, Equinox is better I feel...I think he is as viable as anyone else until about lvl 50 or so...and then drops.  Not good enough.


I know a lot love Ember, but come on.  Against high level corpus or Void, meh.  Too squishy for such little damage output.  I never got behind Ember and I honestly spend more time rezzing embers than they do running around with world of fire on.



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I will step out of the box and say:


1. Trinity, because infinite energy supply or easy immortality won't result in healthy playstyle.


2. Nova, because rendering everything on the map into defenseless sloths is so much fun.


3. Ash, becasue pressing #4 and watching a slideshow is not playing a game.

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Hmmm the worst frames? I can say Limbo(because reasons),Nezha(i dont find any utility in her usage) and Oberon (He is just a good buffer ,if you use it for something else he is not good)

Nezha is a dude. And, I find him pretty fun to use though his casting animations are too long.

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Wukong, cause he's bugged and his staff combos are lazy or bugged too... But beside that I can say that I pretty love all the warframes


I could say Ash too, cause he really needs a rework 

And maybe all those 750km radial CC frames, cause it's kinda cheap. But again a little fix and I'm ok

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I will step out of the box and say:


1. Trinity, because infinite energy supply or easy immortality won't result in healthy playstyle.


2. Nova, because rendering everything on the map into defenseless sloths is so much fun.


3. Ash, becasue pressing #4 and watching a slideshow is not playing a game.



While I enjoy Ash, and I do like Trinity and Nova, I totally agree with what you said and its so true.


If you can run the glaive/self dmg strat with trinity, you can get like a 99% Blessing for 20+ seconds or something...everyone invuln forever.  Mana regen from her is also crazy.  It will create lazy teams.


Nova...agreed.  The only thing though, anything that comes into the room that wasn;t hit by the initial prime, is fair game to smack the hell out of you.


Ash, while not overpowered by any means, yah...watching a slideshow arcade thing do dmg for you is kind of meh.  

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Stop with the "there are no bad frames git gud" bs. Its just a question by the OP out of curiosity...geezus.


I'd say Limbo even though hes like really fun to play he needs some tweaking here and there. He's just annoying to have in a team right now (wish you could pick items up in cataclysm then he'd be perfect-ish)


Other than that dunno really 

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Stop with the "there are no bad frames git gud" bs. Its just a question by the OP out of curiosity...geezus.


I'd say Limbo even though hes like really fun to play he needs some tweaking here and there. He's just annoying to have in a team right now (wish you could pick items up in cataclysm then he'd be perfect-ish)


Other than that dunno really 

There are no bad frames, git gud.

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