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Heavy Rotary Machine Guns, when?


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54 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

The Gorgon series / Supra / Kohm come pretty close in function if not design, FWIW.

Design, maybe. Actual functionality? I only see the Soma P and Kohm fill that role effectively to a degree, but those are LMGs, in my opinion. The Supra is ok, but that's just it. Ok.

Edit: Well, Kohm is just weird. I don't know exactly what to call it because of the mechanics. 

We lack lack medium and heavy machine guns. We do have light machine guns, Soma P and Kohm as already stated, that function rather well. 

Edited by RafaelFuchs
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^ what they said. only in the state that they are in with the exception of the Soma's they don't live up to their intended role. 

In the light machine gun role you got the Gorgon's (needs changes) the Soma's (just fine) and the the Supra (needs a buff)

Gorgon's could use some buffs that give them consistent damage equal to the soma's dps has non crit weapons, so here's a good starting point i think for some buffs:

1. the gorgon be put back into the market and its base damage increased to at least 30 12 impact 10 puncture and 8 slash, its base status increased to 15%, its crit multiplier to x2, its accuracy to 20, its reload speed reduced to 3 seconds, its magazine size increased to 100, and its ammo pool increased to 800 and finally a spool up time of 10 rounds.

2. the Gorgon Wraith creat a new quest players can do to get this weapon simaler to the event that gave it. for the buffs pretty much the same as the gorgon except 33 base damage 13.5 impact 11 puncture 8.5 slash, status increased to 20%, fire rate increased to 14, accuracy to 25, magazine size to 150 with the ammo pool of 800 and spool up time of 8 rounds

3. the Prisma Gorgon I like to think of prisma weapons has weapons that wont see a primed version but get buffs that make them a keeper and good for tower 4 missions missions so for this weapon it would be the same kind of buffs it got over its normal counterpart but this time higher status chance 25% fire rate of 15, accuracy of 28, 200 magazine size and 1000 ammo pool, spool up time of 9 rounds and its reduced recoil.

for the supra it could use faster flight speed on its projectiles more base damage and higher accuracy.

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37 minutes ago, Herosupport said:

^ what they said. only in the state that they are in with the exception of the Soma's they don't live up to their intended role. 

In the light machine gun role you got the Gorgon's (needs changes) the Soma's (just fine) and the the Supra (needs a buff)

The Supra already got a buff in update 17. It's far from bad if you build it right. Maybe not Soma Prime godly (crits always win in damage despite the lower base) but it's far from unserviceable. If the Entropy Burst mod's "base" status chance could actually be added before multipliers from other mods it could become something truly impressive, but even as it is it's a good 'bodyshot' LMG for slamming through crowds with some punchthrough.

That's a standard (albeit clantech) weapon. The Gorgon Wraith and Prisma Gorgon variants should bring them to a competitive level... but they really don't match up.


As far as OP's desire for a heavy machine gun goes.. well, the Grineer units are Heavy Gunners. Maybe a Gorgon buff and model do-over to give them the full minigun feel wouldn't go amiss.

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When I think LMG or heavy weapons like that, I think Soma, Gorgons, etc like everyone else. Besides the changes above, Id like to see something on a little different of a note.

I would like to see extremely heavy weapons that fire more slowly, yet with long range accuracy. Think of an automatic Opticor, or a hitscan Grattler (non archwing obviously). When I picture this weapon, I dont really see it being held like a standard assault rifle, but a grip like the plasma turret from halo. Like this. The Grattler is very.. situational in archwing, but only because of range. If a weapon like this was added to on foot combat, explosive rounds or not, with hitscan projectiles, it could be a monster. Of course it would be offset by long reloads and possibly lower ammo capacity. 

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I like Kohm since it gives best machine feeling so far, however it is shotgun which is not big deal, but it feels a bit weird since im using it as machine gun.

Soma is great gun, but it dosnt have "feel", wind up preatty fast, is more about critical pecision strike than rain of death, and looks like assault rifle. We need to think bigger.

Nevertheless, six barrel gatling gun would be great addition. Just dont make it too easy to use. With great power comes great responsibility overheat and recoil.

Edited by felixsylvaris
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8 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

The Gorgon series / Supra / Kohm come pretty close in function if not design, FWIW.


LOL, no they are not, none of them have the same dakka as that.  You gotta burst it and drag it down and adjust reccoil and S#&$.  I mean, the recoil and bursting is fine, but yeah, itsn othing like the pure dakka of a minigun. 


The LMGs in this game could use a nice acc buff, some of them, namely the Gorgons and the Supra could use a nice acc and ammo buff.

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9 hours ago, Roxorium said:

Simple and straight-forward, this:



Lots of recoil, dakka, freedom, bullet spread and DPS.

