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My take on the Tenno


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35 minutes ago, Mokunen said:

Hehehehe... this can be read several ways xD

In all seriousness, I personally don't mind the operator looking like a child. It's just their appearance. My headcannon of a centuries-old, silent, human-turned-eldritch soldier/warrior/protector thing stays perfectly in place, and them being shaped like a child only adds extra creepiness via dissonance. The only thing that goes against it is their voiced lines, which I can mute in three keypresses.

As for the lore thing... most things seem to be in their proper place, and as a writer myself, I can forgive the holes, the cheesy/cliche bits, and the minor contradictions pointed out before. They don't affect my enjoyment of the game (which, personally, is about the strange mystic of the space-magic-scifi setting, and the combat mechanics themselves) nearly as much as the operator not being mute-able would be. And given that this is a game in permanent development, it is more than understandable- for DE, while the story and the setting are obviously important, their small-scale self-consistency still plays second fiddle to gameplay and market necessities.

I ignore it too. Though gaining the passives from a Focus systems I was looking forward too yanks me out of the immersion when I have to press 5 and a child comes out of my chest.  (A Focus System I really don't care about anymore. Sadly and sorry.)

Edited by Lanieu
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Just now, Lobotomy said:

The concerns and attitudes and actions of the Lotus may simply be an elaborate act. Or it might not, and things as they are now may be the honest truth. It doesn't hurt to be skeptical, at least.

Very true, while I feel like we can for the most part trust the Lotus and serve by her.

It very well may be all part of an elaborate scheme for universal domination! (xD) and not just her looking out for us, as her children.

Time will tell I suppose, but if the time comes we have to separate from her for any reason... it will be quite hard for me. As she has become a great part of my life as a Tenno. (discounting all her random really late warnings about ice hazards and what not... xD)

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3 minutes ago, CriticalFumble said:

I haven't watched the movie adaptation, but the book is excellent and I can't imagine it translating the breath of it well. 


The movie wasn't terrible, but then again... I never read the book, so it may be a far cry from the movie or it may not...

You should watch it though and see for yourself. :)

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I'd be happy as long as I could put a helmet on my Operator forever. From my point of view, he/she is a wise and hardened victim Inside a child's body. Therefore, I'd expect more mature lines and sentences.

I too like to think that Warframes are entities with their own mind. From what we know, Orokin could've imprisoned people inside those armours, "Fusing" Them forever.

Or maybe creatures made from Infested flesh that act like a symbiont: as long as they accept their operators' control, they can live, something like Guyver.

(The only manga I truly like).

There could be many theories behind, but I wonder how much we'll have to wait  : (

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3 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

The movie wasn't terrible, but then again... I never read the book, so it may be a far cry from the movie or it may not...

You should watch it though and see for yourself. :)

Books*. And the first is considered "easy", from then on it reaches Nyx level of madness.  Mindfuck-severus-snape-24264725-500-202.
Let's say MGS is child's play next to it
If they want to expand the lore to this kind of... level, they should do more than just drop in game shenanigans. Blizzard has the right idea - comics, books and what's not.

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Agreed. Way Tenno are depicted is just riddicoulus. Lot of their comments are OK (transference still holding, we fought with honor, even comment about robotics- DE should really lower amount of organic Corpus enemies) but all these idiotic one-liners... I like witty characters but this feels like poor joke

52 minutes ago, tisdfogg said:


Yeah, action video games lack variety in that regard, you're right. Truth be told, in games like Crysis or Colonial Marines (oh god, that one's terrible) which are going for somewhat realistic setting, expecting someone other than a professional soldier to be the protagonist is rather naive. Personally I'm more bothered by the fact that so few of them are female.

Maybe because very few women take part in combat? As far as I'm aware less than 10% of US Marines are women

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Their should be 3 types of Tenno:

The funny crazy ones: One liners are kinda crazy. Will make light even in a serious situation.

The bloodthirsty sadistic ones: The ones that get joy out of murdering.

The Smart sociopathic ones: The tactical ones that plan strategies but don't really care about the enemies. AKA Any means necessary.

DE should base their dialogue on the principles of those. Tenno SHOULD NOT be funny kidders who act nice and charming. Their story doesn't fit with the personality whatsoever. Also based on their age they really should be one of these 3 character tropes. Though I don't want a TENNO BEING DISGUSTED ABOUT KILLING INFESTED! I will turn them off entirely if we get DIALOGUE THAT IS ANTI KILLING! These freakshows kill enemies all the time they should NOT be antiviolence. 

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11 minutes ago, Lanieu said:

I ignore it too. Though gaining the passives from a Focus systems I was looking forward too yanks me out of the immersion when I have to press 5 and a child comes out of my chest.  (A Focus System I really don't care about anymore. Sadly and sorry.)

