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Permadeath, "hardcore" Mode?


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I realise the developers have higher priorities currently, but I just wanted to gauge the interest in a permadeath, "hardcore" mode. As in, when your Warframe dies it is permanently unavailable and you may have to start again from scratch.

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In this type of setting that idea of perma death really wouldnt fit. That is more of a RPG style of gameplay. A possible adaptation of that idea could be That if you choose your account to be "Hardcore" You get 0 Revives to start with every day, and on failure of match you get nothing at all....No credits affinity or drops. That is about as far as i could see the "Hardcore" scene being in this game.

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I realise the developers have higher priorities currently, but I just wanted to gauge the interest in a permadeath, "hardcore" mode. As in, when your Warframe dies it is permanently unavailable and you may have to start again from scratch.




Oh that was a good laugh.

And NO!




As an option, I'm pretty sure no one would play it.

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Diablo is different from Warframe.

VERY different.


No it is not. From a game design point of view they share most things except the genre.


It would fit pretty well and a hardcore ladder would be really great for Warframe. (Once the balancing and difficulty are tweaked)

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Death as in when you actually die, not when you go down.


It would be a great mode and I would play it if it had a ladder and MANY more people would play it aswell.


Can we please get some other people in here? Like players that enjoy the thrill and challenge and hear their oppinion?


Yall can go back to farming thunderbolt and void keys on xini.

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stupidest topic ever..

If you dont want this, why are you posting this here? If its implemented it wont affect you in any way whatsoever or are you one of those people that are jelous when someone else is having more fun than him?

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Yeah.... this is not a good idea because only few people would solo and no one would trust anyone. If you want to play hardcore do it yourself. Play a frame if you die then forfeit and sell frame with the installed mods.

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If you dont want this, why are you posting this here? If its implemented it wont affect you in any way whatsoever or are you one of those people that are jelous when someone else is having more fun than him?

I don't see how it is "fun" when you lose everything when you die.
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I don't think the standard permadeath hardcore mode would fit this game very well.

However a different type of challenge/hardcore mode could be interesting, for example you pick 1 loadout (1 frame, 1 sentinel, 1 primary, 1 secondary, and 1 melee). All the things you picked in the loadout would be set to level 1 (for as long as the challenge mode is active) and all the planets and levels would be locked (as long as the challenge mode is active). As you progress through levels, your items level up allowing you to mod them to improve them, you can take up to 3 friends with you, but there is no reviving during a level. You may not complete the same level over again to gain more xp. If everybody dies the challenge mode is reset, and you may pick a different loadout.

However I feel that Endless Defense provides a good amount of this type of entertainment already.

Edited by TarkoRehin
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I'm fully aware of what challenge is.I am one of the people who enjoy it.I went through Dark Souls.But this Permadeath mode does not fit the game.

How doesn't it fit the game? Doesn't change anything except makes people work better as a team, of course the serious hardcore ladder players won't just pug but pull their group from their clan of people they trust but that just brings clan members closer together... In a pve game that's focused around team work, I think this mode would work wonders.

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I don't think the standard permadeath hardcore mode would fit this game very well.

However a different type of challenge/hardcore mode could be interesting, for example you pick 1 loadout (1 frame, 1 sentinel, 1 primary, 1 secondary, and 1 melee). All the things you picked in the loadout would be set to level 1 (for as long as the challenge mode is active) and all the planets and levels would be locked (as long as the challenge mode is active). As you progress through levels, your items level up allowing you to mod them to improve them, you can take up to 3 friends with you, but there is no reviving during a level. You may not complete the same level over again to gain more xp. If everybody dies the challenge mode is reset, and you may pick a different loadout.

However I feel that Endless Defense provides a good amount of this type of entertainment already.


Something like that sounds good too.

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How doesn't it fit the game? Doesn't change anything except makes people work better as a team, of course the serious hardcore ladder players won't just pug but pull their group from their clan of people they trust but that just brings clan members closer together... In a pve game that's focused around team work, I think this mode would work wonders.


 Yeah, you'd think this is how it works - but this isn't how it'd work.


 You'd get people who farm the everloving hell out of all the simplest planets to grind their Warframe and Weapons to 30 and then you've see people abusing disconnects to avoid deaths in missions where it all goes wrong.



 There is a difference between "Challenging" and "Ham-Fisted Difficulty". Asking for Permadeath in a TPS/DungeonCrawler with scaling like exists in this game is just silliness. It'd be superior to add difficulty modes instead. 

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How doesn't it fit the game? Doesn't change anything except makes people work better as a team, of course the serious hardcore ladder players won't just pug but pull their group from their clan of people they trust but that just brings clan members closer together... In a pve game that's focused around team work, I think this mode would work wonders.

Ok then.

Put yourself in that situation.

YOu die or your friends die.

What happens?

Gone. You can't get up. Your friends will leave after getting frustrated that they just lost their stuff.

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There are those that would rage quit, but there are also those that freak out for a second and realize it's a ladder... As in it resets anyways and there's always next time to try to get to the top.

I'm all for difficulty modes far before a hardcore ladder comes out, but I'd still love to play it regardless of how "silly" it is.

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