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Prevent players from boosting each other


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Booster lobbies have been significantly increased after u18.5
Those people are unpleasant to play with, kill them a few times, they start to mock at you, kill them more the host will just quit by alt+f4 then all progress you made is lost. In the meanwhile they just switch region and create another lobby, try to finish all dailies before someone else join their game.

Of course i can just leave, but no, why would i let them "farm" dailies and standings? These boosters also defeat the purpose of celestia syandana.

I have no idea on how to deal with the "switch to 04:00AM region and queue together" trick though.

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Question is: why are you trying to rain on their parade?

Not that I'm for 'booster lobbies', but I don't recall there being any 'booster lobby police' position. It sounds more like you're taking it upon yourself to try to regulate how other people decide to screw up their K:D and such.  Once we have more PvP stats, like weekly activity and types of kills, the stats and such will speak for themselves of the player's true ability.

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I can said, you should leave when you join that kind of matches.


Because there will be no games, they just want to finish those nearly impossible dailys(3 HS in a round...ETC)
you won't meet them again after few mins.  Also after they finish all standing grind they won't get into PVP.   



So just let them finish it quick.

PM: you won't need to let them '"farm" dailies and standings', because they will do it anyway :P (how can you defeat someone can grind in the same nodes over 12 hours for just 1 part of primes. They just won't give up)

Edited by Cary2010haha
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1 hour ago, -cS-Nighttide77 said:

Question is: why are you trying to rain on their parade?

Not that I'm for 'booster lobbies', but I don't recall there being any 'booster lobby police' position. It sounds more like you're taking it upon yourself to try to regulate how other people decide to screw up their K:D and such.  Once we have more PvP stats, like weekly activity and types of kills, the stats and such will speak for themselves of the player's true ability.

It is because that i am salty. Boosters who don't play pvp at all do not deserve those pvp cosmetics.

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Report those players, im prety sure what they are doing is against the rules, so everytime you see someone doing it just report with screenshot and even videos.


2 hours ago, Cary2010haha said:

really :P so plz remove all PVP to PVE mods and skins. 

i see your point but thats not the solution, the problem is that the way it is been handled is not the best. most conclave cosmetics barely represents pvp, they look more like conclave exclusive instead of conclave representative.

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1 hour ago, JeyciKon said:

Report those players, im prety sure what they are doing is against the rules.


the part of players cooperate to complete dailys, I don't think there are any rules forbidden that.

Sure if they swear to other players, that's breaking the rule.

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2 hours ago, Cary2010haha said:

the part of players cooperate to complete dailys, I don't think there are any rules forbidden that.

Sure if they swear to other players, that's breaking the rule.

In other game i used to play it was called "statpad" and it was not allowed at all. it is possible there is no written rule against that because it was not planned to be pvp in this game when they made the rules, but if the rules were rewritten i'm sure it would be there.

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35 minutes ago, JeyciKon said:

In other game i used to play it was called "statpad" and it was not allowed at all. it is possible there is no written rule against that because it was not planned to be pvp in this game when they made the rules, but if the rules were rewritten i'm sure it would be there.

cooperate to complete assignments/daily missions are not "statpad".  See BF4 if you want to unlock the phantom bow, you need both team to cooperate in a conq. map.

"statpad" is means using someone to be a free kill and rise another sides K/D, win rate.... in a huge amount.  4 mission pre day or 3 kills in a match, nope, it's not "statpad"

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1 hour ago, Cary2010haha said:

cooperate to complete assignments/daily missions are not "statpad".  See BF4 if you want to unlock the phantom bow, you need both team to cooperate in a conq. map.

"statpad" is means using someone to be a free kill and rise another sides K/D, win rate.... in a huge amount.  4 mission pre day or 3 kills in a match, nope, it's not "statpad"

yup, but i think that's exactly what we are talking about here, the players op is talking about are letting themselves being killed and getting free kills to finnish the daily challenges, it might not be for the stats but it counts as the same.

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A mode that has pretty bad netcode and poor balancing, in a game that's primarily PvE? No one should really be surprised that there's going to be lobbies like those. It's a bad design choice to place things in a forced mode wall, especially stuff that's actually pretty enticing (beautiful skins), just drop them into other functions in the game like stated above with Simaris.

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If normal conclave rep gains weren't so low, it might be less prevalent. But currently conclave challenges are the quickest and most efficient way to get rep. 

Can't really blame people for taking the best route when the system is flawed the way it is.

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