While a bit out of the original topic, I must agree the Focus implementation kinda keeps me away... I never use it and didn't spend a single point of the focus I did get. Tied as it is to XP farming, it's a bit too out of the way of my personal enjoyment of the game.

Back on the topic, I understand that the operator manifestation can be intrusive for whoever tries their hardest to ignore their physicality, but again, aware as I am that my view might not be the most common, that this superpowered eldritch operator manifests in the form of a child feels like a purposeful dissonance, a joke that is fitting in a setting filled with characters of varying levels of monstrosity and/or insanity. Then again, I'm a bit of a fan of Poe, Lovecraft, SCPs, minscrew, psychological horror in general... my view is likely tinted by that.

Again, yeah, their childlike lines belie this, but I can disable them for my own enjoyment.

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To be honest - as in, as honest as honesty allows - I don't really mind the Tenno looking like kids. Before the revelation I had my headcanons, and I'd built a character for myself, filling in the lore blanks. I've always imagined my Tenno as still human, unlike some who preferred them as disfigured 'monsters', but I would be fine with whichever path the canon would take after the Second Dream. Regardless of the outcome, I would still see the Tenno as battle-hardened warriors with centuries of age. And it turns out I was right! My Tenno is human, and even with the limited customisation options we have, I managed to bring my character to life and give her the appearance I've always wanted to. It was just a younger look than I had originally imagined, but I could get over it.

I was truly happy with the game.

But- Yes, there's a but coming!

But then I played my very first mission after unlocking focus, and she spoke. And I flipped. And suddenly, everything came back at me - this game thinks I'm a kid. No, these devs think I'm a kid.


I'm sorry, I can't. For over a year I've swallowed the 'Space Mommy' thing and rolled eyes and thought about some snarky remark to make while stepping on fire and turning squad after squad of enemies into sushi and laughing like a maniac. If I'm supposed to be a space demi-god I don't need babysitting, don't you think? I just pretended it wasn't there and continued playing. But along came Natah. And then the Second Dream, and I heard the Operator quotes. And the realisation hit. They don't want me to be a space demi-god, they want me to be a kid that spews out corny kid-lines. Nope, can't deal with it.

I can turn off the Operator quotes, I can mute Lotus so she doesn't tell me about fires and ice and shields and how I should've listened to her when she told me the G3 are mean, but I can't stand this truth. I wanted this to be a dark, gritty game, but some days it feels like I'm stuck in a bad teen movie, and my teen years are long gone.

Edited by MartianJellyfish
better wording
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20 minutes ago, Mokunen said:

While a bit out of the original topic, I must agree the Focus implementation kinda keeps me away... I never use it and didn't spend a single point of the focus I did get. Tied as it is to XP farming, it's a bit too out of the way of my personal enjoyment of the game.

Back on the topic, I understand that the operator manifestation can be intrusive for whoever tries their hardest to ignore their physicality, but again, aware as I am that my view might not be the most common, that this superpowered eldritch operator manifests in the form of a child feels like a purposeful dissonance, a joke that is fitting in a setting filled with characters of varying levels of monstrosity and/or insanity. Then again, I'm a bit of a fan of Poe, Lovecraft, SCPs, minscrew, psychological horror in general... my view is likely tinted by that.

Again, yeah, their childlike lines belie this, but I can disable them for my own enjoyment.

Yep, I still love the game (though DE does things to tick us off from time to time) but I'd much rather this sort of lore:


Each Warframe was an individual adult person (human/orokin whatever).  Entered the Void as a volunteer but lied to as the exact reason why - corrupted by the energies and militarized.  The Tenno IS the Warframe - no switching between different genders or suits.  Being white-lied to by the Lotus/awakening/being on that Ten-Zero ship could still be used.  But since this is a video game, players can switch between warframes and all of their fancy fashion accessories.


That's what I was hoping for - though more fleshed out than the little I wrote.  I'm a creative writer but not into fan fiction at all so I won't ever try to fully write it out. Hate or love my theory, doesn't matter...just a matter of opinions.

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54 minutes ago, Slaviar said:

Maybe because very few women take part in combat? As far as I'm aware less than 10% of US Marines are women

Their absence has nothing to do with statistics of real-life military, but with the image of statistical gamer, which is male, and thus male protagonist is easier to identify with (or at least that's what corporations think). It was a side remark anyway, I meant that you can't really blame a game like Crysis for having solider as a protagonist because nothing else makes sense in that setting. Variety can be introduced by switching gender (not many badass female commandos) which is still very plausible, if less likely. 

