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Things that are ruining my Warframe experience


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I really feel the need to rant right now about some things that are just making me see warframe as more of a chore rather than an actual fun game to play.

Bursas are annoying. Too strong in higher level missions, and will keep on spawning unless you continuously hack the alarms, which is just irritating to keep doing.

Excavators only have 2500 health. This is absolutely unforgiving, I don't see why they can't have their health scale up like any other defense type mission.

Sorties are pretty much not worth doing given their rewards. At this point, I feel like the reward is 25 fusion cores, with a small chance of getting something else on the list. Either lenses, nezha parts, or sheev parts, none of which I feel are enough reward for the effort I put in.

Void drops are frustrating, and I am perpetually unlucky. Just to give one example, in trying to get a nikana prime part, I've gotten 29 C survival rotation rewards that aren't what I'm looking for. At 20 minute intervals, this equals 580 minutes of wasted time, or almost 10 hours. Besides endless void missions (survival, interception, defense), fusion cores should NOT be part of the reward table; no one runs a T4 interception hoping to get 5 FUSION CORES. I feel that forma needs to replace fusion core drops entirely, because I've been on a serious shortage for a long while now.

Research resources (fieldron, detonite, mutagen samples) are worthless junk and need to be phased out.

Focus convergence item is pitiful, it always spawns far off in defense-type missions, and focus gain is overall lower than it was before. Because I love getting 1000 focus per mission when I need about 150k for a single focus node.

Anyways, that's a handful of junk that's been bugging the hell out of me. Throw your opinions at me, or call me a retard, whatevs floats your boat.

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The only thing I (respectfully) disagree on is the Bursas. I actually like seeing them. The only issue I have with the bursas is the knockdown AoE thing they seem to be able to just spam that causes you to not only have to press a button to get up for some arbitrary reason, even if you press the button, you spend 4-5 times longer on the ground than you do from the already-punishing normal knockdown. Generally, by the time you finally are able to get back up, the Bursa's already spamming the AoEs again and it's just rinse and repeat until it finally just kills you.

Everything else... I wholeheartedly agree. Excavators have bugged me for awhile. Sheev should just return as an event weapon or something, not something we're expected to farm parts for in something that's supposed to be endgame. It's a terrible weapon. They might as well have given us plasma sword parts. Void survival/defense/interception wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that DE is so afraid to put anything in Rotation A or B anymore, it's ALWAYS C, so C just ends up being super cluttered. Research resources are only a minor nuisance in my opinion, but I wouldn't be upset to see them go. Focus, by far, is the most irritating of all the things you mentioned, and needs the most immediate fix.

Edited by Valsako
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1 minute ago, Valsako said:

Focus, by far, is the most irritating of all the things you mentioned, and needs the most immediate fix.

But it has been tweaked and fixed already! And it's got pretty much objectively worse than it used to be before.

Edited by Mofixil
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1 minute ago, Mofixil said:

But it has been tweaked and fixed already! And it's got pretty much objectively worse than it used to be before.

Well I was still hoping they'd improve some of the abilities......

Like the one in Unairu that gives only 12% armor.... = .=

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7 minutes ago, Mofixil said:

But it has been tweaked and fixed already! And it's got pretty much objectively worse than it was before.

Tweaked, yes. Fixed, no. Fixed implies they actually got rid of the issues it had. Just because they call it a fix doesn't mean it's a fix.

I can say I'm going to fix your PC, but just because I smashed all the parts with a hammer doesn't mean I actually fixed it.

When I say fix, I mean an actual fix. Something that resolves the problems people are having with Focus. Everybody asked for the grind for Focus to be adjusted/improved, and instead we got a worse grind. It doesn't help that this was advertised as something that was supposed to benefit the community. In fact, the funny thing is, convergence is actually a great idea. Convergence would have helped a ton, but then they nerfed the focus gains themselves and thus made convergence a more limited and frustrating way of getting just barely close to the same focus you used to get before, rather than an item that actually boosts the speed at which you obtain it.

If I replace your GPU with a weaker one, but then give you an external GPU that occasionally kicks in and gives you a boost of performance, that's not a boost, that's a downgrade with a bandaid.

Edited by Valsako
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I'm also aware that DE is working on new systems for certain things already, such as the sorties rewards, and the void rework. However, I'm still quite anxious that such overhauls will introduce new problems and be even worse than the systems already in place :c

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for the focus rant i myself just think it needs some better skills and/or passives now the bursas is the same with the juggs some times i cant solo infested very well because i get scared to kill them and spawn one and i know its after they make the sound but still and they are just too much dmg resistant the sentients on the moon are ok because thats how they are supposed to work but the juggs at least make it so that we need to shoot it in back or the belly like after sometime the juggs will get turned upside down and that how we dmg it so it makes a waiting game with him but the bursas i think a good way to is make the bursas max spawn number be only of 3 if the alarm is active for more than 30 secs one type will spawn and then after 1 minute another will spawn and then the other but only 3 max spawn and one of each type so u fight all 3 but not all at once and after that see for the abilities it has because i think they are very anoying too

and sorry for my english and those are just my ideas and my lil rant so yea if u dont like them u dont like them

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i agree with most of those things being annoying, save for the Bursas. they really aren't that bad, and it can be argued they are one of the few genuinely challenging enemies that can't be face rolled by our most powerful endgame builds and weapons.