DE, pretty please?

I almost dont want one at this point, the amount of farming required would be stupid as hell.

We would need to then go on and farm 6 barrels, which have a 0.0002% chance to drop off the Jordas Golem, alongside the Atlas drops.  Then we would need to go to C rotation on Salacia for a 0.002% chance again.  Then after that, we would need to kill Lech Kril for hte Blue print.  Then the Reciever and trigger assembly would drop in a Defense IV C rotation.


THen thats not to mention what would be required to make each part, the barrels would each require 200K ferrite, 10 tellurium, 4 argon crystals and 25 orokin cells...and thats just the one piece....


Then to top it all off, it would have a MR requirement of MR25.


All that for a gun that has:


5.2 Acc

2.5% crit chance

2.5% status chance



2 slash

2 puncture

2 impact

As for ammo, I mean you would think it would be alot....120/1080....

Edited by KnightCole
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I only need a Vectis-Caliber Machine Gun.

That has the fire rate and capacity of Soma but dealing the damage of Vectis

to offset the balance maybe it kicks as much as the vectis

Capacity: 100 rounds

Fire Rate: 15.00 round / second

Reload Time: 3.0s

Impact: 90

Puncture: 78.8

Slash: 56.3

Crit Chance: 30%

Crit Multiplier: 3x



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46 minutes ago, Ada_Wong_SG said:

I only need a Vectis-Caliber Machine Gun.

That has the fire rate and capacity of Soma but dealing the damage of Vectis

to offset the balance maybe it kicks as much as the vectis

Capacity: 100 rounds

Fire Rate: 15.00 round / second

Reload Time: 3.0s

Impact: 90

Puncture: 78.8

Slash: 56.3

Crit Chance: 30%

Crit Multiplier: 3x



Ive always said the Prime Tiberon should be a heavy hitting machinegun style weapon. 

Damage similar to a tiberon, maybe burst fire, but like a 100 round mag, and a big box on the bottom, make it look kinda like a Warframe style HK21E.

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15 hours ago, KnightCole said:

Ive always said the Prime Tiberon should be a heavy hitting machinegun style weapon. 

Damage similar to a tiberon, maybe burst fire, but like a 100 round mag, and a big box on the bottom, make it look kinda like a Warframe style HK21E.

I don't see how you got from Tiberon to that, they have 0 things in common.  One is a burst-fire, low-recoil, accurate rifle, the other is a light machine gun, with pretty crap accuracy and high recoil. Not one single common point.

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3 hours ago, -BM-StormVanguard said:

I don't see how you got from Tiberon to that, they have 0 things in common.  One is a burst-fire, low-recoil, accurate rifle, the other is a light machine gun, with pretty crap accuracy and high recoil. Not one single common point.

Have you ever looked at a HK21E?  They are sort of similar in design, kind of a simple G3 BR looking weapon.  Also, the Tiberon is a punchy burst fire weapon.  They could simply make a punchy, burst fire LMG.  Little less damage, little more crit and status chance, but alot more bullets and maybe less accuracy. 



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13 hours ago, KnightCole said:

Have you ever looked at a HK21E?  They are sort of similar in design, kind of a simple G3 BR looking weapon.  Also, the Tiberon is a punchy burst fire weapon.  They could simply make a punchy, burst fire LMG.  Little less damage, little more crit and status chance, but alot more bullets and maybe less accuracy. 



Call it something else, not Tiberon 'something'. They look similar just beause HK21E has the core design of G3, which looks remotely similar to Tiberon, not nearly to warrant a comparison.

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16 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

Call it something else, not Tiberon 'something'. They look similar just beause HK21E has the core design of G3, which looks remotely similar to Tiberon, not nearly to warrant a comparison.

Well, I find it boring that all the Wraiths and Primes and crap are nothing more then repainted, and stat altered regular weapons.  Lets break the trend, make a prime that is actually worthy of being called a prime weapon, vastly superior, new model...hecks yeah.

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1 minute ago, KnightCole said:

Well, I find it boring that all the Wraiths and Primes and crap are nothing more then repainted, and stat altered regular weapons.  Lets break the trend, make a prime that is actually worthy of being called a prime weapon, vastly superior, new model...hecks yeah.

This would defeat the idea of prime weapons, which are in their very existence primed version of an original weapon. 

Also you'd get all peasants crying for nerfs

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3 minutes ago, InglriousB said:

This would defeat the idea of prime weapons, which are in their very existence primed version of an original weapon. 

Also you'd get all peasants crying for nerfs

Ignore the peasants, all they do is cry anyway.


And whose to say the prime weapons someone didnt decide to really "prime" the weapon and souped it up massively.

Edited by KnightCole
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