Elaborating on that, the simple fact that Warframe's protagonists are "original" (if one never encountered that archetype of a character) doesn't make them good by default. From what I see in this thread, people still headcanon around their ridiculous one-liners, meekness and general lack of fucks about being royally screwed over. 

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1 hour ago, MartianJellyfish said:

U can turn off the Operator quotes, I can mute Lotus so she doesn't tell me about fires and ice and shields and how I should've listened to her when she told me the G3 are mean, but I can't stand this truth. I wanted this to be a dark, gritty game, but some days it feels like I'm stuck in a bad teen movie, and my teen years are long gone.

There are many more features to come with Operators and how they behave, (hopefully) so don't give up hope yet.

Sure, things may seem a bit unorthodox with how we envisioned our Operators to act, but at least it's something. I'm sure DE will add future features that let us pick personality types for our Tenno as well as increased depth customizations. (Like Fiery, Shy, Resolute, Honest, Quirky, or whatever else...)

This game is still very much what we, the players, make of it. Just because there is a feature that has been implemented without being fully fleshed out, doesn't mean we can't embrace it for what it is... and help to mold it into something grand. Something that feels more natural, something that we can be proud to see in this game.

Something more... human; and I'm not only talking about the Operators.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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Personally I find the idea behind the teenage tenno to have fantastic if not overwhelming potential. Sadly, the story writers seem to have gotten overwhelmed indeed for the execution of such potent idea falls short.

Teenage body is one thing but I assume the mind of the operator would not be so childish anymore after all those years and all those deeds. Or perhaps some of them would be exactly like that, where others would be edgy, others still very mature and others still turned into complete psychopats, et caetera.

This is what it all boils down to: choice. Faces, voices, personalities. We are given a handful of options. Now, I realise Warframe is not an RP game, but throghout my whole experience with this game I was under the impression that both developers as well as large part of the community care both for lore and aesthetics. Therefore it is odd that having introduced something so groundbreaking, DE would serve it in such incomplete form. I mean the "dialogues" too. There are few sentences that the operator repeats over and over, quite often in situations where their lines make no sense.

Anyway, it was pretty obvious from the start that noone is inside the warframes since only very few could fit someone inside. "Drones controlled by children" is also not a new idea since it has appeared previously in literature. I do not mind the operator being the way she is, it does not affect me, I choose to believe that each of my frames has a separate operator. My Excal is guided by a noble and valiant soul, while there is a very enthusiastic, life-loving and curious being behind my Nezha.  I know, it is not canon, but hey, that's what imagination is for. I suggest you use it, OP rather than take everything so seriously :)

At the end I am only going to say that I agree with what someone posted previously: reasoning behind Lotus's betrayal of the sentients and being so protective of tenno is, pardon the language, pile of b******t.

TL:DR - teenage tenno were a great idea that was poorly executed.

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2 minutes ago, Lijka said:

TL:DR - teenage tenno were a great idea that was poorly executed.

Thus far...

But that's the beautiful thing about this game, it can always be remedied in the future. The parts they missed, can be readdressed in future updates. (U21: The Operator Update) :)

My dream anyway... My Third Dream.

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2 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Thus far...

But that's the beautiful thing about this game, it can always be remedied in the future. The parts they missed, can be readdressed in future updates. (U21: The Operator Update) :)

My dream anyway... My Third Dream.

I do hope you are right :)

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About the theory that the Warframes are equal symbionts, somehow possessing minds and agency of their own, I dunno. 


The game most certainly does not treat 'Warframe' = 'Operator'. In fact, the game doesn't even treat 'Warframe' = 'Kubrow' in terms of possessing individual agency or ethical worth. We can sell Warframes, but if you don't want a Kubrow, you consign it to the Lotus, and you pay her to take care of it. 


The game treats Kubrows as possessing individuality and emotional value. It treats Warframes as pieces of equipment.

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Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

About the theory that the Warframes are equal symbionts, somehow possessing minds and agency of their own, I dunno. 


The game most certainly does not treat 'Warframe' = 'Operator'. In fact, the game doesn't even treat 'Warframe' = 'Kubrow' in terms of possessing individual agency or ethical worth. We can sell Warframes, but if you don't want a Kubrow, you consign it to the Lotus, and you pay her to take care of it. 


The game treats Kubrows as possessing individuality and emotional value. It treats Warframes as pieces of equipment.

May just be their way of trying to mislead us... and there isn't anything saying that our sold Warframes don't go to another Tenno in need or something.

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12 minutes ago, Lobotomy said:

I hate to say, it but when you phrased it as "teenage tenno" it brought back something from my childhood because all I can hear in my head now is "TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TENNO, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TENNO"

You're welcome.

I have thought of that but didn't dare post it :x

But come on, we all love TMNT, right? Right?

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