The Excavators.. yeah that ticks me off too. there is literally no valid reason to not scale them with the enemy level like every other damn Defense objective.

Sorties aren't worth doing once you get both guns and Nezha, still waiting on the next season here on console, wishing it would just hurry up along with Shadow Debt already.

RNG is RNG, nothing more to say on that.

I'd like to see something useful; that can be done with large quantities of Fieldron and Detonite samples, lord knows we need it.

there are a few annoyances with the game, but they should hopefully get fixed over time.

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Focus is undergoing some consistent revision. I expect they will resolve this over time, but it's pretty new atm.

Bursas, I assume, will have to be evaluated soon. There's too many for how powerful they are and they absolutely ruin the flow of exterminate missions. Corpus was already the least entertaining faction to fight, and while this unit could provide a healthy dose of challenge, it just ends up being tedious when you have to fight them back to back to back.

After the nerf to how much power you get per cell in Excav, I have literally not gone back. It's just too tedious now for solo players. The health needs to scale up on excavators if you're going to require people to make additional trips away from them. This seems ridiculously obvious.

Research materials lesser forms should be phased out. It feels realllly pointless finding Feldron samples only to have to forge them into real feldrons...for all of like 3 items. (Actual numbers may differ in game) While I would prefer more usage for them, as it is now...they can go with nothing of value being lost.

Overall I feel your complaints are justified, but for the most part I don't think a lot of these are high priority. (Especially Excav being made worthwhile again for solo players)

One more thing: It should be IMPOSSIBLE to go 10 rounds in a defense mission with a pilfering swarm Hydroid, on the relevant planet during a Balor Formorian Assault, and get 0 isotopes. Just I know RNG is RNG, but this is absolutely ridiculous. I LOVE this mission, but I have easily spent more time farming for the RIGHT to participate in it as opposed to running it. (Not even complaining about the lack of receiver)

Edited by Sorkheff
One More Thing
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They need to EXPLAIN invasions better, and DIRECT you to invasions better. Countless people I've met don't even know they exist (hidden up in the sub-menu with no clear signals) and have been building the actual parts from blueprints 1 by 1... Also, your system is too player base reliant.

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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I'm pretty much in agreement with the OP. Lemme elaborate a little though:


Yet more terrible boss design. I'm getting really tired of insta-dying to random attacks or blips off the edge of my screen with little to no indication of what's about to come my way. Bursas exacerbate the issue my then stun locking you after that happens while screaming the entire time. 9/10 enemy design, GG. Which brings me to


What's more fun than running a Exterminate mission? Having it grind to a halt when Chumble Butt McGee and his One-Shot Brigade show up. I had this happen to me during a sortie and it took the squad a good 10 minutes to deal with the dumb chunk of polygons because it never revealed its weakspot. Pretty much a mobile Lech Kril. To add insult to injury, good luck guessing when its about to toss spines or a shock wave at you, because it doesn't seem to have indicating animations for either. Just enjoy that Floorframe you're about to be playing. 

Void Drops and Baro

Yeah, Void Drops are terrible, though I personally am okay with the cores. What I am not okay with is getting silver cores, or Orikin Cells, or the fact that Baro Ki'Teer (haha Baroque + Privateer. You so clever DE) still isn't doing what he was supposed to do. The diluted drop tables wouldn't be so bad if we could turn all that ducat fodder into the rarer components we needed. Which was what Baro was originally supposed to do. Take all 12 of my Fang Prime Blades and turn them into a shiny handle, you know. And credit where credit is due, the Prime Mods are pretty awesome. But come on, Prisma Gorgon? Mara Detron? Item Skins? Not full items, but item skins? 


Focus is pretty low on my list because I guessed that it would be a pretty poor excuse for endgame and I was wholly correct (though Sorties do a pretty good job of being endgame IMO.) The idea pitched was pretty good: We get specific abilities that will augment the way our frames work to help fill in roles such as tank, DPS, and healer for raids and missions. What we got was a not-so-subtle jab at the play base and +5% armor when you get hit by a green enemy on Tuesday. And this isn't even getting into the rediculous grind to level this stuff up. I expected disappointment, and DE delivered right on queue. 

Sortie Rewards

Nezha should never have been a sorta reward. While I'm thankful for the 500 or so plat he made me when sorties were first introduced I now find myself rolling in extra Nezha parts that are worth absolute squat. Its basically like getting Oberon as a reward for a 40 minute survival run. Whyyyyyyyy. This isn't even getting into stuff like the Lenses which need to go, please. The rest is fine, and being a Mastery Weenie, I'm okay getting mastery fodder weapons as rewards. Just not so much getting them part by part. RNG can and will royally bone some poor person who really wanted their Sheev, leaving them with no handle and only the hope that it will make a come back next sortie rotation. 

Edited by Cancer_Cowboy
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I'd be up for changing bursas. Recently I've found they bug out exterminate missions quite often. I can't remember how many times I've killed everything in a node but bursas constantly spawning won't let me leave even when the mission's completed. Fighting them over and over is a bit tedious when there's four or so at the same time.

I don't mind the challenge but dang I just want to leave the mission without extending it for another twenty minutes xD

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