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Volt... Leave It Be.


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Even the devs are reworking volt so that point is moot. And yes multiple takes on frame types is already occuring such as both ember and nezha being fire frames (for the most part.)

We dont know that - Scott is having a look yes but rework? not confirmed. He looked at Valkyr and her ult changed to a toggle/duration,,, its still Hysteria though and not a "rework". Her 1 got buffed, she got a passive and that was it. I expect tweaked Overload and a passive, thats it - the only feasable rework is replacing Energy Shield... not because its bad (its great) but because it does so much its a confusing power for game to explain to a new player (hes a starter frame)

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I say no. bs. he's not fine as it is. other than the fact they have nerfed him to f*ck, they have even promised us to bring back the special interactions E.Shield used to give and such stuff.

as the Starter Frame he is, He does Deserve Way better. (specially taking in consideration his "description")

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I'd like to see his base speed stat increased, to me he seems a little to slow and squishy at times when on the normal run. I've got   em set up for spamming his super speed, but sometimes that disorients the entire team. So I need to keep him in a normal gait and there's where he gets most of his minuses with my own satisfaction on his use. 

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I agree that people have overdone the overhaul suggestions; he really doesn't need a complete rework.  
But, that said, there are definitely areas in which he can be improved, without actually changing him or his skills.  

For more of my thoughts on the matter, please visit my Polishing Volt thread.

Edited by Flackenstien
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